Take the emperor to elope

051: Return to the palace

The luxurious carriage slowly drove into the palace, like sending a small golden cage into a larger cage. Looking at the magnificent imperial city, a heavy pressure rose in her heart, as if those brilliant palaces were heavily pressing on her.

The carriage drove in little by little, but Su Yushi looked at the imperial city with a suffocating sense of oppression. Sure enough... she is still not suitable for this gorgeous golden cage.

The palm of her hand was covered with warmth, and Su Chengcheng smiled gently and gave her silent encouragement.

It was not the first time she stayed in the palace. I don't know why she had such a heavy feeling this time and felt the warmth from Su Chengcheng's body. Su Yushi replied to give her a sweet smile.

She finally came back to this palace. Even if something would really be different, she still had Su Chengcheng to accompany her.

Many things have set an ending from the beginning, and on the way to the end, everything depends on yourself.

Looking back at the slowly closing palaces, Su Wei raised his hand slightly and turned to the lively street that gradually disappeared in front of him.

Goodbye, the street outside the palace gate.

Goodbye, people outside the palace gate.

Goodbye, my freedom.

Goodbye, I will see you again.

The gorgeous carriage drove into the harem before stopping, and two pairs of white hands reached in left and right.

Su Yushi and Su Chengcheng smiled at each other, stretched out their hands to the two eunuchs outside and got off the carriage at the same time.

Horse-drawn carriages were not allowed in the harem area. When they got out of the car, the luxurious carriage was left by the groom from another path.

In front of them were rows of maids and eunuchs, and two large sedan chairs stopped on the road.

Original Yijin didn't come to pick her up. Is there something busy? As the eunuch helped her walk to the sedan chair and bent down to enter the sedan chair, she looked at Su Chengcheng.

"Six sister, take care."

"Third sister, take care."

He smiled at the same time and leaned into the sedan chair.

What will happen to the harem in the past few days without the palace? How many people want her to come back, and how many people don't want her to come back? Whether she wants it or not, in a word, she is back now.

Su Yu's astringent mouth overflowed with a faint smile, touching the ring on her hand. Originally, Yijin, I haven't seen you for a few days. What kind of expression will you look at me? I'm really curious.

The cold wind blew up the curtain beside the sedan chair, and it seemed to see the yellow figure flashing in his eyes. Looking at it carefully, there was no trace.

Su Yushi, you just haven't seen Yuan Yijin for a few days. It's necessary to fantasize about his shadow. Su Yu stroked his forehead and sighed.

That may be the original Yichen. Suddenly, this idea flashed in her mind, and the gentle smile of Yichen appeared again. She hugged her head and shook it vigorously. Oh, my God, you are really a woman in the morning and evening.

After an extremely difficult ideological struggle, Su Yushi finally returned to her Fengning Palace.

After getting off the sedan chair eagerly, I looked up and was shocked. The shiny and stimulating eye mask, the whole Fengning Palace emits a kind of golden light. Is this her Fengning Palace?

When she was stunned, the eunuchs walked out of the palace row by row in Fengning Palace. After seeing Su Yu, she saluted: "Welcome the master back to the palace."

These people are all familiar faces and slaves of Fengning Palace, so this should be Fengning Palace.

This is too shiny. She has only been away from the palace for 4 days. Is it so sensational?

As the rain entered Fengning Palace, it was also clean without any dust, and then the maid held a teacup in front of her.

Before she could sit down, the figure of Eunuch Li appeared in front of her, and two or three eunuchs walked into Fengning Palace one after another.

Those eunuchs held an end plate covered with a red cloth. That array of Su Shi is very clear about what it is, and it is often played like this on TV. Isn't it just a reward? The red cloth can't cover the light inside.

Su Yushi's eyes emit wolf light regardless of his image. Oh, my God, there are so many sparks, but it can't be spent in a few lifetimes.

Eunuch Li calmly announced those shining lights and greeted the eunuchs to slip away as soon as the reward was released, and he didn't even take the money for the reward.

Do you want to know why? Please watch the slow motion replay:

Eunuch Li led a group of eunuchs in one by one, shook the dust in his hand and took out the imperial edict.

"10 yuan for jade."

Su Lu's eyes flashed with a wolflight and stared at the first eunuch to lift the red cloth.

"Reward 10 jade necklaces."

The wolf light is even more turbulent.


In the end, Su Lushi's eyes were full of wolves and almost drool. This feeling made the eunuchs with jewelry feel as if Su Lushi was going to swallow them into their stomachs.

(Yaya: There is still a camera playback, invincible.)

As the daughter of the richest family, even if she sees so much jewelry, she won't be so careless. The maids of honor in Fengning Palace looked at her with an alien look. The maids who originally wanted to go up and collect these rewards were deterred. If they touch those jewels now, will they be thought by their masters to rob her things?

Touching this place, touching that thing, Su Wei smiled extremely and was extremely adulterous. After drooling, she found that the maids of honor in the whole palace were looking at her with a strange look.

"Cough." She covered her red face and pretended to tidy up her clothes seriously. Although she was the daughter of the Su family, she grew up in the mountains. She had never seen so many sparkle. Of course, she was excited.

The luxurious sleeves raised: "Cough, take down all these things."

Now the reservedness is useless. Maybe it was Su Yu's behavior that really scared these maids of honor and took a long time to pick up the shiny plates from the table back to Su Yu's room.

The temperature in the house is relatively high, and the faint fragrance makes her feel dizzy.

Yuyi thoughtfully took off her gorgeous coat, exchanged a plain light coat for her, and changed into a cup of hot tea.

In the palace, the maids of honor are the best, obedient and the smartest. Often the master is clear with one look and one action. This feeling is really comfortable.

Su Yushi bent her head and let Yuyi pull out the heavy things on her head little by little. It was not until her head became lighter that she relaxed.

Generally, men send things to women for no reason. There are several purposes. First, they want to pet her. Second, they want to please her. Third, what good things have they done. Fourth, men do wrong and want to compensate with gold, silver and jewelry.

Why did Yijin suddenly send her so many things when she had nothing to do? What exactly is the purpose? Is it because the treasury is too rich that he asked her to help solve it?

Suddenly, she thought of a serious problem. She couldn't get out of the palace after Yijin gave her so many things. It's useless to hold these things and can only be used as decorations.

Regardless of the reward, Su Yushi slowly walked into the bedroom of the inner hall.

She has been back for so long. Originally, Yijin just sent Eung Li to reward some things. Why did others disappear? What's so busy that I don't even have time to see her.

Stepping into the bedroom with a lot of unpleasantness, the first reaction is... Did she enter the wrong room, and the second reaction is... Is this piled up with gold?

The whole bedroom is shining, and even the floor is shining brightly. The things in the room have not changed their position, but there are a lot of expensive silk yarns and hanging curtains made of emerald.

She knows very well that Yijin is a lace lover (this lace is not lace), but he doesn't need to make her bedroom look full of lace, right?

Although it suddenly occurred to me that when she was sleeping in the middle of the night, a gust of wind blew and the lace floated. That situation was really frightening.

The air is filled with a faint fragrance, and the aroma is also Su Wei's favorite taste. She stepped into the bedroom. She just hasn't returned to the palace for a few days. Is it necessary for Yijin to make it so grand?

Stretching, Su Xiao got into **, which was much more comfortable than sleeping in that thatched hut.

Thinking of the hut, Su Yushi's heart tightened, and then thought of Mo Liu. The goblin-like man was good to her, said that he liked her, wanted to be a male and female thief with her, and agreed to give her the life she wanted, everything, but he didn't expect that he would just use her.

I really can't trust anyone anymore...

She squeezed the sheet tightly, but Su Xiaoshi still didn't want to believe that Mo Liu was using her. He has been convinced himself that Mo Liu fainted on the way to escape, or maybe he stayed in Song's house and was caught?

How could it be that he was not injured? How could he suddenly faint? He is not a fool. Why can't he take such a good opportunity to escape?

He said that it was fake that he liked her, and everything just wanted her to be willing to accompany him to steal.

Mo Liu, do you know that feelings are the least used as bargaining chips, and feelings are the least unusable.

Now that she is in the palace, I don't know how many years it will take for her to go out next time. At that time, Mo Liu must have forgotten her all. Besides, what right does she have to ask Mo Liu to explain?

She hates the feeling of being deceived. This time, she actually let Mo Liu use her feelings as a bargaining chip and take advantage of her.

Mo Liu, if we can meet again next time, I will definitely kill you.

This is just imagination. Who knows what will happen in the future? However, if she can, she will not miss any opportunity to abandon her.

Men don't have a good thing, which is so right.

Mo Liu is not a good thing. He used her.

Originally, Yijin is not a good thing. She hasn't seen anyone since she came back for so long.

Original Yichen is not a good thing, he...

What does it matter? Anyway, it's not!

In the extreme resentment, Su Yu's gorgeous and Zhou Gong complained bitterly.