Take the emperor to elope

061: Threat

Thinking of the shocked expressions of the two people just now, Su Yushi unconsciously burst into laughter.

Zhao Mingming's surface looks really pure. In fact, she is a patent girl in her bones, similar to the original girl, who knows that it is relaxing her vigilance with a sweet smile.

Zhao Mingming obviously knew that her identity was absolutely extraordinary, so he also dared to borrow medical books from her. His pure face made people help him.

Su Xiaoshi suddenly called the two of them and smiled treacherously, claiming that she could cure the King Li just a joke on the spur of the moment. She just liked to practice poison and had never learned the ability to practice medicine. How could she cure King Li's disease?

Zhao Mingming took it seriously. As soon as he heard this, he asked him to treat King Li's illness. How could Su Yushi cure the disease? Naturally, he was vague.

After several entanglements, she separated from Zhao Mingming. After the separation, he also promised that he would find a way to find a good formula for the prince of the State of Li, and by the way, he blackmailed some silver and a seemingly valuable jade pendant from Zhao Mingming.

As for the reason why she will help Zhao Mingming, that is, she found a very interesting thing.

After returning to Fengning Palace, the original imperial edict came, which made Su Yushi attend on the Empress Dowager's birthday.

It is said that the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet must be lively. She did want to have fun. Unexpectedly, Yijin came up with her will after she came up with this idea. She had to sigh that the man really understood her heart.

However, since she wants to attend the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, she has to prepare some unique gifts.

It's just that what does the Empress Dowager lack? It seems that there is a choice for this gift.

Call Yuyi to take out pen, ink and rice paper and rice paper to start planning gifts, to see what the empress dowager likes, and avoid other women from talking about this.

Creograph modern dance music to celebrate her birthday? She seriously doubted whether modern dance would become a vulgar dance in the eyes of the Empress Dowager.

Twiggling the central song? Teach the Empress Dowager by the way? She seriously suspected that the Empress Dowager would not only not learn from her, but also say that she would corrupt the royal family.

Choo Yuan Yijin to give her jewelry and borrow flowers to present Buddha? Will it be too tacky?

Stab? She won't.

Su Yushi threw down his brush and hugged his head in distress. Oh, my God, what exactly is good to send? Why don't you ask Yuan Yijin?

Thinking about it, she called Yuyi to go to the imperial study to discuss with Yuan Yijin.

"Master, it doesn't matter what you send, it's just a heartfelt. The emperor probably doesn't have extra time to take care of you at this time. As soon as Yuyi heard where she was going, she stopped her.

Su Yu spread out his hands: "Yes, yes, I won't disturb the emperor. I'll think about it myself."

The rain quietly retreated to the door. Su Wei sighed, exhaled white gas and hit the palm of her hand. She raised her eyes and glanced casually outside, and then looked at the palm of her hand. Suddenly, an idea formed in her mind. She had an idea! It's better to act than to be moved. Immediately, she summoned Mianmian and walked to the imperial garden.

It was not until the evening that Yuyi ran to the Royal Garden to look for the two of them. She and Mian Mian went back from the Royal Garden, but the harvest was enough.

After eating, she was about to take a bath, wash away her fatigue, and then chatted with Mianmian about the missing feelings she hadn't seen recently. Unexpectedly, when she didn't start doing anything, her plan was disrupted by a person.

"Master, Shen Chongrong has something to see." Mianmian's voice sounded from outside the door of the inner hall.

Shen Chongrong? Who is it? It seems that she doesn't know anything about Chongrong, right? How can anyone find Fengning Palace?

She visited in person, and her little beauty was not easy to put on airs, so she had to put on her undressed clothes back, rolled up her loose hair at will, and inserted it diagonally with a sapphire blue hairpin. Then she hurried to the main hall and did not forget to tell Mianmian to prepare another hot water.

As soon as she walked to the main hall, she saw a woman standing there alone, and there was no maid beside her. She stood in an elegant posture, like an arrogant lonely plum.

As soon as he saw Su Yushi, Shen Chongrong raised his eyes slightly, and then bowed his head to Su Yushi.

Su Yushi was stunned by this salute and looked at Shen Chongrong, who lowered his head, until Mian quietly pushed behind her. What on earth does Shen Chongrong want to do? No matter how much the emperor spoils her, it is impossible for a Chongrong to salute her. Anyway, it is not polite.

Shen Chongrong didn't care much about anything. After the ceremony, he raised his head. His beautiful and vulgar face, gentle temperament like water, plain dress, was indeed a beauty.

"What's the matter with Shen Chongrong coming to Fengning Palace at this time?" The woman in front of her is clearly eye-catching and can't guess the purpose of this person's move. Shen Chongrong's voice is also like her, gentle and elegant: "Beauty, Er Niang wants to talk to you."

Su Wei looked at her doubtfully and didn't quite understand what she meant. She and Shen Chongrong didn't know each other and had anything else to talk about, but she still nodded politely and answered, "What's the matter?"

Shen Chongrong looked at the Mianmian behind Su Yushi hesitantly. Mianmian lowered her head and withdrew and walked to the gate of the main hall.

Youshi is already relatively late here. The main hall is lit, and there are only two of them in the big place, which seems a little gloomy.

Mian Mian also retreated. Shen Chongrong was not in a hurry to say, but in a counter-guest posture. He raised his sleeves and bent down to make a gesture of invitation behind Su Yushi: "Sit."

Su Xiao raised his eyebrows and sat down. When he looked at Shen Chongrong, he had a feeling of condescenance.

Shen Chong calmly took out a book and a jade pendant from his sleeve and walked to her with a little hesitation and handed it to her.

Su Wei's face darkened slightly, stroked the jade pendant, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold smile on the corners of his lips: "You, what does this mean?"

"Doesn't the beauty understand?" This sentence came from Shen Chongrong's mouth in a gentle tone, which was a little harsh.

The smile at the corners of her mouth deepened, and her beautiful eyes flashed strangely under the dim candlelight. Her body leaned back, put one hand on the armrest, pillowed her chin on it, and stared at Shen Chongrong carefully: "If you have anything, just say it clearly. Don't beat around the bush."

Maybe she was scared by Su's astringent eyes. She lowered her eyes and smiled: "Please forgive me for my rudeness."

Answer her just cold hum

. Shen Chongrong said lightly, "This book was obtained by my maid from a messenger. As for the jade pendant, I also got it from the messenger. Unfortunately, today I saw the beauty meet the messenger..." She raised her head again, "Do you have any impression of these?"

Bullshit! Su Yuxi couldn't help swearing in her heart. This girl was obviously lying with her eyes open: "This jade pendant is not in my room. How can you get it?" After saying this, Su Yushi couldn't help beating himself in the mouth.

Sure enough, when Shen Chongrong listened to her question, his soft eyes were filled with light and gentle ripples, and his right hand raised his lips and gently covered the corners of his lips: "Beauty, why does the jade pendant of the messenger appear in your room?"

Looking at Shen Chongrong's gentle and quiet face, her heart arose with disgust. She and Shen Chongrong were not familiar with each other and did not erect an enemy, but because of Shen Chongrong's behavior tonight, the conflict between them was triggered. If something is done behind her back, she can say that she doesn't care, but now it is impossible to slap her naked in front of her.

The coldness in her eyes was even stronger. She stood up and had an advantage in height. She bent down her head and approached Shen Chongrong's face. The distance was a little ambiguous. Her smile was cold and charming: "Shen Chongrong, do you know? The purpose of Su Yuzhen is... If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, they will bear the consequences!" She deliberately said the last four words in that gloomy tone.

Shen Chongrong's delicate body was trembling in fear, and his face still maintained a calm and gentle smile.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Su Xiaoshi didn't have the patience to accompany her again. He turned around and prepared to leave: "If nothing happens, I'll go back to bed first."

She said she would leave. Everyone had already walked to the door of the inner hall. Shen Chongrong hurriedly called out: "Beauty, you are not afraid of these two things..."

Su Wei stopped his footsteps and looked back at her half of his body. Seeing that Su Yuxi stopped and thought she was threatened by her, she quickly chased after him and wanted to continue to say something with two things.

Su Yu's astringent lips were filled with a big smile, and his voice became lower and lower: "What's the matter? Do you want to take these two things to the emperor or to the empress dowager to publicize this matter and make it known to everyone?

Her reflection was unexpected, which made Shen Chongrong feel a little relieved: "Beauty, I don't mean that. You see, I took these two things back to avoid that gossip. Don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut and never mention it again.

The big head of your mother! She and the messenger had nothing to be seen. When Shen Chongrong said this, nothing became nothing. Su Yu couldn't help frowning and sneering: "Yes, you are so good to me. Should I thank you and give you something else as a mouth-shaman?"

"Er Niang dare not." Shen Chongrong bowed his head and said respectfully, "Now the beauty has won the emperor's heart, and the second wife doesn't ask for anything. She just hopes to have a place to settle down in the palace. Beauty... Look, the emperor always sleeps in Fengning Palace and neglects the sisters in other palaces. I have thought about it for a long time, and it seems that nothing has made the emperor unhappy... If there is anything that makes the beauty unhappy, I am willing to make amends. I hope that you have a lot of beauty and will fulfill us.

Is this a disguised threat? Obviously, she was not favored by the emperor and had to pull all the women in the harem to talk. The disguised satire is that she is a charming woman, and the emperor who seduces the emperor to faint.

Su Wei smiled astringently, and his long nails picked up the seemingly gentle face: "Shen Chongrong means... I don't want to see you...?"

She took a step back and lowered her head: "Er Niang dare not."