Take the emperor to elope

069: If you want to satirize me, you are not enough 2

The idea of Qianmei is very simple, and Su Yushi naturally guessed it without thinking too much.

The smell of laxative came from that cup of tea. She thought that there was something wrong with drinking tea in Fengning Palace. All the sins were her Su Yu's astringent mistake. Even if Su Yushi could get rid of the suspicion of taking medicine, she could drag Yuyi or Mian into the water.

After drinking the new tea, Su Yushi retreated to the direction he had just stood again and faced everyone.

The strange silence was restored in the hall. This atmosphere made several concubines a little restless. They wanted to speak, but found that other people's expressions were serious, and finally they closed their mouths.

When Yingfei saw this situation, she smiled faintly and said, "Now that the beauty and Yufei are favored by the emperor, why don't we find an opportunity to see Yufei together?" Well, according to Fan Yingying's personality, it should be impossible not to see the newly favored woman now.

Beauty looked for words again and said strangely, "Princess Ying, don't say that. You don't know what a precious Concubine Yu is. We are not allowed to take a step closer to Yufei."

So that's their purpose. Probably they wanted to meet Yufei, but they were blocked by the emperor. They came to Fengning Palace to stimulate Su Yushi by the way, and then followed Su Yushi to meet the powerful Yufei.

"Princess Yu suffered some injuries at the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet and is recuperating. If you want to see her, wait until Yufei recovers." Su Yu's faint answer did not show the look they wanted to see at all.

The women looked at each other and couldn't find words that could stimulate Su Xiaoshi. Suddenly, a weak voice sounded: "Beauty, I heard that... You stabbed the Empress Yufei, but is it true?" It's the gentle and watery Shen Chongrong.

Why are you still arguing with her now? Isn't she clear enough that night? Su Yu glanced at her and frowned. She smiled faintly and said, "What's the solution of Shen Chongrong's words? I don't have the power to bind my muscles. How can I stab the rain concubine with strong martial arts? Yesterday's situation, I believe that the Empress here saw it very clearly. Concubine Yu played with the emperor, and the emperor has been taking me to avoid it. How can I take action against Concubine Yu? If I take action, do you think the emperor will not know? Yingfei, do you think so? Then, she turned the problem to Yingfei.

Yingfei only nodded: "That's what the beauty said. Shen Chongrong, don't listen to some rumors, it will hurt the harmony of the sisters. He said so, but he was secretly cursing Su Yushi in his heart. Why is his mouth so sharp?

The long-silent Shuifei also glanced at the red Shen Chongrong and poured tea: "The rumors in the palace can also kill people. Don't talk nonsense if there is no evidence in the future."

Even the water concubine scolded her, and Shen Chongrong was even more ashamed. She had always been thin-skinned. At this moment, she could only lower her head and count the ants.

Su Yushi smiled gently: "Princess Shui, you see that people have blushed as you said. Just listen to the rumors. Shen Chongrong also dares to listen and say it. Don't worry about these things.

Yingfei also hurriedly hit the occasion, said a few words to ease the atmosphere, stared at Su Yu for a long time, and did not say anything. Several concubines wanted to continue to say something to attack Su Wei's astringent words, and they also nibbled their mouths and said nothing more.

These concubines sat here and did not want to leave or speak. Su Yu frowned and sat back on the soft chair opposite them. She didn't want to stand and fight with them all the time.

Over there, Yue Jieyu broke the silence again: "Today, all the sisters have gathered together. Why don't we go out together?"

This proposal made the atmosphere in the hall heavier. Yue Jieyu thought she had said something wrong and lowered her head and stirred up the handkerchief.

"Cough, Yue Jieyu's proposal is actually not bad. Why don't we go out for a walk?" Liu Chongyi's voice sounded, but it gradually became smaller later, all because the atmosphere in the hall became heavier and heavier, which made her feel as if she had said something wrong.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall was so depressing, and the two people looked down at their toes as if they had done something wrong, Su Yushi suddenly covered his mouth and smiled, breaking the silence in the hall.

"Where do you want to go in such a cold weather? There is no good place to go to the whole imperial garden. If there is anything, it's better to say it directly. Why beat around the bush. Su Yushi felt strange after listening to Yue Jieyu's proposal to go out. Looking at Liu Chongyi's attachment, she felt even more that if she went out, she would probably get something else.

Seeing that Su Yushi said so, the two people stamped their feet and sat back.

In this palace, you have to think carefully about everything you say, otherwise you won't know how you died. The women in the palace, who can survive, are smart women, should be wary of their words and deeds.

Alas, in fact, the palace is more terrible than the rivers and lakes. If she had known, she should have chosen to travel around the world.

When she was distracted, Yingfei seemed to suddenly think of something. She looked at Su Xiaoshi with some hesitation and said slowly, "Beauty, I heard the Empress Dowager say that the behavior between you and the prince of Li is very ambiguous. Is this true?"

just said not to believe any rumors that insulted the innocence of the other party. Yingfei mentioned it again and deliberately brought the word "Empress Dowager" so that others could not point out her fault. Since it was said by the Empress Dowager, even if it is false, who dares to say it is a rumor?

This news was even more exciting. The women's eyes were on Su Wei's body. They looked at her with ambiguous eyes, and finally put them on Yingfei's body: "Yingfei, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

Yingfei smiled and did not answer, but asked Rusu: "Beauty, is this true?"

In such an occasion, if she denies it, she will say the Empress Dowager in public. If she admits it, it seems that the end will not be better.

Su Yu raised her beautiful eyes, looked directly at Yingfei, and smiled: "Princess Ying, how could the Empress Dowager tell you such a thing?" Her smile gradually deepened, "Princess Ying, are you slandering me under the guise of the Empress Dowager?"

Yingfei's face changed, as if she had never thought that Su Yushi would answer like this. Su Yu's astringent answer, that is, denied what Yingfei said, and indirectly used the empress dowager to threaten her. This time... it's too careless.

How could the Empress Dowager tell Yingfei at will about this kind of dispute between the royal face and the two countries? Yingfei said this today, which means that when Shen Chongrong came to Fengning Palace to threaten her that day, Yingfei knew that maybe the empress dowager was called by her. Yingfei, Princess Shui just scolded Shen Chongrong, and you followed suit. What should you do? I can't always be the target of your attack, can I? Su Wei blinked at Yingfei a little aggrievedly.

When Yingfei was said like this, she was already arrogant. How could she endure a beauty's sarcastic remarks to her? Her voice was a little sharp, but a little strange as the beauty: "Then the beauty can tell me where have you been these days?" She paused and gently tapped her finger on the mahogany table. "I saw the emperor search the palace recently and quarreled with the empress dowager several times."

Concubine Ying laid a lot of eyeliner around the palace. Fortunately, the maids and eunuchs of Fengning Palace were picked out by her for a few days and nights, otherwise she would really have no privacy.

"Princess Ying, what's wrong with me not leaving Fengning Palace for a few days? The emperor allowed me to attend the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet. I have been preparing birthday gifts for the Empress Dowager these days. Is this wrong? Su Wei's cold eyes flashed, and his smile was extremely sweet. The two brought the atmosphere of the hall to the highest tide. They were silent, one smiling and the other cold-eyed.

When Yue Jieyu saw that neither of them were talking, she looked at Su Xiaoshi weakly: "The beauty is talking about it alone. What kind of gift does it take so long? It's not enough to go out."

Her words fell off, and Qian Xiao was dissatisfied and said, "Yue Jieyu, is it wrong for a person not to go out? The temperature outside is so low that I haven't been out in the palace every day?

Qian Xiaoxiao's words made Yingfei turn her eyes. She thought she would be afraid, but she didn't expect that she deliberately straightened her chest and stared back at Yingfei with her eyes wide open. What an interesting little girl.

At this time, the atmosphere also became lively. Zhang Ling had never said anything. At this time, he also opened his mouth and advised, "Didn't our sisters come to talk about family today? Why is it getting more and more ridiculous? Don't joke.

This is also given to Yingfei's steps. However, Su Yushi didn't plan to let them go. The paved steps were disrupted by her: "Yingfei, Yue Jieyu, Liu Chongyi, Shen Chongrong, if you think that I haven't stayed in Fengning Palace to make a birthday gift for the empress dowager these days, you can go to the empress dowager to ask. Also, I don't know why the emperor searched the palace in those days. If you want to know, you can ask yourself.

Who dares to ask the Empress Dowager? Who dares to ask the emperor? Su Yushi said this clearly on purpose. Although they are very unconvinced, they do not have any strong evidence to prove any unspeakable secrets between Su Yushi and Li Guo.

Qian Xiaoxiao got up from her position, walked to Su Yushi's side, and took her arm: "Sister Xiao is right. The women in the palace just like to bite others, and they like to guess everywhere, and then find ways to frame others. Sister Xiao is still the best. At least in the palace, I only like Sister Zheng.

Her words are coquettish and childish, and with that lovely expression, people can't help laughing.

"Oh, who is robbing my royal sister-in-law with me?" A brisk voice came into Fengning Palace, and then the pink figure rushed in, "Many people... ah ah ah ah..."

Then, when the pink figure hit the wall, five figures flashed, and then the pink shadow hit the row of five neat charms.

Sure enough, she was the worry-free girl, who straddled her new invention skateboard and flew into Fengning Palace.

Thanks to the evil spirit of the girl, otherwise it would have been a lot of things to be damaged this time.