Take the emperor to elope

119: The shock of the snow brake is scary

The four-person martial arts of Fenghua Xueyue do belong to the upper class. If it is one-on-one, they can also draw with Yin Yu. However, at this time, they have to take care of Su Wei and face the enemy, which makes the three of them a little difficult.

Yueya Xiaozhengtai waved a knife and went straight in. Shi Xiaoxian and Murong Xue's martial arts skills were not very good. Coupled with Su Wei, who could only poison them, the three of them were not opponents.

Su Xiaoshi retreated repeatedly and hung a lot of color on their bodies.

Su Lushi dodged his waist to avoid his big knife, turned back, and took out a handful of powder from his arms: "Look at the poison!"

Yueya had learned Su Xiao's poisonous powder and quickly dodged to the right. Suddenly, he found that Su Xiao had floated to his side like a ghost, and he smelled the intoxicated fragrance from his nose

. Su Yushi clapped his hands and smiled cutely: "If I say it's poisonous, you can believe it. I lied to you." She turned around when he returned to give her another slap, and saw a shadow floating by. Su Yushi was dozens of steps away from him. "But... you are really poisoned now."

Yueya covered his chest and suddenly knelt on the ground, moaning in pain. He wanted to stand up, but he had no strength.

When the other three saw that something had happened to their brother, they hurried to run over, but they were blocked by their opponents in front of them. They were anxious and the attack was even more fierce.

Su Yu raised his breath, clicked the ground, quickly crossed Yueya and came behind him, clicked his acupuncture point without anyone noting, and turned back to the original place.

Shi Xiaoxian and Murong Xue, who fell aside, saw that the murderer who fell on them were fixed to the ground. With a painful expression, they were very happy. They patted their hands and made a grimace at him. They actually dared to fall down the two of them. They deserved to be astringent by Su Yu!

Su Yu smiled astringently and said, "Well, little boy, do you feel pain all over your body? This is just a revised soft tendon, and there is more powerful poison. Do you want to try it?

Yueya can't understand what the revision is, but he knows that this woman must have used him as an animal to test poison, and it is also the kind of poison that tortures people. Just like now, the whole body is like the pain of broken bones.

Su Qi's hand raised, and the silver needle and Bai Ling rose out and circled around the moon. Bai Ling wrapped his body and wrapped his arms in Bai Ling. The long silver needle was particularly charming under the moonlight. It was mounted on Bai Ling. With a gentle pull, the long needle would drive straight in.

"This silver needle is coated with the 'concerment belly' that I developed not long ago. As long as it enters the meat, it will directly worry about the belly..." Su Wei smiled astringently.

The pink face of Yueya, who was in pain all over his body, sweated, and he couldn't speak. Hearing Su Xiao's words so light, he seemed to be as calm as discussing what to eat today. He looked at the silver needle that was only close to a finger wide from him, and his heart couldn't help beating. It became intense.

Su Yu's astringent hand rose, and several silver needles appeared on her fingertips. She smiled sinisterly and flew to the side of Yueya.

As soon as Shi Xiaoxian around him saw such an exciting picture, he jumped on Su Xiao's astringent leg and howled, "Dad, give me the needle, and I will be majestic once."

Su Yu is sweating coldly. This girl is really very tricky. Even this one needs to be played. However, it is also true that holding a poisonous silver needle threatens a once very proud master. This feeling is really not ordinary. She has just had enough, so give him this opportunity. In fact, waste wood also needs to be arrogant.

Yueya must want to commit suicide now, but she has already clicked his acupuncture point and sealed his internal strength. He can't break through the acupuncture point. Su Yuxu smiled darkly in her heart: Who let you start to hurt me and make me unconscious? If it hadn't been for your cuteness, I wouldn't have let you live so long.

If Yueya knew what Su Ruxu's thoughts in his heart at this time, he would probably spit blood and howl. He would rather Su Rushi give him a pleasure now, and he doesn't want to suffer this kind of inhuman torture again.

This also illustrates a problem, so that if you offend the villain, don't offend women, and among women, you can offend anyone, that is, don't offend Su Yushi.

Su Lushi was in a very good mood and put the silver needle in Shi Xiaoxian's hand, told him not to touch the needle, asked him to put the silver needle on Yueya's neck, and ordered the other three to stop.

Su Xiaoshi feels that she is actually quite perverted and always likes to abuse others. She should take a step closer to a bad woman now.

Shi Xiaoxian rushed over with a smile on his face and rushed over with a few steps and then turned around to learn a sinister smile. With a trip under his feet, he actually fell in the direction of Su.

Because Su Yushi did not react, he watched Shi Xiaoxian fall on her feet, and the silver needles happened to be all stuck on Su Yushi's body...

Sure enough, it is unreliable to let waste wood do things.

The silver needle is poisonous and very vicious, which is well known, so when they saw all the silver needles pierced into Su Xiao's astringent thighs, everyone panicked.

Several people over there stopped the battle. After all, the person they wanted to kill had been poisoned by herself, and it was very vicious. In this way, she could not survive.

Yinyu raised his hand and half knelt down and came to Su Yushi's side. His eyes were locked on Shi Xiaoxian's body, and there was a murderous intention.

Because there were still hostages in their hands, Fenghuaxue and the three naturally did not dare to move, so they had to look at the people they were going to kill lying on the ground with a blank face, and the people surrounded by Su Yushi. By the way, they hit Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts and thought about how to save the moon.

Shi Xiaoxian stared at his hand and shook his head crazily and innocently: "This is definitely a trap! I didn't mean to... Sorry, I didn't mean to, really not..."

In the face of everyone's accusatory eyes, the waste wood was even more desperate, and the handsome man almost burst into tears.

"Jier, are you all right? Is there any antidote? Take the antidote quickly!" Originally, Chensheng was afraid that Su Yushi would suddenly fall down, and his calm head panicked.

Murong Xue looked contemptuous: "How dare you die under the poison you developed? Take the medicine and get up immediately!" It's not hard to hear that there is a strong concern in her words.

The cold voice of the man in blue looked cold in the silent night: "Oh, the people the Lord asked us to kill are just like this. Now that the task has been completed, you are safe. Give me the moon."

The man in red also talked, and his voice was a little soft, as clear as a woman, and as pure as a man: "She can't live anymore. It's useless for you to hold the moon."

The man in white sneered, and it seemed to be a brilliant flower blooming under the dark night sky: "It's fun to hear her say that the poison is so powerful that now she has suffered it all by herself."

To be from the bottom of my heart, these four men are indeed the best, and their appearance and martial arts skills are nothing to say. It's just... they don't belong to her.

Murong Xue was originally irritable, and she didn't care whether she had beaten them or not. Listening to the cold and hot irony of the three of them, she directly flew the whip out.

Yinyu calmly grabbed her whip and said coldly, "Astringent is poisoned now. Don't let us worry about it anymore."

Murong's tears were about to fall out. She was just worried about Su Yushi, and she was also dizzy by their words. She snorted and stopped looking at him.

Shi Xiaoxian's eyes are still empty, and he can't believe that he killed Su Yushi because of his mistake. Yuan Yichen grabbed Yueya's neck hard, and his gentle and elegant face was full of ferocious smiles: "If you can't live, at least he will be buried with you!" The three immediately pulled out their weapons and said harshly, "How dare you!"

At this moment of lightning and thunder, Su Yushi, who was lying on the ground, suddenly sat up with an innocent smile: "What are you doing?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

Su Yushi laughed again, jumped up from the ground and patted Shi Xiaoxian, who was looking at her in shock. She could faintly see some traces of tears in Shi Xiaoxian's eyes. Her heart was soft and showed a gentle smile, and then the three of them smiled wildly and said, "How could I Su Xiaoshi die from myself? Under your own poison, your imagination is too rich.

Looking at their dull appearance, Su Yushi felt very funny and showed a flat face to his partner: "Don't worry, the poison I developed myself is ineffective for me."

Murong Xue, a shrew, rushed up directly and grabbed Su Wei's neck and shook violently: "Isn't you lying to my tears!"

After struggling for a long time, the shrew was finally forcibly pulled away by the original Yichen. Su Yushi climbed back from the edge of death and suddenly sucked the fresh air and felt how beautiful the air was.

After finally returning to normal, Su Yushi walked to Yin Yu's side, took over the half-dead Yueya, and smiled gloomly and said, "Tears are all floating clouds. The important thing is that I'm still alive."

She took out a box from her sleeve, took out a "poo" that was no different from the shape of the poo, and dug open Yueya's mouth and said, "Who told you to kill me? Don't play tricks on me. I told him that this seemingly poopy thing is a poison that penetrates the intestines. As soon as he eats it, his whole body will be useless.

Su Xiaoshi smiled very mischively. It's really not easy for her to make this poison into the shape of a poop. It's still the blessing he cultivated in his last life. The expression on Fenghuaxue's three handsome faces is very beautiful. The end of the disagreement is... to get together.

Let the three of them expose their masters. They will never be able to do it. They would rather not live the life of the moon, but also kill Su Wei. Well, they all fight.

Su Yushi secretly solved Yueya's dumb hole and said in a discussative tone, "Hey, little boy, who is the master behind your scenes? How about I let you go?"

Yueya Xiaozheng was very backbone and pounted at her with strength: "You killed me!"

The ancient heroes were all like this. They would rather die than surrender. If he hadn't killed her, maybe she would have considered taking him. Hahaha.

The price of being complacent is... she didn't notice the things around her. Because they believed too much in Yinyu's martial arts, they basically had nothing to do with her, Murong Xue and Shi Xiaoxian when they were one-on-one, so she didn't notice that the man in white stabbed her with his sword.

After that, it was Murong Xue's screams. Su Wei suddenly turned around, and the sword was close at hand.

At this time, a snow-white object rushed out, raised the two hooves in front of him, and kicked the man in white gorgeously.

"My dear Xuesha!" Su Yu rushed up and kissed the life-saving benefactor.