Take the emperor to elope

127: The land of evil is a cemetery

After encountering these great things in the broken temple, Su Yushi has no intention to continue to play. After all, if you want to play, you will have plenty of time in the future. If the country is really subjugated, there is no place to play.

After getting along with her for so long, Yin Yu knew her thoughts very well. He continued to hold Su Yushi and used light skills to the snow brake and the little brown waiting place.

At this time, the snow brake has led the little brown to stand in yesterday's place waiting for them. When Yin Yu rushed to them, Su Yushi saw this scene: Little Brown still looked as if someone owed it 800 catties of horse food. He stood under the thick tree and bit the grass on the ground one by one. The snowsha was black, er, no, it was dark hair, stained with a lot of grass and dust, shaking the thick The tail reveals a fart that is not stained with ink. The snow-white, pink little ** is occasionally exposed. It seems to be too boring to stand. When it sees the little brown bowing his head and nibbling at the grass, it raises its hooves and steps on the grass at the little brown's mouth.

The corners of Su Yu's mouth twitched for a moment. This girl was really spoiled by her, and she knew to bully little brown honestly all day long. You know, Little Brown took a lot of effort to grab it from the bully young master. In fact, it is not a robber. Little Brown is also a good horse, and it is also a waste of this good horse in the hands of that boy.

Looking at how tolerant the little brown is, he looked up and took a look at Xuebra, turned around, lowered his head and nibbled at the grass again, still roughing it, but Xuesha ran to it again and continued to step on...

Yinyu lowered his head and looked jokingly at Su Yushi: "Sure enough, he knows what kind of horse he has to raise, and he knows how to bully honest people all day long."

Su Yushi expressed great contempt for Yin Yu's words, but she was still guilty. She coughed gently and stared at the snow brake with her eyes. The two horses over there heard Su Xiao's astringent sound. The snow brake spread their hooves and ran up, while the little brown paced slowly. Xuesha rubbed his head against Su Wei's astringent fart. She almost fell in Yinyu's arms against her.

Looking at its movements, you will know that it is pretending not to understand Su Lu and staring at it. Su Luan doesn't believe it. This product is exquisite. Look at it, isn't it deliberately acting cute and please her?

Walking to the side of their food and changing their laundry bags, the two filled their stomachs as quickly as possible. Su Yu threw all their luggage on Ke Xuesha without saying a word.

Seeing that the snow brake had shaken his things on his body, Su Xiaoxi inserted his waist and shouted, "From today on, you and Xiao Brown will carry them for a day. Don't disagree! Don't say no! Otherwise, drag it down to stew!"

It is rare to see the owner's angry snow brake stand upright and dare not move any more, while the small brown on the side walked to the haystack beside him, dragged out a bundle of tender grass seedlings, and hit the snow brake on the body.

Su Xiao's face was full of black lines, and she still withdrew the little brown's tolerant words, because it was too insidious! If you don't avenge, you won't be a gentleman, little brown, you did a good job

! Holding the back of the snow brake, Su Yushi tried to turn over the snow brake with one leg. Her back, which was placed by a bundle of tender grass, was itchy and pushed the bundle of tender grass. Su Yushi said to Yin Yu, who was still standing there, "You still can't get on the horse? We still have to go."

Yin Yujian frowned and looked at Su Wei's help pushing the tender grass behind her, and then seeing her foot without shoes fall straight under the horse's back. He stepped forward and picked Su Wei down from the snow brake.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Su Wei frowned astringently and didn't know what the man was going crazy about again.

Yinyu hugged her expressionlessly and walked to Xiao Brown's side, put Su Yushi on it, and was about to get on the horse himself. He suddenly lowered his head and asked Xiao Brown, "Do you mind carrying us two?"

As soon as he finished asking, Yin Yu's face turned black. Why did he talk to a horse like Su Yushi's mother-in-law? Will you be assimilated when you are with idiots? Sure enough, the saying "Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black" is really reasonable.

The little brown stompered twice.

Yin Yu still stood still with a wooden face, with a black face.

"Hey, little brown is urging you to get on the horse. Can you stop in a daze?" Su Yuxu knocked directly on Yinyu's head with one hand and said impatiently, "Isn't it good for me to ride the snow brake alone? Why do you want me to ride with you?"

Yin Yu shook off the chaotic thoughts in his mind and turned over. On the little brown, he put his hands around Su Yu's slender waist and pulled the horse rope, leaving the snow brake behind him.

I suddenly found that this girl's influence on him is getting bigger and bigger, and he is less and less like himself, but... these days, he is very happy and has never been so happy in his life.

Yinyu smiled, relaxed the horse, and whispered in her ear, "It must be uncomfortable to sit on the tender ** on Xuebra, and your feet can't step into the horse ring. It's too dangerous."

Su Yushi looked up and looked carefully at Yin Yu's serious face. How did she feel... Is this girl looking for an excuse to eat her tofu? It's so hot that they have to ride a horse together. I don't know how he can stand it.

However... Su Yushi felt that her whole body was cold the next second, because... Her body was firmly tightened in her arms, and his chest was cold at this time, like ice in the refrigerator, which was extremely comfortable.

Su Yushi understands that real martial arts masters can use internal force to maintain their body temperature with the season, whether in summer or autumn, but it is to make their bodies cold together, which is the practice of consuming internal strength. Su Yushi knows that Yin Yu did this to make her more comfortable.

The two of them rushed on the road non-stop and occasionally took a break. When they met the town, they just wanted to supply. At this speed, it seemed that they were rushing to reincarnation.

Su Yushi wanted to rush to Mo Yin as soon as possible, find an opportunity to sneak into the interior of the martial arts conference, find evidence to prove the fore affair between martial arts people and court people, and then hand it over to Yuan Yijin. Of course, it was not her to give it in person. Although the martial arts figures are not controlled by the court, the emperor is the emperor after all, as long as the emperor personally summons Have a banquet and invite all martial arts people. They have to come if they don't want to come.

You martial arts people have martial arts skills, and our court people are rich. I will take silver and kill you. Please ask the martial arts people to cut down your martial arts people!

This rush time quickly passed for more than a month, not far from Moyin. At this speed, probably the other two groups are still thousands of miles away.

Su Yushi's strategy is indeed quite good. At least she and Yin Yu have come down for a while and have not encountered any pursuit at all. It should be that those people can't find anyone. I hope they can give up, otherwise she will have a hard time, and they will feel uncomfortable. Both of them have now settled in a small forest, because they are running to the path in order to hurry.

The two horses were also tired, so Su Xiaoshi put down her luggage and let them find food by themselves. She and Yin Yu sat here and rested.

It's dark around. In this small forest, the sultry night becomes very cold, and even the air is piercingly cold. The gloomy windy leaves roared together: "Kill..."

Su Yushi couldn't help shivering. Obviously, it was extremely hot, but why was it suddenly cold to the depth of the cold? She shrank in the direction of Yin Yu and asked softly, "Yin Yu, where is this?" Why does it feel so cold..."

Because Su Yushi is only familiar with the road, she follows Yin Yu on these deserted paths.

But...why is Yin Yu's body temperature so cold, and it is as stiff as a stone? Su Lushi reached out and touched it, feeling a particularly strange touch, and came over and said, "Hey, Yin Yu, you are...ah! Ah ah!"

Su Yu didn't dare to move. Her pupils kept expanding, and her hands were half supported on the ground. She stared at the dazzling knife on her neck in front of her. She climbed the man and accidentally moved the knife and moved her self-perfect head home.

In front of her, a headless body fell down, and the stiff hand was still on her feet...

His grandmother's, she just touched the body as Yinyu. Obviously, she just saw Yinyu sitting there, and suddenly turned into a corpse, and then she was held a knife to her neck by a man in black who suddenly appeared...

"Little girl, what is this place? This is a famous wild cemetery, and there are roads for dead people everywhere. As soon as the man holding the big knife heard the voice, he knew that he was an old uncle ws.

Wild cemetery? Su Yushi couldn't help retracting her legs and holding herself tightly with both hands. The scared Uncle ws thought she was going to resist and prepare to tie her with a knife, but when she saw Su Xiaoshi's movements, she knew she was afraid.

Why did stinky Yinyu take her to this wild cemetery? No wonder she feels so cold. It turns out that A Piao is wandering here... Where is Yin Yu? Why didn't you see him? She was threatened and he hasn't appeared yet. Is there any trouble? Or was it stopped by A Piao?

The ws thought in Uncle ws's eyes is very clear. Although her face is very ordinary, at least she is a woman...

Su Xiaoshi pretended to be timid and said, "This uncle, are you... going to kill the slave family?"

Uncle ws moved his knife, jumped down several people in black from the trees, and surrounded them together: "Take off your mask. I don't have time to ink with you. How dare you be easy. Damn it, I wasted so much time!"

Damn it! It turned out that it was not the robbers, but the people who chased her. They were really awesome and could know that she was easy-to-be. This team of killers still had a little ability.

"Who sent you? Even if you die, let me understand, right? Su Yu didn't pretend anymore. It turned out that Uncle ws's eyes were ws, and no matter what, it was ws.

"Yo, little girl, do you really don't know or not? Don't play tricks with me!" His big knife stepped in a little bit, but still didn't cut the skin. "Do you remember the Smoke Tower?"

※Robbery! Rob! Hand over red tickets and collections! Don't resist!!

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