Take the emperor to elope

154: Guilt and love are hard to distinguish

"At that time, the Ye family died to save their father. At that time, the Ye family only left Ye Liangyu, the child. In order to win people's hearts, the father brought Ye Liangyu into the palace and made him a candidate for imperial concubine." Yuan Yijia sat next to her, holding her hand in both hands, and slightly looking back on the past. There was a faint sadness in her beautiful eyes.

I didn't expect that Ye Liangyu was this kind of identity. Originally, Jin was the prince, and she was the imperial concubine. This marriage set by the previous emperor. No matter how much glory there is, she can't make up for the loneliness in Ye Liangyu's heart. She knows the taste of orphans best.

"Do you know that Ye Liangyu is a little similar to you. It's really similar. Both of you hate the palace. The farther away you are, the better. You are always thinking about how to get out of the palace, and she has also taken action for it. She could have walked freely, but she stayed again and again for one person. That person was the best friend of the royal brother, the second prince at that time, originally Yi Ze.

Original Yize? She is not familiar with this name, but it is not strange. A long time ago, when she first left the palace with Yuan Yijin, she met Ye Liangyu and met a man named Ze. Later, Yuan Yijin heard the word Ze and blurted out "Yuan Yize". Su Yushi understood the excitement of the emotion. At that time, she was still thinking that this Yuan Who is Yize? Is a man worth his excitement? Is it possible that Yijin wants to stir up the foundation? Brothers are often the best friends. Now I suddenly heard the name, which refreshed Su Yushi.

Wait...Wait, at that time, Ye Liangyu stayed for Yuan Yize, what did that mean? It should be a very impure relationship. At that time, the night rain was... ten years old. Ancient children are so precocious.

Originally, she took a deep breath and turned her eyes, but there was an astringent smile on her mouth. She hummed softly, "You haven't heard the name, have you? After all, this is not a glorious thing, and the second royal brother is also because of his mother... In short, Ye Liangyu fell in love with Yuan Yize, as if his brother's fiancee finally got together with his younger brother, which is a great shame for the royal family, so it is inevitable that Ye Liangyu is convicted. However, the second royal brother robbed her from the dungeon and ran to the Jinluan Hall to ask her father to marry him. Oh, it was really a sensation at the beginning, but the father left a cool rain at night to appease people's hearts. Seeing that since the two of them fell in love with each other, the father also did too much and there was no way to make trouble, I also agreed to get married."

What a vigorous love, what a song and crying feeling, what an impure two children (not a typo), what a... tangled child love, finally a tragedy, in the end... just married Yuan Yijin and became a noble concubine, so child love is unreliable.

"Originally, this marriage was also given, and Ye Liangyu also broke the thought of leaving the palace and followed the second emperor, but... everything changed. That year, when the royal brother was 13 years old, he wanted to go out of the palace to play. The second royal brother and Ye Liangyu helped the royal brother cover it up, but not long after the royal brother went out, someone told the secret. The second royal brother rushed out of the palace and trapped the prince at a disadvantage, trying to replace the prince Yunyun. At that time, the royal brother did not return overnight. His father angrily expelled the second royal brother from the palace and demoted him to a civilian. When the royal brother came back, it was too late. He was killed on the way to escort him. The next day, he went to the lake in the westernmost part of Merlin and killed himself. From then on, there It has become a forbidden place, and the names of the two have become taboo.

A tangled life is really bloody. Why did Jin run out of the palace and hurt her brother? Sure enough, it is said that there is no truth in the palace, and the most ruthless palace people. Even if it is the one originally encouraged by Ze, is his second prince not the son of the emperor? It's really...

Ye Liangyu was only ten years old at that time. When Yize was killed, she committed suicide? This child is really affectionate. But...isn't that the lake she planned to escape from the palace? At the bottom of the lake, there is clearly a passage leading to the outside of the palace, and the cool rain can appear again. That is the passage.

A flash of light flashed in Su's astringent eyes, and his mouth was gently squeezed. The night was cold and rainy. You, who were only ten years old, actually thought about so many things. Even when you left the palace, were arranged so meticulously by you. Are you now, the city is deeper?

Originally, she didn't notice Su Wei's thoughts. She had been silent in her past mood. She continued, "I always thought that the night rain was dead, or she took this opportunity to leave the palace she hated, but she came back. I don't know why she chose to come back, and I don't believe it. She is like this (referring to the person who provoked Su Xiaoshi in the Royal Garden not long ago). You can think that I'm speaking for her, but these are all true. When she returned to the palace, the royal brother wanted to make her a concubine. She disagreed. She was willing to keep her feelings for the dead second royal brother and did not want to be this noble concubine. But if she wants to stay in the palace, she can only agree to the title of concubine. At that time, if Ye Liangyu wanted to, she could completely destroy Shui Linglong and replace her, but she didn't! Otherwise... the mother would not hate her so much."

"Maybe I really experienced too much. Maybe it's because the second brother left her alone. I don't know what to say. All I can say is that the night rain I know is not what it is now."

After all, her heart softened. Ye Liangyu is a poor child. She is smart, reasonable, and the city is deep. She is indeed a good child. For Yuan Yize, she really paid a lot. Losing the person you love most will not be unable to live, but you can't be happy. Perhaps everything Ye Liangyu did to her before is just to confirm that there are still people who care about her in this world.

"I understand, Chizi, in the future, I will try my best to avoid the rain princess and not argue with her. The phoenix seal, she is happy, and I'll let her do it. I'm really not interested in the harem." Su Weixi clenched her hand and showed an understanding smile on her, and then lowered her head. "Because the emperor was greedy to play out of the palace and hurt two people, he felt guilty about Yu Guifei and the second prince?"

Originally, she raised her eyes with a pod, and the corners of her eyes were a little wet. She smiled: "Do you know, the reason why the royal brother is so indulgent to Ye Liangyu is not only because of this. Because... the person who killed Yuan Yize, my second brother, is not someone else, but the queen mother. Su Yu shook her hand. Is this the so-called royal feeling? The Empress Dowager has indeed done too much before. Although she has forgiven the Empress Dowager, she does not agree with her. Her mother did such a bad thing, and the original pod was indeed uncomfortable. She patted the original pod on the back: "The woman in the harem is like this. The second prince is not the son of the empress dowager. In order to protect the original position of the prince, there are many such things."

Originally, he sneered: "That's why I don't want to marry in the palace of other countries. If I want to contribute to Mo Yin, I will marry the first person of the martial arts conference. In this way, I also made contributions to Mo Yin, isn't it?"

Su Yuxi patted her on the shoulder and comforted her softly, "People in martial arts are actually more affectionate. You will definitely meet the person who is really good to you."

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about you and the royal brother." Yuan Yijia's little face turned pink, quickly changed the topic, changed his face, and said seriously, "Original Yize was the best person to treat the imperial brother in the palace. Although they were not blood relatives, they were the best brothers. The good brother died in the hands of his mother. Can you feel the imperial brother at that time? He blamed himself and blamed himself. He felt guilty and guilty. The body of the second brother could not be found. For several years, he had never stopped looking for the second brother. He firmly believed that the second brother was not dead. He compensated everything and his guilt for the second brother on Ye Liangyu, who was looking for the comfort of his conscience on Ye Liangyu.

Such a serious tone and serious appearance don't seem to be lying at all, and there is no reason to lie to her. What Yuan Yijin has done to Ye Liangyu, all the indulgence, all the love, is just because of the guilt of Yuan Yize and the guilt of Ye Liangyu?

Su Yu stroked his forehead, and his head was as chaotic as numbness. He couldn't figure out what was wrong. Is it true that Yijin is just guilty about the cool rain at night? Maybe he doesn't even know what guilt is and what love is. Perhaps, in Yuan Yijin's heart, family affection is more important than love. She is his wife, but after all, he has never met a stranger, and his relatives are the person who will always be with him. He was, now, and will always be. He regarded the two as his own brother, his own sister, his guilt for Yuan Yize, and his guilt against Ye Liangyu, so he chose to be the latter in Su Weishi and Ye Liangyu.

Love is not a lifelong thing. He is the king, the king of all the people. He will not belong to her alone. He used to love her, like her, or not love her now. Love is like this. If you say you love, you will love. If you say you love, you will be together. If you say you don't love, you will not love. If you say you don't love, you will be separated.

Yuan Yijin has no feeling for her now. Even if she has never stopped loving Yuan Yijin in the past, she paid for Yuan Yijin, even for him to stay in the palace and accept his three thousand beauties. She did not have the courage of Yuan Yize, and she paid too little for such love, too Too plain, too errath.

At this time, the original pure appearance has faded, and her eyes are full of firmness. She stood up and pressed Su Wei's astringent shoulders, very seriously: "Sister-in-law, sometimes what you see with your eyes is not necessarily true. Please don't always misunderstand your brother. Since you love him, you should also think about his feelings and believe him. That's all I say. It's up to you." This is the Buddha hall, which is also the best quiet place. Originally, he patted her with a pod, and then went out alone, leaving Su Yushi in the Buddhist hall and recalling her words carefully.

Believe Yuan Yijin, understand Yuan Yijin, and understand Yuan Yijin. Since you love him, you should also think about the other party's feelings. You can't be selfish and only care about yourself, right?

Looking at the golden Buddha statue, Su Xiaoshi still couldn't get the answer.

※By the way, Ye Liangyu MM has decided to write her own side story. Ladies and gentlemen, is there anyone you particularly like in "Eipling"? If you are interested, write an extra for the person you like and post it in the book review. The unscrupulous author will copy it into the text to show you ^-^ Originally, the memory was intended to recall directly in the third person, but I think it is more loving to explain it in this way, hahahaha! ※