Take the emperor to elope

169: It's a difficult choice to go

Su Yushi crossed over because her master, Biyao, was attracted to recover the officer, her lover, so the scene at the beginning of the story appeared, because of the high-heeled shoes.

Su Yushi didn't blame Biyao for anything. After all, Biyao didn't know everything. She just wanted to find her lover. Looking at Biyao's guilty eyes, Su Yu sighed astringently. Anyway, she was also a master who raised her for several years and taught herself martial arts. She is a master of human reason. She did her best, even if she recited it. After that, there was no ulexplic purpose, but she never harmed her. When she was in trouble, she would appear behind her and spend time with her.

One day as a teacher, lifelong mother. Biyao is her second mother, the child, and she will never be angry with her mother.

She took a step forward, reached out and held the hand of the master who she absolutely did not dare to blashem, and whispered, "Master, I don't blame you. I just feel a little cheated. If you had told me earlier, I would have helped you. If you fought with me like just now, if you hurt your dear disciple, you won't feel guilty. Is it dead?

In the last sentence, Su Yushi deliberately said delicate and cute, with a faint smile, which eased the atmosphere at this time. Biyao also came out of her guilt and laughed.

This is the first time Su Yushi has seen Master's smile. It is so beautiful, so charming, so charming, as if there is an attractive and deadly force that makes people unconsciously become fascinated by her smile.

It's good to laugh, and it's also good to let go of the guilt in my heart.

Su Yu pulled the corners of his mouth astringently: "Master, do you know how to return to my era? I need Xiaobai and the blood of Bifei, so what's the use of me?

Biyao closed her eyes and covered her smile. She seemed to have a feeling that she didn't know how to say it. Finally, she sighed and only said, "I didn't know this method, but... I promised him. If I don't say it, I will keep my promise." She looked at Su Yushi apologetically, "For some reason, there is some kind of connection between you and Bifei, so that you will come to this era. Only you can attract Xiaobai and start Xiaobai to lead me to the taboo of your era.

Ha ha, it's still God's will. How can such strange things fall on her? Because of Bifei, he traveled, and at this time, he went back because of Bifei. This is God's will. Did she come to this dynasty to understand the meaning of life or to complete the obsession in Biyao's heart? She can't answer this question by herself.

"You are my apprentice, and I don't want to lie to you, so I'll talk to you once. Shier, Xiaobai is actually not so magical, but... since you entered this ruined temple, you have entered my design. Biyao sat on the ground, and the ordinary sword in her hand had been thrown aside. She pointed to a piece of land under a table and continued, "When the officer made this organ mausoleum, I kept all the solutions in mind. This underground cave was for the keeper to live. At that time, I was angry about why Bifei died and had to be divided. Enjoying the officer's love, I sneaked in. After the officer disappeared, I once wanted to destroy the whole imperial mausoleum, but finally found that I was too naive. How could this imperial mausoleum be destroyed at will?

"I went out alone to find the officer. Finally, the emperor lived up to his expectations. I learned how to find the officer, and finally, I found you. Only you can start Xiaobai and take me to find the officer. Biyao's words surprised Su Lushi. How much does the master love that man so that he can desperately pay so much just to find him? If the officer changes his mind and if the officer marries another man, what should she do?

What does Su Yushi want to say? What does it mean that starting from stepping into the broken temple is the master's design? But when she was directly pressed by Biyao's next words, she couldn't say a word. Her heart suddenly felt trembling and surging, as if it was about to gush out of her heart. Explain the so-called design.

Biyao said, "When you entered the ruined temple with Yin Yu, I had been hiding under the cave and summoning you in using witchcraft that I was not good at. In fact, the so-called Bifei's call and Bifei's dream are just the witchcraft I gave you, just going according to the thoughts in my head. Moreover, Xiaobai is not a real spirit. It is also controlled by me. Under the influence of witchcraft, it has been mythologized by you. It is a dead thing, but it is determined that you, the owner, can't take Xiaobai down through the hands of outsiders anyway.

Su Yushi took two steps back. She has been saying that Xiaobai is regarded as her younger brother (sister), which can hide her inner loneliness and drive away the comfort of loneliness. Unexpectedly, it turned out that everything was just fake. Illusions are all illusions. Xiaobai, calls, and dreams are all in dreams. Maybe she is also living in a dream now.

This idea has just taken shape. Biyao's hand has been put on her shoulder and said apologetically, "I didn't think too much at that time. The master is old and doesn't have much time to find him, so I can only find him in the fastest time and ask why he left without saying goodbye."

This woman, in ancient times, was already a very bold woman. Su Wei asked tentatively, "If you go to modern times, but he has never gone back at all, what should you do?"

"Impossible!" Biyao didn't know why she had so much information. She only heard her firm voice say very firm words: "This is an intuition and my feelings for him. He must have gone back."

Now Biyao has determined that even if he says that nothing is of great use, Su Yushi will follow her and can only sigh faintly: "You can't adapt to modern life. If you go, it's a problem not to say whether you can find the officer. Even if you find it, how do you know that he will not marry and have been waiting as stupid as you?

It seems that in terms of love, Su Yushi has become her master and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages for him. Although Su Yushi's love has been bruised all over his body, after all, he is a child who has read so many novels, which is still in his heart.

"Whether it is or not, I will go and have a look. Only my own eyes can see it with my own eyes. Whether I marry or not, I will follow him. If there is really a woman, I don't mind being his concubine. Biyao's words really made Su Yushi very helpless and painful. Why? Because the Biyao she knows is definitely not so crazy.

Biyao's face became serious, and she said faintly, "Xiao can only bring back one person, and you and I can only go back, so... do you understand?"

Su Wei frowned and understood Biyao's words. If she left, Biyao's hard work over the past ten years would be in vain. If she stayed, she would abandon everything she had in modern times and make a Su Weizhen.

"Master, let me sing a song for you. After singing the song, you will feel better."

"Yihong Courtyard is located in front of Yanyu Building

Stopping on the steps didn't stop me from going further and further

If you are drunk, you will break the strings

Would you be before the world

I'm obsessed with it.......

This is a kind of boredom and an obsession

It's ridiculous that it's me

It's just idle

If there are three beautiful women, it's better to see a confidant

Others laugh at me for being too crazy

I laugh at others for not being exposed

Not the tomb of the Five Mausoleums

No flowers and no wine hoeing for the field

Yihong Hospital is located in front of the Yanyu Building

Stopping on the steps didn't stop me from going further and further

If you are drunk, you will break the strings

Would you be before the world

I'm obsessed with it.......

This is a kind of boredom and an obsession

It's ridiculous that it's me

It's just idle

If there are three beautiful women, it's better to see a confidant

Others laugh at me for being too crazy

I laugh at others for not being exposed

Not the tomb of the Five Mausoleums

No flowers and no wine hoeing for the field

Others laugh at me for being too crazy

I laugh at others for not being exposed

Not the tomb of the Five Mausoleums

No flowers and no wine hoeing for the field

It's ridiculous that you

If you don't understand, just say you are pitiful

Wow... So pitiful

The golden jade armor is also a cloth robe

I want to ask God if it's true or not

Give the world away and give love to others

If you were me, would you bring wealth and glory

As a plate of yellow sand

"Good" others laugh at me for being too crazy

I laugh at others for not being able to see through it. It's really wonderful.

It seems that the trouble just now is invisible at this moment.

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It seems that the future is getting more and more rushed, and there are many unexplained endings. It seems that it is almost the end until now. The following plots and stories will probably speed up. If you don't understand, you can add my QQ group to ask me.

I hope to keep changing my computer as much as possible. I hope I can buy it home as soon as possible. I will work hard and finish it.