Take the emperor to elope

179: Three Updates in the Middle of the Night

I have been thinking about Su Chengcheng's words in my heart. Su Yushi is also distracted at this time. After sending Zhang Ling back, he seems to know someone who stayed in the inner hall and thought about the intention of Su Chengcheng's words.

Who on earth has always wanted to kill her? This person dares not show his true face, but every time he hides in the dark to frame her, insinuates the people around her, recklessly hurts her and frames her. This person is definitely the person she knows.

Su Chengcheng has been very good at her since she was a child. Since she crossed over, she has no place in the whole Su family. It's difficult not to hate her. I just never thought that she really hated her so much that she wanted her to die, so much that she could not even have family affection, and even so far, she still has no regrets. She helps that person do things like this. What are the benefits? Or... she has no brain and is just used by that person?

She thought too much and there was no solution. Even if she knew that Su Chengcheng only used Yin Yu to attract her to the hook, she still decided to take a risk. After all, Yin Yu disappeared at this time, and the matter of Qi Leguo's Zuo Cheng coming to welcome Yin Yu has been issued. If Yin Yu is just playing out to play, she will come back immediately after hearing the news, because she knows that he will not allow her to suffer any injury under any circumstances. Yin Yu has not yet appeared. There is only one possibility, that is, he was captured, and that person is likely to be the mysterious person behind this matter, that is, the person she can't guess, who wants to use this matter to cause disputes between the two countries...

Then the matter involved in this matter is even bigger.

At the third update in the middle of the night, Su Xiaoshi got up from **, casually put on simple clothes and turned out from the back window. Before her feet landed, her hand was caught. She was shocked and looked back. The night was so dark that she could only see a vague shadow. Could it be that the strange people knew that she had found their secret? Are you here to kill people now? She quickly grabbed her hand with her backhand, and the other hand reached into her arms to take out the poison powder. The man grabbed her hands with his hand and held her against the wall.

The familiar dragon sandalwood made Su Wei feel at ease. She was relieved and breathed softly: "Ji, it's you. I want to scare you to death..."

Before she finished speaking, the person in front of her had bent down and swallowed her unfinished words into her stomach. Her hands had put down, leaned against the wall, gently biting her lips, and the lubricated tongue quietly penetrated into her mouth.

Su Yushi didn't react at all and was stunned by this fierce move. It seemed that she didn't expect that she would be punished for saying something wrong at such a thrilling moment. In a daze, he let him sweep any corner of her mouth, and slowly suddenly felt a little dizzy. His legs softened and fell into his arms. Su Yushi quickly reached out and hugged his waist.

In the end, he reluctantly loosened her lips, picked her up and knocked her on the head: "Idiot. Can't you breathe?"

"Atian..." Su Wei's aggrieved flat mouth, obviously you attacked me first. How can I translate it? It's still her fault now. It's unfair and unfair.

That's right, this person is not Yuan Yijin, but Wang Tianlong, who is similar to the original Yijin's smell. Because Su Yushi called his name wrong, he gave this sealing punishment.

"I guess you won't be safe tonight. Tell me, where do you want to go?" Wang Tianlong held her in his arms and shuttled through the palace at a fast speed, avoiding layers of defense.

It seems that this palace is really easy to come and go freely. As long as people with slightly higher martial arts skills, they can come and go freely. Now that Wang Tianlong holds her ashes, it's so easy. Should she ask Yuan Yijin this question?

Gently pulled him and motioned him to go to Su Chengcheng's temple.

In a corner of the Wuxian Hall, Su Xiaoshi and Wang Tianlong sat cross-legged on the ground. She straightened her clothes: "Today, Concubine Cheng told me that she knew the whereabouts of Yin Yu, and I want to come and ask."

"I thought you wanted to assassinate Zuo Cheng and ambushed at the back door of Fengning Palace early in the morning." Wang Tianlong said with a disappointing face, "However, why do you believe so much in Yinyu? Do you really like him? That's why you believe so?"

Su Yushi tilted his head for thought and nodded: "After being with Yin Yu for so long, you also know who he is. I like him because he is my brother. I know that basically all people think that Yinyu deliberately hid in order to cause a battle between the two countries, but... what's the benefit of this matter for him? Qi Leguo and Mo Yin have been intertted for many years. Why did they suddenly think of the war at this time? Does Qi Leguo have this confidence and the ability to overthrow Mo Yin? Yin Yu will not do this, even if everything is for his country, but I know that in front of the country, I,... are the most important. It's because she believes that she doesn't doubt it. Since she is really a brother, she shouldn't have any doubts. This is disrespect for her brother, and I'm sorry... Yin Yu likes her so much.

Yes, because Yinyu loves her, she is so fearless, because she knows that everything will be centered on her.

Actually... she is really a very selfish person.

Wang Tianlong raised his eyebrows gently and stood up: "I also believe in Yinyu's character. I believe you, so I believe in him. Let's go. I'll accompany you to see her. Before Su Yushi refused, he said first, "I won't follow you in. I'll wait for you on the roof."

She said so, and Su Yushi had no choice but to refuse. She nodded, and the two jumped to Su Chengcheng's bedroom together.

Just as he approached the door of the bedroom, Wang Tianlong suddenly flashed and disappeared. Su Yu couldn't help laughing secretly: How dare he come in to this girl's boudoir? If he saw what he shouldn't have seen, it would be funny.

She straightened her chest slightly and waved the active expression just now. Her face was rarely quiet and serious. She gently opened the door, dodged in, quickly walked to Su Chengcheng's bedside, and reached out to lift the mattress, but saw anyone.

There was a chill behind her, and there seemed to be something against her neck. Su Xiaoshi knew what it was. She shrank her head and slowly turned around. She saw Su Chengcheng's smiling face, and on her neck with a small dagger was a good-looking and cold beauty.

"I knew you would be unable to help it, and I had already prepared it. We have been sisters for so many years. Can I not know you? For the sake of my life, please don't mind. We are talking in this posture. Su Chengcheng smiled gently and couldn't hide the pride on his face.

What ability does Su Chengcheng have to invite such a killer? And so smart... Su Yushu firmly believed that her guess was not wrong. She sneered, "If Concubine Cheng can feel at ease like this, then I won't resist. I won't beat around the bush. Let's just say, where is Yin Yu?"

Su Chengcheng stood up, swayed her slender waist and came to Su Yushi, stretched out her hand and gently touched her face: "How can you be so smart, how can you not know what I told to lie here?"

Su Yushi moved his face away and said impatiently, "So, what is the purpose of Concubine Cheng so hard?" It's really a trap.

"The Empress knows that it is a trap, but she still appears in front of my concubine. It seems that the Empress has a deep affection for the prince." Su Chengcheng smiled coldly and turned to the cold woman and said, "Be careful of her hands and don't give her any chance to move."

Looking at this woman's clothes, unlike the person of this dynasty, Su Yu was suddenly shocked. Is it possible... The person behind this is...

---Can you guess? Everyone is so smart that they may know it. Do you want to let Concubine Cheng die? --