Take the emperor to elope

181: Bad things will always become reality

It took nearly a month to raise such a rest, which makes Su Yu very depressed. She can stay in Fengning Palace for half a year, but it doesn't mean that she can lie down for another month, and every day, she is either this tonic or that tonic. Every day, she is seen by this royal doctor, and that royal doctor, and her whole person wants to It has become a national first-class protected animal.

Su Yushi felt that she was not so delicate. She had been tortured by Master Biyao since she was a child. Her body recovered quickly, but a small wound was huge in Zhang Ling's mouth, a big wound that endangered her life. If it was really related to her life, Su Yushi was definitely the first to jump up. Come on, but I don't know what kind of wind it was. He followed Zhang Ling to greet the imperial doctor and run around in Fengning Palace, stirring up the days without peace.

Finally, she got out of the sea of suffering. All the royal doctors firmly told Yuan Yijin Su's astringent body that she had completely recovered, and now she would not even have an ordinary cold. Only then did Yuan Yijin release her.

After lying in ** for too long, Su Yushi's legs were still a little numb when walking in the imperial garden. She stretched out and found that her waist was a little thick and her body was a little bulky. Hey, she must have been too strong recently, and even she has never been able to grow fat.

It seems that you should lose weight. Anyway, your slim figure still can't let her run away. Su Yushi rubbed his waist, pulled off his big cotton-padded jacket from his body and threw it to the ground. The little maid behind her quickly picked up the cotton-padded jacket, retreated to the back and continued to follow.

It's just the autumn season now. Yuan Yijin actually made her winter clothes. Isn't this going to suffocate her? By the way, Zhang Ling valued sex and valued her friends and helped the original Yijin to toss her together. Humph, now the royal doctor has confirmed that she is fine. No one can stop her from playing any way she wants.

Su Yushi couldn't help raising his hand and cheering in the direction of facing the wind, and the scarf in his hand floated out and hung on the uncle beside him.

"Mother, wait a minute, and I'll take it down for you." A maid behind her hurried forward, asked Su Yushi for instructions, and then tried to climb the big tree, but she couldn't reach it.

Su Yu's astringent toes, gently lifted his breath, and his body rotated a beautiful arc in the air. His toes stepped on the trunk of the tree and turned over. The silk scarf had reached Su's astringent hand. She climbed the branch with her backhand, half of her body hanging on the trunk. She raised the silk scarf in her hand: "Look, how long will it take for you to get it?"

"Be careful!!" There was a roar behind him, which scared Su Yu's young heart to jump. His hand was loosened, and his whole body fell from the tree.

With many screams and listening to a few "plop" sound of falling to the ground, Su Yushi has safely lying in someone's arms and reaches the ground safely.

Looking at the layers of human flesh cushions on the ground, and then looking at the man around him, Su Yu said angrily, "Why did you suddenly run out to scare people?" I couldn't help muttering again, "Is it really too fat to fall from the tree? Such an embarrassing thing happened and was still seen by Yuan Yijin... No, no, it was obviously he who scared me."

Women, no matter how beautiful women are, are the same. They would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world or men's stinky mouth than the fact that they are fat.

"I didn't ask you to be careful, but you are so careless!" Originally, Yijin seemed to be a little unhappy. She grabbed Su Lushi and looked left and right until she confirmed that she really had nothing to do with her, so she let go of the action of tossing her.

This man is really unreasonable. If he hadn't suddenly appeared, would she have slipped for a while? After all, he is the culprit! Su Wei stared at Yuan Yijin with dissatisfaction, which was called a speechless protest.

Originally, Yijin took over the palace maid's cotton-padded jacket and put it on Su Yushi's hand and put her hand around her shoulder: "You should pay attention, don't get infected with the wind chill."

It's really inexplicable. Su Weixi pushed Yuan Yijin away and pulled off the cotton-padded jacket on his body again. (Why do you feel that the cotton-padded jacket brother is so innocent?) She frowned impatiently: "Your Majesty, what on earth do you want to do? I know my body. If you don't believe me, you should also trust so many royal doctors in the palace. Are you sure that I have fully recovered? What else do you want to do? What day is it? You still cover this for me. Do you want to heat me up?"

Originally, Yijin picked up the cotton-padded jacket again with a good temper. He put the cotton-padded jacket back into the hand of the maid of honor and slowly walked into Su Yushi. He said softly, "Don't be angry, it's all my fault. There are still some things that you know. After all, the child is in your stomach, and you will be careful.

Child??!! Waht?!! Su Yushi's surprised queen took a step back. Did she hear it wrong or did Yi Jin say it wrong? Why does she think this joke is not funny at all... child? Is Su Yushi actually pregnant?

Only pregnancy can explain the reason why Yijin and Zhang Ling were so nervous... Su Yushi raised his hand and touched his stomach, but he didn't expect that he was pregnant. This is a result that she can't calculate...

She turned her head and looked at Yuan Yijin: "You already know, right? Why didn't you tell me?"

This child is not the original Yijin's first child, but the original Yijin's first child to care so much. When Su Wei was stabbed in the chest, the imperial doctor had found out that Su Weixi was pregnant. Generally, Su Weixi and the child may not be able to keep it, but Su Weixi is another strange thing. She not only saved herself, but also saved the child, so... she can't express her child's nervous heart in words.

"Jier, you are a mother now, so don't let me worry, don't let the child worry, okay?" Yuan Yijin touched her head and smiled dotingly, "Ji Er, even if we have a child, our plan will not fail. In this life, I just want you and your child..." As an emperor, born in the emperor's family, he is destined to fail many women in this life. Maybe he will fail his children. We can only pray for the next life, He can repay it slowly.

Touching his stomach, Su Yushi still couldn't believe that he had a child. If so...

She smiled indifferently. No matter what, as long as the child is by her side, this child comes to this world and is her child. She will definitely protect him well.

With pregnancy, you may not be able to do many things, but... After all, it is your own child, so no matter how risky it is, you have to pay attention to your child before you can think of yourself.

"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you and your children. I will do everything to ensure your happiness." Originally, Yijin held her in her arms and had a beloved beside her. That feeling is the happiness that people always say.

Reaching around his waist tightly, Su Xiaoshi sent her own kiss and brought a sentence into his stomach by the way:

"As long as there is you and children, it is my happiness."

----It's heartbreaking. Now I don't know anything in my mind. I'm going to enter the theme. Why am I talking about something that doesn't seem important? I'm dizzy... Hey, continue to code--