Great Extinction

Chapter 13 Sea of Ghost

Chapter 13 Sea of Ghosts

There is still some time before the opening of the marrow washing liquid, but during this period, more and more people are attracted.

Among the three forces, in addition to the bloody moon, the number of people in the Freedom Alliance and the Divine Pavilion has increased significantly.

The Freedom Alliance is the existence that most people yearn for. Everyone wants to seek a safe place in this end of the world, and the Freedom Alliance is nothing more than providing them with such a place.

The receiving conditions of the Freedom Alliance seem to be very small, the threshold is very low, and most people can easily enter it, which makes the other two forces and some small groups around them sneer disdain.

The Liberal League seems to be strengthening its strength, but in fact, it is nothing more than seeking its own death. In the end, it is just self-destruction!

People's hearts are unfathomable. In these troubled times, monsters are not the only enemies, but people who are unwilling and ambitious with powerful power!

After the Liberal Alliance has received so many people, it will definitely be inside, and the people around will be able to join in the fun.

In addition to observing the Freedom Alliance, there is another place for them to pay attention.

is the place where the dark abyss below emits cyan light.

Maybe the new people don't know what it is, but after staying for a while, they all know where it is.

Because there is a killing god who is not easy to mess with!

In recent days, many people have gone to ask for advice, but many people have died under the green light and escaped from serious injuries with better strength, and the people who went there have not even seen a shadow.

However, several people went in.

But no one is obviously outstanding!

Ji Tianhe, the leader of the Free Alliance, is one of them.

There is also the owner of the divine pavilion.

A man entered it with a woman, but was soon recognized as a man of the blood moon.

The three forces were all visited by leaders, which made everyone present curious about the mysterious figures in the cave, and they all watched which force Liu Chong would choose to join.

The debate will never stop.

In the cave, Liu Chong sat with his eyes closed and crossed his knees.

Liu Chuang is always not interested in this boring and boring cultivation. He knows Liu Chong too well. This boring cultivation method is the most suitable for him.

What he is happiest these days is that people from the three forces come and go here one after another, and they are all leaders, and their mouths are laughing, but he also knows that this is Liu Chong's credit.

The other party threw a big **, and each family is more attractive than each other, which makes Liu Chuang a little difficult to choose.

But Liu Chong did not make a statement. It became more and more boring to think about this matter alone.

He can't go out, his ability is not enough, and he doesn't want to cause any trouble for Liu Chong.

Just when he was bored, Liu Chong opened his eyes slightly.

"The marrow washing liquid is about to condense. When you stay here, many people will go to grab the spiritual liquid. Qingping Sword is here to protect you. I believe no one can hurt you!"

Liu Chong said in a calm voice to Liu Chuang, who immediately shook his head in denial.

"Such a powerful guy must be very important to you. If you want to go, go together. Otherwise, you can take things away. If something happens, it will be meaningless for me to live!"

Liu Chuang said carelessly without any scruples, and Liu Chong frowned slightly.

What Liu Chuang said is not unreasonable. With his own strength, without Qingping Sword, his overall strength will indeed be greatly reduced. Perhaps grabbing a marrow-washing liquid is the limit.

He has learned the danger below once. It is very dangerous, and the ghost is a tricky existence.

" Follow me tomorrow, your blood power, don't reveal it easily, and be careful of being peeped by others!"

Liu Chong said in a low voice, his face was full of seriousness. Liu Chuang nodded with a smile, and there was a burst of excitement and tension all over his body.

Seeing Liu Chuang's appearance, Liu Chong also smiled, but the power of the other party's bloodline can only be said to be a variable for him!

The evil Monkey King!

The existence of this blood power is very clear to Liu Chong.

Before rebirth, Liu Chuang's blood power was not this. The sudden change made him slightly puzzled.

Some things have changed, and some things have not changed. Why is this?

The blood power of the evil Sun Wukong is a strange blood power.

He does not have all the power to defeat the Buddha and the Monkey King, and he is very evil. He only has the same magical power!

The sky and the earth!

If you want to use it, you need to stimulate all your blood power to start to change, which is a blood force that is difficult to master and control.

Liu Chuang now only has the realm of refining the spirit, and has successfully broken through with the help of Liu Chong. Here, it is at most popular.

Liu Chong has Qingping Sword, and with his own strength, he has a great chance to seize the marrow washing liquid, but the risk has also increased.

"Well, you said that this day suddenly changed. Suddenly, it was the same as the end of the world. There was no warning at all. It was really quite unreliable!"

Liu Chuang muttered slightly dissatisfiedly.

His words made Liu Chong take the lead in silence.

Overnight, the blood flowed into a river, and countless people died in this disaster. Even if strange treasures and power fell from the sky, it broke everyone's previous concept.

Atheism, atheism, and general beliefs have turned into bubbles and shadows between everything.

All this definitely didn't happen by chance!

And what impressed Liu Chong deeply was the figure he saw at the moment of the breakthrough!

The residual consciousness in the power of his blood!

It is a very weak force. At that moment, Liu Chong still caught something. If he wants to get the answer, he must improve his strength!

And he has long had an answer to the meaning of the previous three forces coming to solicit.

Where she is, Liu Chong is there!


The aura fluctuations contained under the whole abyss are getting thicker and thicker, and everyone vaguely feels that when it is slowly being born!

At first, someone couldn't help rushing down, but in the face of the dark abyss where he couldn't see his fingers, he was frightened.

The truth of starving to death begins to appear.

When the first one went down, there was a second one, and then the groups of figures rushed down quickly, but the caves occupying the edge of the abys did not move for a long time.

The bright-eyed man immediately saw the Tao in it and did not go, because the Lord did not do anything, and the people below were nothing more than cannon fodder for the lead.

Liu Chong stood at the entrance of the cave and watched the continuous figure jumping down, making his eyebrows frown.

Liu Chuang stood next to him, couldn't help taking a breath and then shook his head.

Liu Chong can't stop their behavior, but in this way, it will only make the ghost below more difficult and powerful!

There will be a great risk for him at that time!

The intensity of the aura became more and more dense and higher, and at the moment when it continued to rise, Liu reactivated.

"Let's go!"

Liu Chong pulled up the Qingping sword on the ground, grabbed Liu Chuang's clothes, and jumped down. The cyan light immediately burst into a gorgeous color in the abyss, and fell down like a meteor!

"Let's go, too."

Standing in the distance with a calm face, Ji Tianhe said softly, he jumped down and followed Feng Yuankui and another tall man behind him, while Ji Tianqi stood still and did not follow.

"Brother, they moved!"

Outside the cave of the Divine Pavilion, a tall man said angrily.


The sound of thunder came from the mouth of a middle-aged man, and six figures turned into a yellow light and rushed down!

"Yo, it seems that we can't wait any longer. In this case, Linglong, let's go!"

Yu Hongshui smiled and took a step forward, while Linglong standing behind him showed a trace of hesitation.

"Do you need to bring Rasha?"

Linglong asked in a low voice.

"Since Rasha came, he has been out of shape. As I guess correctly, it should be related to the people we know, but I don't know who it is. After all, women's psychology is always elusive!"

Yu Hongshui shrugged his shoulders slightly, as if he was helpless and distressed about this problem.

Linglong was not saying anything, and the two figures jumped slightly down.

And just after everyone continued to jump down, after the aura was strong to an extreme existence, a dark abyss crack below burst out for the first time!

A white light that completely tears apart the darkness!

The strong aura suddenly broke out, and the sunset sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. In the abyss below, it was completely in a clear scene!

Everyone's spirit can't help but be shaken, because it makes them move forward several times faster.

But immediately, the bad news also came out.

A sudden scream began to echo in the abyss, and the frequency continued to increase, causing panic among most people.

When they found the source of the screams, some people began to flee desperately towards the top!

Because ghost-like figures swam quickly below, every time they approached a person, the latter made a numb scream on their scalp, and then died in pain like shrinking all over!


Liu Chong looked solemnly at the dense ghost below. Although such a large number is expected, it suddenly emerged, which also makes people feel a great resistance!

Liu Chuang did not have the calmness of Liu Chong. He supported his courage and looked at the ghost below with one eye closed, and his body trembled slightly.

In the face of such a group of horrible things, it is strange that the heart can be controlled!

Under this group of silver souls, it is the place where the aura is most dense, and what Liu Chong wants is also here!

sui lavage!

A must-have for breaking through the immortals!

Liu Chong and Liu Chuang quickly rushed into the dense ghost pile. When they were just at a low level, the ghosts all over the sky rushed up crazily with a ferocious and greedy face!

A gust of wind swept around Liu Chong and flew around them in an instant.

In the eyes of outsiders, a huge transparent ball wrapped the two people deeply inside and trapped there!

"Lord, do you want to come and help!"

After splitting a ghost in front of him, Feng Yuankui saw Liu Chong and the two surrounded below, and immediately said anxiously to Ji Tianhe.

After Ji Tianhe calmly dispersed a ghost in front of him, he frowned slightly.

So many such objects made him alert at the beginning, and after learning the solution, Ji Tianhe felt a deep trouble.

Because with his power, he can't eliminate so many ghosts, let alone make such a risky move as Liu Chong!

He has always believed that Liu Chong is not a reckless person, but his behavior made Ji Tianhe have no second idea except for being arrogant.

The white sphere surrounded by their bodies is surrounded by hundreds of ghosts. Ji Tianhe himself knows that it takes some effort to break it, and even if it is broken, it can be quickly made up, because there are too many ghosts!

If you want to get the following things, you must unite everyone's strength!

"Don't act recklessly. That's not what your ability can do. Solve the current problems first and take good care of yourself before you can save others!"

Ji Tianhe shook his head slightly, and Feng Yuankui's anxiety was useless. Ji Tianhe's words were reasonable. Now he estimates that it is very difficult for him to be by Liu Chong's side!

"Lord! There are too many of these ghosts. We want to get the following things in advance. It seems that we need to send more people!"

On the other side, the same thing was also happening, and the middle-aged man stared closely at a white sphere below without saying a word.

"Oh, these things are simply tonics for me. Pure souls can just be absorbed by me. What they hate are my favorite existence!"

Yu Hongshui grabbed a frightened ghost with one hand. With a light smile, the ghost in his hand immediately turned into nothingness, and Yu Hongshui's face showed a trace of satisfaction.

In the whole abyss, when the ghost surrounds others, but around Yu Hongshui and Linglong, there are only a few ghosts, and they dare not come close.

Linglong did not answer Yu Hongshui's words, but looked at the white sphere below.

"That's a great tonic. I don't know if he will change his view of us if we save him?"

Yu Hongshui licked his lips slightly and said with his eyes narrowed.


The exquisite and decisive words made Yu Hongshui shrug his shoulders slightly, and then his body slowly moved down.

"Even so, I don't want to waste such a..."

Yu Hongshui said indifferently, but he said half of his words and stopped abruptly!

Because he smelled a hint of danger.

And at this time, the sea of ghosts below began to be violently **!

This violent ** made all the ghosts that flowed among the crowd above rush down quickly for a moment, as if they had received some instructions!

So people stared at what happened, and at this time, a faint cyan light penetrated from the white sea of ghosts, which was so conspicuous in the sea of white ghosts!


A solemn voice came out as loud as thunder, echoing in the abyss, and the sound is endless!

In this huge sound, the tide-like ghost suddenly stood still and stopped flowing, and the group of people above it were stunned.

However, several people's faces suddenly changed, and their bodies immediately burst into a big hole in the side of the bombarding cliff, and their bodies suddenly rushed into it!

At the moment they just entered, the whole sea of ghosts shook!

The next moment, the ghost of the sky exploded, and a huge wave swept over the whole abyss in an instant!

Those who can't escape from the figure above are immediately swallowed up in it, and countless abyss are submerged in this white ocean!

The huge storm raged wildly in the abyss and lasted for a long time before slowly calming down!

Ji Tianhe came out of the cliff with a gray face and stood in the air looking at everything around him, and couldn't help frowning for a while.

Because he didn't expect Liu Chong's ability to be so great!

He heard the sharp shout just now, and the explosion of that force has really surpassed his existence. For this, there are slight ups and downs in his heart.

Liu Chong's appearance and the strength he has had broken the situation he could control. Such a feeling of getting out of control made him very uncomfortable.

And he will not tolerate this aspect. His eyes glanced at the dusty scenery below, but did not find Liu Chong's figure!

The next moment, he stepped out and quickly rushed down!

"When you two go back to the alliance, the Apocalypse will tell you what you want to do. I will solve the following things in person!"

After Ji Tianhe left a word for Feng Yuankui and the two who had just stepped out, his figure had rushed to the depths below!

And at the moment he set out, several figures also quickly followed him, and everyone's face was ugly!

Because of this matter, they seem to have been deeply calculated by Liu Chong alone!

This storm is not as simple as expected, but premeditated preparations, all of which make them feel a deep sense of threat!