Great Extinction

Chapter 49 One Affection

Chapter 49 One Affection and One Desire

Women always love cleanliness, especially Fu Yiling.

Although the three long journey was pleasant, she was always uncomfortable in some aspects. She dared not tell Liu Chong that now she regretted letting her eldest brother make a decision for her without Xiaoqin.

Because she wants to take a bath.

Fu Yiling sat on the bed, which was a little difficult to say. After all, this kind of thing was still a little difficult for her.

"The water is ready, and you can take a bath."

But the next moment, Liu Chong's words suddenly came out, which surprised Fu Yiling.

Just as she was distressed about this matter, Liu Chong didn't know when he had prepared hot water behind the screen in the room.


Fu Yiling was a little difficult to speak, and his face was slightly red and he lowered his head and dared not look at Liu Chong.

And Liu Chong looked at him calmly.

"I won't peek."

Liu Chong seemed to see Fu Yiling's concerns and said softly.

Then he closed his eyes and raised his hands slightly.

At that moment, Fu Yiling's body was inexplicably dragged up by a force, which made her a little nervous, but a trace of inexplicable emotions was mixed in it.

At that time, she also closed her eyes and felt that her clothes were taken off one by one.

When she felt a trace of cold, the next moment, she had integrated into a warm pool.

At this moment, she opened her eyes and saw herself lying naked in a barrel full of rose petals.

And Liu Chong stood on the other side of the screen and sat quietly on the table drinking tea.

"If you think it's inconvenient, I can go out first, not far from the door. Just call me if you have something to do."

Liu Chong stood up and said softly, but Fu Yiling subconsciously shouted out.


After Fu Yiling shouted out, his face became more rosy.

And Liu Chong just nodded slightly and sat there again, looking quietly at the distance without saying a word.

"Are you leaving after the auction?"

After a long silence, Fu Yiling first broke the tranquility. When she said this, there was also a trace of nervousness and tension in her heart.

"Well, I'm going to Feng Shenyu."

"Are you looking for the witches?"

Liu Chong nodded slightly, and Fu Yiling showed a little disappointment, but Liu Chong did not see it.


There was a trace of firmness in Liu Chong's tone, which made Fu Yiling couldn't help but want to say something.

But then as if she thought of something, she laughed at herself and shook her head slightly.

Because Liu Chong can't have feelings for anyone, he sees that everyone's eyes are the same, but it depends on two directions.

Friends and enemies.

Not a friend, then an enemy!

Because from the moment the other party loses his heart, there is no extra seven emotions and six desires.

The only obsession that supports him is the blue crystal pendant on his chest, which is his only obsession!

"What if the witch people don't help you..."

Fu Yiling said softly. When he said this, he obviously felt that Liu Chong emitted bursts of chills, but there was a trace of sadness in the chill.

"Find and find a witch who is willing to help me. I will go to the witch at all costs!"

Liu Chong's words have a trace of unquestionable affirmation. Now he seems to have confirmed this matter, and there will be no change at all.

"Yue Ying was to let you live well..."

Fu Yiling still wants to say something, but what is manifested in the blank powerlessness at this moment.

"Without her, what is living..."

Liu Chong suddenly sighed, slowly stood up and walked out of the window. This was the first time that Liu Chong's eyes were full of self-deprecating.

Fu Yiling suddenly saw Liu Chong on the other side at this moment.

At that moment, she suddenly seemed to see another level.

"The seven emotions and six desires have not all been lost. He left one affection and one desire!"

Fu Yiling suddenly laughed when she thought of this, as if she had seen a layer of hope.

"There is a way, there is a way!"

Fu Yiling said with some surprise, and her words made Liu Chong turn around and look at her blankly.

"I know how to make you have a heart again!"

Fu Yiling looked at Liu Chong earnestly, and her words made Liu Chong frown slightly.

"As long as you find the seven emotions and six desires stone and seven exquisite hearts and put them back into your heart, you can have a brand-new heart!"

After Fu Yiling's words made Liu Chong think for a while, he didn't understand Fu Yiling's words at all.

"It is recorded in ancient books that although unintentional people can survive, they will not live long..."

Fu Yiling just wanted to explain for Liu Chong, but halfway through her words, she immediately closed her mouth, because she only found out now that she had ignored another problem.

Liu won't live long!


But Liu Chong looked at him calmly and said in a low voice.

"According to the ancient books, unintentional people can only survive for three years, no matter in any realm. If you can't find a substitute heart to survive, you will really die!"

At the end of Fu Yiling, he suddenly fell silent and lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Liu Chong laughed after hearing about the three-year time limit.

With a trace of unwilling laughter and mixed with a sense of relief, his laughter made Fu Yiling clenched his fist at that time.

She has never thought about such a thing so firmly, and she is so persistent that she will not let Liu Chong die, she will definitely not!

"The seven emotions and six desires stone, stored in the Shang family in the north, is a small family in the north, and its family itself is famous for its seven emotions and six desires stone..."

Fu Yiling said slowly to Liu Chong, and after hearing the news of seven emotions and six desires, the cold light in his eyes flashed.

For Yueying, he can't die. He promised Yueying to live well!

Moreover, Yueying has not been resurrected. Why did he die like this?

Northern people, Shangjia!

Liu Chong immediately turned his target there. After the auction, he must go!

"I don't know the whereabouts of Qiqiao Linglong Heart for the time being, but I think there should be a place where I can find the location of Qiqiao Linglongxin!"

Fu Yiling continued to say that she bit her lip and looked at Liu Chong, as if she had made a great determination.

"There is a person who knows all the changes of heaven and earth, the sun, moon and the universe. He knows anything that happens between the world, and he must know the whereabouts of his exquisite heart!"

Fu Yiling's words made Liu Chong nodded gently.

After the two finished speaking, they fell into a brief silence.

And Fu Yiling couldn't help looking at Liu Chong.

"That...I want..."

"Well, I see."

Liu Chong closed his eyes and walked to Fu Yiling, gently dragging her body up, and a white cloth flew quickly, quickly wrapped around Fu Yiling's body and fell into Liu Chong's hands.

Fu Yiling's body is flawless. Even if it is wrapped in a layer of white cloth, you can see its beautiful outline, which makes people bathe blood.

But Liu Chong slowly put her on the bed as if nothing had happened.

Gently covered his quilt and looked at Fu Yiling with a flushed face. Liu Chong left a sentence of "Have a good rest" and sat alone at the table and sat quietly.

I was speechless all night.


The next day.

Liu Chong came to the auction with his cloak and pushed Fu Yiling.

There has long been a sea of people there. Fortunately, in this world, there is a back door to go all the time.

Of course, you give a lot of fairy stones to open the way.

Liu Chong spent a little fairy stone and arrived at the place where he came to the auction.

Fu Longshan has prepared a lot of fairy stones for Liu Chong this time. It is worthy of being a big deal. Fu Longshan, who has been a bandit for many years, naturally has some capital that has not been revealed. Of course, there are many fat sheep he has robbed for so many years, but it is still dazzling to take out so many at once.

There are nearly 100,000 fairy stones prepared by Guang Liu Chong himself.

Of course, there is no such strangeness in these capitals.

In the extortion of a profiteer full of fat and meat, Liu Chong spent 5,000 Xianshi to order a high-end private room, which can be completely unpeeped and safely buy what he wants.

Liu Chong did this just for Fu Yiling's intention. After all, she likes to be quiet.

Under the leadership of a maid, Liu Chong pushed Fu Yiling to the private room, a clean and comfortable room.

There is a crystal screen in front of them, which presents the scene in the auction and other functions.

For a period of time after that, the maid introduced some tools on how to guess, as well as the precautions in it, which were concise and clear at a glance.

Liu Chong didn't have any emotions in the audience, but Fu Yiling looked curious. Touching this and that, he was very distracted.

Liu Chong is a little curious about why Fu Yiling has not been here and seems to have come here for the first time.

After the maid left, Fu Yiling looked at Liu Chong and smiled gently.

"I haven't been here much before, but after all, every time an auction is held, the things inside will make some strange changes. For example, this crystal screen has not been so beautiful before."

Fu Yiling pointed to the screen and said with a smile. Liu nodded and could see the rest of the private rooms from the screen, but he could not see anything in it.

A layer of separation has formed around the whole private room, and perhaps the whole venue has used this kind of thing.

Overall, the whole auction is a big deal.

Of course, what's inside is more than that simple.

The hall has long been full of endless crowds, and in the front row of the crowd, there sat Zikai and Liu Chuang with unhappy faces.

They themselves wanted to go to the private room, but they were directly rejected by Zu Tiki for the reason of saving fairy stones!

The witches themselves are very poor and have not enough assets, but these are only their personal opinions. In the eyes of Zikai and Liu Chuang, the witches are stingy.

He saw with his own eyes that Zuti had spent a lot of money on a beautiful axe here before he came. The axe was worth 20,000 fairy stones, and Zuti still took it back as a decoration!

If it hadn't been for hearing their discussion one evening, Zikai would still be kept in the dark.

What is saving money is completely nonsense!

But some look better than none. He can only sit obediently in the hall and can't enjoy such a luxurious treatment!

However, he made up his mind. When he sees what he wants, he must make trouble!

Blling randomly!

Of course, this standard should be within the range that can be afforded, and Zuqi and others should be scared into a cold sweat!

Every time I think about this, I can't help laughing.

And Liu Chuang curled his lips and looked around, with a boring and boring face.



Lang Qiuyan, Xiaomeng, Xu Xiandonglei and others sat in a room and quietly looked at the hall outside.

Xiaomeng was a little excited and nervous, because this was her favorite moment. After a while, she could see all kinds of things she wanted, which made her unable to help bursts of small stars.

" girl, don't forget to tell me when you go out."

Xu Xian seemed to see Xiaomeng's idea, and such a sentence came unexpectedly, which made Xiaomeng suddenly stare at him with dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, it doesn't exceed a certain advance. Let me take over it."

Chasing the wind said with a smile that his background made Xu Xian have nothing to say. After all, chasing the wind can be said to be the richest among them.

"Qiu Yan, what do you like, just buy it. I'm here."

Taking advantage of this time, Dong Lei also changed his mouth and looked at Lang Qiuyan and said. Lang Qiuyan just nodded with a smile and said nothing.

But this has made Dong Lei feel very comfortable.

At least, Lang Qiuyan did not refuse him.


The number of people entering the auction reached a very high level, and in the end, few people entered the auction, and the door of the auction was also closed fiercely.


The dull sound made the people in the hall boil in an instant.

And on the dark high platform in front of this time, a dazzling light burst out for the first time!

"No more nonsense, everyone must have been looking forward to this auction for a long time. So, everyone believes that the rules are very clear, and there may be something you don't know, so I can only tell you four words."

"Pray for yourself!"

A loud voice sounded in the white light on the high platform, and a white-haired old man stood there, sweeping the crowd below with a serious look!

At the moment when he finished speaking the four words, a surging breath suddenly burst out from the old man's body!

At the moment when the breath appeared, Liu Chong's eyes burst out with a light. That breath was really not very strong!

It's better than Fu Longshan and stronger than the people of the Ding family that day!

"The realm is blurred and has an external incarnation, which is the realm of true immortality."

Fu Yiling said softly, with a trace of admiration in her eyes.

After hearing this, Liu Chong showed a trace of surprise in his eyes that he would not be a real immortal to host the auction.

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore. The first treasure will appear!"

The surging breath came and went quickly, but this suddenly silenced the whole venue in an instant, and the old man also clapped his hands and said with a smile.

A piece of ice crystal slowly came out from the bottom of the high platform, and there was a red thing like a wine pot in the foggy ice crystal.

"This is a good thing. If I don't have to sell it, I can't bear to watch him give way. Take a sip of ice and fire liquor to throw all your troubles out of the sky. The starting price is 5,000 fairy stones, and the price can't be less than 1,000 yuan each time!"

The old man really opened his mouth. Three cups of such a big bottle of wine were poured clean and sold for 5,000 yuan.

However, after his words fell, the crowd below began to rob fiercely!

With a breath, 5,000 fairy stones have soared to 25,000 fairy stones!

"Ice and fire wine is rumored to be a wine blended by the two extreme existences of extreme ice and fire. A cup of wine is enough to make people's soul-wrenching."

Fu Yiling said with a smile that her erudite Liu Chong had already experienced it.

Smart women can always attract men, but by her side is a man with no feelings.

Fu Yiling has heard enough praise and praise, but she wanted to say that from Liu Chong for the first time, although she knew that it was impossible.


The fierce situation made the old man a little dissatisfied, as if the price was not his ideal price, and the rogue yawned.

And the group of witches below were a little excited.

"Ice and fire wine!"

I don't know how many times Liu Chuang and Zikai have heard such words. The witch men really have some special quirks about wine. You can know them by looking at their expressions.

But they just didn't bid. They let Zikai and Liu Chuang look at them and couldn't help laughing for a while.

"Forty thousand fairy stones!"

Zi Kai suddenly raised the sign boredly and shouted out loudly!

At the moment when his words fell, the old man's spirit trembled, and Zikai's voice also suppressed the voice of the whole audience!

Zu Tyi stared at him, but his heart was also contradictory at this moment.

Because he wanted it, but he didn't dare to take it, he didn't know whether Zikai's behavior would be scolded or let it go.

"Fight thousand fairy stones, this wine should belong to my Weiyang Palace, which is worthy of his identity!"

Suddenly, a soft word came out of a private room. The sound sounded, and there was a low boo in the whole audience.

But Liu Chong frowned and looked at the screen, not because of the voice of the man in Weiyang Palace, but because of the sound that sounded before. He felt deeply familiar, which made him a little confused.