Great Extinction

Chapter 56 White Hair

Chapter 56 White Hair

After Liu Chong came back, he returned to Jinghongzhai with only Fu Yiling as before.

But as soon as their forefoot resisted, a large number of tails appeared on their back feet!

Now Fu Longshan and Fu Hushan thought they had caused trouble and immediately suppressed it, but several of them were Fu Yiling who came forward to let them in.

Among these people are Zikai, Liu Chuang, Lang Qiuyan and Xu Xian.

Zu Tian did not follow in, but waited outside Jinghong Mountain, but Fu Longshan recognized him as a witch at a glance and immediately let the stone come out. The stone also stood on the spot in a bolt from the blue at the moment he saw Zu Tiki.

After Zu Ti and Stone met, their witches all entered Jinghong Mountain to have a long talk, while Fu Longshan and Fu Hushan were stationed in front of Jinghong Mountain in case of accidents.

After Liu Chong returned from Fang City, he seemed to have changed into a person, directly closed the door and did not leave, and no one was seen.

A group of informed people are powerless.

These are all because Liu Chong's request to go to the witch was rejected by Zu Tian again!

Originally, Zikai and Liu Chuang could take Liu Chong with them, but Zui resolutely disagreed and took out the clan rules. Even if they took out the clan rules, Zikai and Liu Chuang were still strong and unyielding and were bound to take Liu Chong there.

But Liu Chong gave up.

Because he knows that some things cannot be forced.

Even if he let Liu Chuang and Zikai violate the clan rules and reach the witch clan, no one will help him. What he needs is willing help from the other party, not the forced method.

It is almost impossible to change your life and rebirth against the sky. It is against God's will, and it takes a great price to mess up the power of reincarnation.

Some of the witches may be able to do it, but the biggest consequence that Liu Chong can think of is to fight for his life!

One life for another!

If so, maybe Yue Ying has a small chance of resurrecting, but in the end, what he gets is the hatred of the whole witch clan. He can bear this price by himself, but he can't let Zikai and Liu Chuang be implicated at all!

So after returning from Fangshi, Liu Chong returned to Jinghongzhai directly behind Fu Yiling's back.

Zi Kai and Liu Chuang insisted on following up, and Zu Tian had no choice but to follow.

As for Lang Qiuyan, Xu Xian and others are here to thank Liu Chong for their mercy!

Dong Lei's last fight was lightly resolved by Liu Chong, and Liu Chong sacrificed the crow pot without killing Dong Lei. Finally, he came to Dong Lei for an apology.

The reason for the apology is Fu Yiling's words.

Fu Yiling didn't want Liu Chong to kill, and it was because of her.

Liu Chong's stop.

Subsequently, Yun Lao and others in Fang City gave the ten thousand magic beads to Liu Chong before Liu Chong's departure. Zikai and Liu Chuang suddenly roared at this bead. Yun Lao and others also felt a little embarrassed and sent 500,000 fairy stones as an expression.

Liu Chong didn't care. He received ten thousand magic beads and fairy stones, and took Fu Yiling back.


After returning to Jinghongzhai, Liu Chong has not taken a step out of his door for ten days.

In the middle, Liu Chuang and Zikai entered once, and then both of them came out with solemn faces. After they came out, they said goodbye to everyone without hesitation, and Zu Tiki and others got up and returned to the witch clan.

No one knows what Liu Chong said, but when Zikai and Liu Chuang's eyes were a little uncomfortable, they saw some clues.

Xu Xian also wants to say goodbye, but Lang Qiuyan doesn't want to leave.

After Fu Yiling and Lang Qiuyan were alone for a day, Lang Qiuyan also rode a seven rainbow horse with everyone.

When he left, he still looked at Liu Chong's house with a complicated face.

Jinghongzhai seems to have regained its former tranquility, but the only difference is that Jinghong Mountain became famous overnight.

The reason is that a dazzling figure was born here.

Liu Chong.

No one imagined that such a fierce role would be killed in a bandit's nest, and it attracted so much attention.

Jinghongshan became famous overnight.

After becoming famous, Fu Longshan fell into trouble.

He can no longer plunder as much as before, because more and more envoys of the big family have learned the news recently, all to inquire about Liu Chong's news.

Before he felt a high honor, he also felt a huge amount of pressure.

Liu Chong is now in a special retreat. Fu Longshan himself doesn't want to say anything. He wants to say that Liu Chong has left Jinghongzhai, but no one believes it.

Fu Yiling came out to make a round and told the truth, saying that after Liu Chong returned from the city, he had some injuries and was in the process of recuperation and recuperation, so he could not come out to meet.

This reason has been approved by many people, because after all, this is a challenge across a class, how can it not be greatly injured!

The storm of the visit stopped for a while, and no one knew which time they went crazy and surged crazy again.


Four seasons change, spring goes and summer comes.

After a few months, Jinghongzhai has lost its former appearance. The people on the cottage have gone a lot. The reason is that in the days without robbery, there will be a lot less income, a lot less income, and naturally they will be hungry.

It's not difficult to be the head of the family who makes yourself hungry.

This has always been the most popular word in the cottage.

Fu Longshan never imagined that he would have such a day when he could make his younger brother unable to eat, but that's how it happened.

Even though Fu Yiling gave him 500,000 fairy stones, Fu Longshan still did not touch this amount at all, because this money was obtained by Fu Yiling and Liu Chong, and they exchanged their lives for it.

He can't take it.

Behind the scenery is bitter sweat. No one knows how Liu Chong came forward at that moment and crossed from one level of challenge to two levels of existence.

He Fu Longshan believes that he can't do this, and he admires Liu Chong and appreciates Liu Chong for doing so much for his sister.

The cottage began to feel lonely. In the end, the food of the cottage could only rely on the idle things of Fulongshan and Fuhushan to hunt around. Even though they had a large number of fairy stones before, they could not withstand the consumption of the number of people.


Today, at this time, Fu Longshan sat solemnly in the hall and distributed the fairy stones in his hand to the group in front of him.

"Brothers have followed me for many years. These fairy stones may not be anything in everyone's eyes, but people have their own aspirations. I don't force it. I have a great responsibility that the cottage can become what it is today. I didn't lead everyone well. I'm very sorry for this!"

Fu Longshan put down his identity as a golden fairy and made an apologetic posture to the person in front of him.

And Fu Hushan will send down the prepared fairy stones.

At the beginning, Fu Hushan was very angry with the first batch of people who were going to leave. He pointed to their noses and cursed for three days and nights, but he still couldn't stop the flow of people.

Since then, he knew that Jinghongzhai might really be finished.

After the fairy stone was finished, all the people present left without saying a word. Fu Hushan looked at it, smiled disdainfully, and sat on the bench again.

"The rabbit died and the fox was still sad, and the rabbit died and the fox was sad. All the guys in front of them were too lazy to say a word, and the fairy stone was given to a group of white-eyed wolves!"

Fu Hushan cursed angrily, while Fu Longshan just shook his head.

"People have their own aspirations. They know that they can't get along. Naturally, they have to make a living. This is a flood and famine, not a comfortable place. We are going to leave soon. Sooner or later, this place in Jinghongzhai will be occupied by others!"

"Who dares to come? I sent him down with a mace!"

Fu Longshan sighed and said slowly, while Fu Hushan took it viciously.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's go to see the third sister!"

Fu Longshan sighed again, shook his head and patted Fu Hushan on the shoulder. Both of them walked out of the hall.


At this moment, it is in the yard in front of Liu Chong's house.

The stone sits directly on the ground, and the broad palms constantly edit all kinds of things with wicker.

In his back room, I don't know how many strange things were lost, which were all his masterpiece.

He will come here every day, and then go out after a few hours.

Sometimes they will resist the bodies of beasts, sometimes they will pick some flowers and fruits, and sometimes they will come back with nothing.

Fu Yiling, accompanied by Xiaoqin, came to Liu Chong's room on time every day and looked at the books he had.

Xiaoqin sat aside and listened to Fu Yiling tell her various interesting stories.

Fu Yiling and Xiaoqin are like sisters, and there is no servant. This is why many maids have left, but Xiaoqin is the only one left to accompany Fu Yiling.

Fu Longshan and Fu Hushan couldn't help but feel a little melancholy when they saw the familiar scene in front of them.

There were a lot of thoughts in their eyes. What they didn't expect was that Liu Chong, who was captured by Fu Hushan on a whim at that time, would grow into what it is today. Sometimes his fate is really unpredictable.

Still, there was no movement as usual. When everyone came, the stone slowly stood up, patted his clothes, and strode out.

"I'll go with you!"

Fu Hushan said loudly, while Stone looked at him and nodded slowly.

Fu Longshan looked in his eyes, did not say anything, and put his eyes back on Fu Yiling.

And when the stone wanted to leave, a slight opening sound made him stand on the spot!


The slight sound made everyone present look over, and the wooden door slowly opened under their gaze.

Liu Chong's familiar figure came out again, and the moment he came out, everyone was stunned.

Liu Chong's hair is all white!

A strong vicissitudes of life exuded from Liu Chong's body. In the vicissitudes of life, there was a trace of inexplicable sadness. While Fu Longshan and others felt the sadness, their mood also changed slightly!

"You are all here."

Liu Chong looked at the group of people in front of him and smiled. The moment he smiled, Fu Yiling's eyes instantly became red.

At that time, Fu Yilingcai and Liu Chong felt his real side for the first time!

"I haven't laughed for a long time, a little stiff..."

Liu Chong looked at Fu Yiling with red eyes, pointed to his eyes, and gently wiped them.

That action made Fu Yiling burst into tears and laughed.

Liu Chong's extreme transformation made everyone present feel deeply strange, and even made them have a great illusion. There is no way to know what happened to Liu Chong in the room for so long!

But to them, Liu Chong finally came out.

"Don't say anything tonight. Be sure to celebrate. I'll go hunting!"

Fu Hushan immediately shouted out and ran out. Stone also answered and went to help.

Fu Longshan felt that his eyes were also slightly wet. He turned around in a hurry and didn't want others to see them.

"I... I'll help prepare for it. Today is really a good day!"

Fu Longshan ran out with a smile, and Xiaoqin also walked away silently, leaving only Fu Yiling and Liu Chong in the whole courtyard.

"What happened."

Fu Yiling automatically came to Liu Chong and looked at his white hair, revealing a trace of intolerance.

However, Liu Chong gently raised Fu Yiling's hand and put it into his heart.

Fu Yiling looked at Liu Chong's movements in surprise. The moment she put her right hand on Liu Chong's heart, a long-lost heartbeat sounded, making Fu Yiling stunned there on the spot.

"This is my last time. I used a force to add a fake heart to myself, provided by Xianyuan. I don't know how long I can hold on, but I want to feel the feeling of laughing again."

Liu Chong squatted down and looked at Fu Yiling. The latter's eyes turned red again, and two tears couldn't help sliding down.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me."

Liu Chong held Fu Yiling in his arms, and Fu Yiling held Liu Chong tightly.

It's good that time can stay at this moment, just at this moment.

Fu Yiling is looking forward to it deeply, but she doesn't have the ability to do it.


At night, Jinghongzhai ushered in a rare and brilliant landscape.

This is a cottage that has not been so lively for a long time, although there are not many people here in the whole huge cottage.

Tonight is destined to be a happy night, without all the troubles, forget everything and drink happily!


In the morning, Liu Chong stood at the foot of Jinghong Mountain and looked up at the peak above. On it, he lived in Jinghong Village for a long time. In the face of all this, a complex emotion emerged in his mind.

"Goodbye, forgive me for saying goodbye."

Liu Chong muttered to himself in a low voice. He turned straight and walked towards the road ahead, without choosing the endless mountains behind him.

Because it is no longer his target.

Liu Chong walked quietly. He enjoyed the scenery along the way and felt unprecedentedly comfortable. He did not rush on his way immediately, because he found that he had come to the flood and had never truly felt a plant or tree here.

He slowly walked forward. Even so, the Jinghong Mountain behind him has become a vague trace, and he has come far away.

When he continued to move forward, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because in front of him, a beautiful white shadow in a wheelchair is quietly waiting for him.

Fu Yiling.

"Let's go."

There were no unnecessary words and explanations. Fu Yiling looked at Liu Chong with a smile and said, while Liu Chong looked at Fu Yiling, just shook his head with a slight smile, and then strode up, pushed Fu Yiling's wheelchair, and slowly walked forward.



In Jinghongzhai, Fu Longshan looked at the scenery in the distance, with a faint smile on his mouth, and his face was full of satisfaction.

"Go, go, there are some things that you still have to solve by yourself!"

Fu Longshan smiled, and then he turned around and looked at the three people behind him and walked over happily.

Fu Hushan, Stone and Xiaoqin looked at Fulong Mountain and the scenery in the distance. They knew that there were two people walking towards their way.

"Okay, we have to pack up and go."

Fu Longshan looked at the huge cottage, smiled reluctantly, and said to the three people behind him.

"At worst, we are still good bandits!"

Fu Hushan laughed and there was no trace of defeat. For him, maybe it was just the beginning.

And when they laughed, a figure appeared strangely in front of them!

A mysterious man in a black robe!

"Fu Longshan, Fu Hushan?"

Doubtful words came from the other party's mouth, and Fu Longshan's face changed slightly. He never felt how the other party came here, but he looked at the other party respectfully and nodded slightly.

"Oh, that's right. Although there are two more, it will be solved together!"

The other party looked at Fu Longshan and the stone and Xiaoqin behind them, said to himself, and then raised his right hand slightly!


Fu Longshan immediately saw something was wrong and immediately shouted, and the breath all over his body was mobilized crazily. He wanted to buy time for Hushan and the others!


But his power has not really been used, and the black figure passed directly through his body!

The next moment, Fu Hushan roared angrily, and then his body also fell into a pool of blood!

The shadow rushed to Xiaoqin, but the stone roared in front of Xiaoqin!

The shadow hit the stone, but at that moment, the shadow's body also stopped!