Great Extinction

Chapter 68 Dragon Fire Trial

Chapter 68 Dragon Fire Trial

"Go and meet someone who can help us with the status quo."

Fu Yiling seemed to see through Wang Zhen's concerns and said softly.

After Liu Chong left, Fu Yiling's state was not very good, and after returning to Jinghongzhai, no trace of Fu Longshan and Fu Hushan could be found, and the stones that had been home in Jinghongzhai also disappeared.

Finally, with the help of Wang Zhen, he probed around and knew that the three had been killed, and the bodies had been eaten by the beast.

Wang Zhen didn't know how to tell Fu Yiling the news.

When he went back, Fu Yiling had already prepared three tombstones!

No one knows how she did it. Wang Zhen only knew that Fu Yiling's hands were full of dirt and blood at that time, and his whole body was dirty, very miserable and pitiful, but from the woman's face, there was no pain on his face.

Its will is really strong and terrible.

This also made Wang Zhen decide that nothing can let him go back now, not only for Liu Chong's promise, but also for the woman in front of him.

After staying overnight in Jinghongzhai, Wang Zhen and Fu Yiling set out on a journey to the Demon Realm the next day!


and in the remote central area.

Here, there is a dark dungeon.

Or the prison is very good.

All the people who declared great in the flood were imprisoned here. While the outside world thought they had disappeared, they were imprisoned here!

There is no possibility of going out!

Each of them doesn't know why they are locked up here. They fight endlessly every day. They, who have been sealed off Xianyuan, can only continue to fight here in order to form an alliance with each other for survival!

No one has pity for their death. Even if he was such an admirable and admirable character in the outside world, he is just a shrimp-like survival here!

At this moment, in a room in Area B, there were bursts of roars and the sound of hard objects hitting the wall!

This room is the room where Liu Chong is imprisoned!


In the room, Liu Chongman roared and rushed to the seven people in front of him. Four of the seven people stood there covered with blood, and Liu Chong's body also had many wounds, big and small, but these wounds made Liu Chong more crazy!

Three of the seven people suddenly hugged Liu Chong's body, and then four people attacked Liu Chong fiercely, which made Liu Chong's skin and swollen in an instant!

Then he pressed Liu Chong on the ground fiercely and kicked him wildly!

"Okay, I'll call here today and finish my work!"

One of them said viciously that he was the head here, code name 9587.

But people in Area B call him Tiger King.

This nickname is his title before his death. Although it is called so here, there is still a trace of sarcasm.

The people who enter here are collectively referred to as dead people. What happened before their death refers to what they have been done in the flood and famine, which can only be left as memories!

"6957, you bastard, you are playing with me. Believe it or not, I really killed you!"

The man code-named 5589 on his chest made a neck wipe to Liu Chong, but Liu Chong turned his body over and laughed like an idiot.

"If you want to kill me, you would have taken action a year ago, instead of shouting to kill me now. At that time, someone should have given you an order not to die!"

Liu Chong's laughing words made the people present not surprised for a long time, because this matter was no longer the first time Liu Chong mentioned it.

All they have to do is to put down their harsh words and then have a rest!

"You dare not kill me. At that time, I will kill all of you one by one. I will attack you for 12 hours during the day and night to see which of us can consume whom!"

Liu Chong's cold words made the seven people present's scalp numb, because they saw Liu Chong's fierceness, otherwise, they would not have taught him a hard lesson every day!

It was because of his sneak attack that the seven of them had to take action against Liu Chong. Who would spend so much time repairing this boy?

Because as long as any of them dares to be alone or relax, Liu Chong will do it. When the seven of them are indoors, they will stand beside them step by step.

Even time is spared in turn to prevent Liu Chong from killing them!

"It's not a way to go on like this. I'll go out and tell those woods that we're going to change rooms and not be with this madman!"

"Oh, Brother Hu, you have been there three times and almost removed your bones for the third time. You did take a lot of effort to get in before you died, but now any one of them can pinch us to death!"

Brother Hu's words made another man immediately wave his hand, and everyone looked at Liu Chong helplessly.

"What on earth do you want to do? Aren't you tired after tossing around for so long!"

Brother Hu suddenly stood up, pointed to Liu Chong's nose, and cursed loudly!

But Liu Chong suddenly bit his finger, which was so fierce that Brother Hu immediately withdrew his finger!

Liu Chong's mouth was really cruel. When he came, he tore off a piece of meat from the shoulder of his dead scar face. Their fight during this period was also deliberately wary of Liu Chong's mouth!

"I'm going out! I don't want to stay here!"

After Liu Chong's words were said, Brother Hu immediately patted himself on the forehead, saying that he had no move!

"Don't you know that newcomers can't leave the room for half a step within ten years? Ten years later, they have the right to go out and move in Area B. After 50 years, they have the right to go out to eat. If you want to go beyond your power, don't implict implict us!"

"That's right, let you go out, we all have to die here!"

"If you go out, it's better to keep it as it is now. Fight as soon as you fight. Whoever is afraid of whom!"

"At worst, I will spend ten or eight years with you!"



The miscellaneous voice suddenly sounded, and Liu Chong looked in his eyes and smiled coldly!

"Then let it go!"

Liu Chong roared like a beast and rushed at the seven people. After a long time of beating, his body was still getting stronger. He could not feel the pain of the shackles on the pipa bone, but he still couldn't use Xianyuan!

He once thought about getting the seven people in front of him to pull this thing out, but the seven people looked at Liu Chong with idiots.

It turns out that there is a layer of prohibition on this shackle. If the external force wants to pull it out, the person who pulled it out may not die, but the person who helped him will definitely be burned to ashes by the power inside!

So, the idea became a bubble.

Liu Chong tried his best to go out, and the seven people in it did not allow Liu Chong to go out. In this way, the daily fight became the current situation.

When Liu Chong wanted to jump up and fight together again, at this time, Shimen was suddenly opened!

All their movements stopped at that moment, but Liu Chong didn't!

I don't know how long he has waited for this moment!

This is the second time the stone gate has been opened!

He suddenly rushed over, but a strong force rebounded him fiercely!

When he wanted to stand up again, a long black gun had been against his throat!

"If you don't want to die, don't move!"

A cold and ruthless voice came from the other party's mouth, and at the moment when the sound sounded, Liu Chong felt the other party's ruthless murderous intention!

In front of him, he doesn't seem to be a man of flesh and blood, but a body that can only kill people and has no soul!

People with flesh and blood are not terrible. What they are afraid of is such a killing machine that only knows how to execute orders!

Liu Chong took a deep breath and did not move. He looked at the other party coldly, and the other party took back the long gun after seeing that Liu Chong did not move.

"6957 is out!"

His words made Liu Chong suddenly stand up and walk to the bodyguard!

"Now you can go out for a walk, but if you dare to have any intention to escape, kill it!"

The words of the bodyguard made Liu Chong's face happy, and then the bodyguard turned coldly and walked out. After he went out, Liu Chong obviously heard seven long calls of liberation.

Liu Chong ignored them and strode out. This was the second time he really wanted to see what kind of landscape it was in front of him!

The moment he went out, he stood there in an instant, because above him, there was a darkness that could not be seen!

And on the edge of darkness, there is a rock wall, a blue rock wall!

"Well, aren't you disappointed? This is obviously a naturally formed place of detention. There is no end above. Let me tell you what is above. Above is a large rock wall, and the whole prison is a huge stone. Anyway, we are like being in a huge rock. The face is just hollow!"

Brother Hu's voice sounded in Liu Chong's ear. He was not surprised by this scene for a long time. Liu Chong could not start to toss around, which was a blessing in his misfortune!

Liu Chong looked at the surrounding environment, as if he were looking for it.

"There is only one road over there, and it is heavily guarded. You can't escape without Xianyuan, and even if you can pass through there, it is a powerful air-free field. You can only walk there. Even if you can go there, you can't go to the opposite side, because they control the stairs of the channel!"

Brother Hu has been familiar with everything here for a long time. Not only is he alone who touches it clearly. All the people who have been squatting here for ten years can touch it clearly!

There was a deep unwillingness in Liu Chong's eyes. He looked up here, where a man in armor was looking at him coldly!

The place where the armored man's eyes saw also became the focus of everyone for a while, and they all looked at Liu Chong one after another!

"Why did you catch me!"

Liu Chong suddenly roared loudly at the armored man, but his words were ignored by the armored man!

"Do you dare to say that I am under your control? Why don't you dare to say it!"

Liu Chong shouted at the armored man like losing his mind. His words made all the people around him and nearby quickly walk aside!

And Brother Hu looked at their movements and sneered, and then he stood beside Liu Chong without hesitation!

"Yes, how dare you dare to say it!"

Brother Hu's words made the six people who rushed out of the room run out and stood tightly around Brother Hu!

The dragon head is a nickname given to the armored man here, because there is a huge dragon head pattern on his chest!

This pattern was spread after the dragon head was seen one day without armor.

At this time, three bodyguards suddenly appeared above several people, holding a long gun and wanted to stab Brother Hu and others fiercely!


The dragon head suddenly shouted out, and the three bodyguards immediately disappeared in place and disappeared!

Everyone in this prison is inexplicably stunned, because today's leader actually spoke!

The leader rarely speaks, but every time he speaks, he is destined to have something to happen!

"Do you just seem to know why you were caught!"

The cold words of the leader made Liu Chong nod without hesitation, and the leader suddenly took a step forward!

"Dragon fire trial for seven days, if you can come out alive, I will tell you the reason!"

"Dragon Fire Trial!"

"My God, Dragon Fire Trial!"

"This boy must be dead!"

"Seven days, the highest record is only eight days, how dare you let this boy go for seven days!"


In an instant, the bottom immediately exploded, and Liu Chong looked at the cold eyes of the dragon head without any fear!

"It's a deal!"

"None will break your promise!"

The eyes of the two immediately burst into a strong sense of war in the air, and Liu Chong's figure was also raised by a force at that moment, and then his figure was suddenly thrown in!

Liu Chong's figure was thrown on a rock. At that moment, waves of water appeared on the rock, which swallowed Liu Chong's figure!

When Liu Chong reacted, he found that he had reached an endless sea of fire!

Fire dragons kept swimming in the sea of fire with purple electric light, and Liu Chong was fiercely caught by a force as soon as he saw the situation in front of him!

Then tied to the edge of the sea of fire and were fiercely pushed to the edge of the sea of fire by ten huge chains!

A hot feeling swept Liu Chong's whole body in an instant, but at that moment, his body also emitted an extremely strong feeling!

The raven pot!

Liu Chong's eyes couldn't help but be overjoyed. He forgot that the crow pot has the power to carry all the flames in the world!

The dragon fire trial is just a pediatrician for him!

But the next moment, he made a big mistake!

Because a long purple lightning whip whipped him fiercely, his sea of knowledge shook at that moment!

The pain of whipping the soul!

And the feeling of flame was only absorbed a little on his body, and the rest of the feeling was still burning Liu Chong crazily!

"Don't think that you can survive the dragon fire trial if you have a crow pot. Although the flame in it has a large number of spirits from fire, it is useless in your body without the jay pot driven by Xianyuan!"

The cold words of the dragon head came from all directions, and then he ignored the roar of Liu Zhisheng and disappeared without a trace!

It seems that there has never really appeared, let Liu Chong endure the dragon fire test here alone!


The first day.

In the whole sea of fire, Liu Chong kept roaring, and his voice did not stop the trend at all!

The next day.

Liu Chong's voice stopped, but his eyes were wide open, and he glanced around tirelessly!

The third day.

The fourth day.

The fifth day!!

Five days!!

On the fifth day, the figure of the dragon head appeared. He looked at Liu Chong coldly, and Liu Chong also looked at him coldly.

However, Liu Chong's face was pale, trembling helplessly, and his body seemed to be extremely weak!

"If you really can't, you can still go back. An answer is not worth your hard work!"

The words of the leader made Liu Chong laugh at that moment, and his smile was a trace of madness, ridicule and self-deprecating.

"Do you have any real persistence in what's going on? If there is, you should know how I am at this moment... If not, I think you can go..."

Liu Chong's words made the dragon's eyebrows frown.

"I'm stubborn!"

After coldly dropping four words, the figure of the leader immediately disappeared into the sea of fire!

Liu Chong looked at it and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

The sixth day!!!

The whole prison began to talk about this matter. They thought that Liu Chong would be brought out on the third day, but they were all wrong.

And Brother Hu and others knew the perseverance of Liu Chong and bet that it was five days!

But five days have passed, and Liu Chong hasn't come out yet!

This time they are all dumbfounded!

People big and small in the Dragon Fire Trial know, and the people who go in are also seven or eight. Those who insist on three days can be the big brother, four days are worshipped, five days are top, and six days are the bosses of a region!

And the rumored eight-day person was taken out here directly. It is rumored that he became the bodyguard here or something, but there is no way to know!

And Liu Chong persisted until the sixth day, and at this moment, the whole B area really began to boil.

Because there is a great person here!