Great Extinction

Chapter 74 Meet

Chapter 74 Meet

"I'm a nightmare, and I'm the strongest in dreams!"

The nightmare suddenly made a huge roar, and the power of the huge blue ice dragon instantly strengthened and squeezed towards the phoenix. It turned out that the balanced power of the two sides was occupied by the ice dragon at this moment!

Liu Chong stepped on the golden phoenix, and the hot sword in his hand resisted the turbidity of the cold ice, and looked at the crazy appearance of the nightmare coldly on his face!

At the moment when the nightmare showed its real face, Liu Chong was also surprised. He didn't expect that the nightmare would be his own appearance. In that case, if he failed, the other party would very likely occupy his body!

These are some of the words that Fu Yiling kicked in a conversation with Fu Yiling.

"Do you know that people's biggest enemy is actually themselves? If a person kills too much and may have a lot of things on his mind, he will be able to dream while sleeping, and there will be a nightmare in his dream. This nightmare may be able to relieve the heart demon, but the heart demon will only appear when practicing, and This nightmare will appear when you are sleeping!"

Fu Yiling's words made Liu Chong not listen too carefully at that time, but she spoke and he watched.

"The ability of nightmares in dreams is very strong, which depends on the strength of the person who dreams. Of course, as the master of dreams, nightmares can do anything in dreams at will. If you encounter your own nightmares while dreaming, you really have to be careful, which is more horrible than nightmares. ne!"

Fu Yiling made a scary move to entertain himself, because Liu Chong at that time seemed to be a wood listening to him.

Now thinking of Fu Yiling's action at that time, Liu Chong couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth.

Fing Yiling, who is as beautiful as a fairy, will also have such a naughty side. Maybe there are really not many people who can see it!

"If the nightmare defeats the dreamer in the dream, if the latter can't wake up in time, it will always exist in the dream, and the body will be dominated by the nightmare. Of course, this is a taboo for you practitioners. For us ordinary people, it may only be a serious illness!"

Fu Yiling's words made Liu Chong look solemnly at the nightmare in the distance, and the crazy body of the nightmare made Liu Chong show a trace of fear!

If he is defeated by the nightmare, he will be trapped here all his life and can't get out at all!

He can't lose!

The power of the crow pot came out unstoppably, and at that moment, the golden phoenix made a cry through the world!

Phoenix and Ice Dragon collided together at a time!


Outside the Senluo Hall, the two people who observed Liu Chong's physical changes kept writing something on a pamphlet.

"The seventh day of the Yellow Mirror Journey, there is no difference as usual. Fifteen days have passed since the beginning of the first time, and the record has been completed."

One of the people in black robe said with words, while the other man in black robe stretched out.

"It's actually back to such a leisure moment, recording this matter all day long, which is many times better than their fighting and killing outside. Although it's boring, it's safe!"

The words of the man in black made the man in black frown.

seems to be very unpleasant.

"You were bored at that time. I was doing everything by myself. Come on, you record it, and I'll go to the leisure meeting!"

"Oh, we've been together for so long. Who are you and whom? Yours is mine, and mine is still yours!"

When the two were talking leisurely, a slight fairy fluctuation suddenly came out, which immediately changed their faces!

"The seventh day of Huangjing, suddenly there was a fluctuation of Xianyuan, fluctuation intensity, three levels!"

"The immortal is level 4, the golden immortal is level 5, the true immortal is level 6, Taiyi level major alarm, and the last level has not been recorded!"

"Nonsense, you're stupid. This is the fluctuation broadcast outside. It's completely expanded ten times a hundred times in the illusion array, okay?"

The man in black robe recorded whitened the calculating man and said in a low voice.

His words show that there is a real fight inside!

And the battle must be very tragic, otherwise, it would not have been like this!

"Would you like us to weaken the power of the illusion array a little or make him comfortable?"

" not good, it means that we... did not report the actual situation of the standard..."

"Your head is so funny. Think about it, we have done so many times before... we have passed. What's the difference in doing this time!"

"But this time it's the leader... I can't make the decision on this matter. Previously, because there were many experiments, we dared to do that, but this time it's different. It's a good seedling and must be treated strictly!"

"Strict treatment is dead..."

The two suddenly quarreled, and just as they quarreled, the light of the crystal suddenly lit up!

This level of light not only opened their mouths, but also made their mouths completely fit into a big apple!

Because the representative of this light means that the opening degree of the illusion array has reached the strongest!

There is a standard strength in the Senluo illusion array. If the ability of the magician is too strong in the illusion array, the Senluo illusion array will automatically enhance the power of the illusion array, and each enhancement will have a terrible existence!

Liu Chong actually let Senluo's fantasy automatically strengthen it. What happened to him?

They really don't know this. They can only beg silently. Don't have an accident, don't have an accident!

If something happens again, the two of them really can't keep their heads this time. They will directly fall to the ground and the bodies!

And the Lord must kill them, and the leader should speak for them. If they dare to make mistakes, they will definitely die!

The two immediately prayed, and there was a burst of trembling in their hearts!


The road outside the central area.

Wang Zhen hired a luxurious and comfortable carriage and embarked on the road to the central area with Fu Yiling.

They have been walking for more than ten days. If they say that according to the speed of Wang Zhen's flight, they may have arrived there, but his heart has always been uneasy, because he can use slow behavior to make Fu Yiling recover!

And if he rushed there, after all, with Fu Yiling, the other party's body could not stand it, so he gave up this plan!

After coming out of the demon realm, he went to the secret point of contact to see what happened to the family and whether there was anything related to him.

Sure enough, after Wang Zhen left, Huanyu City and Fusheng City** nakedly dispatched a large number of people and horses to look for his traces. They turned upside down in his family and found no trace of him. Fortunately, they were not doing anything explicit and left like this.

In contrast, the family on the other side of Yuntu has been seriously warned!

The days of Yuntu's rise to power were dragged down, because as long as he came to power, he would be under greater pressure. Everyone in his family wanted him to go out to practice, but Yuntu did not leave. He knew that if he left, the family's internal struggle would really start.

Now that he is there, his relatives and friends have no real reason to take action, and they have not reached the point of tearing their faces!

Wang Zhen is a little sorry for this. Although he knows that Yuntu will not regret knowing Liu Chong, the price is a little too high.

And although he seems to be out of the matter now, he is actually still on this boat in the eyes of outsiders!

There is also a message that Duan Xiuzhe, the eldest daughter of the Duan family, is chasing him along the road he has walked!

He didn't know how the other party knew that he had been to Jinghongzhai, but it must have something to do with Yuntu, because smart people knew that after the war, only he had a conversation with Yuntu and Liu Chong.

Duan Xiuzhe, the eldest lady of the family, is famous for her temper. If she can't get the answer she wants, she will definitely look for Yuntu from time to time. Yuntu should have been seen that he has been gone for so long and should be fine, so he told the other party.

Wang Zhen didn't say anything about this. After all, if the other party wants to keep up with him, he can stop her in the demon realm for a period of time!

After all, his time in the demon realm is not three or five days!


Even if Wang Zhen and Fu Yiling drove in the slowest direction, it took them nearly a month to reach the place where the dividing line of the central region was.

Here, there is a stone monument that is obviously forbidden to enter!

"Be careful. At the edge here is the periphery of the central area. There are many dark whistles nearby. If we want to enter, we must get consent."

Fu Yiling's words made Wang Zhen slightly stunned. Although he noticed that there was something wrong, the so-called secret whistle could not see the other party's hiding place!

Fu Yiling wanted to come out at this time. Wang Zhen looked at it and immediately helped him get out of the carriage and sat on the pre-prepared wheelchair.

Wang Zhen pushed Fu Yiling to the edge, and then Fu Yiling took out the crystal sign!

The crystal brand was particularly dazzling in the sun, and at that moment, Fu Yiling immediately pinched the brand in half.

Wang Zhen was slightly shocked by such fingering, but Fu Yiling shook his head with a smile.

"The brand itself is not a hard object. It's just your illusion. It's made of some flowers and plants. The appearance is changed after a long time of placement, and it is also very heavy to start, but as long as you use a little force, the hollow in the middle will gently separate the whole brand!"

Fu Yiling's words made Wang Zhen hear a little. What he knew was rare in Fu Yiling's eyes. After all, he had seen Fu Yiling's erudite.

And after the brand was crushed, a refreshing fragrance immediately floated upwards!


The old man lying leisurely in the Wangyue Pavilion hummed and closed his eyes comfortably to refresh his mind.

Suddenly, he seemed to smell something, and his face immediately looked surprised, and then his figure immediately disappeared in place the next moment!

Fu Yiling and Wang Zhen waited quietly on the edge, and no one appeared in front of them, as if everything in front of them was calm.

But if they dare to step in, the blows they face are crazy!

They waited quietly, and soon, in front of them, an old man suddenly appeared there!

"Hahaha... little girl, you are finally willing to come to me!"

A heroic voice came out, and Wang Zhen looked over with some excitement. Because he was famous all over the world and knew everything, he was finally going to see it today!

"Grandpa, who is all-it-it-one, come and sound."

Fu Yiling said with a smile, and the soft voice made the old man touch his beard with a proud look.

"I've been sure. You will come to come to me. Now that you're here, come in and sit down. You guys, you guys, stand aside for me. I want to receive guests. If you have any comments, you can complain casually. Let the feminine ghosts and rigid ghosts find my old man's trouble at will. I't be afraid of them!"

The old man's airy appearance made Fu Yiling smile slightly, and Wang Zhen was a little stunned.

He didn't expect that the old man who could make the whole famine crazy would be like this, and there was a hint of old urchin in it.

The next moment, he pushed Fu Yiling in. At the moment he walked in, he immediately noticed that dozens of divine spirits suddenly swept towards him!


The old man suddenly snorted, and the next moment, a violent wind suddenly set off around him!


Very powerful aura!

What a strong strength!

Wang Zhen's mind was shocked. He didn't expect that the old man had such a strong strength!

Wang Zhen seems to feel that he is stronger than the emperor's world!!

But he didn't want to think much about it. The next moment, his figure appeared in a pavilion!

The art of great movement!

Wang Zhen was really admired, but before he showed his admiration, he was exposed by the old man.

"How about it, little girl, what time do you ask me?"

The old man looked at Fu Yiling in front of him with a smile, while Fu Yiling shook his head slightly.

"You always know it clearly. Why do you have to say it?"

"That's different, you know, every time I know what people want me to do, but I just let them say that this feeling is very refreshing, and now, especially you, I lost once in your hands!"

The old man's words made Wang Zhen look at Fu Yiling with some unbelievable eyes at that moment, and Fu Yiling actually won everything once!

Breaking news!

"Hey boy, don't say this, or I will turn out all your family background and show the world and let you try all my torturing means!"

The old man's words made Wang Zhen nod his head without hesitation, turned his head to change, and then stood far away, with a unwillingness to be mixed in it.

The old man nodded with satisfaction and looked at Fu Yiling with a smile.

"You always want to hear it, that little woman won't beat around the bush. I want to know the whereabouts of Liu Chong. Please be old."

"Oh, although it's really cool to say this thing from your mouth, it's that boy's thing, which really makes me feel boring. You know, I don't like to hear one thing for the second time. Someone has come for him once, and you're here again, boring, boring!"

After saying that, the old man twisted his body angrily, but Fu Yiling's eyes showed a trace of surprise.

"Who else is coming..."

"Of course, it's the guy who claims to be selfless and merciless in the prison. He is secretly scolded to death by countless people behind his back, and dares to argue with his boss, with a single head..."

The old man muttered a lot, but Fu Yiling still listened to all the content. After listening, Fu Yiling finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The exquisite heart of seven orifices has been successfully sent to Liu Chong's body, but she is worried about it.

"When I saw your expression, I knew you liked that boy, didn't you..."


Fu Yiling lowered her head slightly red, and her words made the old man unhappy for a while.

"Grandpa Wan..."

Fu Yiling said helplessly that at this time, the old man's face eased a little.

"As long as I don't mention that boy, I will promise you all the rest!"

Grandpa Wan called the old man a comfortable voice, looked at Fu Yiling with a smile, and said hehe.

"Well, I want to know who killed my family!"

Suddenly, Fu Yiling looked at the old man with a serious look. At the moment when the words fell, the all-it-all frowned slightly.

Then he sighed and patted his brain helplessly.

"I was really tricked by you, a little girl again. You showed that you were worried about that boy, but in fact, it was to set me up. Now it's okay. I said something wrong, but I successfully transferred you to another thing that annoys me. Linger, hatred can blind a person's eyes!"

At the end, the old man looked at Fu Yiling painstakingly and said, and his words made Fu Yiling's body tremble gently.

"I know, but there are some things that will eventually be faced, my enemy, my enemy, if this matter is not solved, I will swear!"

Fu Yiling's words said that at the end, the old man's face changed slightly and he waved his hand in a hurry!

"If you can't do it, your brother will also hope you can live happily in heaven. If you do this, I really dare not help you!"

The old man looked at Fu Yiling seriously, and Fu Yiling seemed to notice his gaffe, rubbed his eyes, lowered his head, and dared not look at the old man.