Great Extinction

Chapter 80 The Secret

Chapter 80 The Secret

In this white light, the three of them saw a strong breath!

Self-created magic power!

The word appeared in their minds, and the shock was really bigger and bigger!

Liu Chong actually created his own magic power. For them, Liu Chong's strength and status are constantly soaring!

Because you can create your own magical power, your understanding of something is quite thorough!

And Liu Chong still understands eternity!

The white light did not last for a long time. At the moment the breath just emitted, it was restrained by Liu Chong, and his face also had a trace of hard work.

After all, there is always a lot of pressure for this release!

The result released also made him very satisfied!

The expressions of the three people in front of him made Liu Chong have a panoramic view!

"Brother Liu Chong... You are awesome."

Bai Mu said first, showing a respectful look at Liu Chong, and Liu Chong smiled slightly.

"I have nothing to say, I admire it!"

Xie Ying also took a long breath and said in a low voice.

As for the faucet, he didn't say a word.

There is no discomfort for Liu Chong. In this world, the strong need to be respected.

"Brother Liu Chong can get such a fortune in all things, which is really a blessing in life. I should congratulate you!"

The words with white eyes made Liu Chong just look at him quietly, because he said so, and there must be something to say next.

"We tested the illusion array, and I think Brother Liu Chong also knew that the reason why we did this was to seal something!"

Baimu's words turned around and looked at Liu Chong with a serious face. His words made Liu Chong show a trace of doubt.

He really doesn't know about this.

When he first arrived in prison, it was a hundred years ago. At that time, there was no leakage of this incident. It should have happened within a hundred years.

I didn't tell him before, maybe he forgot this little thing.

"It seems to be a big thing that can make several people work hard."

Liu Chong's words made Xie Ying smile bitterly.

"It's not just a big thing, it's just an unreasonable madman!"

Xie Ying shook her head and said with a wry smile, and his words made Liu Chong frown slightly.

"The test is to trap him for a while, let him calm down and listen to us a few words, otherwise he would not be so anxious to study this thing. This time, it all depends on Brother Liu Chong to do it. Thank you very much!"

Bai Mu's words made Liu Chong slightly surprised. He didn't expect that such a huge illusion could only control this person for a while!

Or to talk to each other!

The strength of this person seems to be unimaginable!

"That's awesome!"

Liu Chong muttered to himself that his face showed a trace of meditation, and his white eyes immediately understood.

"I won't force Brother Liu Chong about this matter. I'm naturally very happy that Brother Liu is willing to help. If I don't want to, I won't force it. After all, one more friend is better than one more enemy!"

Bai Mu's words made Xie Ying and Longtou look at him with a trace of surprise. They seemed to have heard the wrong words, and Bai Mu actually chose to be friends with Liu Chong!

White eyes have always been arrogant. He seems to have a gentle appearance, but in fact, he hides a more fanatical heart than anyone else. He yearns for the strong and those who are friendly with him, because in his eyes, only the real strong deserves to stand with him!

Xie Ying is Bai Mu's childhood friend. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the relationship, and Bai Mu met during a trip. He appreciated the courage and unyielding will of the dragon. At this point, he saved the faucet and brought back the central area!

The all-it-you-can-man stay is completely voluntary. Although he doesn't say anything, he still has a trace of appreciation for Bai Mu, although the reason why he left is for the seal under their feet!

But after so many years of getting along with each other and being so harmonious, you can also see the clues.

And Liu Chong unexpectedly became the first person invited by Bai Mu. At this point, they seemed to see the sun coming out from the west.

Liu Chong nodded with a smile and agreed with his statement very much. After all, Fu Yiling was still here, and he didn't want to set up an enemy here.

"I will help. As a friend, I don't do anything to humiliate friends, but before that, I want to go out if I have time. I don't know if it's okay?"

Liu Chong's words seem to be said to Bai Mu, but in fact, more eyes are looking at the dragon head!

Because for Liu Chong, although he sometimes pays great attention to righteousness, sometimes he is too rigid!

The rigid level is not a little bit, but the degree of rigidness is quite terrible.

Bai Mu nodded and agreed. Naturally, Xie Ying did not have any opinion, while the dragon head went out directly. Liu Chong saw it in his eyes, waved his hand to the two, and went out with the dragon head.

"Where are you going?"

"Where are you going?"

After the two walked to the door, they looked at each other and said, Liu Chong's question made the leader's eyebrows frown slightly.

"You want to get the idea of the spirit of fire!"

"How did you guess it?"

Liu Chong asked curiously, and his words made the dragon head look at him coldly.

"For the sake of breaking through everything, you can go to the dragon fire trial, but how much you can take depends on your ability. There, there is not just a thing from the spirit of fire!"

The words of the dragon's head went away with a trace of mystery, and Liu Chong looked at his figure, revealing a trace of doubt.

"Is it more than just the spirit of fire?"

Liu Chong muttered to himself.

Then he looked at the sky outside and unconsciously reached the end of the sunset. He suddenly thought that there was a group of people waiting for him in a dense forest.

The taste of home.

When Liu Chong thought of this, he smiled, and then his figure quickly appeared in place and came to the peak of Wangyue Pavilion!


After a burst of wine and food, everything burped. This kind of life is completely immortally free. There is no need to think about anything. The life served by someone really makes him happy.

Seeing Pepsi and Wang Zhen busy washing dishes, Fu Yiling's desire to clean up the table was stopped by Wanshitong.

When Liu Chong wanted to clean up the table, he was directly pulled aside by everything.

"One washes the dishes, the other cleans the table, speed!"

The words of Wanshitong made Wang Zhen and Pepsi look at each other with a bitter smile, but they acted quickly, and Fu Yiling was sent to the room by Liu Chong and came to Wanshitong.

"You should want to go out right away, right?"

Everything turned his back to Liu Chong and suddenly said such a sentence.

Liu Chong was stunned for a moment, but nodded without a veto.

"Yes, there are some things I want to go out to solve, and by the way, I will look for... local books."

Liu Chong's last two words made the well-it-known body tremble. Then he turned around silently and looked at Liu Chong.

"The earth's fetal membrane is unbreakable under the saints, and it is difficult for the god to have any effect on the earth's fetal membrane, but here, our power is suppressed invisibly. Daluo Jinxian is our top, and the earth's fetal membrane is actually useless to look for!"

The all-it-one words made Liu Chong nodded slightly. When he was promoted to Daluo Jinxian, he felt the same situation as the original Tianxian, but there was a strong premonition.

"There are other places besides the flood."

Suddenly, Liu Chong's words changed the face of the all-it-it-one, but he then sighed and shook his head.

"If you said this in the past, I would have killed you without hesitation, but now your strength is comparable to mine, and you have a spiritual relationship, so I can't do it. You're right. Outside the flood, there is indeed a cave!"

The words of all things said in a low voice with a trace of solemnity and fear.

He did not show his yearning, because the world was not interested in him at all!

"Actually, I lived in the wilderness before the end of the world. After the end of the world, I survived!"

Wanshitong suddenly burst out a shocking word to Liu Chong, which made Liu Chong also stunned on the spot!

A shocked face!

"I was lucky enough to get the book. At that time, the whole flood and famine suffered the most terrible attack in ten thousand years. A bunch of inexplicable creatures came to this continent. Natural disasters, real natural disasters, were bombarded by nine days of mysterious thunder everywhere in the sky, and those who were less powerful than Taiyi were killed to death by a thunder!"

"At that moment, all my teachers disappeared into a virtual shadow. Because I broke through to Taiyi at the critical moment, hid 10,000 meters underground, and survived with secret treasures, but at the moment I came out, the whole flood was already in a mess and blood flowed into a river!"

"Damn it, most of them are dead, and most of them can't live without death. There is no extra living mouth at all. I am the only one. That's what I thought at the beginning, and the human book was also found in a corpse. After getting him, it made me who I am today!"

Everything whispered with bitter words that he was explaining to Liu Chong something he had never heard and didn't know!

"Then I began to practice crazily in order to save my life, and it took me hundreds of years to achieve what it is now. When I got out of the customs again, there were signs of new life, and the appearance of this sign made me very shocked, because at that time, the latest group was already gone. Exterminated witches!"

"When I was shocked by the appearance of the witch clan, there were also great doubts. Then the slow demon clan also appeared, and it was the human race that finally revived!"

"When all three clans appeared, there was no war, and they struggled to survive in this harsh environment, and I was looking for clues about this destruction. When I was looking for clues, I found a secret that surprised me."

"That is, the people in the flood have not died!"

When everything said this, he also took a deep breath and calmed down his mood!

"They used their magical power to break the space of the flood, opened up a passage, and fled to the place where the saints and the masters lived, outside the sky!"

When everything said the last three words, Liu Chong's pupils suddenly shrank!

It turns out that there is really another world!

Liu Chong's mind exploded, and everything was undoubtedly telling him a shocking secret!

"And the thing we seal under our feet is actually not a thing, but a person. This person has the key to the sky. The reason why we sealed him is to open up the road to the sky and let us in!"

After saying everything, he took a long breath, as if he was more relieved. Because of this secret for nearly a thousand years, he finally said it today, and his heart was much more comfortable!

"Is there anything uncomfortable in the sky?"

Suddenly, Liu Chong said in a low voice. As soon as his words were said, he nodded without hesitation.

"There are thirty-three heavens, and after thirty-three, it is the saint's residence, the Yuanshi Tianzun, the moral Tianzun, and the Lingbao Tianzun. The three supreme saints live in the last few heavens, which is said to be thirty-three days, which is more like thirty-six geniuses!"

"The sky is divided into six realms, six days in the desire world, 18 days in the color world, four days in the colorless world, the four worlds of Brahma, the three clear heavens in the five worlds, and the last world!"

"The front has been occupied by the stowaways in the flood, but only Sanqingtian and Daluotian have not been occupied. The disputes in it are much more fierce than those in the flood, and they kill each other and do not pursue the truth and origin of the matter at all. This is deeply disgusted by me. Although the power is suppressed, I I'd rather stay in the wilderness than go there!"

The well-known words made Liu Chong know a lot. Only now did he understand that there are still so many things hidden in it!

"That's why I stayed and promised to seal the person below with them, because we once knew each other and had a friendship. If it hadn't been forced, I wouldn't have taken action, so this time I want to really talk to him instead of fighting."

The well-instant words made Liu Chong understand in an instant, and he nodded heavily.

"Well, I've told you everything. If you want to go out, I won't stop you. If you want to go out, don't take Linger out. Take Pepsi and Wang Zhen out. After all, Linger is still very safe with me, but you must give me a good explanation before you leave. You can't hurt this girl. Heart!"

The last instruction of Wanshitong made Liu Chong smile bitterly. Then he watched Wanshitong shake his head and walk away, and his eyes also looked into the exquisite small house.

His eyes showed a trace of tenderness.

When Liu Chong walked into the house, Fu Yiling looked at him quietly, and then she made a silent move.

"Don't say anything, stay with me all night, okay?"

Fu Yiling's words softened Liu Chong's heart, and then he quietly walked over and leaned Fu Yiling's head on his shoulder.

"You are my dearest person, and I don't want to lose you..."

Fu Yiling muttered to herself in a low voice, and her words made Liu Chong close his eyes slightly.

"Let's get married."

Liu Chong suddenly said these five words, which made Fu Yiling's body tremble.

"I don't want my life to lack such regrets. I don't want to really miss you. I didn't understand before, but when I had it, I understood."

Liu Chong looked at Fu Yiling, who trembled slightly in his arms, and pointed to his heart.

When he regained his life, a strong feeling hit his whole body. He suddenly looked back and found that Yueying was not the only one beside him.

There is also a woman following her silently along the way, without any complaints, but understanding and tolerance.

Liu Chong gently put Fu Yiling in a soft**. At that moment, Fu Yiling closed his eyes with a slightly red face. At the moment when all their clothes were about to be taken off, the light in the room was blown out by a breeze.

The night outside the house is always quiet.

And an old man looked at the house, shook his head slightly, and laughed softly.

"It seems that I have a grandson to hold, whether it is a grandson or a granddaughter. This is a question, but I think it should be a grandson..."

The old man muttered to himself for a while, and his voice became smaller and farther in the dense forest.


The morning after ten days.

Liu Chong came out of the prison. His whole body was full of embarrassment, and his clothes were full of burn marks. He looked at the dragon head behind him with a wry smile. At this moment, he understood why the dragon head said that there was not only the spirit of fire!

Under the sea of fire and electric current, when Liu Chong wanted to absorb the essence of fire, at that moment, he found that a huge trouble had been hidden here, and he had never really found it!

That thing is a huge fire dragon!

Dragon fire trial, dragon fire trial, I didn't expect that there was a huge fire dragon!

When Liu Chong absorbed the spirit of fire, the fire dragon was awakened. He suddenly rolled out of the sea of fire, opened a huge blood basin, and bit Liu Chong!

If Liu Chong hadn't avoided in time, it would have become his stomach food!