Great Extinction

Chapter 150 Crazy Venting

Chapter 150 Crazy Venting

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

Liu Chong gritted his teeth and said in a low voice. His words changed the face of Muhammad in the distance and shook his head.

Their throats were controlled by the other party and couldn't say a word, but Muhammad didn't want Liu Chong to be taken away by the other party.

The reason for the current situation is that Liu Chong saved the three children.

"Don't play tricks with us. Lock this thing on your limbs and let us see it clearly!"

Wang Yiling's words shouted out loudly, and then he threw over a pair of torture tools. Liu Chong saw it and picked it up without hesitation.

"There is a prohibition in it, which should be something that can seal Xianyuan. Liu Chong, you should think clearly and take them with you, and you will be sincerely slaughtered by others!"

Kunpeng's reminder came out, and he could see that this thing was strange.

"I have no other opinion. I will take one step at a time. Sooner or later, I will leave here, but I didn't expect to leave like this!"

Liu said in a low voice, but the next moment he locked his feet, he didn't continue.

"Ren free!"

"You are stupid, keep locking!"

"If you don't lock it, I will kill half of the people in front of you!"

Wang Yiling and Tian's madman's words suddenly shouted out, and Liu Chong looked at them coldly and clenched his fist.

"I'm half locked. You have to let half of the people go now. If you dare to kill them, believe me, I will let you know what life is."

At the moment when Liu Chong's words were spoken, Wang Yiling's face changed slightly. He took a look at Tian Madman and others, and then waved his hand.

Muhamma and Musa were immediately pushed out, plus Hu Laoshi.

The three of them were pushed out and immediately ran in the direction of Liu Chong. Liu Chong looked at Muhammad and nodded slightly.

"You really want to go with them!"

"I have no choice!"

"If you take it with you, you really have no choice!"

Muhamma's face was full of anxiety, but Liu Chong smiled slightly and shook his head.

"The rest needs to be done by yourself. It has been designed and can be built according to the appearance on it. In this way, spending more time can also reassure everyone."

Liu Chong's words made Muhammad clenched his fist. At that moment, the upright man's eyes turned slightly red. Then he turned his back to Liu Chong and walked silently to the side.

He knows that he can no longer help here.

Mukasa also clenched his fist and was deeply unwilling, but he didn't want to be Liu Chong's burden, but Hu Laoshi walked away.

Liu Chong looked at Wang Yiling and others coldly and put the stone handcuffs on his hands!

At that moment, the whole stone cuffs flashed a black and purple light, which suddenly contracted and was firmly locked on Liu Chong's hands.

The same is true of the chain below, clinging to Liu Chong's body, making Liu Chong's eyebrows wrinkle in that one.

"Can you seal him?"

"According to the principle, anyone who is better than him can be sealed. Why can't he do it, Lao San, go and try it!"

Wang Yiling immediately commanded Tian madman to go up, but Tian madman was not moved at all.

"Lao Du, you go!"

Madman Tian immediately called the last shorter man and said that the man did not understand him at all, but looked at Wang Yiling.

"Look at what I'm doing, you can't let me go!"

"A bunch of scum! I'll come!"

Just as Wang Yiling opened his mouth, he finally couldn't help saying that he was the boss of the four. Of course, he had to make a statement.

He walked slowly. When he came to Liu Chong, an iron rod full of runes suddenly appeared in his hand and hit him with a stick!

At that moment, Liu Chong wanted to avoid, but his reaction seemed to be very slow. A stick hit him hard on the chest, making him take a few steps on his thighs, kneeling on the ground and gasping!

"I'll try it too!"

Seeing Ni Fanjun's successful attack, Wang Yiling couldn't help but let the three hostages in front of him immediately kick away and rush up with the guy in his hand!

Sure enough, Liu Chong was passively beaten, and his speed was far less than Wang Yi's leadership!

In this way, after a short moment, he was lying there with bruises all over his body, and a big mouth of blood sprayed out of his mouth.


These are the two words Liu Chong shouted at the end, but Wang Yiling looked at him and laughed. He looked at Liu Chong with a ferocious smile and wiped his foot on his chest!

"If you let me release it, I'll let it go. I'll tell you clearly that I'm in a bad mood. Now I'm going to destroy the whole town. Do you think I dare!"

"That's right, this group of mortals live here that makes us run here without much and destroy it, so as not to come again in the future!"

"Kill it all, don't leave one!"

"Catch it, in front of him, one by one!"

The words of each of the four made Liu Chong clenched his fists. He stared at the four laughing people in front of him. His angry look made Wang Yi lead squat down and look at him, and then spit on his face!

"Bah, aren't you awesome? Why aren't you so awesome? You look very unhappy, right? Keep fighting!"

"Well, beat him half to death. Don't kill him. It is said that the one who catches alive will be rewarded, and the dead will not be so valuable!"


"Fight to the disabled!"

The four people scolded and scolded, but at that moment, the three villagers in the distance looked at me, I looked at you, and wanted to escape, but they couldn't move.

They looked at Liu Chong, who was beaten, and their eyes were full of deep intolerance. If it weren't for them, it might not have been this ending.

At this time, Muhammad and the others immediately ran over secretly. They raised the sharp spiritual treasure in their hands and cut off the chain that bound the villagers. After cutting, they immediately fled with the villagers!

"Second brother, they ran away!"

Tian madman's words shouted at this time, and his words filled Wang Yiling's eyes with deep disdain.

"Run, where can you go? Fix this guy first and deal with them!"

Wang Yi said disdainfully, and then several people beat Liu Chong again, but as they fought, they felt something was wrong.

Because Liu Chong covered his head and let them fight motionless, without making a sound!

The next moment, when Wang Yiling kicked Liu Chong's body over, Liu Chong's figure suddenly disappeared in place!

The next moment, the faces of the four of them immediately changed greatly!

But when their faces changed greatly, they just wanted to escape in all directions, and the scenery in front of them suddenly changed in an instant!

In a white world!

They looked at the world in front of them in panic, and then looked at Liu Chong wary.

But a large yellow river suddenly appeared under their feet, and their bodies screamed at the moment they touched the river!


Then they rushed into the air and looked at the yellow spring sea formed below, with deep horror in their eyes.

And in the sea of Huangquan, Liu Chong's figure slowly emerged there. He was still embarrassed and looked at the group of people in front of him with scars, but his injury kept recovering at a speed that was already visible to the naked eye.

"If you can't answer one of the three questions, I will make you live worse than death!"

Liu Chong's voice resounded in all directions. His cold eyes injected four people, but the four attacked him without hesitation.

Four powerful forces broke out at that moment, but when all the attacks fell in front of Liu Chong, all of them sank into the sea.

In his field, unless he is willing, you can't touch Liu Chong!

"The first question, how did you know my name and why did you know that I would be here!"

After Liu Chong's cold words were said, Wang Yiling immediately shouted out above him!

"I advise you to let us out quickly, otherwise, the 28th Heaven will not let you go. If we die, we will definitely know that at that time, he can find the location of our soul card, and all the people here will eventually die because of you!"

Wang Yiling's words made Liu Chong frown slightly, but then he laughed.

"You are right and can also say that the people here, I really don't want them to die, but I didn't say that I would kill you here. I will hang your bodies on your territory at the door of your 28 heavens. I don't know, you think so. What do you suggest?"

Liu Chong's words were like a demon. His words made Wang Yiling immediately close his mouth, but Liu Chong's face became very cold after smiling.

"Answer my question!"

"You won't know until you die!"

"Then you will die."

Liu Chong looked at Lao Du, and then the next moment, he instantly raised his right hand, pointed to his body, and suddenly put down his right hand fiercely!

His figure was pulled down by a strong force the next moment, and his body fell directly into the Yellow Spring Sea!

At that moment, his body was constantly corroded, and his miserable roar made his scalp numb and creepy!

In a blink of an eye, Liu Chong raised his body into the air. His lower body had exposed Sen Sen's white bones, but Liu Chong did not let him die. He just fell into a severe coma and was on the verge of death.

"This is the first end. I will torture him to death and kill him!"

Liu Chong's words are not like words at all, because he has already begun to do it.

Looking at the miserable appearance below Lao Du and exuding a pungent smell permeated this world, Wang Yiling's face was deeply ugly.

"That's the same sentence, the first question!"

"Tell him."

"You will die even if you say it!"

"If you don't say we will die now!"

The three had some internal fights, and then after they discussed it, the crazy voice of Tian shouted out loud.

"Let's say it, you're going to let us go!"

"This depends on your sincerity and your current bargaining!"

Liu Chong's voice silenced Tian madman, and then Wang Yiling took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"This matter has to start some time ago. Not long ago, because you hit the gatekeeper of this class, you issued a pursuit order, and it is bound to chase you. No matter life or death, you have to pay the due price in the four heavens of this colorless world. The same is true for our 28 heavens. Your breath still The portraits have been sealed in Yujian, and a large number of them have been sent down, so basically the people in the four heavens will know you!"

Wang Yiling's words made Liu Chong's eyebrows deeply frown, and his words made Liu Chong really understand the seriousness of the matter.

I didn't expect to beat a big man. His * is so tough. In this case, he should have killed the other party as early as the beginning!

In this case, such a thing will happen anyway. If I had known it, I would have done it!

"The location here is remote. It took us some effort to get here. You know the rest!"

The madman Tian muttered that it was really unlucky for them to meet Liu Chongdang to grandma's house.

"The second question, what is the realm of the leader of the four heavens!"

After Liu Chong's words were said, the three of them looked bad for a while.

"Almost all of them are at the level of nine sections of the master, and there is a certain distance from the quasi-saint. This is also a folk rumor, and we don't know it clearly. After all, that's their business, and we have just arrived at the master."

It was Ni Fanjun who spoke. After his words were spoken, Liu Chong frowned slightly.

Master Ninth Section!

What kind of realm is that!

"What does nine paragraphs mean?"

"Is this the third question!"

Wang Yi said, but Liu looked at him again and realized that this was not the way.

"Nine-dan is the division of the level of the master. Because after reaching this level, it is difficult to improve the quasi-saint, but there are also three-six-nine levels among the masters, so a level has been divided. The strength of the nine-stage is probably very strong. We don't know what the specific level is!"

Wang Yiling shook his head and said, but Liu Chong was naturally not very satisfied with the result!

"What do you think of my strength?"

Liu Chong suddenly asked rhetorically and said, Wang Yiling looked into his eyes, and Hetian madman and Ni Fanjun looked at each other.

"The lowest... there are about six paragraphs."

"I think there are more than seven paragraphs, only more, not less!"

"I don't know, but it's true that you are very strong."

After the words of the three people were said, Liu Chong smiled, and the next moment, the Huangquan rain below suddenly disappeared.

At this time, they really breathed, and their scenery became the previous landscape. Liu Chong's figure was still in front of them, but after Liu Chong threw Lao Du to them, he asked them to get out.

The four people didn't say anything and left quickly. They left quickly and disappeared in place.

When they looked at the town behind them, they were relieved.

"Send a signal bomb and call someone to cut him out. Next time, I want him to know what the pain of soul pumping is!"

"Be sure to cut off his limbs and beat him to death!"

"Kight him (king) (eight) eggs!"

The three said fiercely, but the next moment, under them, a trace of a man immediately appeared, a person who was chopping wood!

"It doesn't seem to be from the town!"

"No matter whether he is or not, he seems to be a mortal!"

"Kill him!"

The three immediately rushed down and came to the firewood cutter. Wang Yiling immediately raised the big knife in his hand!

"If it's fault, don't blame you for being a mortal in your next life!"

"Cut off his left arm!"

"Removed his right leg!"

At the moment when the roar of the three people shouted, the figure of the woodcutter turned around slightly, and his face made the three people stunned at that moment!

Then it turned into panic!

Because the person standing in front of them turned out to be Liu Chong!

The next moment, the landscape in front of them changed again, and they stood on the previous position again!

It turns out that everything before is fake!

"You are stubborn, you asked for it!"

Liu Chong's eyes were full of murderous intent. At this moment, he would not give the other party a chance. He suddenly pulled the figure of Tian madman into the Huangquan Sea, making him bear the pain of burning soul and body without any pity!

And Ni Fanjun rushed to him with a roar, and Liu Chong looked at him and laughed coldly!

He didn't stop Ni Fanjun. Watching him rush, he also rushed up!

His speed was much faster than that of Ni Fanjun. The next moment, he rushed to Ni Fanjun's front and suddenly broke into his shoulder!

His speed was so fast that Ni Fanjun couldn't avoid it at all. The next moment, his right shoulder was abandoned by Liu Chong on the spot!

Next is the left shoulder, left leg and right leg!

Liu Chong looked at his ferocious face and suddenly kicked into the yellow spring sea below!

And the last one is Wang Yiling!

"You... damn it!"

The five words spit out by Liu Chong made Wang Yiling tremble all over at that moment, but Liu Chong rushed over without mercy!

His method of dealing with Wang Yiling is more terrible than the previous three!

He rushed to Wang Yiling and watched the other party rush. The next moment, he roughly grabbed the other party's left shoulder, tore it violently, and tore off his left arm!

Then the right shoulder!

Then he smashed Wang Yiling's knee fiercely, and he kept bombarding Wang Yiling's chest like a beast!

Liu Chong's eyes are full of unprecedented madness!

He vented on his actions!

"Liu Chong!!!"

Suddenly, a loud sound echoed in his mind at that moment, making him stunned on the spot!