Daming Haiku

Chapter 13 Desperate Situation

The waves rolled on the sea, and the two sailboats clung to each other. The waves kept slapping on the hulls of the two ships, making a crashing sound. The foam kept splashing from the intersection of the two ships, and the wooden ships collided with each other from time to time, making a creaky sound.

Over the two ships, there were all kinds of shouts, curses and screams, which were intertwined, and even the seagulls were so shocked that they flapped their wings and flew into the distance.

Liu Shipowner, Ma Biao, Yu Xiaotian and some boatmen blocked the ship's side. While struggling to stop the impact of the pirates, they tried to cut off the hook guns and rope hooks that hung on their side. They wanted to get rid of the pirate ships. In short, they fought hard for their survival.

But at this critical moment, on the pirate ship, a fire suddenly flashed, a mass of white smoke, and then a rattle sounded.

Liu Chuandong, who was slashing a hook gun with a knife, suddenly shook violently, stepped back a few steps, and the single knife in his hand fell to the deck with a bang.

Liu Chuandong tried his feet and looked down at his chest. There was a hole in his cyan cloth, and a black and red wet marks around him expanded rapidly. Suddenly, a stream of blood gushed out of his chest. He quickly covered his chest with his hand, but there was still a large stream of blood from him. It gushed out of my fingers, and I couldn't stop it.

Liu Chuandong's face suddenly turned pale. When he raised his head, his eyes also became a little confused. He opened his mouth, but his mouth immediately began to gushe blood, and only heard him mutter: "I'm down..."

Before the words fell, Liu Chuandong's knees were soft, and he knelt on the deck of the ship. His body slowly fell forward and fell on the board of the boat. A large cloud of blood spread quickly from under him. He only saw his legs begin to twitch, and soon he was completely silent.

Liu shipowner was suddenly shot and fell down, which stunned everyone on the ship. The boatmen turned their heads one after another to look at the body of Liu shipowner lying on the ship, and could not react for a moment.

Taking this opportunity, the pirates shouted and rushed over. A Ma Biao's men were caught off guard and fell into a pool of blood with a few knives and screaming.

The defense line, which had been struggling for a long time, was suddenly shot to death by Liu Chuandong, and was broken through by pirates. Pirates began to jump from the pirate ship to the ship and rushed to the boatmen on the ship with knives and axes.

I don't know which boatman suddenly dropped the short spear in his hand and cried loudly: "The owner is dead, don't kill it! Let's drop! Good man, spare your life!" After saying that, he knelt down on the board with a bang.

But Ma Biao's face looked pale at this time. As he continued to wave the single knife in his hand and fight with the pirates who rushed over, he roared hysterically: "You can't surrender, don't retreat! Kill it! Kill them! Now the thief can't forgive us! Let's fight! After fighting back the pirates, we divided our wealth and went home!"

The opinions on the Liu family's ship were immediately divided into two opinions. Some people saw that the shopkeeper Liu was dead and felt that it was meaningless to fight, so if they surrender now, they could still save their lives, so they wanted to abandon their weapons and surrender!

And some people think that Ma Biao is right and think it's too late to surrender now. Instead of being killed like a pirate, it's better to fight hard. If you can repel the pirates, it's luck. Even if you can't fight back the pirates, it's worth dying! So he followed Ma Biao to resist stubbornly.

The reason why Ma Biao refused to surrender is that Ma Biao and others, as escorts of the ship, did not tear their faces when they encountered this kind of thing! But since they have torn their faces, after the pirates forcibly seize the ship according to the rules, they will definitely retaliate against them, the escorts of the ship, and will definitely not leave their lives, so Ma Biao will fight desperately. In fact, it is also selfish!

But as usual, if the other boatman on the ship gives up resistance at this time and is lucky, the general pirates may leave their lives, so there is nothing wrong with those boatman who want to surrender!

As a result, there were fewer of them, but now there are differences of opinions. As soon as several boatmen who wanted to save their lives retreated, the resistance of the pirates was greatly reduced, that is, after a short time, the pirates began to jump on the boat of the Liu family one after another.

Yu Xiaotian didn't know so many inside information, but with his temper, he still thought it was safer to protect himself with a weapon, so he did not dare to drop his weapon easily at this time. He waved the harpoon in his hand and forced two or three people back, but his resistance was limited to this. As more pirates jumped to help After coming, Ma Biao and the remaining three escorts were immediately submerged by pirates. Yu Xiaotian was quick-sighted. After forcing back three pirates who wanted to surround him in a row, he couldn't hold on, so he had to quickly turn around and protect Liu Laoliu from the stern, flew out one by one, and turned a pirate who tried to kill him to the side of the ship. Xunji picked up a knife from the ground with his toes, grabbed it with his right hand, and ran towards the bow with Liu Laoliu with a shield in his left hand.

The pirates probably felt that Yu Xiaotian was difficult to deal with. At this time, the stern and Ma Biao and others were stubbornly resisting, so they temporarily gave up chasing Yu Xiaotian and Liu Laoliu and others.

I only heard Ma Biao scolding and greeting the people on the ship to continue to resist him, while dancing crazily with a single knife in his hand and fighting with the pirates, but at this time, there was only one escort beside him that was still following him to resist, and the other two escorts had fallen into a pool of blood, and the other two The resistant boatman did not escape the pirate's butcher's knife, and was soon cut down on the deck by random knives.

As for the rest of the boatmen, seeing that the general situation had gone, some people followed Yu Xiaotian to the position of the bow, and the remaining boatmen knelt down one after another, lost their hands, and kowtowed to the pirates for mercy.

But the pirates who didn't want to help have already turned red. Although they saw that some boatmen had knelt down and surrendered, they were not moved at all. The head of the black-faced bearded pirate shouted and continued to kill, so the pirates who boarded the ship began to wave their swords crazily. The husbands hacked, and the black-faced pirate shouted arrogantly while slashing: "Kill them all! No one left! Let's see if anyone dares to fight against me in the future!"

After listening to this, the pirates roared like beasts and began to slaughter the boatmen on the Liu family. Fortunately, Yu Xiaotian and Liu Laoliu ran fast and did not immediately kneel down and surrender. Otherwise, they would fall into the sea in an instant. Under the stolen butcher knife.

The resistance of Ma Biao and the remaining guard did not last long. Although they had tried their best, more and more pirates jumped over. After a while, they were hit repeatedly and screamed all over by the pirates. They were turned over by pirates. Only one or two boatmans saw the situation was not good. Then he hurriedly followed Yu Xiaotian and Liu Laoliu to escape to the bow, but as soon as they got up to escape, they were cut from behind by pirates and suddenly fell into a pool of blood.

At this time, everyone was desperate. This group of pirates was very fierce and did not follow any rules at all. They all killed them without surrendering. So far, the remnants on the ship could no longer see any hope and could only flee to the bow in a panic to avoid the pursuit of these pirates.

Yu Xiaotian's heart is full of anger at this time, and his life has really declined to the extreme. Is it possible to die like this today? Looking at the tragic scene of the stern, his eyes were full of blood at this time. Although in the three or four days after he was rescued and boarded the ship, the boatmans were not good to him and liked to make fun of him from time to time, but after all, these people have been with him for a few days, and they are also alive. Life now falls under the slaughter knife of pirates in a blink of an eye, which shows that these pirates are really as good as beasts.

Liu's face was also pale at this time. He staggered and escaped to the bow position protected by Yu Xiaotian. He looked back at the tragic situation of the stern, turned his head to look at the sea, and pulled Yu Xiaotian and shouted, "Dumb! Jump into the sea! If you jump into the sea, I guess there is still a way to live! If you don't jump, you will die!"

While talking, Liu Laoliu wanted to jump out of the side of the ship, but at this time, a cold arrow suddenly flew over and hit Liu Laoliu's buttocks impartially. He only heard Liu Laoliu's pain! ..." with a scream, he fell headlong next to the gun rack of the bow.

Now, after listening to Liu Laoliu's words, Yu Xiaotian also felt hopeless of resistance. He was about to abandon his knife and shield and jump into the sea with Liu Laoliu to escape. At this time, his feet stepped on the side of the ship. He was about to take another step and jumped into the sea, but he saw Liu Laoliu suddenly fell into the bow with an arrow.

Yu Xiaotian is not the kind of ungrateful person, and he is really anxious. Originally, he could have jumped into the sea regardless of Liu Laoliu's life and death at this time, dived for a distance, and stayed far away from the boat. I guessed that there was still a chance to swim, but his conscience made it impossible for him to leave the boat like this. Liu Laoliu, the only one who was kind to him, immediately stopped his legs, grabbed the wooden shield in his hand again, jumped back to Liu Laoliu's side, and protected himself and Liu Laoliu's body with a wooden shield.

On the contrary, two boatmans moved fast enough to jump out of the side of the ship regardless of a shout, plunged into the sea, and swam to the distance like a clockwork.

Liu Laoliu covered the wound on his buttocks, and the arrow was deeply inserted into his flesh. It could not be pulled out for a while. The blood immediately stained his trousers red, so he moaned and looked at Yu Xiaotian, showing a wry smile on the corners of his mouth, and said to Xiaotian, "Mute! Leave me alone! This is all life! I won't do it! Even if you jump into the sea, you can only attract sharks if you can't do it well! In the end, I still can't run to death! You'd better go quickly! If you go to the shore later and remember to burn some paper money for me, I, Liu Laoliu, will be satisfied!"

Yu Xiaotian shook his head with bloodshot eyes, reached out and grabbed a single knife from the ground and clenched it hard in his hand. There was a trace of determination in his eyes. He turned his head and looked angrily at the pirates in the stern.

(Clicking is still not good, it seems that there are still many book lovers who don't know that I have opened a new book! Sad! There is no way! You can only rely on big guys to help promote it! Thank you for your support!)