Daming Haiku

Chapter 20 Inrush

When the people on the ship argued about how to deal with the two pirates, the two pirates also heard their arguments and knew that it was time to decide their fate. As long as they were people, they would have a strong desire to survive. The two pirates were not very old, so they I didn't want to die, not to mention that they all saw the end of their accomplices with their own eyes.

When the sharks in the sea raised the blood waves in the sea and scrambled to tear the bodies of those people, the shock of the scene was almost impossible to express in words. No one wanted to be a big meal in the shark's mouth, so the two pirates cried a mess and begged the people on the ship to leave them with a runny nose and tears. Life, no matter what they do in the future.

So when Feng Xiaotian was arguing with Liu Laoliu, Yu Xiaotian coughed and immediately interrupted their argument. Everyone turned their eyes to Yu Xiaotian. In this way, Yu Xiaotian invisibly emphasized that he was the person who had the final say on the ship and further confirmed his status.

"Don't argue! I'm in charge of this! I left the two of them! What's the reason? Uncle Six just made it clear, and I don't want to talk nonsense! These two are not evil people, but they are just coerced by pirates. There is no need to kill them! It has damaged our yin virtue in vain!

In addition, they have injuries, how big waves can be set off by the two of them in this vast sea? Anyway, I stayed with this person. As for what to do in the future, let's talk about it in the future! Don't say anything more, that's it!"

While speaking, Yu Xiaotian turned around and walked to the two pirates. With a "cry", he pulled out his waist knife and couldn't help cutting off the rope that tied the two people.

Han Xian and Zhao Si loosened the rope on their bodies and suddenly withered. They knelt down on the board and burst into tears. At this time, they could no longer describe their feelings of dying. All that remained in their hearts was gratitude for Xiaotian. They knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Yu Xiaotian to express them. For the mercy of filial piety.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the two of them, put the knife back into the sheath, and said in a low voice, "Although you used to be a pirate, you are not a great evil person. It can be said that you are in trouble like me! If you follow me in the future, I don't want you to be slaves. As long as you listen to me and follow me in the future, I will protect you and treat you as my brothers. I will never let you suffer any wrongdoing! Got it?"

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, Han Xian and Zhao Si cried and said yes. Han Xian cried, "The good man doesn't kill me. In fact, it is like a reincreated kindness to both of us. Although Han Xian has never read a book, I also know how to repay my kindness. In the future, even if the good man asks me to go through the fire, Han Xian, if I say half a word, It's thundering and death! Even if you die, you will never live!"

After listening to Han Xian's words, Zhao Si also cried and said, "I, Zhao Si, also swear that in the future, the good man will be my master. In the future, if I Zhao Si, have a lord on my back, I will not die!"

Wandering between the two lines of life and death, suddenly being pardoned can save their lives. People who have not experienced this situation can't feel their feelings. At this time, in the eyes of the two of them, Yu Xiaotian is undoubtedly like a living Bodhisattva and Mazu, so both of them were excited and vowed to follow Yu Xiaotian, mainly Yu Xiaotian! At this time, it is slow to make them swear allegiance. Even if Yu Xiaotian asked Lima to take a knife and cut people, I guess these two guys will jump up without hesitation and do it!

Liu Laoliu leaned against the side of the ship far away and nodded secretly as Yu Xiaotian released the two pirates. He was also an old man of the world. At a glance, he saw Yu Xiaotian's tricks. He couldn't help but secretly admire Yu Xiaotian's ability to bribe people's hearts. He took advantage of this opportunity and suddenly A pirate is used by himself, which is equivalent to consolidating his current position on the ship. There are two more followers. If he were an ordinary person, I'm afraid it would not be easy to consider so well in such a short time! This couldn't help but make Liu Laoliu look at Xiaotian even more impressively.

When Feng Xiaotian and others saw that Yu Xiaotian had made up his mind, they were dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do. On this day, Yu Xiaotian had changed too much, and he became very strong in a blink of an eye, which made them involuntarily have a sense of fear. They had to listen to his orders. Yu Xiaotian wanted to leave these two injuries. Pirates, there is nothing they can do.

After Yu Xiaotian untied Han Xian and Zhao Si, he made them sit down and examined their wounds again. After both of them were not threatened to die, they were a little weak and felt the severe pain of the wound.

After the examination, Yu Xiaotian found that there should be foreign bodies in the wounds on Zhao Si's thigh and Han Xian's shoulder. If they are not cleaned up as soon as possible, both of them may lose their lives because of these two small shrapnel.

In this era, sanitary conditions and medical conditions are very limited. Many times, some people will lose their lives due to infection due to small wounds, so Yu Xiaotian decided to do a small operation for them, remove foreign bodies from their wounds, and clean and disinfect their wounds as much as possible to avoid him as possible. Our wounds were infected and lost their lives.

Although Yu Xiaotian is not a medical student, the common sense of general wound treatment in later generations is still much more than that of the late Ming Dynasty. In addition, Yu Xiaotian often fights since childhood, and inevitably suffers a little injury. Naturally, the knowledge of wound treatment is much richer than ordinary people. He often treats small wounds by himself. It's not difficult at all.

However, the difficulty is the lack of tools and drugs. Just now, by dealing with the arrow wounds on Liu Laoliu's buttocks, he knew that the drugs available on the ship were only some black and unknown ingredients, and there were no other drugs available, let alone anesthetics.

The only ones on the ship that can be used as disinfection supplies are only a few jars of spirits. The specific degree is unknown, and it is not known whether it can replace medical alcohol, but this is also an inability.

So Yu Xiaotian had to be simple and asked Li Yuzi to boil a pot of boiling water. In addition, he found some clean cotton cloth in the cabin and boiled it in boiling water for later use. Then he took some spirits and used it as alcohol to disinfect and clean the wound.

Then he found a sharp knife and a pair of chopsticks as clips, boiled and disinfected them with boiling water before starting to treat the wounds of Han Xian and Zhao Si.

In this era, except for some doctors, few people know a lot about health knowledge. The people on the ship don't understand the reason why Yu Xiaotian took such a lot of pains to deal with wounds. Taking advantage of the time of treating wounds for Han Xian and Zhao Si, Yu Xiaotian made a simple for them by the way. Shan's health knowledge was popularized and told them some medical knowledge of future generations. After listening to what Yu Xiaotian said, these people couldn't help but be amazed and even guessed whether Yu Xiaotian had studied medicine with Yanglang, so they admired him even more.

However, the whole debridement process was still a little miserable. Without any anesthetic, Yu Xiaotian first washed the wound with cold boiled water, then rinsed the wound with spirits, and finally cut the wound with a knife burned with spirits. The foreign body inside, then clean the wound with a cotton cloth boiled in boiling water, and finally bandaged it with medicine.

As a result, the painful Han Xian and Zhao Si cried and screamed, making the ship as lively as a pig-killing farm, which made everyone feel furious.

Later, he had to tie the two people back to the mast with a rope. Yu Xiaotian completed the first operation in his life, but after he finished treating their wounds, both guys also fainted in pain.

Just now, Liu Laoliu was wrapped with an arrow, but only temporarily treated his wound. At this time, after everything was ready, in order to ensure that Liu Laoliu's wound was also better treated, Yu Xiaotian turned around and asked for another wound cleaning for Liu Laoliu. After learning from the two pirates, he heard Yu Xiaotian also wanted to clean up the wound for him again. Suddenly, Liu Laoliu's face turned pale and waved his hand to refuse, indicating that his wound was not serious, so there was no need to bother Xiaotian anymore.

Yu Xiaotian persuaded him painstakingly for a long time, but Liu Laoliu refused to agree. In the end, Yu Xiaotian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him anymore. He directly made Liu Laoliu hold down, uncover the bandages on his buttocks, and did another wound treatment for him again.

A series of ghost-crying and wolf-like screams suddenly sounded on the ship. Liu Laoliu patted the boat board and scolded Yu Xiaotian loudly. He almost greeted Yu Xiaotian's ancestors eight generations. As a result, he was so scared that several other people on the ship were all looked like dirt, and his heart was a little afraid of Xiaotian and thought about it secretly. , don't fall into the hands of this guy. Although you know that Yu Xiaotian is saving lives, it's almost the same as killing pigs!

Under the operation of everyone, according to Liu Laoliu's opinion, after turning east for a period of time, it began to turn the rudder at night and headed north again. Although the speed of the Chinese sailboat is a little slower, this kind of Chinese hard sail is more convenient to operate, and as long as it is not in the limelight, as long as By adjusting the angle of the sail being affected by the wind, you can use the side wind to continue sailing. At the same time, the Chinese hard sail also requires less for the number of sail operators, which also fully demonstrates the ingenuity of the ancient Chinese.

Now there are more than half of the people on the ship. When operating the ship, the manpower seems to be quite nervous. Usually, the people on the ship can take turns to rest, but it is obviously not possible to take a normal rotation at this time.

For good, the helmsman who left the nicknamed Beard on the ship, otherwise, they would be lost if they were far away from the coast now.

After this incident, Yu Xiaotian has invisibly become the main bone of the ship. Originally, Feng Scar left Liu Chuandong's body on the ship and planned to take his body back to the Liu family in Funing, but after evening, Yu Xiaotian still ordered Feng Scar to throw Liu Chuandong's body into the sea. It is still hot, and the body will decay quickly. If it is done, it will make everyone on the ship sick. For the safety of the big guy, Liu Chuandong's body must be thrown away.

Feng Scar is a little unhappy. He is a slave of the Liu family. Although Liu Chuandong is dead, his family is still there. A domestic slave followed Liu Chuandong out with the ship. Although he could not save his owner's life, if he can take Liu Chuandong's body home, he will give it to him. His family's burial is also a great achievement. The Liu family will definitely give him a lot of reward. Therefore, when Feng Scar was disposing of the bodies of the people on the ship, he deliberately left the body of Liu shipowner on the ship and found a piece of cloth to wrap up his body.

Now Yu Xiaotian forced him to throw Liu Chuandong's body into the sea, so after Feng Scar went back, he really couldn't explain to the Liu family. One of his servants did not protect the master, and even the body of the owner's family could not be preserved. Even if he returned to the Liu family, the Liu family may not forgive him, so what happened to Feng Scar He refused to agree and threw away Liu Chuandong's body.

He even shouted at Xiaotian on the ship, saying that Liu Chuandong was his benefactor of Yu Xiaotian. He could not be so ungrateful. He treated Liu Shipowner like this and wanted to encourage the people on the ship to stand on his side and keep Liu Chuandong's body on the ship.

But in this matter, the rest of the people on the ship did not stand on Feng's side. The reason is very simple. Everyone knows that even if they drive back to Liu's house in Funing, it will take several days. The weather is so hot and the sea is so humid that the body must soon begin to rot. No one wants to accompany one. Once the body is infected, even their lives will not be saved. On matters of life-threatening, everyone stood on Yu Xiaotian's side.

Looking at the angry Feng Scar, Yu Xiaotian glanced at the others on the ship and saw everyone standing on his side, so there was a sneer at the corners of his mouth: "You can either throw his body down, or I will throw you down with him. You can choose!" Yu Xiaotian threw such a sentence to Feng Scar coldly.

Of course, Feng Scar would not choose the latter. Forced by Xiaotian, he had to tow Liu Shipowner's body to the side of the ship's side and pushed out the ship's side hard.

It seems that Feng Scar is still a little loyal to his master. Looking at Liu Shipowner's body sinking and floating in the sea and gradually drifting away from the ship, Feng Scar is actually lying on the side of the ship and squeezing out a few tears.

Obviously, this shipowner Liu didn't treat the people on the ship so well that his death did not make others feel too sad. On the contrary, the big guy seemed to have a little gloating. At least he could eat much better than before!

Because of this, Feng Scar obviously had a grudge against Xiaotian, but he did not dare to take anything to Yu Xiaotian. After nightfall, Yu Xiaotian looked at the bow, so the man took the opportunity to start to run around on the boat, found the other three boatmans, and whispered in a low voice.

Yu Xiaotian didn't pay attention to Hu Cheng, that is, the beard and the cook Li Yuzi, at all. These two people are timid people, and they are the kind of standard wall grass. As long as they scare them a little, these two guys will pee their pants on the spot. During the day, these two guys hid the most Far away, run the fastest, so there is basically no worry.

is another bewitching man surnamed Liu. Yu Xiaotian roughly remembers that this person seems to be named Liu Tong. He is more or less related to Liu Chuandong. He is a distant relative of Liu Chuandong. He has always said much on the boat, and Liu Chuandong doesn't seem to have any special care for this relative. , as long as he is a rough man on the ship, he is usually not very noticeable and is a relatively honest person. These days, when Yu Xiaotian is on the boat, he rarely participates in the manipulation of Xiaotian, so Yu Xiaotian has a good impression of him.

Although Yu Xiaotian arrived at the bow, the afterglow of his ears and the corners of his eyes still paid attention to Feng Scar. From the time he forced Feng Scar to throw Liu Chuandong's body into the sea, he saw a trace of resentment in Feng Scar's eyes, and knew that this guy would not give up so much. Sure enough, now the boy began to act. Get up and pull people on the boat, and there is no guarantee that the next step will be to make trouble with him.

It's nothing more than Xiaotian and he is not afraid of things. He has his own way to do this, so he will leave this boy alone for the time being and let him connect first on the ship.

(Today's update of more than 8,000 words is also awesome!)