Daming Haiku

Chapter 53 Helms

Dahuangdao is much larger than the Little Yellow Island where they were before. The area of the island is at least more than ten times larger than the Little Yellow Island, and it is only about ten nautical miles away from the Little Yellow Island. It should have been a very suitable island to live here, but because after the early Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates were rampant at sea, and the Ming Dynasty imposed a ban on the sea. The policy, so the residents of the original island have moved away, and this place has become a desert island again.

From the beginning of the Ming Dynasty to now, according to Liu Laoliu, there were intermittent fishermen living on the island, but later either they were scourgeed by pirates or forcibly moved to the mainland by the government, so over the years, it has become a place where pirates on the sea often settle down.

More than ten years ago, Dahuang Island was still occupied by a group of pirates. The island was built with cottages and dock water villages. At the peak number of pirates, there were nearly 1,000 people. However, when this group of pirates attacked Zhejiang, they were almost completely annihilated by the officers and soldiers, and the pirates on the island also died. Fuzhou sailors After sending troops here once to suppress it, the remaining pirates abandoned it and became a desert island again.

After the people of Xiaohuangdao abandoned Xiaohuangdao this time, they happened to move to this Dahuangdao as a temporary settlement, which is quite good.

It was when Xiaotian and others tried to get ashore to save Erya, Li Gouzi and others were not idle on the Great Yellow Island. They used the trees on the island, cut down some trees, collected some thatch, and built several sheds on the hillside on the shore of the bay for the people on the island to temporarily shelter from the wind and rain. In addition, They also found three small caves on the nearby mountain, which can also be used to hoard supplies, and found a nearby pool and found that the water in the pool was fresh water, which was fully available for them.

So when Yu Xiaotian brought the boat back this time, the living conditions had been issued here. At least there is no need to let Yu Xiaotian worry about these trivial things.

Although Li Gouzi is a little timid, he also has his strength, that is, he is more careful and diligent. When he was in Xiaohuangdao, he was responsible for taking care of many chores on the island. In fact, he chose the right person to stay here on the Great Yellow Island.

Yu Xiaotian settled down Erya and handed her over to a few women to take care. After following Li Gouzi around the island, he was quite satisfied with the things Li Gouzi led people to do. He moved slightly and felt that Li Gouzi might not be able to do anything else, but he was responsible for logistics and other things. , is a good candidate, and he heard from Ma Qian's words that Li Gouzi read books for a few days when he was a child and knew a few words. He could write and calculate, so he secretly wrote it down.

After everyone settled down, a celebration banquet was held at the temporary station that night. After they came back, they carefully checked. This time they brought back more than 760 taels of silver and more than 50 taels of gold from Jiang Baihu's house. In addition, there were several gold and silver jewelry used by women, in addition to lamps, copper basins, incense burners, etc. There are also some copperware. Originally, people also brought out some silk and fine porcelain, but because they were in a hurry on the road, these things were more bulky and discarded a lot.

In addition to these belongings, they also brought back two horses, a mule and two donkeys from Jiang Baihu's house, and five other women, one of whom is Jiang Baihu's concubine, and the other four are his maids, at least for the bachelors on the island to see that they can The hope of marrying a wife.

It's a pity that they were too hasty to start in the Jiang family. They were eager to leave without an old and careful search, so when they come back, they can be sure that the Jiang family will not have such a collection of less than a thousand taels of silver, but now they regret that it is too late to regret it. Otherwise, it is estimated that they can still copy it out. Bring back more real gold and silver.

But even so, in the past, the people on the island dare not imagine that they will get so much white silver one day, so after returning to the island, everyone, including the old guys with horse face, looked at these things and were extremely happy, laughing at their teeth and hating. You have to sleep with these things in your arms.

Now they have so much money, so they are no longer as stingy as before. According to the instructions of the horse's face, the limited wine and meat hidden on the island were taken out, and they were caught with the shabby fishing boat nearby, caught a few sea fish, and a celebration banquet was held by the seaside.

While eating and drinking, everyone boasted to the left-behind people how they entered Jiang Baihu's house, and then turned over the Ding family slaves of Jiang Baihu's family. Then how did they find Jiang Fatty? Finally, Erya and Yu Xiaotian killed Jiang Fatty... It seemed that they had become heroes. He is ordinary, but no one talks about their embrage.

I only envied one or two of the descendants who stayed on the island and secretly regretted it. At the beginning, they were not selected to follow Yu Xiaotian to the land, but now they can only stare and listen to other people's boasting.

However, these people have not forgotten the reason why they were able to do things this time. They did not forget to vividly describe the great power they saw as Yu Xiaotian.

In short, all those who participated in this sneak attack on the Jiang family compound praised Xiaotian's plan and bravery, especially those descendants who completely regarded Xiaotian as their boss and kept standing up to toasting Yu Xiaotian.

However, Yu Xiaotian did not show much joy after the banquet. From the time he got on the ship to this time, his face has never been very good.

With a bowl of rice wine on the horse's face, he said to Xiaotian, "Brother Yu, our big guy has done a great job today. He not only saved Erya, but also killed the damn Jiang Baihu and got back so much money. Why are you always unhappy? Come on, after drinking this glass of wine, my horse face has been honest in my life. There are not many people I admire, but today I am convinced of you! If it weren't for you, this time it was said that he rescued Erya and killed Jiang Baihu, and I guessed that even if we went, we would have given it for nothing!"

Yu Xiaotian took the horse face toast, looked at the people around him with a wry smile, and put down the wine bowl. The horse face saw that Yu Xiaotian's face was not good, so he continued, "Brother Yu, what are you doing? If you are happy today, why are you so unhappy? Is there anything unhappy? Say it and let the big guys hear it!"

Without waiting for Xiaotian to speak, Liu Laoliu stood up first, held his fists and said to everyone present, "Horse face, don't be in a hurry to ask Xiaotian why he is unhappy. I have something to say! And all of you have listened! Can you listen to my Liu Laoliu's words?

Everyone saw Liu Laoliu's face full of spring breeze and stood up to speak, so they all calmed down and turned their eyes to Liu Laoliu.

After Liu Laoliu saw that everyone had calmed down, he slowly moved into the circle. First, he looked at Yu Xiaotian, and then glanced at everyone, and then continued to say, "Your descendants! I, Liu Laoliu, am also a person who has eaten for several more years! Now that this is the end of the matter, some words have to be made clear!

This time, the big guy helped my surname Liu save my daughter. My Liu Laoliu thanked the big guy here. My Liu Laoliu is very grateful to the big guy!

But I don't know if the big guys have thought about it. We killed Jiang Baihu's home last night, killed Jiang Baihu, and robbed Jiang's family. Who is Jiang Baihu? At least he is an official! What we did is to kill officials and rebel. If we are caught by the government, we will kill the head and kill the nine clan!"

Speaking of this, Liu Laoliu paused for a moment. After listening to it, everyone present suddenly stiffened their expressions. At first, they did it with courage and blood, but the big guys did not carefully consider the consequences of this matter. Now after listening to Liu Laoliu's words, they think of them again. What I did was really a big deal. I couldn't help thinking about it, and I was a little worried and scared.

Liu Laoliu looked at everyone's faces and continued to say, "So, today we are not as simple as ordinary people when we were in Xiaohuangdao!" To put it bluntly, now that we have finished this matter, we have become thieves! To put it in a good way, let's go to sea!

The reason why I Liu Laoliu wants to say this is to remind everyone. Now that this has happened, there is no way out to regret it. Everyone will ask for a living on this sea in the future!

But this is begging for a day at sea, and it's not just talking about it! Even if we fall into the grass as a bandits, at least we have to understand first. What should we do from today? Is it to find someone to rely on to do for others? Let's just do it ourselves!

No matter what, we have to have the final say in the future. Who will pick this beam? Who will we listen to in the future? Who will take us to work?

If even the big guys are confused about this, it's not me, Liu Laoliu, who laughs at everyone. Although the big guys are so happy now, they are just happy! I'm afraid we won't be happy in a few days!

Therefore, I, Liu Laoliu, took this opportunity to talk about it! The big guys are also worried about who should be in this family and who can afford it!"

Speaking of this, Liu Laoliu stopped again and looked around these people.

When everyone heard this, they put away their smiles on their faces, because Liu Laoliu was right. They are indeed a little too happy now. Now that they have committed such a case, I'm afraid it's too late to whitewash them from now on.

What they should do in the future is indeed a matter for them to consider, so everyone immediately whispered and discussed the way out in the future.

After a long time, the horse face shook his head on behalf of the crowd and said, "In my opinion, some of us have a boat at present, why do we still need to find someone to rely on? Is it possible for us to use this ship, this cargo, and our more than 30 heads to benefit others? Simply, let's pull up the flag and pull ourselves down! Who hasn't started this business since childhood? Why can't we do it ourselves?"

After listening to this, everyone nodded one after another and said that they simply did it by themselves for a while, but after talking for a long time, everyone's words focused on who should be their helmsman. Generally speaking, everyone's opinions are more inclined to the two old guys, Maface and Liu Laoliu.

But the horse's face shook his head like a rattle: "Go! Don't let me drive the ducks on the shelves. I can't do this steering wheel! I can't afford this heart alone. I still want to live a few more days! I can't do this steering wheel!"

Liu Laoliu also shook his head and smiled, "You save it!" Don't flatter your sixth uncle! This rudder is not what your sixth uncle can afford! But I have a choice! I just don't know whether the big guy is willing or not!"

After saying that, Liu Laoliu slowly turned his eyes to Yu Xiaotian, who was sitting in the middle, and everyone present also followed him to focus on Yu Xiaotian.

"I don't think we need to discuss this matter too much. From Liu Laoliu's perspective, I'm afraid that only Brother Xiaotian can be the helmsman among us now. I don't know if you have any opinions!" Liu Laoliu pointed his hand at Yu Xiaotian and said loudly.

(Tragedy! Yesterday, I never thought that I would be **flowered! I'm dizzy! What about the red ticket? Where are the red tickets in the hands of the brothers? Hurry up and smash it down!)