Daming Haiku

Chapter 57 Hearing the Police

Li, who led troops to the seaside, but watched Yu Xiaotian and his party's ship sail to the sea and could only return in vain, docked on the shore of Xiaohuang Island with two dilapidated officer and military warships. Dozens of officers and soldiers searched the whole island, but they found nothing and could only be angry at the angry Li Under the general order, a fire burned down the small village on the Little Yellow Island.

He also came with Liu Patrol of the Inspection Department of Fu'an County Patrol. Because Jiang Baihu's home is also under the jurisdiction of the Patrol Department, the Jiang family was also responsible for being slaughter and Inspection Department. Therefore, this time, Li was ordered to lead troops to Xiaohuangdao to suppress bandits. In order to show the importance attached importance to this matter, Liu also brought several differences. He followed Mr. Li to the sea and came to Xiaohuangdao.

This time, their goal was very clear. The people of the Jiang family insisted that the people who attacked the Jiang family and killed Jiang Baihu were the group of unruly people on Xiaohuangdao, so they rushed straight to Xiaohuangdao after leaving.

Whether it was General Manager Li or Inspector Liu, they thought that although they could not catch this group of thieves out this time, they could at least catch a few people on the Little Yellow Island back to work, but they didn't think that when they arrived at the Little Yellow Island, they would have already been empty, and there was not even a hair left.

After searching, they did not find anything valuable. The idea of Mr. Li and Inspector Liu secretly wanting to make a profit was also shattered, and they couldn't help but be a little annoyed.

Now through the living people of the Jiang family, they already know that this group of people in Xiaohuangdao controlled the ships and goods of the Liu family in Funing, and also robbed the Jiang family. Therefore, as long as they can find this group of people in Xiaohuangdao and eliminate them and seize their stolen goods, they can lead the sheep. , also made a lot of money.

This is the reason why these people are so enthusiastic and rushed to Xiaohuangdao. Otherwise, there are many pirate gangs along the coast of Funing Prefecture, and they will not be interested in doing such a job at all.

As for the death of Jiang Baihu, it is not worthy of their sympathy at all. Jiang Baihu, relying on the protection of Zhang Datong and Zhang Qianzong, as well as the doorway of the government of Funing Prefecture, controlled most of the catches along the coast of Fu'an County, and took a lot of oil and water, which had already made these people jealous to death.

It's just that they didn't have the opportunity or ability to grab such a financial resources before, and they could only stare, at most some benefits. Now Jiang Jing, who was suddenly killed by Jiang Baihu, was suddenly killed by his control. It's too late for these people to be happy, so they won't kill him at all. Love.

Looking at the village of the burning Little Yellow Island, Liu Patrol smiled dryly and said to Mr. Li, "Mr. Li! It seems that we still came here for nothing this time! The thieves of this little Yellow Island must have fled here in advance. These unruly people are not stupid. Knowing that they make such a big case, the government will definitely not let them go easily. At this time, it is estimated that they have fled to nowhere!"

Li looked at the fire and the rolling smoke. He turned around and looked at the sea with a wry smile and said with a wry smile, "You are just on duty. Let's do what they tell us!" Liu Patrol was right. Although the thief was fierce, he was not stupid. He must know that the Jiang family had recognized them. This little yellow island must not stay any longer, but he didn't expect them to go so fast and clean up so clean! In this way, it seems that we have made a trip for nothing!

By the way, with Liu Patrol, where will these thieves on Little Yellow Island escape if they want to escape? It is estimated that Mr. Zhang Qian and Sun Zhixian will definitely not stop this matter because of this matter. If this group of thieves can't be brought to justice, it is estimated that it is not easy for them to explain! So in the end, we still have to top the tank, so no matter what, we always have to find a way to catch at least a few thieves, right?

Inspector Liu also turned around and looked at the sea in the distance, gently scratched the short beard of his jaw and shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's hard to say! On that day, it was Mr. Li who chased you. How many thieves there are? Mr. Li knows best. If they have a large number of people, they can find an island on the sea to avoid the limelight. Maybe they will come out to plunder after a period of time!

In addition, if they are smart enough to commit such a big case, they may even escape to other places after finishing it overnight, and may no longer dare to move around the Funing Sea!

However, there is another possibility. If they are few, they may also find other pirates to join the gang. In short, if they abandon this little yellow island and want to find them again, it will be difficult! Unless we get reliable information and know where they are hiding, it is undoubtedly similar to looking for a needle in a haystack to catch them in this vast sea!"

After listening to Liu's words, Li couldn't help but nod his head and felt a little helpless. He knew that Liu's words were good. If he wanted to catch these thieves on the Little Yellow Island in a short time, his hope was basically very small, not to mention that there were many islands along the coast of Funing, and the whole Fujian There are many islands in the sea. He can't search for islands one by one. I really don't know how to find the year of the monkey! So if he wants to catch these thieves of Little Yellow Island in a short period of time, the possibility is very low.

However, he still didn't give up. After all, this incident was too big, and Jiang Jing, who died, was Mr. Zhang Qian's brother-in-law. They didn't even find any hair this time. If they can't catch a few people back to the roof, it's not easy for them to go back! Even if they can't catch the top cylinder, they should at least make a posture and go back after two or three days at sea.

So he sighed, "What Liu Patrol said is reasonable! Now that the thieves have abandoned here, it is not easy to catch them again! But I'm afraid we can't go back like this! Whether it's Mr. Zhixian or Mr. Qian, it's not easy to explain this time. I'm afraid we'll have to delay two days to go back!

In this case, we might as well go around. If not, it's not too late to go back to work!"

Of course, Inspector Liu also knew what Li was always thinking, so he nodded with a dry smile and said, "Of course! This time, Liu just followed him. What should he do? Mr. Zhang Qian has ordered him to listen to Mr. Li's arrangement!"

Li secretly scolded the man surnamed Liu in his heart. When he said that, he was tantamount to making it clear that he wanted to watch jokes. Anyway, if he followed, if he had merit, he could be more divided. If there was no merit, he would not be involved.

So after seeing his men light the houses on the Little Yellow Island, he ordered everyone to board the boat and anchor and sail away from the Little Yellow Island.

Standing on the ship, Inspector Liu covered the sun with his hand. After looking at the direction, he asked Mr. Li, "Mr. Li, since you have no intention of going back to recover immediately, where should we go now?"

Li took out a map from nowhere and asked his men to expand it. He asked Liu Patrol to look down at the map. Liu Patrol knew that this was a hand-painted coastal map of Funing, which marked the coastal islands and quickly found their location on the map.

"Brother Liu, please look! Now on the west side of Xiaohuangdao, to the west is Dongchong Town, and to the north are Shuangfeng Island and Nun Island. Nowadays, it is rumored that several pirates are located in the area of Shuangfeng Island and Nigu Island, often plundering on the East China Sea of Zhejiang and Fujian. With our current strength, even if we go, we can't afford to please them!

But Brother Liu, look here, not far to the east is the Great Yellow Island! In Brother Liu's opinion, if the thieves on Xiaohuangdao just want to avoid for a while, will they hide on Dahuang Island? You should know that the Great Yellow Island is much bigger than this Little Yellow Island! There is still no big problem hiding dozens of them!" Li pointed to the map and asked Liu Patrol.

Liu Patrol looked at the map and nodded slightly and said, "It's also possible!" However, as far as I know, since the Japanese pirates on the Great Yellow River were wiped out by the Fuzhou Mariners that year, the Great Yellow Island has been a no-manland, and only pirates often stop here! And it's close to Xiaohuangdao. I guess the thieves of Xiaohuangdao dare not hide on Dahuangdao!"

Mr. Li shook his head and said, "Since it's out! Whether they are on the Great Yellow Island or not, we can't go back now. It's okay to go to the Great Yellow Island! Come on, turn the steering wheel! Let's go to Dahuangdao!"

After the sailors on the two ships got orders, the thieves of each ship (in fact, on the Ming Dynasty sailor warships, the position of thieves was basically captain, responsible for managing all the sailors on the ship) immediately ordered their helmsmen and handmen to start to turn the rudder, operate the ship around the northern end of Xiaohuang Island, and began to rise the wind. Drive in the direction of Dahuangdao, east of Xiaohuangdao.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian and others were still busy on the Great Yellow Island, and they were not aware of the situation.

After two or three days of renovation, their small fishing boat was pushed into the water again, and Meng madman took several descendants to start a trial outside the bay where they hid.

Yu Xiaotian took the rest of the people and began to think about how to drag the big ship ashore and carry out some renovation. A group of people looked at the big ship and couldn't help but start to worry.

After all, they only have more than 20 labor at best. It is still possible to tow a small boat for shore repair, but it is not easy to tow this two-masted bird boat weighing nearly 20 tons ashore.

So far, they have just gained a foothold on Dahuang Island, and all the conditions are very simple. The tools are just some axes, machetes and saws. There are no other slightly decent auxiliary tools.

So with such a simple tool at present, they want to tow this double mast ship ashore. Their manpower alone is far from enough. Horse face and others can't help shaking their heads at the boat, saying that it is not easy to do, and if Xiaotian's proposal is really not good, the ship should be used for a period of time and wait for a while. After the limelight passed, they went south to Fuzhou to find a coastal private boathouse and towed the boat ashore for cleaning.

But their proposal was immediately rejected by Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian's opinion is very clear. He still adheres to the old opinion. If he wants to do a good job, he must first use sharp weapons. The current situation of this ship is not good for the time being if it is only used to transport goods at sea. What a problem.

But now they are no longer ordinary fishermen, but want to become a group of pirates, so with such a ship condition, if they want to work at sea, it will not be done.

If you want to be a successful pirate, the ship will undoubtedly be their most important thing. At present, although the hull structure of the ship is still strong, the sails of the ship are very broken, and the bottom of the ship is full of messy sea creatures, which has greatly affected the navigation speed of the ship.

Since he is a pirate, he often has to chase other merchant ships, and sometimes he has to escape the pursuit of his peers or the warships of officers and sailors. If there is no speed, it is equivalent to death. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian still insists that since he wants to do it, he must first pick up the ship and greatly improve the navigation speed of the ship!

After he was at the helm, everyone else agreed with his opinion, so the group had to continue to rack their brains and think about how to clean up the boat.

Just as they dismantled the ballast stone and mast on the ship in order to reduce the weight and center of gravity of the ship, Meng madman took several descendants who went to sea to test sail and drove the small sail into the bay with a panicked face. Before the ship stopped, he shouted:

"It's not a big deal! People with officials went to the Little Yellow Island..."

(Today, I would like to thank the two friends of gx9282 and Qingyu Zhiyi for their rewards. The new book list has been downloaded. The following is to slowly update the writing. The New Year is coming soon. Although I usually have nothing to do, there are more things to do. In the near future, I will ask my father-in-law to move in and help me take photos. Mrs. Gu, many relatives also need to go for a walk, and friends also need to get together. There is little time to sit down, so there is no guarantee that the update will be very stable during the Spring Festival. We can only ensure that it will be updated once a day. If I have free time, I will try to do more! Hope you can forgive me! I will restore the stable update as soon as possible after the Spring Festival!)