Daming Haiku

Chapter 152 Enemy Aid to

A bag of sand placed on the deck was carried up by the sea wolves and rushed to the place of the fire. It sprinkled on the fire spot and covered the overflowing fire oil on the deck. Then a bucket of seawater was immediately poured on, but part of the fire was still not extinguished. The fire still kept jumping and burned to the mast. Sails stacked on the side.

A dazzled hand saw that the fire was about to burn the pile of sails. In a hurry, he actually forgot what Yu Xiaotian had taught them before. He raised his foot and stepped on it and tried to put out the fire head. Fortunately, he stepped down a few times and did not step out the fire. On the contrary, his feet were also stained with fire oil and suddenly got up. The hot guy screamed and repeatedly He rushed aside and stepped on a bucket, which extinguished the fire on his feet, but his calf trousers were also burned at this time, and it was estimated that at least a lot of blisters would be burned out.

In a hurry, Yu Xiaotian rushed into the cabin to get a bed of bedding, splashed a few buckets of seawater, wet the quilt, grabbed it and flew to his body, and covered the quilt on the fire. Only then completely covered the fire.

After the fire was extinguished, Yu Xiaotian breathed a long sigh of relief. Anyway, they saved the ship again this time.

Seeing the two mixed river dragon boats rushing towards him, Yu Xiaotian knew that his sea wolf was weak and could not withstand the attack of the two boats, so he quickly ordered to turn the rudder to avoid it.

Wang Hong originally wanted to take the Haicang ship, but when he saw a ship coming to rescue the Haicang ship, he could only give up for the time being. However, this guy was cruel enough to take advantage of the Haicang ship and ordered to turn the rudder and crash into the Haicang ship.

Originally, the pirates on this Haicang ship were already in chaos and were busy fighting the fire. The ship also lost its speed and flexibility and could not avoid it at all. As a result, it was stopped by Wang Hong's ship and hit by the waist.

With a click, Wang Hongzuo's heavy bow of the ship smashed a big cut in the Haicang ship. The sea rushed in and poured down its cabin, shaking the pirates on the Haicang ship one by one and fell heavily on the deck.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the Haicang ship and secretly shouted a pity. He first set it on fire, and then Wang Hong gave it so fiercely. Even if the ship had nine lives, it was completely finished today.

In a short time, the Haicang ship began to gradually tilt, and the hull began to sink slowly. Seeing that the situation was not good, the pirates on the ship could no longer take care of the ship. They began to jump into the cold sea one after another, screaming desperately to swim towards the two friendly ships that rushed over.

Yu Xiaotian didn't want to fall in love with the war anymore. He turned his head to look at the situation. At this time, after a fierce fight, the two fleets had begun to gradually leave. There were three or four shipwrecks left on the sea, either half floating on the sea, or with rolling smoke and flames burning in the sky. Burning.

Shangdou nervously took a count of his own ships and quickly reported to Yu Xiaotian: "Steering, we are missing two boats, one bird boat and one blessing ship!" It's just that I can't see whose ship has suffered!

It seems that at least three boats have been destroyed on the side of the river dragon, and the small ones can be seen, two chases, one sea vicang! Two more boats are smoking, but they are still running. It looks like they can be saved!"

After listening to this, Yu Xiaotian weighed it slightly and felt that the first face to face, the two sides basically drew. Relatively speaking, the side suffered a little more losses, but the shark helped destroy a lucky boat, and the losses on both sides were not much different. On the whole, their side accounted more or less. It's a little cheap.

Fortely, in this first shot, he survived with the Seawolf and his men. He did not become the first victims. He also took advantage of the opportunity, either to fight alone, or cooperate with Wang Hong's boat, destroyed and injured two enemy ships, and basically lost his combat effectiveness by fighting an enemy ship, which was enough for him. And I feel satisfied and proud.

After a scuffle between the two fleets, the two sides separated again, like two injured beasts. They took this opportunity to lick the wound and glared at each other, waiting to jump on again and separate from their opponents.

The two fleets adjusted their formation on the sea, gathered their respective ships again, gathered around their handsome ships, and each to count the losses.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian saw that it turned out to be a lucky boat under Qian Song. Just now, in the melee, he was hit by a gunpowder barrel by the mixed river dragon. As a result, the gunpowder was martyred and exploded on the spot. The other bird boat, like him, was Li Dabeard's boat to help the battle. In the melee just now, I don't know when it was killed.

Yu Xiaotian also took this opportunity to count the losses on his ship. In this case, one person was killed and four people were injured, two of whom were slightly injured, one was seriously injured, and the other was not light or serious. After the two were slightly injured, he could continue to move, so his combat reduction was not serious.

During the battle, his ship had two collisions with the enemy ship, both of which were collisions at the port of the ship. The port was somewhat cracked, and the ship was also subjected to several shots. The upper part of the fifth compartment wall of the ship was hit by a hole, the starboard was broken, and the deck was just lost in a fire. The oil jar caught a big fire, the deck was burned black, and a small number of spare sails on the ship were burned.

In addition, the biggest loss on his ship was that the reel of lifting the main mast sail on his ship was destroyed by one shot. Now they can only rely on manpower to lift the sail of the main mast. The whole ship is not so clean and refreshing as when it first came, and it looks like a mess, and there is still a lot of left on the deck. Blood stains.

However, on the whole, his hull was not damaged much, and the number of casualties among his men was within the acceptable range. Even if he continued to fight, he had the ability to let go, so Yu Xiaotian was much relieved after checking the situation on the ship.

And Wang Hong's boat next to him was under the cover of Xiaotian, and the loss was not big, but after two violent impacts on the bow, the seams of the boat in some places were a little damaged and leaked, but it did not affect the strength of his boat and maintained its combative ability.

It's just Qian Song's boat as a handsome ship. This one just came down and suffered more gunfire. At this time, it doesn't look very good. The sails on his ship are full of large and small holes, with shells, fire, rockets, and the hull is also full of arrows and shells. The pit is like a hedgehog. At least ten bodies were left on the ship at this time, which shows that the casualties are not small.

The rest of the boats were also injured, and one of the boats even had a breach in the hull. The people on the boat were busy shouting to plug the leak, trying to save the ship.

Yu Xiaotian asked the ship to get close to some of Wang Hong's boats and asked Wang Hong what his next plan was. Wang Hong lay on the port of the ship and told Yu Xiaotian loudly that this matter was not over today. At this time, it was still very bright. I'm sure Qian Laoer would take them to do another job for Hun Jianglong.

After listening to this, Yu Xiaotian sighed slightly, knowing that they had not separated a high level so far. Qian Song would not take them away so easily. It's not too late now. At least there is no problem to play another game.

Sure enough, after collecting the fleet, Qian Song once again took the fleet to adjust its course and continued to turn towards the fleet of the mixed river dragon, but two of the ships began to turn around and leave the fleet because of their heavy injuries, which seemed to be about to leave the battlefield.

And the mixed river dragon was not willing to show weakness. The two ships also withdrew from the fleet, left the battlefield and sailed towards the south pole pond. It seemed that they were seriously damaged and could not continue fighting.

The two fleets rushed together again, and then it was a messy scuffle. It was difficult to distinguish. Yu Xiaotian commanded his Sea Wolf, followed Wang Hong on the side of the throne ship, followed Wang Hong to rush left and right, and gave it to the enemy.

In this battle, the two sides began to adopt a more violent take-to-board battle. After the start of the melee, many ships began to find their targets and posted them, and the two sides launched a free-to-hand battle on the side of the ship.

The Sea Wolf did not stay out of the incident. It followed Wang Hong's ship and put a chase similar to their size. The people on the ship immediately shouted and killed them with Hun Jianglong's men on the side of the ship.

Yu Xiaotian separated full-time soldiers on the ship and gave them simple leather armor as protection. Although they are not veterans, under Xiaotian's **, these soldiers were still well trained. In the battle, they were very brave and soon fought against the enemy and began to turn around. Detach from the rudder.

Yu Xiaotian saw that the situation at sea was unknown at this time, and he did not dare to easily take people to rush to the enemy ship to seize the ship. Therefore, after repelling the ship, he did not continue to pursue, but turned to support Wang Hong's boat.

At this time, two enemy ships entangled Wang Hong's boat, one left and one right and tried to attack Wang Hong. Wang Hong was experienced and immediately turned the rudder to avoid it. He carried a attached enemy ship on the side of the ship to avoid being attacked by the enemy at the same time on both sides. Yu Xiaotian immediately took the boat and rushed up, and the other ship had to be released. Abandon Wang Hong's boat and lead him away.

This came into Wang Hong's eyes. Although Wang Hong couldn't take care of Xie Yu Xiaotian at this time, he also remembered it. He felt that Yu Xiaotian was really a friend. When he was in danger, he did not abandon him, but sacrificed his life to save him, so he felt more and more that Yu Xiaotian was good.

In the melee, Yu Xiaotian was highly nervous and did not dare to slack off a little. He kept observing the situation of the battle at sea without seeking merit, but only seeking nothing. He rushed left and right to avoid the approaching enemy ships. From time to time to time, he stretched out his hand to Wang Hong to relieve the siege and faithfully fulfilled his obligation to help the war.

This battle was even more fierce. Both sides used their strength to try to defeat their opponents, but the strength of both sides was similar. For a moment, no one could overw anyone. From time to time, ships caught fire, or ships were damaged by the enemy, and ships began one after another. Gradually leaving the regiment and withdrawing from the regiment, either extinguishing the fire or blocking the leaks, the whole battlefield is even more chaotic.

As the sky was getting dusk, the sun began to set towards the sea level. The bucket on the mast suddenly pointed to the direction of the north pole pond and shouted to Xiaotian, "The rudder, five or six boats came from the direction of the north pole pond, like the subordinates of the mixed river dragon! Not good! The small boats in the southeast are also chasing over!"

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