Daming Haiku

Chapter 13 New Regulations

As the destruction of the shark gang gradually settled, sea merchants around Fuzhou also received the news that Yu Xiaotian would open a port on Nanri Island.

However, these sea merchants did not react enthusiastically to the news. No one even went to Nanri Island to discuss setting up a business warehouse on the island with the sea wolf.

Yu Xiaotian is not in a hurry about this. He needs a certain amount of time to digest the fruit of victory. Although he is very urgent, he is not in a hurry to avoid the training of the masses.

In several places on the whole Nanri Island, there were hysterical scoldings of the leaders and the shouts of killing by the training department every day.

A large group of guys who never knew what a queue was before, led by the old sea wolves, learned how to line up, learn to work and rest on time, exercise on time, and line up to eat...

A rule was taught by the old brothers of the sea wolf, and taught to these new followers one by one. Gradually, the battalions began to become orderly.

Although few of these old and new sea wolves are illiterate, Yu Xiaotian still requires each of them to memorize the various regulations and regulations promulgated by the previous sea wolves. Every day before dinner, everyone is required to recite what they have learned that day. Dinner that can not be recited can be avoided. In addition, they are subject to other corporal punishment.

However, Yu Xiaotian abolished the punishment of personal injury commonly used by pirates in the past, and instead used physical training to replace those punishments of cutting their noses and piercing their faces, at most, such punishments became relatively humane and popular with newcomers.

But for these guys who don't know a lot of words, this kind of recitation of regulations still makes them feel more difficult than climbing to the sky, and one or both of them have been cleaned up.

Even Wang Hong, Fang An and Ma Feng originally wanted to set an example for their subordinates and recite them together. As a result, after a few days, they were also tossing and secretly ran to Yu Xiaotian to complain.

Yu Xiaotian told them with a smile that if they don't want to do it, they should lead by example for generals. Otherwise, how can they convince the public? So it's better for them to take the lead in writing down these rules so that they won't be looked down upon by their subordinates in the future.

These guys had to accept it and continue to look back and bury their heads.

And Yu Xiaotian put forward a slogan among the sea wolves, which is unity and sincere cooperation! These eight words were painted with white lime by him on the walls inside and outside the village and in the camps. It is nothing more than a purpose to eliminate the gap between old and new people among the sea wolves and unite the sea wolves as much as possible.

When his strength increased, Yu Xiaotian found that he faced a new problem, that is, how to manage these subordinates and ships.

As a ship model enthusiast, Yu Xiaotian naturally often knows some questions about the navies of various countries. The most successful maritime country in the history of the world is not the United States of later generations, and I'm afraid it can only be regarded as Britain.

Many people around the world are actually thinking about this issue. Britain, as an island country in Europe, is actually not too early to rise in the ocean. Before the rise of maritime power, the British, two European countries, Spain and the Netherlands, have been running around the ocean.

However, the British still came later and defeated Spain, the maritime power at that time, with weak troops, defeated the Spanish invincible fleet that was proud of the world at that time, and quickly rose at sea and became a maritime hegemony.

In the next few hundred years, Britain achieved the title of a sunless empire, and the navy was undoubtedly unmatched on the sea for hundreds of years.

Britain, as a small island country, has just been reunified. Why can it do this and how they did it? It has been talked about in future generations, and there are continuous discussion and research.

Some people attribute this to the fact that the British are good at using their weapons and warships and using reasonable tactics to achieve continuous victories.

However, some people believe that the reason why the British navy rarely meets enemies in the world is inseparable from their tradition, because their navy has established a good tradition since the beginning of its establishment. Navy officers and soldiers are all warlike and good at fighting, which has laid a great country for their Britain.

Of course, some people have explored the reasons for the success of the British navy at a deeper level, and attributed it to the success of the British navy. The most important reason is that they have established a very good system, always around how to always stimulate the morale of naval officers and constantly adjust their system.

In these aspects, Yu Xiaotian believes that these articles have some truth, but what he agrees most is the last one, that is, the British have established a good system for their navy, which can always encourage the unremitting efforts of naval officers and soldiers.

There is only a good system to ensure the good operation of a team. For this reason, Yu Xiaotian has also read some information about the British navy and some relevant discussions on the Internet, and still has some understanding of the British naval system.

Although he is not very strong now, he has begun to face the problem of how to manage his subordinates.

In the past, he only had a few boats, and the number one or two hundred people were fine, but now he has more than a dozen boats under him, and he will face the problem of how to control these ships and his men on the ship.

There is a big difference between sea and land. Once the ship goes to sea, at the level of communication in this era, the boss will lose control of the ship, and everything can only be done by the captain.

The person in charge of the boat can find a place to lie down and be lazy. If they meet an enemy ship, they can also directly pat their buttocks and leave. They can also pick soft persimmons. No one can control them. They can do whatever they want after going out, which requires the establishment of an effective system to supervise them.

But how to supervise them is a knowledge, which can not be made clear in one sentence or two, but one of the things that Yu Xiaotian appreciates the British Navy most is that they insist on fighting against the enemy!

In fact, British naval officers and soldiers are also raised by their mothers' fathers, and there is no God to care for them. They are also mortals and are not made of special materials, but their bravery is commendable. Why are they more brave than the naval officers and soldiers of other countries, in addition to the system? It will never be for any other reason.

Yu Xiaotian was idle. In his newly opened study, he got a pile of paper to write and draw again. It took five days to pull out a new rule and regulation.

This basically includes the reward and punishment system, combat command and supervision system, personnel distribution system, etc. of sea wolves in the future.

First of all, Yu Xiaotian thought about it. At present, he can only be regarded as a gang. He is now unconsciously used to calling them the Sea Wolf Gang. Whether he likes it or not, he admits that his Sea Wolf Gang has been determined, so he simply recognized this present. Actually.

So he took the village of Nanri Island as his headquarters and called it the wolf's den, and he, the chief rudder, unified the management of various affairs of the whole sea wolf gang. In addition, he set up a prison hall and a director's hall under the wolf's den.

The role of the execution hall is easy to explain clearly, that is, to preside over the punishment of the sea wolf gang and replace Xiaotian, the helmsman, the right to supervise. In a sense, it belongs to the judicial supervision organ within the sea wolf gang. Its power can be said to be second only to Xiaotian, and has the absolute right to speak in the sea wolf gang, and the lord of the execution hall, when Ren gave it to Liu Laoliu to take charge, and the deputy master unexpectedly fell on Fang An.

This made Fang An a little surprised. He got up and wanted to refuse, but was persuaded by Yu Xiaotian: "Brother Fang! Don't refuse. Look at our sea wolf gang. Yu thinks that you are the most important person and the most fair thing to do. Among the brothers below, you are also the most respected. Therefore, Yu thinks that you are the only one in this position. I hope you can help Uncle Six take good care of the execution hall!"

After listening to this, Fang An was stunned for a while, and then bowed deeply to Xiaotian and said, "Thank you for trusting me so much. It's better to obey than to respect. Fang is willing to listen to the instructions of the boss!" Please rest assured that I will help Uncle Six do his best!"

Wang Hong and Ma Feng are also very happy about Fang An's appointment as the deputy head of the Xingtang. After all, some things are really not easy to do if there is no shark helper in the Xingtang. Although Liu Laoliu is highly valued among the sea wolves, he is a little older, but not in the old part of the Shark Gang. How much prestige is there? Once you have to deal with the old part of the shark gang, sometimes it will inevitably be slanderous.

Now Fang An has served as the deputy head of the prison hall. As a matter whether it is the old brother or the new brother of the sea wolf, there is nothing to say about the decision they made together. Yu Xiaotian's arrangement is actually very well considered. Think about it carefully. In addition to Fang An, it is more suitable to do this, He is really not suitable.

As for the director's hall, it is only a hall set up by Yu Xiaotian. Its function is to temporarily integrate some chores such as logistics, commerce, accounting, workshops, fishing, etc. of the sea wolf to this hall to avoid a chaotic situation.

Yu Xiaotian explained that Li Gouzi was temporarily responsible, but Li Gouzi was not appointed as the head of the hall, but only temporarily acted as the head of the hall.

Li Gouzi was somewhat dissatisfied with this and handed over all the chores to him. Although this is a standard fat poor, it takes a lot of energy, and Yu Xiaotian did not give him a formal position as the head of the hall, which made him a little unhappy.

But Yu Xiaotian has talked to Li Gouzi in private and told Li Gouzi that this is a stopgap measure. This stall is really too big. At present, he does not have a suitable candidate. In the future, when he has a suitable candidate, he will divide this piece into several pieces and give Li Gouzi a hall in the future. Li Gouzi is specially responsible for the position of the master, which will be given to him in the future.

Only then appeased Li Gouzi and let Li Gouzi take this position. Xiaotian still handed over the former Mr. Zhang Hu's accountant to Li Gouzi and asked him to work under Li Gouzi and be responsible for helping Li Gouzi with accounting and some things related to the warehouse.