Daming Haiku

Chapter 16 Flag

These more than 500 people are more qualified personnel selected after more than a month of training. Through more than a month of training, the leaders have removed some of the old, weak, sick and disabled people and people who are not suitable to be sailors, and placed them on the island. Some of them are included in the craftsmen. Use it as an apprentice to protect the helper.

Some people were placed on the island. According to their choice, they reclaimed wasteland and farmed on the island and became the first farmers on Nanri Island. They are no longer affiliated with the official members of the Sea Wolf Gang, but they still belong to the non-members of the Sea Wolf Gang and are protected and managed by the Sea Wolf Gang.

After being eliminated, a small number of people chose to settle in the island fishing village and became fishermen. In short, the rest have basically completed the basic training, and nearly half of them performed well. Before the end of the training, they gave them some special care according to Yu Xiaotian's instructions. He transferred to the official staff of the sea wolf in advance, and those who performed slightly worse in the preliminary training were included in the trainees. After waiting for the next step to continue training and ** for them, they gradually transferred to become full members.

The new members of Hailang are very curious about such a grading system. Naturally, people who directly switch to formal are very happy. If they can't transfer to formal, they will be a little dissatisfied, but they can only blame themselves for not working hard when training.

In particular, I have to mention that several people who took the lead in making trouble at the beginning, after being spared their deaths, they completely knew the power. After the dozen guys who followed them to make trouble, when they began to be trained again after being whipped, they became extremely clever and let them do whatever they did, a fart. They didn't dare to let go. As a result, just before the end of the training, these guys, without exception, were transferred and became official members of the sea wolf.

After the initial training and selection, more than 500 people have been assigned positions and subdivided into tasks such as hand-in-handed, soldiers, soldiers and gang-in-law, and will be assigned to serve on various ships in the future.

For this reason, Yu Xiaotian has previously made a detailed division of responsibilities for the members of each position, clarifying what they should do on the ship. After these guys are assigned to the ship, they don't know what to do, and they still need the captain to assign work to them.

In this way, it also greatly reduces the difficulty of the captain's work on the ship in the future. At the same time, it also limits the captain's power to a certain extent, so that the captain can mess around on the ship and make people who don't like it do chores!

In addition to the division of these positions, Yu Xiaotian also ingeniously selected about 100 people among these 500 people and set up a new army, which is temporarily called a soldier.

The responsibilities of these soldiers are different from those of the soldiers who are fighting on the ship. The main job of the soldiers is to fight with people on the ship, but these 100 newly selected soldiers were ordered by Yu Xiaotian to mainly carry out armed operations on the shore. To put it bluntly, the soldiers are sailors, and they are regarded as the army.

The leaders inside the sea wolf are very confused about this. They think that they are doing a pirate business. Why do they have to make such a strange team? They don't plan to go to the shore to play with people in the future and pull out so many dozen capable brothers to specialize in this kind of thing, which is obviously useless.

However, Yu Xiaotian still insisted that such a team specializing in dirty work on the shore was necessary, denied the objections among his men, and told these men that sooner or later they would know that it would be useful to form such a group of people.

In this way, the next step is to carry out professional land combat training for more than 100 so-called soldiers selected. After completing the training, they will be sent to do something that pirates did not often do before.

Two days before Xiaotian ordered the assembly, he ordered a redistribution of these new and old members and assign them to each ship.

But how to allocate these people is also a relatively troublesome matter. The new captain himself does not know which ship will be in charge of, so he can't choose his own subordinates. Anyway, every captain wants the best subordinates, so there will inevitably be problems.

So Yu Xiaotian once again sacrificed the most commonly used magic weapon of the Chinese people, that is, to mix all the new and old members and distribute them by one by one. In this way, no one has the possibility of selecting the crew. All the crew members on the ship are all produced by raun, which is nothing fair or unfair. .

Moreover, this distribution method will also break up all the new and old sea wolves, so that they will be scattered on various ships in the future, and also avoid the small groups formed spontaneously before, and a group of well-related people gathered together to cause trouble!

No one has anything to say about such distribution, so these people who were selected to be crewed were divided into more than a dozen groups of people, ranging from 20 to 40 people of different sizes of ships, and the remaining people can only be regarded as unlucky and can only operate those small fishing boats for the time being.

Yu Xiaotian stood on the table and took a deep breath and glanced at the masses in front of him. At this time, everyone's eyes focused on him, which made him feel a feeling of public attention, and he couldn't help but be proud again.

"Brothers! Today, Yu recruited the big guys together. Yu just wants to tell them that no matter where you used to come from, but now, you are all members of our sea wolf!

I don't have any bold words to tell you, follow me to Yu Xiaotian. As long as everyone works together and works hard, I will never let you down!

The rules that should be set have been set, and what you should know has been sent to tell you! Presumably you have also understood that we sea wolves are different from any peers. As long as you work hard, everyone has a chance to get rich!

Although we have settled down here, it is not up to us to decide how long this stable life will last. If everyone lies here every day, then this stable life will not last for a few days, and we will not be able to sit in the mountains, so from today on, your birthday will come to an end. It's time for you to go out and exercise!

The only thing I invite you to come today is to divide the ship and let your new captain take you to sea. Let's do a good job together!

I won't talk any more nonsense. The captain who has been named is out!"

With his shouting, more than a dozen people in front of the team immediately answered in unison and walked to the front of the table.

Yu Xiaotian waved his hand, and Liu Wang and Zhao Si immediately walked under the table with two wooden plates. Yu Xiaotian raised his legs and walked down the wooden platform. The tray in Liu Wang and Zhao Si's hands is neatly stacked with a newly embroidered golden wolf flag. The three golden wolf flags in the tray in Liu Wang's hand are embroidered with red, yellow and green edges respectively, representing the current three fleets of sea wolves. The flag of a team actually represents a handsome flag, and the golden wolf with red edges on a blue background. Anyone sees this The flag, all ships of the sea wolf, must obey the command of the ships flying the flag.

The golden wolf flag on the yellow side is the handsome flag of the second team. Yu Xiaotian shouted Wang Hong's name. Wang Hong immediately answered loudly and strode to Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian held up the yellow-edged golden wolf flag and sent it to Wang Hong and said loudly, "Brother Wang! This flag is given to you two teams. I hope Brother Wang and the brothers of the two teams will play the prestige of our sea wolves on this sea!"

Wang Hong laughed, solemnly took the team flag in Xiaotian's hand, and replied loudly, "Please rest assured! I, Wang Hong, am not talented. Although I dare not say that no one is my opponent on the sea, as long as I am here, there will be this team flag! We must play the prestige of our sea wolves for the big boss!"

After saying that, Wang Hong held the team flag in his hands and strode back to the front of the queue. His answer immediately aroused cheers.

"Where is Ma Xiao?"

"Ma Xiao is there!" After hearing the sound, Ma Xiao immediately followed him and quickly walked to Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian also handed the flag of the green-rimmed three-point team to Ma Xiao and said, "Ma Xiao, the three-point team will be handed over to you!" Brothers, with three teams, don't fall into the prestige of our sea wolves!"

"Ma Xiao, thank you for your trust. Please rest assured that Ma Xiao is not talented and will definitely live up to the trust of the big owner! Who despises our sea wolves? Ma Xiao will definitely want him to come back!" After saying that, Ma Xiao returned to the front of the queue with the same solemn face and the flag of the three-team team given to him.

Then Yu Xiaotian clicked the names of the first captains, including old sea wolves like Hu Cheng, newcomers such as Blackhead, and a group of people selected from the old department of the newly joined Shark Gang.

It was not until this time that these people knew which ship they were assigned to by Yu Xiaotian. These people filed forward, knelt on one knee and took a sea wolf flag from Yu Xiaotian, and then returned to the front of their crew.

It was not until this time that those crew members who had been assigned in advance did not know who the captain of their ship was and who they should be under their jurisdiction. No one could choose at all, which also saved a lot of trouble and made people nothing to say.

The whole flag-giving ceremony took about an hour. Yu Xiaotian assigned all the ships. At this time, he returned to the stage again and shouted, "All of them have, and now you know what you should do!" At my command, all of them have it! Board the ship!"

Hundreds of people immediately shouted in unison, and the huge roar made the onlookers deaf and couldn't help shouting.