Daming Haiku

Chapter 19 Zhao Mazi's trip to Guangzhou

This good news is not aside, that is, Zhao Mazi, who was sent by him to follow Master Feng Tiancheng back to Guangzhou, finally came back after a few months of disappearance. When Yu Xiaotian took the boat back to the dock, he learned the news at the first time and immediately rushed back to the stockade.

Before he returned to the council chamber of the wolf's den, Zhao Mazi, accompanied by Li Gouzi and Meng Madman, trotted out. As soon as he saw Yu Xiaotian and Zhao Mazi's excited lips trembling, he knelt down on one knee and said, "Zhao Mazi see the big head!"

When Yu Xiaotian saw that Zhao Mazi was well, he was relieved. He came to Zhao Mazi in three steps and two steps, and pulled Zhao Mazi up from the ground.

"Uncle Zhao, please get up quickly. You are going to kill me! Ha ha! Just come back! You don't know that we are all worried about you these days. I have asked the Li family to help me go to Guangzhou to inquire about your news. If you don't say that, you will come back! Hurry up! Let's go in and talk about it!

Hurry up and place some wine and vegetables, and let's pick up Uncle Zhao..." Yu Xiaotian couldn't hide his joy and pulled Zhao Mazi into his residence.

The news of Zhao Mazi's return immediately spread, and soon those descendants from Xiaohuangdao came to Yu Xiaotian one after another to visit Zhao Mazi.

Zhao Mazi is so happy! He didn't expect to go out for a few months, but after he came back, it was already a matter of change. In a few months, Yu Xiaotian actually overturned the shark gang with his men, and even killed Zhang Hu and occupied Nanri Island.

If he hadn't met a merchant ship in Fuzhou when he came back this time, he didn't know that the sea wolf had changed so much that he almost ran back to Treasure Island.

After confirming that this matter was true, Zhao Mazi came directly to Nanri Island. After arriving at Nanri Island, he confirmed that the news was not false, especially after seeing the Meng madman and Li Gouzi who stayed on the island, he was so happy that he almost wanted to faint and felt like a dream.

Looking at the Nanri Island Wolf Cave Village, which was several times larger than their previous Treasure Island stockade, Zhao Mazi was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth and saw that everything was fresh. Before Xiaotian came back, he took Li Gouzi and Meng Madman and let them take him around the whole village in and around the big village.

After stabilizing the god, Yu Xiaotian asked Zhao Mazi wine and vegetables while asking, "Uncle Zhao, why did you come back after such a long time when you went out! But is it difficult for you to stay in the Feng family?

Zhao Mazi thanked him and shook his head and said, "Mr. Feng is a believer, and the Feng family has never left anything difficult for me!" It's hard to say!

This time I accompanied Mr. Feng to go back to Guangzhou. Mr. Feng took me to see his father. Mr. Feng was overjoyed to see Mr. Feng.

I didn't know until I went there this trip. Although the shopkeeper Feng has four sons, what he value most is Mr. Feng. Mr. Feng is the second brother of his family. The boss eats, drinks and gambles all day long and never asks about business. Although the third brother also does business with his father, he is not as talented as Mr. Feng Erzi. He is less sick for four years and sleeps all day long.

The shopkeeper Feng has almost made up his terms. In the future, he will let Mr. Feng inherit his manger and take over the business of the Feng family. The last time Mr. Feng came here, he came here on behalf of his father to accumulate some experience.

However, he didn't think of being robbed by Zhou Cheng halfway. For this reason, Manager Feng sent people to Fuzhou several times to inquire about the news and wanted to redeem Mr. Feng's second son. Later, Zhou Cheng sent someone to deliver letters to his home and asked for 2,000 taels of silver ransom. Manager Feng agreed without saying anything.

Needless to say, Zhou Cheng was destroyed by us and invited Mr. Feng to our Treasure Island, and the Feng family lost the news of Mr. Feng.

Originally, the shopkeeper Feng was desperate and thought that the son must have been gone, but he didn't expect that Mr. Feng suddenly went back.

After hearing that Mr. Feng was rescued from Zhou Cheng, Shopkeeper Feng took out 2,000 taels of silver tickets to reward us.

But the big master said that he could not ask for the money of the Feng family, so the second son of Feng told the shopkeeper Feng the idea of the big master.

Shopkeeper Feng hesitated for a moment, but still agreed to Mr. Feng's request, ready to let the Feng family cast a few cannons as a thank you gift to us.

But when I was waiting for goods in Guangzhou, things have changed. Over the past year, Guangdong and Fujian, because the red-haired people have been harassing the coastal prefectures and counties, and fought several battles with the officers and army, the Guangdong and Fujian government are preparing for war and preparing for war with the red-haired people. In addition, when they heard that the eastern salams in the north, the court also The Guangdong government was required to cast cannons for the officers and soldiers and transport them to Liaodong to deal with Jiannu.

Therefore, the private blacksmith shops around Guangzhou were also ordered to cast cannons. The government even sent people directly to the blacksmiths to stare at them and directly pulled away one door. As a result, the Feng family was also among them, and could no longer cast cannons for us. ......”

Speaking of this, Zhao Mazi stopped, picked up a tea bowl and took a sip of water. When Yu Xiaotian heard this, he couldn't help but be greatly discouraged.

Although the casting cannon is not a high-tech thing for him, the so-called Hongyi cannon is just an iron pipe for modern people like him, but the gun wall is thicker, which is not a big deal.

But he only knows some things about casting cannons theoretically, and has never experienced it at all. He still needs experienced people to do this in practice.

Nowadays, it is not easy to find a craftsman who can cast cannons. He can only find a way to meet his needs by buying or grabbing. He finally got on the road of the Feng family, but because of the affairs of the Dutch, the Feng family can't cast cannons for him, which is tantamount to nothing.

Yu Xiaotian couldn't hide his disappointment on his face and couldn't help sighing aside.

But after drinking water, Zhao Mazi continued to say, "Mr. Feng also felt very sorry for the big leader when he saw such a situation, so he discussed with Mr. Feng to secretly find a blacksmith who can cast cannons for us in Guangdong and come back with me.

As soon as I heard it, this was a good thing. The big master said at that time that it would be better to send us a blacksmith who can cast cannons than to give us cannons, so he waited for the news.

Shopkeeper Feng was quite hesitant about this matter, worried that if people knew, he would be troubled by the Feng family by the government, so he delayed for many days.

Mr. Feng discussed with Mr. Feng many times. Later, Mr. Feng reluctantly agreed, but he was not allowed to find a candidate in the Feng family's blacksmith shop and let Mr. Feng find such a blacksmith for us elsewhere.

In this way, I stayed in Guangzhou for another month. Later, my efforts paid off. Mr. Feng inquired about many places and really found this blacksmith for us.

This blacksmith, surnamed Lei, is a person from Shaozhou Prefecture. He has been a blacksmith for generations. In his generation, he is even more skilled. Because there are many mountain thieves in Shaozhou, his family is not stable and is often disturbed by mountain thieves. So a few years ago, he went to Guangzhou to make a living and was admitted to their blacksmith shop by a businessman surnamed Meng.

But this Lei blacksmith is not a calm person. The Meng family treated him well. At first, he did a good job, but later he fell in love with gambling. As a result, the money given to him by the Meng shopkeeper was gambled by him and fell into a lot of debt.

This guy not only gambled, but also lustful. Somehow hooked up with the maid of the Meng shopkeeper, did something to do something, and asked the maid to steal the money of the Meng shopkeeper for him and gamble for him.

Later, when the shopkeeper Meng found out about this, he drove the man surnamed Lei out. The man surnamed Lei owed a lot of gambling debts. The creditor caught him and forced him to pay back the money, so the man came up with a collusion with the bad man and secretly sneaked into the shopkeeper Meng's house. As a result, the matter was exposed, and a who followed the man surnamed Lei went to stabbed the Meng shopkeeper to death.

At first sight, the matter surnamed Lei made a big deal, so he escaped from Guangzhou overnight. The government wanted this man everywhere. Later, through a fellow villager working in the Feng family, he asked the Feng family to help him find a hiding place.

So Mr. Feng found the man surnamed Lei and asked him to hide the man surnamed Lei first and asked me to bring him back.

More than a month ago, Mr. Feng sent me and Lei to a ship and asked me to come back with a blacksmith surnamed Lei. It was very smooth, but when the ship arrived in Quanzhou, it met the fleet of red-haired people and sealed us to Quanzhou Bay.

During this period, the red-haired people were making too much trouble in Quanzhou in the south. Many ships were blocked in Quanzhou Bay and could not get out. Even the warships of the government were said to have been destroyed by the red-haired people, which made them dare not leave the sea at all during this period.

As a result, we stayed in Quanzhou Bay for a long time. The man surnamed Lei couldn't stay on the boat and insisted on going ashore to play. As a result, he caused another accident in Quanzhou. He gambled with people and cheated. He was beaten and one leg was also lame. If I hadn't begged the people on the Feng family to find it, he would have been beaten if he didn't do well. Dead.

Later, I had no choice but to redeem the man with 20 taels of silver. It was not until a few days that I finally came back!

I went to Dalian Island first and heard about the mixed river dragon. It is said that Dalian Island has become much more deserted during this period. The mixed river dragon's ships have hijacked several merchant ships to Dalian Island, which made the surrounding people panic. Not many people dare to go to Dayian Island to do business.

When Yu Xiaotian heard this, he was a little dissatisfied with Zhao Mazi's wordy, so he interrupted Zhao Mazi's words and asked him, "So this thunder blacksmith also came back with you? Where is he now?

Zhao Mazi shook his head and said, "This thunder blacksmith is still on the island for the time being!" After being beaten in Quanzhou, this man's leg injury has not healed, and he ate on the boat on the road. As a result, he was so confused that his life was almost unfed!

After arriving at Dalian Island, this boy really couldn't get up. I was afraid that if he would follow me back again, his life would be lost, so I entrusted him to stewer Li to take care of him for the time being. When he is better, I will pick him back!"

Yu Xiaotian breathed a long sigh of relief after listening to it. Anyway, Zhao Mazi's trip to Guangzhou was still worth it! Although he didn't get the cannon back, he brought back a blacksmith who could cast cannons, which was much better than getting back a few cannons.

Unfortunately, this Lei blacksmith is a stained person, not a good thing, but it is nothing for him. Compared with Lei blacksmith, he is a thief. As long as he gets this guy back, he is not afraid of being dishonest. If he is lustful, just give him a woman. It's easy to gamble and bet under his own. There are definitely a lot of money masters. Just let people bet a few times with him. In short, as long as he casts a cannon for himself.

It's better to rely on yourself than to ask anyone to rely on yourself. Only by satisfying your own needs can things be easy in the future, so he immediately nodded and said, "It's really hard for Uncle Zhao! This trip to Guangzhou is really good. Come on, I'll give Uncle Zhao a toast..."

After drinking wine, Zhao Mazi shook his head and said, "What a pity! If I don't go to Guangzhou this time, I can catch up and see for myself how we overturned the shark gang! Such a big thing made me miss it! What a pity!"

"Uncle Zhao, don't feel sorry. Now that we have come to this point, there will be many big scenes in the future. Why worry about not seeing the big scenes? You came back at the right time this time. I can't find the right person to do something!" Yu Xiaotian shook his head and smiled.

"Oh? I don't know what to order from the big boss. Just say it. I, Zhao Mazi, am completely convinced by the big boss now. As long as you order something, it can't be wrong!" Zhao Mazi became excited as soon as he heard it and asked Xiaotian.

So Yu Xiaotian told Zhao Mazi about his idea of opening a shop on land, and finally said, "At present, only you are the most suitable to do this matter. You are already good at doing such things. You are the most familiar with receiving people outside, and your temper is also very suitable for this! So there is no more suitable person here except you!"

Zhao Mazi twisted his eyebrows and asked Xiaotian a little worriedly, "Can this work?" We are thieves now! Doesn't the government care about us?"

"Money can push ghosts! As long as we don't swagger and do business, as far as the government, as long as we use money to pave the way, they will definitely turn a blind eye!

Li Yi is not very interested in cooperating with us. In this way, we will rely on ourselves in the future! It's not a long-term business to always rely on others to ship goods. In addition, if we want people and ships, why do we have to rely on robbing ships to make a living? If people can do business, why can't we do it?

What really does in our industry should be stealing and merchants. In the future, we can't just keep an eye on other people's boats to live, so we should also do this business, not only to do it, but also to make it bigger!

In these days, I have thought about a lot of things. We should not only do business, but also do things that others can't do. If Hun Jianglong hadn't come to find faults during this period, I guess I have begun to do this matter, but now the most important thing for us is to clean up Jianglong first, at least let him. Go back to Funing and don't dare to make trouble for us again in the future!" Yu Xiaotian said while drinking with Zhao Mazi.

Liu Laoliu sat aside and nodded repeatedly: "The big boss is right. It's not a way to rob. If we want someone to have a boat, why can't we also do business?

Who doesn't know that if we pour out the raw silk and satin of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the porcelain, tea, and sugar from Guangxi, we will make 10 times and 20 times the profit when we change hands. This business can be done! It's better than killing people and robbing boats every day!

Besides, if we want to do this, who can be better than us? Who dares to provoke us? Let's just not rob their boat. Once this business is done, we will definitely make a lot of money!"

After hearing this, Zhao Mazi nodded and said, "Since the big boss has made up his mind about this matter, I, Zhao Mazi, have nothing to say. I'll just do it!" ......”

(Today, let's have a 4,000-word chapter! In addition, I would like to thank the three brothers who are affectionate, qshh2006 and Xiaohe rebound!)