Daming Haiku

Chapter 24 Breaking His limbs

Only then did these men of the mixed dragons rest on the island react and ran towards their boats on the shore one by one.

There is no wharf or trestle here. The ships that come here to dock have to sail up and down the shore with sumparts, so they don't have time to return to their respective ships for a while.

In a hurry, some people who couldn't get on the sampan simply jumped directly into the sea and swam directly towards the boat, trying to return to the ship before the enemy came up.

The men of these two ships are very chaotic at this time. Some people estimated that even if they returned to the ship, they had no time to escape. The strength of the two sides was very different. They had no chance of winning at all. Several clever guys simply gave up their attempt to return to the ship at night. He turned around and returned to the little itchy island and plunged into the darkness.

There is no need to say anything more about such a situation, but after a not fierce conflict, the two mixed river dragon boats were easily taken down by Yu Xiaotian. After dawn, they sent people to search the island and captured several of the mixed river dragons hiding on the island.

One of these two ships is a double-canopy boat and the other is a bird boat, carrying a total of more than 40 pirates. After the war, more than a dozen of mixed river dragons were killed on the spot, and the remaining 30 pirates became captives of sea wolves.

Although the first battle ended without any danger, for the sea wolves, they were undoubtedly given a stimulant, which immediately raised their morale.

Yu Xiaotian did not delay. After cleaning up the two boats, he sent people to escort them to a small desert island east of Haitan Island and threw them a bag of rice to let them find a way to live on the small desert island for a period of time and pick them up when they are free.

This small desert island is nearly 20 miles away from Haitan Island. Even if it is well waterborne, it is difficult for ordinary people to swim to Haitan Island, and there are no boats nearby all year round, but occasionally small fishing boats on Haitan Island will come to this area to fish, but fishermen are certainly not stupid. When they see these guys on the island, they will never go there easily. Save them, so it's a very good place to temporarily hold prisoners.

So these captured pirates were thrown to the island by Yu Xiaotian, and even the people who guarded them were directly saved. In addition, sharks are often haunted in the nearby sea, so they don't have to worry that they will jump into the sea and swim and escape. Sharks will help them clean up the guys who tried to swim here.

In the next ten days, Yu Xiaotian and Wang Hongma Xiao were divided into three waves, each with a fleet of which went out day and night from Haitan Island to the mouth of the Min River.

Based on a principle, they release the sentry ship in advance to carry out reconnaissance and vigilance about ten miles in front of the fleet. Once they find the ship of the mixed river dragon, they will follow them up and give the cold man a sudden blow to the other party with superior forces.

Such a method of warfare can be said to be a little shameless, but it is very effective. It not only nourishes the war and tempers the sea wolves, but also greatly weakens the strength of the mixed river dragon.

Ten days later, Yu Xiaotian and his three fleets have made achievements. Yu Xiaotian killed another ship of mixed river dragon. Wang Hong was bold and killed three ships of mixed river dragon in ten days. Ma Xiao was not lucky. Although he also killed two ships of mixed river dragon, he was also killed by his own boat in the war. The other party sank.

But in general, such a sneak attack battle, each strategy is very effective. Ten days later, after they met again on Dongqi Island, they summarized it. In addition, after the first battle on Dongqi Island, they killed eight ships, among which Including a lucky boat under Hun Jianglong as the main force.

Among them, four boats of the other party sank, captured five boats of the other party, and only let the mixed river dragon run away. In this way, in just ten days, the power between the mixed river dragon was basically equalized, and the mixed river dragon lost half of its strength inexplicably.

According to Yu Xiaotian, this is to give Hun Jianglong Chen Jiu a limb first, and finally give him a clean and neat beheading action!

However, although they have done quite well these days, their actions have to stop because of the boat that ran away, because Hun Jianglong will immediately know that Yu Xiaotian has begun to attack him, and it is unlikely to succeed in the future.

So Yu Xiaotian immediately sent someone to contact Wang Hong and Ma Xiao to lead the team to return to Dongqi Island. When they returned to Dongqi Island on the third day, Liu Yidao, Monoc-eyed Dragon, Feng Xi and Meng Jie also came down to Dongqi Island with their respective hands and were together with Yu Xiaotian.

When they saw the more than ten boats brought by Yu Xiaotian and the five boats captured alive, on the one hand, they marveled at the strength of Yu Xiaotian's current strength, and on the other hand, they sighed that Yu Xiaotian's commitment to do things. He said that he would do it in a month and only did it in a month. Now he didn't say anything. So many boats have been killed.

These guys are admiring Xiaotian. Looking at the current sea wolves, when they first occupied Nanri Island two or three months ago, they can't talk to each other. Those newly received sea wolves have now changed into new clothes and put on bamboo hats, which is even more obvious. I feel much better.

This makes Liu Yidao both envious and a little ashamed. They all do this industry. Why is the gap so big compared with others? It's really a death, and it's time to throw away the goods!

Yu Xiaotian has also begun to pose now. Although he still greeted these colleagues in person, the scene was much bigger than before. A large group of men surrounded him, which made him stand out in the crowd, making Liu Yidao and others feel a little embarrassed.

"You came just in time. Yu didn't eat his promise this time. He agreed to look good for Hun Jianglong for a month. Now he is lucky enough not to die, and he can finally give you an explanation!

Here are some things taken from the mixed river dragon. Yu knows that you have lost a lot during this period of time, so he made a favor and gave these things to you for the mixed river dragon! It's also a compensation for you!"

After saying that, Yu Xiaotian pointed to a large number of goods piled up on the shore, including silk, porcelain, tea and other things, all of which were stolen from the ship under Hun Jianglong. Now they are given to Liu Yidao at the wave of Yu Xiaotian, and Yu Xiaotian has divided the goods into several piles and let him Just take it yourself.

Liu Yidao looked at these goods and hugged his fist and said, "Thank you for the generous gifts of the big head. I don't want these things. As long as the big head of Yu's promise, it will be done. Now Jianglong has suffered a lot these days. I guess he should understand it. I don't know Yu Da in the next step. What's the family's plan?"

The one-eyed dragon also waved his hand and said, "Yu Da is polite. If there is no merit, how can we take these things for nothing? This time, I came to greet the head of the house, and I just came to ask for justice for ourselves. What's the matter with these things? Brother Liu is right. What is Yu Da's plan to do next?

Feng Xi and Meng Jie saw that they didn't want Liu Yidao and the one-eyed dragon, so they both shook their heads as good men to show that they would not accept such gifts, but their eyes were a little reluctant to give up those things.

Yu Xiaotian looked at their expressions and smiled and said, "Since you don't want them now, I will put these things here for the time being. After I turn back and drive away the mixed river dragon, these things are still yours. Just come and pick them up at any time!

I am very grateful to all of you for coming here to help! As long as we work together, we are really not afraid of who will come to our trouble!

Now Yu has killed several ships of Hun Jianglong in a row. Although it has not been enough to hurt the Hun Jianglong, it is estimated that he has also lost a lot. At least it will not make the power gap between us two sides!

In addition, Hun Jianglong has probably learned the news, and he will not sit back and be blocked by us like this. Next, I guess Hun Jianglong will definitely invade. We don't have to go to find him. He should also come to us, so don't worry. We didn't take advantage of Nangantang last time, so this time we Let's give him a way to treat him, wait for him to come to the door, and wait for him to work! ......”

(No nonsense, it's okay today, try to update twice, and update another chapter of everything you say in the afternoon!)