Daming Haiku

Chapter 27 Bloody Sea

"The main fleet of the mixed river dragon go, close the sails and slow down, surround the remaining ships on the right, and beat them to death!" Yu Xiaotian observed the dynamics of the Hujianglong's fleet while ordering as calmly as possible, but even so, his heart beat very fast at this time.

After all, this is the first time that he has carried so many men to do such a big battle at sea, and his experience is not rich. Compared with his subordinate Wang Hong and others, he still lacks much experience in naval warfare. As long as he is a little careless, he may take so many brothers to the eggplant field, so this makes him very nervous, that is, He kept telling himself to calm down, but his hands were still unconsciously clenched, and the skin of his knuckles turned white, which showed how nervous he was at this moment.

Because his ship was a handsome ship, after rushing into the fleet of the mixed river dragon, his sea wolf also became an important object of care for the other party. Many of the mixed river dragon ships stared at his ship, and the arrow stones flew under the shells, causing his boat to be hit from time to time, flying pieces of wood chips.

And as the commander, he is also in the most dangerous place. He can only stand on the open deck of the stern ship building and observe and command the war unobstructedly. Therefore, it is no wonder that the commanders have the highest mortality rate in naval battles in this era. They can't hide in the cabin or squat like other ordinary sailors. Find a safe cover behind the port of the ship.

From time to time, arrows fell on the deck of his boat building, and some gongs kept flying near him, which made the soldiers who followed him very nervous. Liu Wang took several soldiers with shields and surrounded Xiaotian to try to cover the gongs and arrows for him. In a while, the two soldiers were The arrows fired by Hun Jianglong's men hit him and fell to the ground humming and scolding.

When Xiaotian ordered to besiege several ships of the right-wing mixed river dragon, a shell flew over. A personal soldier standing behind Yu Xiaotian did not even have time to scream. His upper body was broken by the shell, and the upper part of his chest flew far away and fell heavily on the deck, almost I swallowed directly without saying a word.

The flying flesh and blood and his internal organs splashed everywhere and hung the people around him. Yu Xiaotian was also sprayed with blood, half of the human intestines hanging on his shoulder, and the smell of blood rushed into his nose, making Yu Xiaotian immediately nauseous.

"Dog! Dog! The dog is dead! Damn, they killed the dog! Whoo..." A personal soldier rushed to the mutilated body of the dead soldier and knelt on the ground and cried.

Yu Xiaotian endured the disgusting feeling and turned his head to take a look. Such a tragic scene was almost unbearable to witness. He forced himself to calm down, turned his head and shouted coldly, "Stabilize! Collect the remains of the dog, don't cry! After a while, beat me hard. If you are strong, take the head of the mixed river dragon to avenge the dog! Turn right! Keep the array! ......”

"...turn right and keep the array..." A personal soldier picked up the copper horn falling from the ground, raised his voice, and roared at the upper fight on the mast.

The relative movement of the two sides accelerated their departure. Hun Jianglong and the remaining main fleet began to turn to the right, slowly let the sea wolf fleet pass through them.

However, the sea wolf's fleet was also turning to the right at the same time, gradually surrounded by several ships under the divided mixed dragon.

At this time, the cruelest side battle also began to start, and several sea wolves' ships began to stick to these ships under the single Hunjianglong, and the two sides immediately fought on the side of the ship.

The sea wolf members tried to grab the ship of the mixed river dragon and seize the ship that controlled the other party, while the mixed river dragon's men resisted desperately to prevent the sea wolves from robbing the ship. The two sides raised knives and guns together. You and I fought desperately on the side of the ship. Every moment, people screamed and fell on the deck, describing them as flesh and blood. No It is more appropriate than this word.

When Hun Jianglong looked at the separated ships and was anxious in his heart, he finally adjusted the fleet and turned around again. When he tried to take the fleet to rescue those ships, he saw another enemy ship rushing towards them.

Obviously, this fleet is not as strong as the fleet flying the sea wolf flag just now. The ships are of different in size and the flag is not uniform. At a glance, it can be seen that it is the colleague from Fuzhou who came to box the sea wolf.

And among this fleet, most of them were small boats, some rowed, some paddled, and some moved on a single-sided sail. The boats, like puppies, followed several large boats, and aggressively hit the fleet again.

The angry face turned white. Just now, he was caught off guard by the sea wolf. Now even these miscellaneous fish dare to come to find his bad luck. He wants to save those boats quickly, but he can't ignore this group of guys who rushed over.

So he immediately vented his anger on this group of boats, roared and ordered to rush up and smash the boats, and kill these guys who punched the sea wolf.

The two fleets that had just separated were entangled again in a short time. Liu Yidao took the second wave of fleet and rushed straight to the fleet of the mixed river dragon.

Both sides tried their best to fire cannons and arrows, and threw javelers, fire canons, fire bricks and other at each other. The ships of the mixed river dragon began to rush into the boats with the advantage of ship power.

Some boats couldn't stand their collision at all, and they were smashed with a click. In the blink of an eye, they were crushed into pieces in the water.

However, with the advantage of the flexibility of the ships, some boats escaped the collision of the ships on the side of the mixed river dragon and rushed into their fleet.

Ser boats stared at a lucky boat under Hun Jianglong, which should be the main force. The puppy leaned desperately against the arrow stone shot from the big boat. The two boats directly hit the lucky boat, and the barbed iron nails on the bow clicked and firmly inserted into the starboard of the lucky boat.

At this time, the subordinates of the mixed river dragon on the blessing ship felt that something was wrong. They all saw that these boats were covered with wet cloths and piled up with things. Although they didn't know what it was, they could roughly guess.

The ship is not in charge of others, but Chen Jiu's younger brother Chen Qian. Although Chen Qian has limited ability and does not have Chen Jiu's courage, his experience in acting at sea is also very old-fashioned. When several boats rushed over just now, he already felt that something was wrong and had ordered in advance to concentrate his efforts to prevent these boats from approaching.

He even killed a boat with one shot, but after all, many ants bit the elephant, and these boats finally rushed to his front.

When he saw the boat nailed to his ship, he immediately realized that something was wrong. While ordering him to stop firing rockets at the boat, he urgently ordered his men on the ship to concentrate on shooting the people on the boat and not to let them light the fire.

Chen Qian's men on the Fu ship did not dare to neglect. They gathered on both sides of the ship, fired bows and arrows, and threw javelin at the boat. Under such an intensive counterattack, the sailors of several small boats suddenly died and were seriously injured. Some people were even nailed to the board by javelin from top to bottom as they jumped up to ignite. Up.

Forced the people on several small boats, and some people had to jump directly into the sea to escape, which did not escape. However, there were still sea wolves on the two boats, braved the rain of arrows pouring down like rain, raised their shields to protect their bodies, uncovered the wet cloth covering the boat, shook the fire folds, and threw them all over whales. On the firewood of oil.

The two flames were ignited almost in an instant. The fire took advantage of the wind to boost the fire, plus the firewood and whale oil on the ship, even if it burned.

After seeing the fire, the two sea wolves who finally completed the ignition task immediately turned around and tried to jump into the sea to escape, but one of them had not jumped out of the side of the ship and was hit by a flying arrow in the chest. With a scream, they fell back to the boat. In an instant, their whole body was ignited and burned into a fireball. The screams from it spread far away until it finally twitched and burned into a ball.

Only one person was lucky. Finally, he threw himself into the sea, then dived into the water and swam desperately towards the distance. He emerged from afar, took a breath, and quickly swam towards his own ship.

Look at Chen Qian's lucky boat, which was nailed to death by two fire boats and could not get rid of it at all. After the fire burned, the fire tongue violently licked the side of the lucky boat. It didn't take long for the boat to be ignited. No matter how the people on the boat watered it, they could no longer extinguish such a big fire.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Hun Jianglong's men couldn't help but be in danger. They were even more afraid of the boats rushed up like puppies. While desperately blocking the boats from approaching, they were shocked to avoid their collision.

A ridiculous scene appeared on the sea, but a group of big boats were forced by a group of small boats to run. Taking this opportunity, Liu Yidao and one-eyed dragon and other six big boats rampaged in the fleet of the mixed river dragon. Unexpectedly, they took the opportunity to kill several small boats brought by the mixed river dragon and injured the men of the mixed river dragon. A Haicang ship washed up the fleet that had finally collected by the mixed river dragon.

Of course, the sea wolf's boat also suffered heavy losses. More than half of the boats were killed in a short time, and 20 or 30 people were killed.

However, the results they brought were quite a lot. In addition to ming Chen Qian's boat, they also successfully burned another bird boat under the mixed river dragon.

So even if these dozen boats are all finished, their desperate charge this time is completely worth it. Any boat they killed is enough to compensate for their losses.

The most important thing is that they successfully disrupted the attempt of Hun Jianglong under the cover of Liu Yidao and others, allowing Yu Xiaotian to buy more time to surround several other isolated Hunjianglong boats and beat them up.

In less than half an hour, the fleet of the mixed river dragon was torn apart by sea wolves and fist thieves. After a struggle, the two ships were burned on the spot, and the pirates on the two boats surrendered, and the ships and people were captured by the sea wolf.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian no longer delayed. After gaining a complete quantitative advantage, he was even more unreasonable and gathered all his subordinates and fellow ships to launch a big hunt for the remaining fleet of mixed rivers and dragons on the sea.

(Thank you again today for your unreciting rewards from stdx friends! Thank you for your support!)