Daming Haiku

Chapter 36 Artiller Thunder

After discussion, Yu Xiaotian handed over the matter to Wang Hong to handle the recruitment of personnel, pirates! You have to do things in the way of pirates. It is definitely not possible to set up a sign on the shore to recruit people, so you have to do something very well, so you have to rob it.

Yu Xiaotian asked Wang Hong to choose a place and focus on some villages and towns near the sea. The personnel were mainly targeted at the recently influx of Fujian. They went to the shore to forcibly kidnap some exiles and bind some exiles. At the same time, they should try not to cause too many losses to the local residents along the coast, so as not to annoy the local government. .

For the exiles, the government doesn't pay much attention to it. The influx of exiles is a headache for local governments all over the Ming Dynasty. If they provide relief, they have no financial resources and are unwilling to take out financial resources to help these exiles, and the exiles themselves are also unstable. Among them, the good and bad are mixed, and some exiles move along the way. At that time, he did some things such as house robbery, chickens and dog thieves, which made the place restless.

Therefore, in Xiaotian's view, it is safer to choose the target of the kidnapping on these exiles. Even if the government knows it, it will breathe a sigh of relief because it lacks these exiles on the ground and will not stir up trouble the sea wolf for this.

In addition to these manual laborers, Guo Fu also raised the question of boatmen. Nowadays, although Guo Fu has several apprentices and two sons, after all, the manpower is limited.

Ship repair is different from shipbuilding. If you want to build a ship, the division of labor is very fine. There are many kinds of division of labor. There are craftsmen who are full-time responsible for manufacturing hemp ropes. There are blacksmiths who are responsible for making reinforcements, nails, rivets for ships... There are stone craftsmen who are responsible for weaving sails, and there are rough carpenters who are responsible for opening materials, and there must also Joinery specializes in fine work, and more needs sewing craftsmen.

In short, if you want this ship to have its own shipbuilding ability in the future, Guo Fu and his disciples alone are far from enough, and they can't do much work, and they can't meet the needs of filial piety at all.

For this problem raised by Guo Fu, Yu Xiaotian invited his men to discuss it together, and the final solution was still only one word, that is, to grab it!

Their goal was directly selected on the boat house in Meizhou Bay, where He Guang secretly colluded on the shore.

The shopkeeper of this boat house has a very close relationship with He Guang. He Guang secretly colluded with the shopkeeper of the boat house, monopolized the business of shark helping to repair the ship and seek benefits from the shopkeeper, so taking him was also to let Wang Hong and others vent their previous evil anger.

So this matter was also handed over to Wang Hong, who assigned a fleet to secretly attacked the boathouse, destroying it at one stroke, and at the same time, he had to catch all the craftsmen in the boathouse and pull them back to Nanri Island together.

In the past, Wang Hong also went to sneak attack the ship's house, but because there was He Guang, who should inform the boat house, they failed to do it twice, but the current situation is different. Instead, Yu Xiaotian will be the head of the family, there is no possibility that someone informing that guy in advance, so there is no need to bear it. My heart will be empty this time.

So people's problems are completely handed over to Wang Hongyi. If necessary, you can cooperate with Feng Xi, who is good at working on the shore. The more the number of people, the better. After it is done, you can give Feng Xi some benefits as a thank you. I guess Feng Xi is also very happy. I want to help the sea wolf.

After solving the human problem, the next step is the problem of materials. At the same time, we need to expand it. A lot of materials are needed, including a large amount of iron. In addition to buying ready-made products on the shore, they can also build some by themselves, which also requires the purchase of a batch of raw iron. Cooked iron is good.

In addition, there is no cement in this era, and there is no limestone to burn lime in Nanri Island. As the main building materials, Nanri Island can only solve the problem of stone on the spot, and a large amount of wood still needs to be purchased from land.

This requires a lot of funds. After Yu Xiaotian listed the required material list, he immediately handed it over to Zhao Mazi for evaluation.

Zhao Mazi estimated that it would take nearly 2,000 taels of silver to buy these materials, which was really expensive, but Yu Xiaotian did not even frown and immediately asked Li Gouzi to allocate the money for the repair and expansion of the ship's house.

As for how to do it, it is not a problem. Nowadays, the sea wolf in the Fuzhou area can no longer be abusy. As long as you send a message, many people will rush to do it for the sea wolf, and you no longer have to be controlled by Li Yi's family.

So as long as the funds are in place, these materials will be continuously transported to Nanri Island for unloading within a month, which is enough to meet the needs of expanding and repairing the ship.

After sorting out the matter of the ship's house, Yu Xiaotian left the matter to Guo Fulai to take charge, so that he could restore the boat house and put it into operation as soon as possible after the manpower was in place. At first, he first carried out a major repair and cleanup of the existing ship of the sea wolf, and then talked about building a new ship.

And before this matter was settled, Yu Xiaotian attracted the Lei blacksmith brought back by Zhao Mazi from Guangzhou.

After arriving at Dalian Island, this Lei blacksmith almost lost his life because of stomach upset and wind chills. He was left by Zhao Mazi on Dalian Island and entrusted to the Li family to take care of him.

The Li family did not dare to neglect the man too much. They specially found Langzhong from the shore to Dalian Island for his diagnosis and treatment, and the man was also relatively strong. After a few days of recuperation, he basically recovered.

The Li family found that this guy was not a good guy and was just better, so they began to gather the Li family's staff in the warehouse and gamble in the warehouse.

And this guy was still a perversionary. Just two days later, he flirted with the woman who cooked and did chores in Li's warehouse. As a result, she was immediately thrown on the ship by Li and sent to Nanri Island.

This man felt that he had a craft. After arriving in the pirate's den of Nanri Island, he would also receive preferential treatment. Otherwise, these pirates would not have come all the way to Guangzhou to invite him, so after arriving at Nanri Island, he was also restless in the village.

But he didn't expect that the rules here were very strict. He didn't toss around for a few days, and because he flirted with the woman in the village, he was dragged to the execution hall and handed over to Liu Laoliu, the owner of the prison hall.

As a result, Liu Laoliu didn't care who he was, and directly made him hit 20 boards. As a result, he cried and cried and lay in the village for a few days.

Liu Laoliu made it clear to this man. Don't think that he has a little skill, so he doesn't know his surname. Where is this place? Let him see it clearly. The island is full of pirates. He can't help messing here. If he wants to leave his head to eat, just be honest.

After being beaten, the Lei blacksmith became completely honest. After recovering from the injury, he was directly thrown into Zhang's blacksmith's shop and handed over to Zhang's blacksmith to take care of him and asked him to work for Zhang's blacksmith and do some iron.

This guy was honest at first, but a few days later, he began to be cute and became dishonest. On the one hand, he did not listen to Zhang's call on the grounds that his craftsmanship was no worse than Zhang's blacksmith, and on the other hand, he secretly provoked several new apprentices to Zhang's blacksmith and pulled them to secretly gamble.

As a result, he was sued by Zhang Laoliu and beat the man again. He was hungry for three days in a row, and then cleaned up the man and completely became honest.

Yu Xiaotian didn't have time to entertain this guy for a while, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about this guy. After all, this guy is related to his future military affairs. He knows what he has done to Xiaotian. For this reason, he also specifically told Liu Laoliu that you can't be polite to him and always let him in a position. Under high pressure, he can completely restrain, otherwise give him a little sunshine, and this kind of person will immediately shine.

Now when Yu Xiaotian thought of this boy, he was brought to him obediently and knelt on the ground and didn't even dare to breathe.

"Look up!" Yu Xiaotian sat high in the chair and said coldly with his legs crossed.

The Lei blacksmith quickly raised his head and presented his national face in front of Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian looked at this guy and saw that the guy was strong, low in stature, his arms and wrists were thick, and his palms were also very thick. At first glance, he knew that he had done physical work, and there were a lot of exposed skin outside. The marks of burns are all signs of blacksmiths. Obviously, this time has been working with the blacksmith for a long time.

"I heard that you are not an honest guy. Is it true that you haven't done a lot after coming to my wolf's den?" Yu Xiaotian was not polite to this guy and asked him with a cold face.

Looking at Yu Xiaotian, who was extremely tall and tall, he saw his cold face. The Lei blacksmith was scared and quickly kowtowed to plead guilty, saying that he would never dare to do it again.

Yu Xiaotian sneered and said, "I know all about your bad things. I don't care about your character and whether you are a good person or not, but I want you to do things for me. If you don't do it well for me, I will be happy to let you try my methods!

I've seen a lot of people like you. I'm not afraid that you won't work hard. It's up to you when you get here! But if you do it well according to my instructions, then I won't treat you badly!

Don't you like gambling and women? As long as your cannon is well cast, I won't be stingy with money. Here, you can live comfortably. You don't have to worry about being arrested by the government or being bullied!

But in the beginning, if you can't use the cast cannon and deliberately trouble me, you can count the objects on your body. I don't care about picking them for you one by one!

Well, people like you must not be stupid. I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Today, there is only one thing. When can you start casting cannons for me? Can you make a good cannon for me?"

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, the Lei blacksmith couldn't help feeling a little creepy. His body was cold. Naturally, he knew how many pieces of things he had on his body. According to Yu's words, if he didn't do it well, this Yu's boss would not be a vegetarian. The ugly words would be said before that time. It's just a little bit of a scratch to him!

(Then transport the water! Dizzy! There are still all kinds of pain all over my body!)