Daming Haiku

Chapter 66 Forced to come to the door

The area of this Peace Island is probably similar to the area of Treasure Island they occupied before, but it is different from the Peace Island in his memory that it is not a small island at present. There are two small islands, mainly including Peace Island, which are not connected to the slightly larger island in the middle.

Yu Xiaotian was a little puzzled about this, but after thinking about it, after hundreds of years, natural changes and the continuous accumulation of people in later generations are likely to link the other two small islands and the main island of Peace Island to form a whole in the concept of later generations.

At present, the human impact here is still very small, so it is not surprising that all three islands are not connected, but on the whole, the main island of Peace Island is still the main existence here.

After carefully observing the surrounding terrain, Yu Xiaotian went back to tell him that Jilong Bay is indeed a natural place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If the people who control here are strong enough, they only need to build three forts and a few heavy cannons on Peace Island and the opposite Cape. Then if someone wants to attack the bay and not pull out these three forts, then it is basically delusional.

The three forts can control all two waterways into Chicken Cage Bay. If any ship wants to force into the bay, it will be bombarded by the heavy artillery of these forts.

Even if the enemy can pull out the three forts around the mouth of the bay and enter the bay, and the chicken cage bay itself is surrounded by mountains on three sides. As long as you choose a few places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack in the bay and build a few more forts, then it can basically be said to be solid.

From the perspective of the surrounding terrain, as long as you control a few points, no matter where the enemy lands from anywhere, if you want to capture Chicken Cage Bay, you have to pay a huge price, and whether you can take it down or not.

Of course, to achieve all this, it requires considerable financial and human support. At the same time, it requires sufficient resource reserves and sufficient guns to support it, and it is difficult for ordinary people to do this. Even for Yu Xiaotian himself, his current financial and human resources and manpower are not sufficient.

It can be said that Yu Xiaotian coveted here now because he wants to eat a bowl of raw rice. Maybe he will be choked and can't get anything in the end.

If he is given another two years, Yu Xiaotian feels that he should have such ability at that time, but time is not on his side, because he knows the development of this history.

The Dutch will definitely withdraw from Penghu this year. Under the guidance of Li Dan and others, they will land in the area of Tainan, establish the city of Relan and begin to colonize Taiwan Island.

In any way, after all, the Dutch initially focused on the southern part of Taiwan, and the northern part was not their focus. The problem is that after the Dutch occupied the members, the Spaniards also realized what kind of impact the Dutch occupation of Taiwan would have on their trade with China.

In order to compete with the Dutch and continue to maintain trade with China, the Spaniards also realized the importance of Taiwan. Therefore, at the beginning of the sixth year of the Apocalypse, they sent fleets and troops to land in Chicken Cage Bay, occupied the Chicken Cage, and established a so-called Salvadoran city on the Peace Island, and simply changed the chicken cage. It has become a bullshit Santiago.

So if history does not change much at this time, then there is not much time left for Yu Xiaotian, no more than two years at most. He will not wait for two years for him to develop steadily enough strength before letting him come here to occupy the land.

If that time comes, he will definitely compete directly with the Spaniards, and maybe he will have to fight a big battle and defeat the Spanish.

The Spaniards were a maritime power that rose earlier in the West. Although they were beaten up by the British in the naval battle of Kale and their invincible fleet was almost completely destroyed, the starved camels were bigger than horses. After all, the Spaniards accumulated huge wealth and strength when they first ran rampant around the world. Weak.

Two years later, even if Yu Xiaotian's strength has increased a lot, he may not be able to build a navy that can compete with these world maritime powers. At that time, he will fight with the Spaniards at sea. Yu Xiaotian is really uncertain about his chances of winning.

So he carefully calculated that the earlier he started, the better. The strength of his ships at sea is not strong, so he can only hope to land here and build a strong strong stronghold first. Relying on the advantages of the iron cast guns he has acquired so far, a large number of artillery, so that he can have the advantage on land first, plus The tsubgun will begin to produce a large number of equipment for his subordinates in the future, and he can have a strong advantage on land.

At that time, whether he is a Spaniard or a Dutch, if he wants to drive him out of Taiwan Island again, even if his maritime power is not dominant, at least his land strength is superior, and the other party will have nothing to do with him.

That's why he was in a hurry at this time and brought his men here to grab the territory.

Yu Xiaotian continued to calculate his plan while observing the topography of Peace Island and the surrounding waters.

After waiting for more than an hour, the boat that entered the bay came back again. After finding Yu Xiaotian's boat, it approached and shouted, "Our master said that you can go to the bay to rest, but our owner hopes that you will be true and don't break your promise. After you replenishing the water, you should Get out of here as soon as possible!"

Yu Xiaotian sneered and asked Liu Wang to reply that he could do so. Then, with an order, he took his fleet into Chickenlong wan.

At this time, all sailors stared at the situation along the coast to prevent a sudden attack on the shore. The terrain around the mouth of the bay is narrow and not conducive to maneuvering. If there are enough cannons on the shore, they will definitely suffer a great loss if they fire on them together at this time.

According to their current ship situation, in fact, they only need a few large-caliber Hongyi cannons to bombard them on the shore, which is enough for them to walk away.

But their worries actually seem a little superfluous. If this group of pirates surrounded here had so many Hongyi cannons, they would not have been small pirates. They could have swept their surrounding peers and developed and grown up.

What's more, Blackheads have come here to touch it first, and nothing like a fort has been found here, so their vigilance is just a routine measure.

There is a small stockade on a high place on the seashore in the bay. At this time, the pirates in the stockade are all facing great enemies. When their ships also entered Chicken Cage Bay on the main channel of the sea wolf fleet, most of them have sailed out of the bay from the east channel, and the gate is also tight. Shut it up.

All the performance shows that Zhou Feng here is very afraid and wary of the arrival of the sea wolf fleet. Just now, they must have seen the scale of the sea wolf fleet, so they made the worst plan in advance. On the one hand, they sent people to sail the boat out of the Chicken Cage Bay first, and on the other hand, they closed the fortress door to prevent the sea wolf from suddenly. Attack, so once the sea wolves take action and they can't keep the stockade, they can at least keep their own ships and leave a way back.

After observing for some time, Yu Xiaotian made the ship dock in the bay and rudely control the simple trestle. The two boats docked directly on both sides of the trestle, one left and one right, and the crew immediately disembarked and controlled the small wharf.

Yu Xiaotian disembarked after a while, and the rest of the crew were ordered to enter the cabin in order not to disturb Zhou Feng's group first.

"Come on, go outside the stockade and tell Zhou Dangjia here to explain our identity. Please come out and talk to me!" Yu Xiaotian was not talkative. While scanning the terrain of the whole chicken cage bay, he wrote down the topography here in his mind and formed a three-dimensional image and stored it in his mind.

Someone in the guards were immediately sent by Liu Wang. After arriving outside the village gate, they stood and shouted, "We are Fuzhou sea wolves!" Our big head has something to discuss with you today. Please come out and have a talk!"

Those guys in the village have been nervous for a long time. They are very strange to see this group of people, which is very different from their common counterparts. They really want to come here some time ago. Take a closer look. The two ships are indeed there in this fleet.

All of these people are wearing a set of indigo close-fitting clothes with leggings, but some people are pedaling fast boots under their feet, some people are wearing straw shoes, and everyone is wearing a small bucket hat, with a palm-wide belt around their waist, and the copper buckles are polished.

These people are very well-behaved. After landing, some people go ashore in an orderly manner. No one is shouting around. Only some people are giving orders, while others act according to the orders, which seems very orderly.

If it weren't for their clothes, judging from their performance alone, the people in the village almost mistakenly thought that these people were officers and soldiers. Even the officers and soldiers had never seen such rules, which made these people feel surprised and unable to guess their identity and where they came from for a moment.

When someone ran outside the village gate and reported their identity, the people in the village knew that these people were originally from the sea wolf gang from Fuzhou. Although they were active in this area, it did not mean that their news was completely blocked, so some people immediately thought of whose subordinates they were. After all, they came and went. In the past, they also have the opportunity to contact people on the land, or go to the land to collect some supplies, so they have some understanding of the name of Fuzhou sea wolf.