Daming Haiku

Chapter 71 Remunerated for Work

When he learned that Yu Xiaotian had led the crowd to take down Taiwan members (at this time, some people were not used to calling Taiwan, so they also took Taiwan members as the main name for Taiwan.) After the chicken cage bay at the north end, there is another wave inside the sea wolf.

Yu Xiaotian has completely indicated his next direction by doing so. Yu Xiaotian is likely to take Taiwan members as the key development goal of sea wolves in the future. This is right or wrong, and some people are not sure.

However, most people no longer object to this because Yu Xiaotian has done their work in advance. What's more, Yu Xiaotian, the boss, has done quite well so far, so that the current strength of the sea wolf has exceeded the strength of the shark gang, and its reputation has greatly exceeded the influence of Zhang Hu. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian, the big head, has won the trust of most people such as sea wolves.

Therefore, the resistance is much smaller for Xiaotian's next step to promote the matter of economic strategy.

During the period when Xiaotian led the team to leave Nanri Island, nothing serious happened on Nanri Island. Liu Laoliu was sitting on Nanri Island. With the assistance of Wang Hong and others, what he had to do was not stagnated. Normal patrols, issuance of permitted flags and other activities were carried out normally.

In addition, during his absence on Nanri Island, everything was also going on in the workshop on the island. Under the high reward offered by Xiaotian, dozens of blacksmiths on land one after another were recruited, or were directly kidnapped to Nanri Island by sea wolves and concentrated in the workshop area for resettlement.

After these blacksmiths arrived on the island, after Zhang's assessment, nearly 20 skilled blacksmiths were selected as the main force for iron to build barrels in the future. The rest of the poorly skilled blacksmiths were ordered to build other parts on tiflock guns.

Zhang blacksmith was ordered by filial piety to teach these blacksmiths the method and process of building the bischet pipe he had figured out without any reservation, so that they began to learn to build a hustula according to his method.

The increase in manpower has also greatly increased the scale of iron work. New iron furnaces and sheds have also been built.

When Yu Xiaotian returned to Nanri Island, the area of the workshop area had become very lively. The sound of beating iron came one after another throughout the workshop area, and the ox carts transporting materials came and forth in the workshop area, and some apprentices shuttled to work for their masters, showing a busy scene.

Yu Xiaotian walked to Zhang's shop, and heard the sound of Zhang's blacksmith roar outside the shop from afar.

"...are you all pig brains? How many times have I told you that the two iron pipes inside and outside have the opposite position of the interface, but someone still misplaced the position of the interface. You mother of the bitch don't know how difficult this fine iron is to come?

One catty of fine iron requires an apprentice to use three days, and it takes five catties of thick iron to hit it out. Are you so spoiled? The big head has spent so much money to invite you to come. Is it necessary for you to do such a job?

Are you mother embarrassed? I tell you that there is nothing so cheap in the world. If anyone wants to fool around here, I will be rude to him!

From now on, I will follow your pipe. Who can pass my work? Who has the money at the end of the month? If his mother's stuff can't pass me, let alone pay, the food will also be paid by himself!

The more you work, the better, and whoever gets more money, so that you don't have bastards to eat and drink here and don't do anything! ......

Yo! The big house is coming! The little one has seen the big head!"

When Yu Xiaotian walked to the front of Zhang's blacksmith's shop, he saw a group of blacksmiths standing in front of Zhang's blacksmith with their heads down. Zhang's blacksmith was criticizing them with his waist, so he walked over.

When the blacksmiths saw Yu Xiaotian, some people didn't come for a long time and had never seen Yu Xiaotian, the big boss. As soon as they heard that the big boss was coming, they quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Yu Xiaotian.

"All of you are exempt from gifts! Don't be nervous. I'm not a flood beast. You don't have to be so afraid of me! Ha ha! Get up and talk!

By the way, Lao Zhang, I heard you shouting here from afar. Why are you so angry? Yu Xiaotian still looked approachable and slipped to Zhang's blacksmith with his hands behind his back.

Looking down, dozens of barrels were lost on the ground in front of Zhang's blacksmith, six or seven barrels were placed on the shelf, and some parts of the huskling gun were placed on the table, so he roughly knew what was going on.

As soon as Zhang Blacksmith heard Yu Xiaotian's question, he was very angry. He pointed to the barrels and parts lost on the ground and said to Xiaotian, "Look at the big boss, this is the work done by these guys these days. There are 43 tubes, only these six barrels passed the test, and the rest are some waste products!

I should teach them. My surname is Zhang, but I didn't hide it at all. I taught them, and I have explained everything that should be explained, but there are still people who have done such a job!

The big head of the family serves these guys every day and pays them such a high amount of money, but can I not be angry that they fool the big head like this?

Yu Xiaotian picked up some pipe and parts on the ground and looked carefully. He really found that some people's work was too rough and was indeed suspected of fooling. Some parts were too large to use, and some simply had direct cracks and could not be used at all.

So his face suddenly sank, and he glanced at the craftsmen in front of him coldly. When the craftsmen saw that the pirate leader had changed his face, they were also scared and knelt down again.

Yu Xiaotian restrained his emotions, did not lose his temper on the spot, threw the waste on the ground, and said coldly, "Guys! You are all invited by someone who paid a lot of money, and you must all have some ability! When I work for someone, I pay the most attention to fairness!

I offer you such a high pay, and I want you to work for me and do what I should do, but you can't fool me! Because my money is also hard-won. If someone fills the number, then hum... You must know the consequences yourself!

If you just started and haven't been proficient in this, I won't mind if there are some waste products. No one in the world can do it well at the beginning! I understand this truth! I won't force you to wait!

But who does it carefully, who doesn't have to do it, I can't see it, it doesn't mean that others can't see it, who fills the numbers or sincerely, then I won't be polite to him! Once found out, my knife is not a vegetarian! I hope you understand!

I don't mind giving you more money. You work hard and I'll pay for it. This business is fair and reasonable, but I can't spend money in vain. You have to understand this!

What stew manager Zhang said just now is reasonable. There needs to be a difference in this job. If you do a good job, you can get more. If you don't do a good job, you still want to get more money. I'm not wrong with someone! It won't be up to you!

In addition, I propose a way. You are not afraid of waste products. I can give you a reasonable waste rate. For example, ten things, you have to promise to give me six qualified pieces. If the waste rate is high, I'm sorry, I'm going to deduct the waste products beyond the regulations from your wages!

But if the waste rate is low and exceeds the specified yield, then I can give another reward for the excess part!

What's the name of this method? Oh! Yes! This is called piecework salary! It's fair to have rewards and penalties! If I only pay for the wages and let some people fill in here, won't I become a fool?

Lao Zhang, what do you think of my method?

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's proposal, Zhang Blacksmith immediately applauded and nodded repeatedly: "It really makes sense to do this! Save some bastards fooling around here! In the future, we will follow the method proposed by the big man! If you want to get more wages, you can do it according to your own skills!

The big boss gives enough materials, and he doesn't buckle the material from it, and I don't care about his skills. As long as you have a little craftsmanship, you shouldn't do such a job!

But I also want to say for you. With your current craftsmanship, the master wants you to produce six good things, which is a little high, but at least you should be able to make five good things, which is almost the same!

Big head, I don't know if this will work?"

After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian made a calculation. According to Zhang Blacksmith, it is enough to require the completion rate to reach 50%. Such a yield and scrap rate are a little unsatisfactory to him, but it is not yet the mechanical era. He does not have precision machinery on hand, and it depends on these people to make the finished product by hand. The rate was set at 50%, which was not low, so he was not demanding and nodded directly and agreed.

As soon as the blacksmiths heard it, some people felt a little unbearable. The two blacksmiths said tentatively, "Big master, small craftsmanship is limited. I'm afraid this skill can't do this! If it goes on like this, you may not even have to eat! If not, the little one wants to go back! I hope you can be the head of the family!"

Yu Xiaotian's face suddenly changed and he snorted coldly, "Do you want to go? Humph! I'm afraid it's not that easy! You should know that during the period you came here, you have learned everything you should learn. This kind of fiery is angry, but I have an exclusive business with someone. If you take it away and spread it out, won't I be unlucky in the future?

So since you are here, just do it here at ease! If you think you really can't do this kind of detailed work, I still have a place for you to do some rough work, and I still can't lose you! But the pay is a little lower!

I know that some of you come here alone. In order to earn some money to support your family, as long as you do a good job, you will be given a penny! I believe what someone says!

If anyone really misses home and family, I can send someone to pick up your family. As you know, there is no idle person on our Nanri Island, including my wife, who has to do things!

Even if you pick up your family, your family has a place to work, and you can still earn a job. In short, if you die, you still want to go back to the land. If anyone wants to go, there is only one way, that is Huangquan Road! What should you do? You can think about it yourself!

I will give you some time to familiarize yourself with your craftsmanship. I won't talk about it this month. The method of remuneration and piece-rate salary according to work will be implemented from next month! If anyone doesn't want to do this, you can bring it up now. I'll change his place and pay less, but I can still let you support your family without any problem!"