Daming Haiku

Chapter 199 Clear Field

Looking at the messy old men behind him, Luo Xianbin couldn't help laughing, causing the men on the ship to laugh together. Before the enemy could react, Luo Xianbin led the team to catch up with Liu Yidao's fleet and protected Liu Yidao's fleet quickly. He went to the northern part of Nanri Island.

It took a long time for old Chu Cai's subordinates to realize that the ghost ship had left the battlefield. Only then did they realize that they had just become embarrassed. As soon as the ghost ship appeared just now, they panicked, but they forgot that they had many more boats than others. Even if they could squeeze them to death, they were scared to scatter. And escape, this shame can be regarded as being lost in front of other people's houses.

After they reflected, they wanted to chase, but they found that they had run away, and thought about the terrible artillery fire of those ghost boats. They did not dare to chase them even if they were willing to. In case they killed another gun, whoever chased fast would be the fastest, so they collectively chose to be silent, and no one pulled it. The sail launched a chase at the sea wolf fleet that retreated to the north.

In this wave of fleets that arrived on Nanri Island, there was a shopkeeper surnamed Feng. On the way to Nanri Island, Mr. Chu Cai Lao Feng was ordered to take some of the faster ships first. As a striker, he rushed to Nanri Island at dawn to try to kill those left-behind ships on Nanri Island in one fell swoop. For the follow-up The main fleet cleared the obstacles to landing.

After Feng was ordered, he led the ship and Chu Cai's main fleet to the south of the sea off Meizhou Bay and accelerated to Nanri Island.

And he did indeed arrive at Nanri Island at dawn according to Chu Cailao's instructions, but he was hit by the head-head of the sea wolf left-behind fleet of Nanri Island. Some of the ships he sent to explore the way and overturned the boat. At this time, he was beaten by the ghost fleet and beat them ass. Rolling urine flow.

Now he doesn't know the situation of their loss, but judging from the current situation of the South Japan Waterway alone, their losses are not small. At least several ships have been sunk here at this time. There are at least 70 or 80 people in the dead and injured, and the results they have only killed each other. Three small boats will kill no more than a dozen people.

If such a result reports to Mr. Chu Cai, this Feng thinks that he will definitely be scolded by the eight generations of ancestors of Mr. Chu Cai. Seeing that the sea wolf's fleet has run away, he laughed a few times and covered up his embarrassment. The opponent said, "Do you see! These sea wolves are not good! As soon as he saw us, he was still scared and ran away! I, Feng, have lived up to the big shopkeeper today! Finally, the ship of these sea wolves was expelled from here! Everyone has also seen it. We have overturned a lot of sea wolves' boats. Let's seal the bay of sea wolves and wait for the big shopkeeper to come!

But seeing these ghost boats here today also shows that we have not wronged the surname Yu. After a while, I will report to him in person!"

When he heard the shameless words of the shopkeeper Feng, his men on the ship did not feel blush. Instead, they quickly accompanied him with a flattering smile and patted him flatteringly, making this guy quite useful, as if he had really led the team to destroy the sea wolf's remaining fleet.

Under the leadership of this guy named Feng, these old boats began to turn to the bay outside the sea wolf village, scattering and blocking the mouth of the bay.

At this time, the sea wolf's exclusive wharf and commercial wharf were already empty. Except for the wreckage of several broken boats that had not been dismantled and remained on the beach near the wharf, no boats could be seen or even fishing boats.

Chu Cailao's men began to be sent around Nanri Island to ensure that the sea wolf ships had been completely expelled at this time, and there was no resistance on the sea. Chu Cailao's men saw several small fishing villages on the shore along the way, so they rushed to the shore excitedly and jumped off the boat one by one. On the shore, he rushed to these small fishing villages.

But when they shouted and rushed into these small fishing villages, they found that these fishing villages were already empty. All the houses in the village were empty and could not find a person. They only saw one or two dogs wandering in the village occasionally. After seeing these strangers, they were so crazy about them. Bark, and then turned around and fled back to their homes.

These old men under Chu Cai carefully searched the village for fear of being ambushed by sea wolves again. After making sure that there was no one here and were safe, they began to rush into each household and began to search for property.

But they were soon disappointed. The clean households in these fishing villages seemed to have been swept away. Except for one or two jars of shrimp sauce and fish sauce that they forgot to hide in some houses, they couldn't even find the most common dried salted fish in the fishing villages, let alone find anything valuable. .

As for the fishing boats used by the fishermen, they also couldn't find them, because last night before they came, the fishermen who heard the news drove away from the fishing village one after another. As the most fundamental thing for the fishermen's survival, the fishermen did not dare to stay on the small wharf of the fishing village, so they got the news first All we have to do is evacuate these fishing boats.

And the sea wolf has already found a temporary hiding place for these fishermen in Muyu, more than 20 miles north of Nanri Island, so that they can hide from the wind and listen to the news.

So Chu Cai's men came happily, but they all returned in a bad way. They didn't fish in the village. Only in a fishing village, they caught a drunken young boy. Last night, this guy drank with someone before going to bed. As a result, he was too drunk and lay down on a haystack outside the village. When he fell asleep, he knocked on the gongs and shouted in the village in the middle of the night. When he asked the villagers to evacuate, the guy was not woken up, and the family did not find him, so they had to follow the villagers to the village. As a result, this guy was left here.

In the past, the fishermen here, not to mention drinking too much, are reluctant to drink a few sips of wine all year round, but now their life is much better than before, so drinking is more common, otherwise such a thing will not happen.

After Chu Cai woke up with water, the guy was still confused and didn't know what had happened. When he saw these fierce guys around him, he more or less figured out the situation, broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Through this captured descendant, Chu Cai's old men knew that the sea wolf had already prepared for their invasion. They must have detected the news of their arrival in advance. Last night, all the villagers were evacuated in the middle of the night, and all the valuables in the village were also transferred or hidden. Come on, I didn't plan to give them a discount at all.

These angry guys killed the drunken descendant with a knife and created the first bloody case on Nanri Island. Because the angry old man Chu Cai couldn't find anything valuable, they simply set a fire in the fishing village, ignited many houses in the fishing village, and emitted thick smoke.

But it doesn't help them do this, and they still can't get the goods they can't get.

However, this also reminded them that the sea wolf was more popular than they thought. In this case, the sea wolf did not give up these islanders and took the risk to transfer them to the big village, but in turn, it also made them feel that the sea wolf village must be oily. Changda, the islanders should have brought all the valuable soft to the Dazhai. If they can take the Dazhai, in addition to catching many young women, they will certainly be able to catch countless wealth, so they are more looking forward to knocking down the wolf hole of the sea wolf.

Although Chu Cai's old plan was to fight the sea wolves unprepared, it is very difficult to organize such a large-scale fleet voyage. The performance of the ships in the fleet is different. In addition, the affiliation is not unified, and some of the ships walk fast and some slowly. The fleet is better during the day, but at night, it will be chaotic. After being trapped, some ships ran quickly and broke away from the main fleet. After the advance fleet, they also rushed to the vicinity of Nanri Island and joined the fleet that arrived earlier.

Nanri Island was soon surrounded by these old Chu Cai's ships. The waters near the coast were all ships under Chu Cai Lao, and no other ships could be seen.

Less than half an hour after Liu Yidao and Luo Xianbin led their troops to evacuate Nanri Island, forest-like masts and sun-like sails appeared again on the sea level in the south of Nanri Island. Hundreds of large and small boats appeared in the waters of Nanri Island.

When Chu Cai saw Nanri Island, she became excited. She walked to the bow of his boat and looked at Nanri Island and smiled at Master Zhou who followed him: "Nanri Island has finally arrived! This time I'd like to see if this surname Yu can still be arrogant! No matter how powerful he is, can he stop us?

I'm afraid he should understand now, but what can this do? When his escaped ship went to inform the troops he scattered and gathered back to Nanri Island for help, Nanri Island should not have been theirs for a long time!"

Looking at the surrounding scene of clouds and flags, even Master Zhou himself felt a hundred times more confident at this time. Although he was quite afraid of filial piety, when he saw such a large-scale fleet and horses gathered by Mr. Chu Cai, he still felt that who could compete with them in this sea?

Although Yu is powerful, he is just a pirate who has just risen. Even if he has several Hongyi cannons and several good ghost ships, what can he do? Is it difficult to stop the attack of their old group of Chu Cai?

(Monthly pass, I want a monthly pass!)