Daming Haiku

Chapter 238 Conspiracy

Ma Feng sneered and said, "Maybe the third brother is too hard these days! Anyway, it's okay now. It's okay for the third brother to take a nap!"

Wang Hong shook his head and said, "No! Can't drink! Now is the critical moment. How can I fall asleep? I'm still going to visit below! Let's see if all the boats are ready!"

With that, Wang Hong wanted to stand up, but he found that his hands and feet were weak. His body was as soft as noodles. After a while, he couldn't stand lying on the table. At this time, Wang Hong realized something wrong, forced himself to roll his eyelids, looked at Ma Feng, and his fingers trembled and pointed to the wine pot on the table. Ma Feng said, "Old Eight! Is this wine..." Without saying anything, he lay on the table and fainted.

Ma Feng sneered, picked up the wine pot and looked at it, sighed and whispered, "Third brother, you can't blame me for not being sorry for you!" This is all forced by you, and now I can only make this worst! Don't hate me!"

After saying that, he poured the wine on the ground, then turned around and walked to the door of the tent and said to the two Wang Hong's guards outside, "You two go down!" My third brother is a little tired today and wants to rest for a while. I'm here to talk to the third brother. The third brother said that you should go down and rest. He will let me invite you here later!"

The two Wang Hong's guards outside the door knew the relationship between Wang Hong and Ma Feng, but they didn't doubt much about it. Moreover, they just saw that Wang Hong was going to have a drink with Ma Feng, and Wang Hong was really hard these days, and he was about to set out to fight with Mr. Chu Cai.

This afternoon is their last break. It is normal for Wang Hong to take this opportunity to take a breath, but Wang Hong asked them to go down and rest, which made them somewhat confused. Normally, as Wang Hong's personal guards, they should usually stay away from Wang Hong, but now Wang Hong has asked them to leave. Point non-compliance.

Seeing that the two guards were a little hesitant, Ma Feng sank his face and said, "Didn't you hear it? Don't you know what my relationship is with the third brother? Don't you even believe what I said?"

Most of the sea wolf people know that Wang Hong and Ma Feng were brothers when they were in the Shark Gang. The two and Fang An's concern is extraordinary. No one is closer to them. Since Ma Feng said so, the two guards have nothing to say, so they have to salute and obey. After looking at each other, they left Wang Hong's tent and went down to rest first.

But as soon as they left, several people were recruited into Wang Hong's account by Ma Feng. These people are all old subordinates of the former shark gang that Ma Feng has gathered around him in the past two years. In short, they are very unhappy, and now they have already rebelled.

These people entered Wang Hong's tent, immediately controlled Wang Hong, and then asked Ma Feng, "Master, what should we do next?"

Ma Feng gritted his teeth and looked very nervous. After thinking about it, he asked, "Have you done everything you have done? How many brothers have you contacted?"

His men hurriedly replied, "It's not easy to do. Many brothers are now determined to follow the surname Yu. We dare not speak out easily, so there are not many brothers in contact, only dozens of people!

However, if the eighth master can come forward, some brothers are probably willing to follow the eighth master, but at present, although we have caught the third master, there is still a horse xiao. If we don't take down the horse awn, I'm afraid we still can't go!"

Ma Feng nodded and said, "This is easy to do. Now Ma Xiao doesn't know that we have controlled my third brother. In a moment, I will ask someone to recruit Ma Xiao, kill Ma Xiao first, and then force my third brother to follow us to join Chu Cai Lao! There will definitely be many brothers who are willing to follow me!

Even if some people don't want to, as long as the third brother is in my hands and Ma Xiao will die, they will become a plate of scattered sand. At that time, they will still not be able to fight with Chu Cailao again. In this way, the bamboo basket will be empty and die!"

One nodded repeatedly and said, "The Eighth Master said it! As long as Yu can't wait for the fleet, it is equivalent to a fish that falls on the beach and can't jump! Even if he can defend Dazhai, if Chu Cai is here, he will be trapped to death! As long as the surname Yu is over, the rest of the people will completely disperse! At that time, the eighth master will be the first achievement, and Boss Chu will definitely look up to the eighth master!"

Ma Feng looked at this flattering guy with contempt and shook his head and said, "Don't flatter me now! Now that things are far from done, you are less happy!

Now we can only have a chance to kill Ma Xiao first. You go and inform our brothers and start preparing. Once I kill Ma Xiao, you will immediately take the other brothers to spread the news! Strive for more brothers to follow us!"

Several people nodded quickly and agreed. Two of them immediately left Wang Hong's tent, ran back to the shore quickly, and began to contact their accomplices.

Ma Feng calculated the time silently. After waiting for about half an hour, he felt that the time was almost time, so he called Wang Hong's personal guard and said to him, "My third brother asked you to inform the horse management team and ask the horse management team to come. He has something to discuss with the horse management team!"

The guard had no doubt that he was there, so he quickly nodded and agreed, and turned away to look for Ma Xiao.

At this time, Ma Xiao is still inspecting the preparation of various ships, sampling some ships, and checking the reserves of war-by materials and ammunition on the ship and the maintenance of weapons.

When he heard that Wang Hong came to discuss things with him, he agreed and turned around and walked towards the village.

Ma Feng waited for about half an hour. For him, this half hour was like a year. His palms kept sweating, and his muscles were tense and trembling.

He knows very well what he is doing today, and he also knows what fate he will be waiting for him if he fails.

But he was still blindfolded by interests and walked down step by step. By now, he has reached the point where he can't turn back, so he can only continue this big bet. Otherwise, even if he is willing to stop now, he may not be able to retreat completely.

Today, he brought some sweat medicine in the pot of wine, but he was afraid that Wang Hong would have a bad temper and his hands were not bad. He couldn't control Wang Hong for a while, but the amount of sweat medicine was not large. He also needed Wang Hong to wake up and do things for him according to his requirements when he needed it.

However, after being confused for a while, Wang Hong began to gradually regain his mind. He opened his eyes slightly and moved a few times, but Wang Hong found that his arm was tied, so he was suddenly shocked and woke up a lot. He quickly opened his eyes and began to be in the account. After the inspection, Ma Feng's figure was soon found.

At this time, Ma Feng was fiddling with a pair of hands, walking back and forth in the tent like a trapped beast, as if waiting for something, and this big tent was still his big tent. It can be seen that Ma Feng did not move him to other places after he overturned him with medicinal wine.

Wang Hong still felt dizzy, shook his head hard, recalled the scene before he fainted, and realized that Ma Feng was probably going to make a big deal today.

Wang Hong's awakening also attracted the attention of two guys looking at him, and quickly whispered to Ma Feng, "Eight Master, the third master is awake!"

Ma Feng quickly stopped, turned his head to look at Wang Hong, and gave a wink to his two men. Both of his men quickly went over and held Wang Hong down and covered Wang Hong's mouth in case Wang Hong suddenly shouted and ruined their big things.

At this time, Wang Hong completely realized that Ma Feng was going to betray the sea wolf. His eyes stared as if he could spew fire. He began to struggle hard, and his nose also made a whining sound.

Ma Feng walked to Wang Hong, squatted down and said to Wang Hong, "I'm sorry, third brother, how offended you are today! Brother was also forced by the surname Yu. You and my brothers voted for him together, but this guy is difficult for me everywhere. At present, it is completely empty of my deputy management team, making Ma Feng a joke! I don't know when he will have an operation on me!

And this guy is not only difficult for me, but also for many brothers who have followed us before. Brothers don't want to do it for him for a long time!

This time, the surnamed Yu didn't know how to provoke Boss Chu. He sincerely took our lives to fill the pit for him. We can't do this!

I've thought about it. It's better to find another way out than to run to the black with this one! As long as our brother turns to Boss Chu at this time, Boss Chu will definitely not treat us badly. After killing the surnamed Yu, the boss in Fuzhou will definitely let the third brother make the decision!

The third brother is now controlling the sea wolf fleet, and many of his brothers are at your orders. As long as you are willing to say something, these brothers will definitely be willing to follow us!

If the third brother wants to, nod his head, and the brother will let the third brother be untied!"

Wang Hong almost fainted in anger at this moment. He has always taken good care of Ma Feng, but he never thought that Ma Feng would be rebellious one day. He actually wanted to turn away from the sea wolf at this jux, turn to Chu Cai Lao, and forced him to follow him, and even took this opportunity to mess up the fleet. Yu Xiaotian died on the ground.

Wang Hong now found that he had mistakenly looked at Ma Feng and didn't expect that this guy could do such a unscrupulous thing. Although Ma Feng had been unsatisfactory in the past two years after following Yu Xiaotian, Yu Xiaotian can be said to have been benevolent and righteous to their brothers from shark gang.

Yu Xiaotian gave the greatest trust to Wang Hong and the other party, and even handed over almost all the fleet to his commander and stayed on Nanri Island.

And he also handed over such a large freshwater village to Fang An to take care of. He also trusted many brothers from the Shark Gang and promoted many capable people from these brothers.

(Thank you for the reward of the Hulu Snoring Brothers, and continue to ask for the monthly ticket!)