Daming Haiku

Chapter 252 Escape

The sea wolf's soldiers gathered into a phalanx, and the hands, long gunners and knife players cooperated with each other. When the enemy rushed towards them, *hands lined up in front without saying a word, forming several rows.

In Meng Fei's strange screams, rows of * began to ring in turn, and the old Chu Cai's men who rushed straight over completely experienced the power of the sea wolf's platoon shooting.

Under the shooting of guns, the messy old men turned their horses back, and rows of them were cut down on the beach like rice.

The rogues who had just been organized were shot at each other, and immediately scattered like birds and beasts and fled in all directions.

Mr. Chu's subordinates, who were already in a mess, are even more chaotic on the shore. Some people began to jump into the sea and try to swim to their own boats or companion boats. As for what boat they can climb, they can't care about at this time.

Some people also see their fleet being blocked by the sea wolf's fleet in the bay. The fireboats are fiercely burned, and the guns are fired at them. They can't escape even if they board the ship. They simply don't even get on the boat. They turn around and flee to the mountains of the island. As for what to do in the future, they can't care about it now. Let's save your life first!

So, there are still a lot of Chu Cai's old men crowded on the shore, and the number of them is even far more than the sea wolves killed, but they are just face to face, and they are immediately beaten as birds and beasts scattered by the sea wolves, and they don't even have the power to fight back.

Look at Chu Cai's camp in Houshan Bay. At this time, it is full of all kinds of things. There are temporary huts, many dilapidated tents, and bonfires set up everywhere. Of course, there are all kinds of weapons discarded by Chu Cai's old men.

When Chu Cailao landed this time, he unloaded a lot of miscellaneous guns from various ships and moved a swarm of bee rockets. In addition, there was also a Hongyi cannon that he regarded as the treasure of the town on the shore at this time. Because the sea wolf fleet attacked so suddenly, they had no time to move it back to the ship.

As a result, most of these things were left on the beach by Chu Cai's men and became the trophies of the sea wolf.

Looking at the sea again, Ma Xiao led the main fleet of sea wolves and blocked outside the back mountain bay. The cannon did not stop for a moment, constantly bombarding the old Chu Cai's fleet blocked in the bay.

At this time, the other fire boats had already rushed into Chu Cai's fleet in the bay and burned into the wreckage, but at the same time, they also ignited more Chu Cai's boats. There was a sea of fire in the whole back mountain bay, and a large number of Chu Cai's boats were ignited and cracking.

The guys on the ship desperately drove their ship away from the fire and tried to escape from the back mountain bay, but they were unorganized. Even if they rushed out of the anchorage, they were immediately blocked by the sea wolf's fleet. They were either destroyed on the spot or forced them to turn around and flee back into the bay.

Only a few ships had a lot of life and rushed out, but they didn't dare to stay any longer. After sailing out of the bay, Yang Fan quickly fled far away and escaped beyond the gunfire range of the Seawolf fleet, and some of them simply fled directly.

The whole area of Houshan Bay is now the main battlefield of both sides. The main fleet of the sea wolf gathered here, blocking Houshan Bay to close the door and beat the old Chu Cai's fleet anchored here. Soon dozens of ships were destroyed in the bay by them with artillery and fire attack.

Such a result would never have been achieved if they hadn't adopted the method of sneak attack in the early morning. It can be said that although Chu Cai's sailors greatly exceeded the sea wolf fleet, the battle situation was one-sided. Chu Cai completely lost the initiative because of the hasty response to the battle and could only be blocked passively in the bay. He was beaten and had no power to fight back.

On the other side, a fleet led by Chu Cai's own family was so anxious that it wanted to help the remaining fleet in Houshan Bay, but it was dragged down by Liu Yidao and Luo Xianbin. It was never possible to get rid of their entanglement, and it was beaten lightly, and the loss was also not small.

The two sides fought at the same time on the sea and the island, and the fight was indistinguably. Liu Yidao took his ships and Luo Xianbin to cooperate. He dragged Chu Cai for half an hour and did not let Chu Cai get rid of their entanglement.

Liu Yidao's life won Ma Xiao's precious time. Ma Xiao took this opportunity to lead the main fleet and went all out to block the Houshan Bay, beat the fleet under Chu Cai's old hand in the bay, giving full play to the advantage of sea wolf artillery, and kept the enemy ships in the bay at all costs. The fierce bombardment of separation.

Although there are many kinds of guns on the ships under Chu Cai's old men, and the number of them is definitely more than sea wolves, these cannons are some old-made guns with close range, low accuracy, small power, and easy to explode. They are simple and not even have a gun rack. They are directly tied to the starboard and face the sea wolf against the cannon. Boom, it's not the opponent of the sea wolf at all. If it's a little farther away, you can only stare and be beaten!

Coupled with the sudden attack of the sea wolf, Mr. Chu Cai and his men were caught off guard. In just one hour, Mr. Chu Cai's fleet suffered heavy losses and could not stand it.

At this time, Ma Xiao also found that Liu Yidao was fighting very hard. Seeing that the overall situation on the back mountain bay had been decided, he quickly separated some of the ships and rushed to the fleet on Chu Cai's side.

At this time, Liu Yidao can already say that he has persisted to the last moment. More than ten ships he brought have lost more than half of them at this time. Four of them sank in a direct battle. Two ships were seriously damaged and had to leave the battlefield and rushed to the shallows to run aground. Only five boats were still struggling to support. If it weren't for Luo If Xianbin always takes the Clippers detachment to help, Liu Yidao may not be able to save his own ship at this time.

Even so, Liu Yidao and the sea wolves on the remaining ships suffered a lot of casualties. They fought with each other and continued to fight on the side. This is a knife and a shot. It can't be fake, and there is no advantage to rely on. So at this time, the remaining few Nearly half of the sea wolves on the ship have suffered casualties and have basically lost combat effectiveness.

Even Liu Yidao himself was hit by an arrow in his lower abdomen, and a deep bone wound was cut out by the other party on his arm, which shed a lot of blood. At this time, he was already shaky and could not hold on any longer.

Just when Liu Yidao was forced to give up, Ma Xiao's reinforcements finally rushed over and joined the regiment.

This time, Ma Xiao sent nearly 20 ships. The sea wolves on these ships have already swept away the haze before they came back and fought smoothly, so they can be said to be quite high fighting spirit. As soon as they came over, they immediately fired random shots and began to flood the two enemy ships with their wounds.

The sea wolves on the ship brought by several Liu Yidao, who were about to reach the end of the mountains and rivers, saw the arrival of the reinforcements, so their morale suddenly boosted and immediately went crazy to fight with Mr. Chu Cai.

And Luo Xianbin also focused his eyes on Chu Cailao's Dafu ship and found that the ship was different. It can be sure that this ship is the handsome ship of this fleet, and it may be Chu Cai's old's boat, so now he concentrated almost all his firepower on Chu Cai's Dafu ship. .

20 artillery pieces of artillery fire on Chu Cailao's boat. Chu Cailao's boat was full of bullet holes, a large section of the ship's side was also destroyed, and the sails were beaten with thousands of holes.

By this time, Chu Cai had already been frightened. Seeing that the back mountain bay had burned into a sea of fire, the sea wolf's main fleet had begun to divide troops and began to deal with his fleet.

Who is this man? He is an old pirate who has been wandering on the sea for more than ten years. How can he not see his current situation? Mr. Chu Cai's heart is bleeding at this time. He knows that he has completely failed this time. The strategy used by the sea wolf made him fall into this big pit.

It can be said that he didn't get a hair this time. He couldn't beat Dazhai, and he was beaten by others on the island. He had a great advantage at sea, but the other party did not give him a chance to fight a fair decisive battle. Suddenly, he made a sneak attack on him in the early morning and caught him off guard. So much so that many of his ships, who had no chance to pull anchor, were burned on the shore.

Now he has completely lost the opportunity to regain the initiative. At present, if he doesn't leave, once the sea wolf's main fleet has solved his men in Houshan Bay and turned to find him, he may not even have a chance to leave.

The sea wolf's fleet can be said to be strong and powerful, and the advantage in firepower is beyond his reach at all. As long as the other party always controls the distance between the two sides, he can only stand up and has no ability to fight back. When the battle reaches this level, there is no need to continue fighting. .

If he continued to fight, even he would put it here together. Seeing that this had happened, Chu Cailao no longer dared to hesitate. He immediately withdrew his troops and began to take the dozens of his ships to turn the bow and retreat towards the Nanri Waterway to the west of Nanri Island.

Liu Yidao looked at Chu Cailao's fleet that began to turn around, couldn't help laughing a few times, and ordered all the nearby friendly ships to immediately start chasing Chu Cailao's fleet.

And after laughing a few times, his face twisted and went out. With a smile, he touched the arrow wound in his abdomen. The pain made him feel cold, and the knife wound on his arm was even more painful. For a moment, he didn't even have the strength to stand, and he fell on the boat board with a sound.

Seeing Liu Yidao suddenly fall, the men on the ship rushed over and tried to help him up.