Daming Haiku

Chapter 262 War Bonus

After Wang Hong's funeral, everything about the sea wolf began to return to normal, because everyone knows that what they do is actually working with their heads. No one knows when they will die. The deceased has passed away, but the living people will continue to live.

Fighting such a big battle is undoubtedly a good thing for the sea wolf, and the celebration is definitely indispensable. Therefore, after Yu Xiaotian sent Fang An away, he ordered the director to hold a banquet outside Dazhai to reward all the people who participated in the war, and even the islanders braves who helped the battle in the Dazhai were invited to have a drink together. .

In addition, after a few days, the credit was counted day and night, and the decision to reward was handed over to Yu Xiaotian for review.

After Yu Xiaotian personally reviewed it overnight, he modified it slightly and approved it.

Among the sailors and soldiers in this war, a total of more than ten people were awarded the Medal of Loyalty and Courage, and several other ships collectively performed outstandingly and received special awards.

Among them, the sub-captain who attacked Dazhai at night and guarded the south gate of Dazhai and did not retreat until his death was honored with the first gold medal of loyalty and courage of the sea wolf. His mother and wife were raised by the sea wolf for life, and his son recognized Yu Xiaotian as his godfather and would be raised by Yu Xiaotian to commend the sub-inion. Loyal.

In addition, Meng Fei's performance was particularly outstanding in this war. He led his troops in the commercial stack area. Although he was not regarded as the main target of the attack by Mr. Chu Cai, Meng Fei took the initiative to fight many times in this battle, and he did quite well, so Yu Xiaotian obtained the credit reported in the prison hall. The bronze Medal of Loyalty and Bravery was changed to silver, especially in recognition of this guy's performance.

In addition, more than a dozen other people were also awarded the Bronze and Iron Loyalty Medal for their outstanding performance in the war. Among the people killed in the battle, two were awarded the Silver Loyalty Medal.

In addition to these people, many people in the Sea Wolf Department have been commended and won a lot of silver, and other participants have also received varying amounts of silver as rewards for them.

Of course, there are also dozens of people who are greedy and afraid of death. They behaved poorly in the war. They were named and announced that a leader escaped from the war. After that, they were beheaded by the prison, and the rest of them were also punished differently.

This is exactly a means for Yu Xiaotian to control his subordinates. Only in this way can the sea wolf be more brave in future wars.

Due to Wang Hong's accidental death, the second team had no coach for the time being. After the war, after everyone's discussion, Yu Xiaotian finally decided to transfer Ma Xiao to the management team of the second team, while Liu Yidao went to the third team to serve as the management team. Because Ma Feng was executed, the third team appeared as a deputy management team. Vacancy, and Luo Xianbin has performed outstandingly recently, so Luo Xianbin was also appointed as the deputy management team of the third division and was promoted to one level.

Just two days after the sea wolf defeated Chu Cai, the news quickly spread all over Fuzhou. Those merchants who were not optimistic about the battle of the sea wolf were shocked to hear the news, so they didn't wait for the completion of the aftermath of the sea wolf. These merchants who withdrew from Nanri Island all carried heavy gifts one by one. He took the boat back to the Nanri Island warehouse area.

These merchants are not stupid. They can see that the sea wolf will become the leading pirate group in Fujian after winning this big victory, and the momentum will overwhelm Chu Cailao. At this time, if you don't quickly show goodwill to Yu Xiaotian, I'm afraid there will be opportunities to flatter in the future. It's not their turn.

So these merchants rushed to Nanri Island one after another and presented their generous gifts to Yu Xiaotian. They had to welcome Xiaotian fiercely and said that they would expand the scale of the business warehouse on Nanri Island.

For the performance of these merchants, it has long been Xiaotian's expectation that these businessmen are snobbish. If you are strong, they will be your grandson and treat you like a master. If he is defeated this time, I'm afraid that few of these people will look at him in the future and will immediately swarming away for Chu Cai. Always offer generous gifts. Whether it is now or in the future, people are so snobbish. Attaching to the strong is an eternal law, which Yu Xiaotian knows better than anyone else.

So he did not refuse the heavy gifts sent by these merchants and accepted them all. As a result, in just a few days, he basically recovered the price paid for the war and made a considerable profit.

Even before he could speak, these sea merchants took the initiative to contact the council to pay the money again, and no one procrastinated and didn't want to pay the money to buy the road.

Originally, after learning the news, these merchants were still a little suspicious of the news. While bringing a boat to Nanri Island to give gifts, they wanted to inquire about the details of the battle. Some people even felt that even if the sea wolf won, it should have suffered a great loss. Even if Chu Cai lost, it was not necessarily hurt. It's a big loss, so I still have a wait-and-see attitude on the way here.

But when they arrived at Nanri Island and saw the wreckage of various ships stranded in the shallow water near the back mountain bay, as well as the dozens of boats neatly arranged outside the Dazhai wharf, and the dense warships of sea wolves moored in the bay, these people had doubts. Suddenly, the clouds disappeared.

No matter how stupid they are, they can see that the sea wolf may indeed have won a big victory this time. Mr. Chu Cai's loss must be greater than they thought. At least the number of ships damaged on Nanri Island is no less than 100. This time, the fool can also understand that Mr. Chu Cai lost this time is not ordinaryly. For a long time. I'm afraid it's impossible to restore the previous strength.

And these merchants did not expect the battle to be so tragic. When they landed and saw the sea wolf village, they saw that the wall in the east of the sea wolf village was full of bullet holes, and many places were full of arrows. The wall of the village was like a layer of reed flowers, and several walls collapsed. At this time, it was simply blocked with some sandbags.

There are still blackened blood stains in many places under the wall of the fortress wall, and there are many traces of fire under the wall in many places.

Although the war here had been over for several days when they came, they could still smell the smell of corpses and blood in the air, and could also smell a smoky smell in the air.

The open space to the east of Dazhai is full of blood, as well as some broken ladders and shields that have not yet been cleaned up, which shows that there has been a fierce war here. Obviously, Mr. Chu Cai once led his troops to attack the sea wolf village, and in the village There were many dead outside, but in the end they did not attack the sea wolf's village.

All signs show that Chu Cailao suffered a lot in Nanri Island this time, so no one dares to doubt that the sea wolf did win a big victory this time.

After landing on the island, merchants also saw a group of prisoners on Nanri Island, working back and forth on the island under the custody of the sea wolves, cleaning up the battlefield, repairing the wall of the wall, and some prisoners busy helping the islanders rebuild their houses in nearby villages. The number of prisoners When there are many, roughly hundreds to more than a thousand people.

This number of prisoners represents the great loss of Chu Cai's old, which has exceeded the imagination of many people's imagination. How miserable Chu Cai's defeat is is no longer what they can imagine. In a word, the sea wolf has won a great victory, and it is not an ordinary victory. There is no doubt about this. .

This is also the reason why these sea wolves decided to pay the money for their merchant ships, because they know that after this battle, the sea wolf is not only famous. They are sure that the sea wolf's sphere of influence will expand southward after this war. The earlier they pay, the cheaper the money will be. Seawolf's It is a matter of time before the price rises. It is always cheaper to pay early than late.

But what they didn't expect was that although their reaction speed was fast enough, when they went to pay the money, they found that the sea wolf's reaction speed was faster than theirs. The price of passing money had increased, and it rose by as much as 30% at once, and according to the people who collected the board of directors, this is still Temporary preferential price, it is estimated that the passing money will double soon. Who let them lose too much in this war with Chu Cailao? They have to make up for it quickly.

In fact, the positive conflict between Chu Cailao and Yu Xiaotian is not only affected by maritime commerce. Before this war between Chu Cailao and Sea Wolf, in fact, the land officials had heard about it, especially Lu Wenheng, the governor of Fuzhou, who actually heard from his subordinates that the sea wolf was offended. Chu Cailao's news.

And Lu Wenheng heard from his men that this time, there was a lot of trouble between the sea wolf and Mr. Chu Cai. Chu Cai said everywhere, vowing that the head of the sea wolf, Yu Xiaotian, could not be the head.

Lu Wenheng was a little shocked about this, because since the sea wolf replaced the Shark Gang, the bandits in the coastal area of Fuzhou under his control have gradually decreased, especially after the sea wolf cleaned up the mixed river dragons in Funing, the bandit area around the Minjiang River has also been reduced a lot.

In fact, he did not like the sea wolf, a group of pirates. He felt that the sea wolf was definitely not a good thing, and it may even be worse than the shark gang and the mixed river dragon. Therefore, he has repeatedly strictly ordered the coastal areas to step up precautions and pay attention to observing the deeds of the sea wolf, once If the sea wolf is too outrageous, he will immediately go to Nanjuyi and ask Nanjuyi to mobilize troops to suppress the sea wolf.

But after a while, he gradually found that when the surname Yu entered Nanri Island, the coastal bandit situation in Fuzhou did not improve significantly. On the contrary, there were fewer and fewer things reported to his desk about being attacked by pirates.

And he also heard that after entering Nanri Island, this surnamed Yu actually took the initiative to suppress a small group of pirate forces in Fuzhou. At the same time, he annexed some large pirates in Fuzhou, reintegrated the pirates at sea in Fuzhou, and began to take the road of raising thieves by business and reducing coastal villages. As well as the looting of ships passing through the sea, it also reduces the effectiveness of collecting fishermen and reduces the extortion of coastal fishermen, making the coastal areas of Fuzhou under his jurisdiction appear little calm for many years.

Lu Wenheng was a little surprised at this time. According to his understanding of pirates and Japanese pirates for so many years, these guys can be said to be extremely vicious people. They like to kill and aggressively, harm the people, and do all kinds of evil... As long as the word pirates is mentioned, everyone in the world will hate it, but Lu Wenheng Unexpectedly, there was such a group of alternative pirates on the land under his jurisdiction today.