Daming Haiku

Chapter 307 Technological Progress

* Although there are many shortcomings due to current technical reasons, such as being greatly affected by the weather, the fire rate is not high, the accuracy in the distance is limited, the loading speed is slow, and the launch interval is slow, but it has the advantage of short training time compared with the weapon such as bow and arrow.

A qualified archer, not to mention a divine archer, will take at least two years to cultivate it. Nomads have lived on horseback since childhood and lived a life of nomadic and hunting. They are naturally qualified cavalry and shooters, but the people of the Ming Dynasty are basically farmers or fishermen. Min, usually has no contact with bows and arrows at all. It is impossible to train him to become a qualified archer in a short time. Even if he is trained, he will be much worse than others.

But * is different. As long as the quality is qualified, the time to train * hand is much shorter than the time to train the archer. As long as you tell them how to load, how to aim, and then train, up to a month, the shortest a few days, or even a day, you can let a person who has never touched * learn how Don't use it.

As long as the speed of production can keep up, you can get a large number of qualified hands very quickly.

What's more, although the production cost of * is not low, the production cost of weapons such as bows and crossbows is also not low. A good bow materials are exquisite, and excellent wood, horns, tendons, glue, silk, paint and other materials are needed to be made. The technical requirements for the producers are not low, and the production process is more complicated and the longest time requires It will take about two years to make a good bow.

And the archer still needs to have quite strong arm strength to drive a hard bow. If the arm strength is not good, he can only use soft bows and light arrows. Moreover, even archers with strong arm strength have limited physical strength. After several consecutive arches, with the decline of physical strength, they must rest for a period of time to recover their physical strength before continuing to shoot arrows. , in terms of vitality and sustainability, it is not much better than *.

and * hands do not need such high technology and physical strength. As long as they can afford * and learn to aim and load, they can fire. As long as * is not hot, they can continue to fire.

Therefore, it will be a matter of time before firearms replace cold weapons, and in the future, he will build a pure firearm army so that it can dominate the world. Without a large-scale firearm production factory, it cannot meet his needs.

So he nodded and continued, "So the best, * the most important thing is the construction of the tube, which is related to the amount of * output! Training as many craftsmen as possible to build barrels is the key to your shooting. You have a good grasp of this point!

After you get to the fresh water, you have to pay attention to this matter. *The more this thing, the better, and how much you want! I won't let you be idle!

After the god is stabilized over there, I still have good things for you to test. Once it can be made, it will be as easy as taking * lives within 200 steps as exploring the bag!"

Zhang, a blacksmith, was born an iron idiot. His favorite thing in his life is to toss new things. In the past two or three years, he followed Yu Xiaotian to first play with a fire rope gun, and then he played with the current fluntlet. Last year, he got a short hair.

He has not been idle for the past two years. In addition to twirling these new *, he also twirts some tools and simple machines specially used to make * from time to time according to Yu Xiaotian's ideas.

Nowadays, several simple machines specially made* have been created, replacing some processes that used to be handmade by craftsmen, such as manual drills for drilling, twist drills for drilling, special tapping machines, and special production of some small parts. Manpower stamping machine.

The trial production of these simple machines was successful. After they were put into use, Zhang Blacksmith himself modified it to make it easier to use. Although Zhang Blacksmith doesn't know a few, this guy is a natural mechanical controller. When Yu Xiaotian told him many things, he could understand it and rely on manual construction. Improve it according to his understanding.

In this regard, I have to admit that some people are geniuses, and Zhang Blacksmith must be a genius in this field, so that sometimes even Yu Xiaotian has to marvel at what he has made.

But during this period, Yu Xiaotian had no time to do things here, and naturally there was nothing new to teach Zhang Blacksmith, so that Zhang Blacksmith felt a little bored during this period. Repeating a kind of work day after day is obviously not something he likes very much.

Now that Yu Xiaotian said that he wanted to tell him a new thing, and Yu Xiaotian also said that it was as easy as taking a person's life within 200 steps, and his appetite was hung up at once.

You should know that the best huskling gun they have built now, even if it is the best precision, can only guarantee a distance of about 50 to 70 steps, and can hit targets the size of the human body more accurately. Most * beyond 50 steps, the accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Yu Xiaotian said that he would teach him a new guy, which could be played very accurately within 200 steps. At this time, the blacksmith was excited again, so he nodded repeatedly and said that he was as excited as a child who was about to get a new toy, grinned and happy.

Yu Xiaotian likes this blacksmith very much, but now he feels that this blacksmith Zhang does not seem to be suitable for this gun steward, but more suitable to study some new weapons, otherwise it will be a waste of his talents.

Thinking of this, he secretly decided that after the freshwater village gun was put into production this time, he would take Zhang blacksmith off the position of stew, change to a person who is good at this kind of thing to take over, and let Zhang blacksmith specialize in playing with some new things in the future. He should set up a research and development center and let Zhang blacksmithss around well. .

And when he came to the cannon, the production of the cannon was still booming, and there were not as many things needed on the gunfire as there.

They mainly want to transfer some craftsmen to chicken cages and freshwater, and iron furnaces for molten iron and ironmaking can't be transported away, so they can only be built there. At present, stoves have been built over there. For the cannon, they only need to transport a few sets of newly cast gun models, plus some ready-made crucibles and some lifting. Just ship the tools.

Therefore, the production of casting guns here has not been affected much, and all the iron melting furnaces are still being put into, constantly melting various iron materials and casting them into the mold.

Now there are five casting platforms, and five sets of gun models can be cast at the same time. New cannons are cast every day, which can basically be used by Shanghai wolves.

And now Sea Wolf's cannons are not simply producing one or two cannons, and now their products are also quite rich.

In addition to the Western-style six-pounder cannon and 12-pound long cannon, they have now opened two sets of light Franco machine guns, specializing in casting light Franco machine guns to equip marine divisions and battalions.

After all, although the Franco machine gun has a short range and small power due to sealing, this weapon has its natural advantages, that is, fast shooting speed and convenient loading. It is a quite good medium and short-range suppression weapon on the battlefield, which can effectively make up for the shortcomings of slow firing speed of heavy guns.

Therefore, he did not completely abandon this Franco machine gun, but used it as a light secondary gun to equip ships, which is specially used to kill living targets on the deck of enemy ships before the fetch, and the effect is also quite good.

Moreover, the barracks also repeatedly required to be equipped with some light Franco machine guns, so that they can also have stronger combat capabilities, so in order to meet these needs, Yu Xiaotian asked the cannons to imitate these two caliber light Franco machine guns.

In addition to these, the cannon is still producing a light tiger squat gun. There is no fundamental difference between this tiger squat gun and the tiger squat gun invented by Qi Jiguang, but because the sea wolf is of good quality and uses high-quality raw iron from Fujian and Guangdong. In addition, iron mold casting is used, and it is rarely produced in the gun wall. Bubbles, so the quality is far better than the iron cannon cast in Daming before.

Therefore, the current tiger squat gun cast by the sea wolf is slightly thinner than the previous tiger squat gun, and the length has increased by about half a foot. The gun body also imitates the Western-style cannon and gradually thickens from the front to the back, eliminating several iron hoop used to strengthen the original gun body. While ensuring the quality, it makes this tiger squat gun. The amount of medicine has increased, and the range and power are far greater than the tiger squat gun used in Daming before, but the weight has not increased much. Even if the gun rack is added, it is only about 40 pounds.

With the physical ability of the sea wolf soldier, it only takes two people to carry it. If necessary, even one person can carry it up and run. A gun team of five people and three people carry ammunition, which is enough to ensure that it is used in one battle.

And this kind of tiger squat gun is relatively small. Even if it is equipped on a merchant ship, it is not eye-catching. Although it is not powerful, it still has a considerable deterrent to resist a small group of pirates at sea. Therefore, in addition to being equipped for the war battalion, this kind of tiger squat gun also equips the fleet, mainly for the merchant fleet. It doesn't cost much for a ship to install four or five doors, and it also gives the merchant ship considerable self-insured ability.

Therefore, the scale of the cannon has been quite large and the products have been quite rich. However, considering that the consumables of heavy guns are too large, so far, only one 18-pound cannon and one 24-pound cannon have been cast, and the production has been stopped, concentrating on casting these guns that are currently urgently needed.

Now the production of cannons continues. Next, until the cannons in Jilongzhai and Danshui City are put into production, the output will not be reduced here, but when the cannons on the other side are put into production, Yu Xiaotian is ready to gradually reduce the production of cannons here, and finally only retain two casting tables and specialize in production. The monkey version of the artillery sold makes it a cannon for sea wolves to generate income.

Nowadays, the Lei blacksmith is no longer the steward of this cannon, because this guy can't change eating shit. As soon as his life is comfortable, he germinates again and begins to eat, drink and gamble, so Yu Xiaotian took this guy down and replaced a blacksmith's apprentice to pick him up. It's in charge here.

This blacksmith's apprentice is much more conscientious than that Lei blacksmith. After he took over the things on this side of the cannon, the production of cannons has improved a lot than when Lei blacksmith was in charge. Both the output and quality are beyond the past. Nowadays, Lei blacksmith can only do cannons with a gray head. He is responsible for the work of a casting table, and there is no longer the freedom of some time ago.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the situation on the side of the cannon, chatted with the steward here, and learned that the matter here had not been affected much. He felt very satisfied. He praised the craftsmen here, looked at the wooden workshop here for making gun racks for artillery, and turned to the gunpowder workshop. Go.