Daming Haiku

Chapter 309 Xinding

Nanri Island Boat House has not been idle for several months, and continues to step up the construction of a new type of ship called a sloop, which they call a flying-shaped Clipper.

In the past few months, Nanri Island Boat House has added four flying fast boats to Yu Xiaotian, so that the number of sloops in the hands of the sea wolf has reached nine, which is enough to form a small-scale fast light fleet.

However, Yu Xiaotian did not put these new ships into the Flying Clippers detachment, but gave them one to Jilongzhai, Danshui City and Shuangfeng Island, so that they could not only be used as sentries, but also as liaison ships when necessary.

Even so, the sea wolf's ships were still insufficient as the training was approaching, so Yu Xiaotian simply took out part of the cash and directly sent people to several shiphouses in Fujian and Zhejiang on land, and ordered a batch of new ships to be added to the fleet.

In this way, the number of ships of Seawolves has also increased a lot in recent months. The number of available warships alone is now more than 100. If merchant ships and whalers and some smaller fishing boats are added, the number of ships owned by Seawolves can basically reach nearly 300.

At the scale of the sea wolf, although I don't dare to be proud of the heroes at present, at least if anyone wants to be the enemy of the sea wolf, he really needs to think about it carefully.

During this period, the sea wolf's training operation has also made great progress, and the new camp in Danshui Village has been carried out relatively smoothly under the leadership of Meng Fei and Liu Tong.

After being recruited, Xinding first eliminated some of the unqualified personnel after about half a month of quarantine on Nanri Island, and the rest of the Xinding was shipped to the new camp of Danshuizhai to begin to receive serious initial training.

Now, after so many times of sea wolf's new training, a more suitable method has been summed up, dividing the whole training process into several stages.

The new recruits in the new camp are divided into two parts. The first part is a one-month preliminary training. All the new recruits receive the same training in the initial training stage, regardless of soldiers and water soldiers.

The current preliminary training no longer requires Xinding to carry out general training, mainly because Yu Xiaotian found that the vast majority of Xinding recruited in this era have low physical fitness due to poor food and lack of nutrition in the past. Although most of these recruited newdings are farmers or fishermen and do not work hard. It is a big problem, but it is seriously insufficient in terms of explosive power and endurance due to the lack of nutrients in the body.

In the past, when they practiced Xinding, Yu Xiaotian followed the hearsay of later generations or personally felt the general training method of stealing teachers, which was not applicable in this era. At the beginning, when they let Xinding receive general training, there were a large number of newcomers who fainted during training because they could not bear it. Dehydration is very common.

Later, Yu Xiaotian found the problem and realized that people in this era were far worse than those of later generations in terms of physical nutrition. If they did not improve their physique and trained them at the beginning, it would be difficult for them to withstand such training intensity.

So after the new camp moved to Tamsui City this time, he discussed with Meng Fei and others and decided to change the previous training method. In the preliminary training stage, he will no longer train Xinding in general ability, but mainly train them to operate and passwords, and first let them develop a suit. From the awareness, and in the preliminary training stage, let these newcomers learn some of the rules about sea wolves, so that they can develop a good habit first.

In the initial training stage, Yu Xiaotian did not hesitate to spend more money to provide these newcomers with a good diet, and even provide them with more meat and vegetables, and even add them with rare eggs, fruits and other things, so that they can get more nutrition and improve their physique in the preliminary training stage.

After training at the beginning of a month, Xinding's physique can basically be greatly improved, so that their endurance and explosive power will be greatly improved.

And through the initial training, the new camp has also formed an elimination mechanism. For those whose physical conditions are seriously unqualified and have not been well improved during the one-month conditioning period, at the end of the initial training, those who cannot pass the physical fitness assessment will be eliminated, repatriated or withdrawn from the new camp, and placed separately. .

In addition, for some of the new people who did not obey and have bad habits, the guys who could not improve after repeated repair of the initial training were also eliminated before the end of the initial training, saving a few of them a mouse to break a pot of soup.

Yu Xiaotian is relatively satisfied with the new recruit this time. He has never learned from his peers. As long as he comes, no matter who wants it, and the worse it is, the more popular it will be. Although those who once had been bad embryos and became pirates, they are indeed ruthless and dared to fight and kill, but this Some people can follow others, but Yu Xiaotian absolutely does not want such people to work under him.

From the earliest, Yu Xiaotian subconsciously wanted to build his sea wolf group into a team similar to a regular army, but if he wanted to build a team with a strong sense of obedience, obedience and dared to use his life, he would definitely not be able to rely on these bad embryos. In that case, his military discipline would be very fast. They will be corrupted by these guys, and these guys are slippery and happy when fighting. Once they encounter adversity or bad situation, they will definitely wipe the soles of their feet immediately.

Once someone escapes without obeying the order, it will affect the morale of the whole team. Ten * will drive others to flee together, and eventually lead the whole team to collapse without a fight.

Therefore, in this regard, he agrees with Qi Jiguang and later Zeng Guofan's concept of recruiting soldiers. He would rather choose honest young farmers or fishermen than accept such market scoundrels and ruffians. The quality of such soldiers meets his requirements.

As a soldier, the most important thing is not to be smart, but to obey orders. In terms of obedience consciousness, honest farmers or fishermen are far stronger than those market scoundrels and local rogues. They only need rigorous training to make them become a team that can be like arms and fingers, and completely play a real Team strength.

Therefore, when the sea wolf recruits new ding, it is based on the idea of filial piety and screening the recruits. However, all those who are from cities and towns with market atmosphere are eliminated in the first wave, and only fishermen in the coastal area and some mountain people near the coast are recruited or Farmers.

The treatment of the sea wolves has been widely publicized before. Although they are famous for being thieves, sea wolves are well-known in the coastal areas, so there are many young people who want to enter the sea wolves to eat food. Especially in recent years, more and more people have lost their land. Some people are poor and unable to make a living and can be recruited. Eating food among sea wolves is undoubtedly a quite good choice for many coastal landless people.

So as long as the sea wolf says that it wants to recruit new people, many young people in the coastal area are willing to try their luck. Therefore, when the sea wolf recruits soldiers, they have quite a relatively loose choice.

After the initial training, these new recruits passed the assessment and began to be divided into two groups. Some of them were newly born as fishermen and were assigned to the new marine battalion, and the rest were transferred to the new battalion of soldiers for further training.

After entering this stage, these newcomers should start training to increase a large amount of exercise, and their increased nutrition in the early stage also allows them to withstand such training intensity, and in these two months, they will receive more professional training.

Xinding in Shuiying should receive various trainings for boating, such as sailing, masting, operating anchors and artillery, as well as training their fighting skills.

The training of soldiers is relatively simple, but more than queue training and fighting training, supplemented by physical training with a large amount of exercise and primary training in jungle warfare.

The training time of this stage is two months. After Xinding completes these two months of training, after passing the assessment, they can be assigned to the fleet or barracks, become trainee sailors or trainees, and receive more professional training on the ship or in the barracks.

But before they are assigned, they have to go through a traditional test of sea wolves, that is, after following some whalers to go out to hunt whales, successfully hunt a whale, and help complete a whale division work, they get a pass to officially enter the fleet or barracks.

In the past few months, the first batch of about 800 newcomers have completed these newcomers' training and were assigned in September.

The scale of the fleet and the barracks has increased a lot. Yu Xiaotian appointed a group of new captains and first mates, and personally participated in the ceremony of Xinding's transfer to the team.

It was not until this time that the new men received the official uniform of the sea wolf, but they had to sew a green cloth on their chest for the time being to represent their status as interns. Only after a period of time, after their meritorious service or serious work are recognized, can they become formal people. Member.

And the remaining nearly 1,000 new Ding are still in Tamsui City. It will take a month or two to be trained.

At the beginning of September, Yu Xiaotian personally went to Danshui City and participated in the training ceremony where Xinding ended. He personally awarded military uniforms to a group of people with outstanding achievements in the training. These dozens of outstanding people directly skipped the stage of trainees and directly obtained the official sea wolf members. It has aroused the envy of many newcomers.

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