Daming Haiku

Chapter 9 Chongwu Institute

In this battle, Ma Xiao led his team to fight straight in Nanri Shuizhai until dark before ordering troops to return. However, when he saw Nanri Shuizhai, it turned into a sea of fire. Not only were the ships at the dock ignited, but also some wooden fences in the Shuizhai on the shore were also burned by the fire.

Many officers and soldiers who had not yet boarded the ship saw that the situation was not good, and immediately dispersed as birds and beasts and fled everywhere. However, when it was dark, only four or five warships were not killed by the sea wolves and fled into Meizhou Bay. The rest were not seriously injured and stranded on the shore. On the edge, it was simply burned into a ball, or directly beaten to pieces and sank into the sea.

In the sea more than ten miles outside the whole Nanri Water Village, there are broken shipboard fragments everywhere, as well as the bodies of some officers and soldiers, and some officers and soldiers who escaped from diving, struggled to swim on the beach in the cold sea.

Some officers and soldiers knelt on the shore and covered their faces and cried. For a moment, there was a sound of sadness on the shore. After Liu Yinglong was rescued by his men, he was escorted to the water village. He collected a group of defeated soldiers and was ready to defend the water village, and sent people to Puxi City to ask Zhang Jiace for help for fear that the sea wolf troops would destroy the officers and military fleet. , and then forcibly landed and occupied the water village in Nanri.

However, Zhang Jiace was in Puxi City at this time, but he was also hit by several sea wolf warships on the sea outside the city. These sea wolf ships seemed to have endless shells. One afternoon, they took turns to fire on the city of Puxi. The intensity was slow and urgent, but they never stopped shelling.

The shells kept falling into the city. Although the damage to Puxi's city was not great, it was a very serious blow to the morale of the officers and soldiers.

The two Hongyi cannons in Puxi City also carried out continuous counterattacks under the operation of the officers and soldiers, but He Nai's ability to operate the guns was limited and he could never hit the thief ship, which became a joke of the sea wolf.

When two cannons hit more than a dozen cannons, the gun body becomes hot. You have to stop and wait for the gun body to cool down. Otherwise, once the gunpowder is loaded, it may be bombed or accidentally ignited, causing an accident.

As for the old cannons in the city, the sea wolf's warships have always hovered hundreds of meters away from the sea outside the city, giving them no chance to fight back at all, which is no different from being beaten on horseback.

The most afraid thing about being a soldier is to be beaten by others, but they can't fight back. It's okay for a while, but once it takes a long time, the morale of the soldiers will plummet. When Liu Yinglong comes to ask for help, the morale of the officers and soldiers in Puxi City has already fallen into their crotch, and there is no ability to reinforce Nanri Shuizhai!

At the beginning, Zhang Jiace still insisted on the command on the wall, but later the sea wolf's shells almost hit him several times and sent him to the west to learn the scriptures. Only then did his soldiers and subordinate generals drag him down the wall. Zhang Jiace pretended to hold on, but pretended to be helpless before being pulled down the wall to avoid Entering a safe place in the city, the officers and soldiers of the city passed on the situation of the sea wolf fleet outside the city, and he commanded in the city.

However, the gunfire outside the city kept ringing again, and the shells kept falling into the city, but these thief ships never approached the coast and did not make a gesture to forcibly land. Zhang Jiace gradually understood the idea of the sea wolf.

The sea wolf did not come to Puxi City at all this time, and they did not plan to attack Puxi City. Their main targets were concentrated in Nanri Water Village. These thief ships that shelled Puxi City were simply holding him, making him unable to rescue Nanri Water Village.

After understanding this, Zhang Jiace was not too nervous, but he felt worried about the South Rishui Village, so he quickly went up to the city and looked towards the South Japan Water Village.

At this time, the Nanri Water Village was already on fire and was unreachable. From afar, it could be seen that the Nanri Water Village was on fire, and many boats were also emitting thick smoke on the sea. He knew that the Nanri Water Village was over.

This group of sea wolves is really very sinister. They unexpectedly attacked Puxi City and Nanri Shuizhai and gave the officers and soldiers a first move. As long as they destroy the sailor warships gathered in Nanri Shuizhai, then the next easy-to-won campaign organized by the governor is equivalent to losing half. In a short time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Zhu Qinxiang to gather so many warships to launch an offensive against Nanri Island.

And today they have also thoroughly seen the power of the pirates on Nanri Island. As rumored, this group of pirates really have a batch of Hongyi cannons that they did not expect, and the number of them exceeded their expectations. Moreover, today, there are only more than 30 ships of sea wolves, on it. Loaded with more than 100 Western cannons, he can't imagine how many such cannons the sea wolf has. If the sea wolf has more such cannons, then with the current strength of the officers and army, he can't cope with it.

So the next attack on the sea wolf is expected to die because of this. No matter how angry Zhu Qinxiang is, I'm afraid he will not dare to attack the sea wolf easily.

And today's officers and army suffered such a serious setback, I'm afraid that many officials will immediately impeach Zhu Qinxiang. This newly appointed governor estimates that even the position of governor may not be able to be preserved...

Thinking of this, Zhang Jiace turned around and went down the wall. He knew that the purpose of the sea wolf had been achieved, and the sea wolf was likely not to land and attack again. As a result, he did not know whether to be grateful or sad.

But he is very clear that the Nanri Water Village was attacked this time, the city of Puxi was shelled, and the sailors gathered here were completely destroyed. In addition to Zhu Qinxiang to take responsibility, I'm afraid that he, the main general sitting here, is also to blame. Next, what he has to care about is not how to save Nanri Water Village, and It is necessary to think about how to shirk the responsibility for this matter and let others take responsibility, so as not to avoid him being unlucky and resigning his post.

While Ma Xiao led the team to attack Nanrishui Village, another fleet had left Nanri Island and went straight down to Quanzhou Prefecture.

This fleet is led by Liu Yidao. The size of the fleet is similar to that led by Ma Xiao, but the situation of the ship is weaker than that led by Ma Xiao.

This fleet is mainly composed of medium-sized and light warships among the sea wolf fleets, and the number is about 30. Although it is slightly weaker than the fleet led by Ma Xiao, the strength of such a fleet should not be underestimated when looking at the pirate groups around Fujian.

This time, the sea wolf's preemptive measures are a series of measures, not just an attack on a place in Nanri Water Village.

In addition to attacking Nanrishui Village and destroying the Fujian navy warships gathered there, Yu Xiaotian also sent another two fleets, one of which was led by Liu Yidao and went straight to Chongwu Institute in Quanzhou Prefecture, which is the ancient city of Chongwu left by later generations.

According to Zhu Qinxiang's arrangement, a large number of merchant ships have been sealed in Zhangquan and other places recently, and merchant ships have been concentrated in the ports outside the city of Chongwu Qianhu. Recently, they are ready to ship to go to Pinghaiwei and Puxi, load the officers and soldiers gathered there, and follow the naval fleet to attack Nanri Island.

Zhu Qinxiang is very clear that it is difficult to guarantee that a large number of officers * will be brought to Nanri Island at one time based on the current number of warships of the Fujian Marine Division. Therefore, according to the habits of the government, it has become a realistic choice to temporarily recruit merchant ships to participate in the war. Therefore, he ordered Zhangquan and other places to seal merchant ships, forcibly recruit them, gather them up, and help the officers and soldiers attack the south. Ri Island.

Before the sea wolf took action, according to the detailed line report, the port of Chongwu Institute in Quanzhou has gathered more than 60 various merchant ships, mostly large lucky ships of more than 300 materials. If each ship only considers transporting troops, it can carry up to 200 officers and soldiers. In this way, these ships can gather in Pinghaiwei and All the officers and soldiers in Puxi were transported to Nanri Island to land.

Of course, this transportation capacity also needs to ensure the transportation of many materials, such as the newly cast Hongyi cannons they mobilized, grain ammunition, arrows, siege equipment and other things, so the government has recruited so many merchant ships to participate in the war.

Businessmen are certainly unwilling to work for the government, because they rely on going to the sea to do business for a living. After the ship is forcibly requisitioned, it will be delayed for a long time. Once there is a fight, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no loss.

The government has never only recruited, but once it causes losses, it will never be responsible for compensating for their losses. Therefore, in general, sea merchants will not be willing to do such a thing. What's more, they also know that the sea wolves are powerful now. Once the sea wolves know that they help the government to suppress Nanri Island If the government can destroy the sea wolf, it's okay, but if the government can't win, then let the sea wolf know, it will retaliate against them later.

But they no longer wanted to, the government sent officers and soldiers to forcibly seal their ships at the port dock, and they had no choice but to be escorted to the assembly place to wait for the government's dispatch.

The government chose Chongwu Institute as the gathering place of merchant ships, instead of directly letting them go to Pinghai Bay to gather, because there are not many ports there, and the water village facilities are dilapidated, which is not enough to support the gathering of so many ships to dock, and supplement food and fresh water, so Chongwu Institute is used as the gathering point for merchant ships. .

And Chongwu is not too far from Puxi City and Pinghaiwei. Once necessary, the merchant ships here can arrive at Pinghai Bay in one day and start loading officers and soldiers. In up to three days, they can set off to Nanri Island to participate in the war.

However, these actions fell into the ears and eyes of the sea wolf without exception. Since Yu Xiaotian wanted to knock on Zhu Qinxiang, he would naturally not let go of these gathered merchant ships, so the assembly point of the merchant ships of Chongwu became the target of their attack.

Just as Ma Xiao led the team to Nanri Shuizhai, Liu Yidao led another fleet and left Nanri Island and went straight to Chongwu.

However, Liu Yidao's fleet did not travel as carefully as Ma Xiao's fleet, but departed from Nanri Island, bypassed the eastern sea area of Nanri Island, avoided the surveillance of the officers of Nanri Waterway, and sailed directly to Chongwu Institute.

At this time, when the north wind blew on the sea, and the fleet went south was basically with the wind, so the fleet sailed relatively fast. Although they encountered some merchant ships or officer sentries along the way, after seeing the sea wolf's fleet, these ships quickly fled one after another.

Liu Yidao led the fleet to swagger across the market like an armed parade. Some ships they encountered along the way were too lazy to talk to them. They walked all the way smoothly. After sailing for about a day and a night, they arrived at Chong at noon the next day. The sea surface of the martial arts.

(Yesterday, there was a problem with the author* updating the system, which caused the order of Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 to be reversed. This time it was not caused by my carelessness. It's wrong! It's snowing in June! Wronged!)