Daming Haiku

Chapter 12 Gun Defeat

"*Hand ready, gun under the shoulder! Get ready to fire!" Someone in the queue shouted.

* The hands removed the flintilla gun from their shoulders again, checked the situation of the fire gate, and confirmed that it was correct. After loading, there was a click sound, pulled the hammer stuck in the flint open, and prepared for the final launch.

The first row of * hands flattened the long gun with a crash of the command, and the butt of the gun was dead at the shoulder socket. The biggest difference between the sea wolf's * and the appearance of Daming bird-making in this era is probably not the inconspicuous flinting device, but their gunstock.

Birds of this era do not have a shoulder-toll, but behind the gun, there is a dog-leg-shaped curved grip that can be held. * When holding a gun, the aiming is not stable, and the recoil is all borne by the wrist when firing.

How can Yu Xiaotian still use such a buttstock? Since the sea wolf produced the first musket, they have used a shoulder-to-shoulder stock close to later generations. The buttstock is made of hard fir or walnut or even lychee wood, which is very strong and durable. When firing against the shoulder, the hand can get a stable support point. It makes aiming easier and improves shooting accuracy.

After flattening these long guns, they began to look for their respective targets through the door and sight. After finding the right target, they locked themselves on the target and waited for the order to get angry.

After the archers fired arrows, they were very nervous. Seeing that the first round of arrow rain did not cause much trouble to the sea wolf, they quickly began to continue to shoot arrows. The arrows kept swinging at the sea wolf's battle array, but the threat to the sea wolf's soldiers was not very great.


"Bum bang bang..." In front of the sea wolf battleneng array, suddenly a firelight spewed out, and then a piece of smoke rose.

Looking at the front of the officer and soldiers, suddenly there was a dozen archers who howled, sprayed blood on their bodies and threw away their bows and arrows. They fell down in front of the array, twisted their bodies in pain, covering their wounds on their bodies and rolled up.

The sea wolf's husset gun has a large caliber and greater power. Although the range is somewhat affected, it still has an effective range of about 70 steps. However, the accurate shooting distance can only be guaranteed to be about 40 steps. The two sides are now less than 60 steps apart and are within the effective range, but there is no guarantee of precision. Shoot for sure.

But this has little impact. Anyway, in the era of the front-loaded smoothbore gun, the performance of firepower was by collecting fire and firing many bullets together to form a surface killing effect. Therefore, Li Dazui did not care about this. Before removing the threat of the other archers, he still decided to keep his soldiers on his side. Bows and arrows are safer outside the effective killing range.

The first row of grabs just rang, and those * hands that had already fired did not check their shooting effect at all. They turned around and gave way to the back row of * hands to the front, quickly returned to the back of the queue, and began to put down * quickly load up.

And without saying a word, the second row immediately flattened the gun and began to aim. Soon, the sea wolf shot out for the second time, and the officers and soldiers opposite immediately fell down again.

Li Dazui was still a little surprised, because after the two rows of guns were put over, they had knocked over 20 or 30 officers and soldiers of the other party, but these officers and soldiers did not collapse and were still huddled together, which made him feel a little confused, because he thought that this group of officers and soldiers should be a mob and a row of guns were released. It's time to be confused, but after the two rows of guns are released, the other party is not in chaos. Is it possible that the guards of Chongwu Institute are all elite soldiers?

So he didn't care about the other side of his hand and waved to the 20 gunners carrying tiger squatting cannons to put down the tiger squat guns. The cannons of the 20 tiger squatted guns began to fill up.

At this time, the hand had shot three times in a row and overturned a piece of officers and soldiers. Just before the sea wolf's tiger squat gun opened fire, suddenly the group of officers and soldiers of Chongwu made a sound of exclamation. Suddenly, it was like a nest and began to burst into chaos and rushed to the Acropolis.

The chaos of the officers and soldiers came too fast, which actually shocked Li Dazui and his men. After a while, they realized that it was not these officers and soldiers who resisted and trained, but that they were too shocked by shooting together just now. For a moment, they were stunned by the guards of this group of Chongwu Institute, and they were not in a short time. Able to react.

After receiving three rows of guns in a row, the mob officially reacted. They were scared out of their courage and no longer care about anything else. They shouted one after another. When they lost their guys, they fled to the Acropolis.

Li Dazui cursed secretly, and then laughed, but did not order to chase the defeated soldiers. He let them escape into the Acropolis crazily and closed the gate with a bang. Then the sound of cannons began to sound in the city, and several cannons on the Acropolis of Chongwu roared.

The dock is still a few hundred meters away from the Acropolis, and the place where the two sides fought just now is also hundreds of meters away from the Acropolis. If it is not a Western-style artillery, it is difficult to reach the queue of sea wolf soldiers, so the cannons of the Acropolis are not a big threat to them at all. The shells are far away from the sea wolf battle array. Fang fell to the ground, jumped a few times and stopped on the ground, at best to give a little psychological comfort to the soldiers of the guard.

Li Dazui doesn't care how the officers and soldiers in the Acropolis can toss around! Leaving a detachment to monitor the Acropolis, the remaining more than 100 soldiers immediately rushed to the dock and aimed the gun mounts at the merchant ships on the dock.

At this time, the people on the merchant ship were scared crazy. A fleet of seawolves blocked their way to escape, and even the officers and soldiers on the shore were defeated by sea wolves and surrounded the dock.

At this time, they cried every day, and the ground was not working. They were so scared that they lay on the boat and didn't know what to do.

At this time, a sea wolf warship sailed into the harbor and shouted at the merchant ships in the harbor with a copper horn: "When you hear this, I won't provoke you, but you have to help the government to deal with me. Today, none of you can escape. You will drive the boat with me immediately. Otherwise, a fire will burn you up and kill you. You chickens and dogs won't stay! Now you all follow my instructions, pull up the anchor and sail, and follow my boat honestly, otherwise my cannons will not be vegetarian!"

A shipman on a nearby merchant ship shouted, "Good man, spare your life!" The little ones do not want to be enemies of you. It is the government that forced me to come here to help the war. How dare I not listen to you? I hope you will let us go! ......”

"Bah! Don't talk nonsense, say more to show your boat first, and then dare to talk so much nonsense. Now I'll make a few holes in your boat! I don't want to go with me honestly. I don't have time to delay with you here!" The member of the sea wolf ship immediately scolded back with a loudspeaker.

At this time, the boatmen on these merchant ships were so scared that they no longer dared to talk nonsense, and Li Dazui on the shore also ordered people to shout at the merchant ships in the port, forcibly seized several sangs on the shore, arranged soldiers to group and start boarding those merchant ships, and controlled the ship with knives and guns. The boatman made him raise his sail and anchor and let him go out of the port of Chongwu.

More than 60 merchant ships on the dock were soon controlled by sea wolves, and the rest did not leave. In order to save their lives or save the ship, they had to honestly follow the sea wolf's fleet away from Chongwu and sailed towards Nanri Island.

On the periphery of the fleet, two flying fast boats slowly swam around the fleet to monitor the movements of these merchant ships.

After the night, the merchant ships were ordered to light all the lanterns to illuminate the location of their ships. After the sea wolf sailors went to sea, they boarded the ships that had not been controlled by the sea wolves in batches and completely controlled these merchant ships.

After dark, a boatman in the fleet tried to resist and escape from the fleet under the lead of their ship's stewmer, but as soon as he took action, the ship's stewman was cut down on the deck by the sea wolf men who were escorting the ship, quickly calming the resistance.

So this group of merchant ships honestly followed Liu Yidao back and were escorted back to Nanri Island.

Chapter 13 Accountability

Zhu Qinxiang, who was preparing to personally command the attack on Nanri Island, was the first to learn about the attack on Nanri Shuizhai and Puxi. After hearing the news, Zhu Qin suddenly stood up in shock and quickly asked how the result was.

When he learned that the sea wolf actually destroyed the sailors gathered in the Nanri Water Village and set fire to the Nanri Water Village, Zhu Qin was quite angry and asked why the officers and sailors were so unbearable.

So the messenger quickly told Zhu Qinxiang the situation of the sea wolf's sneak attack on Nanri Water Village and the shelling of Puxi City. Among them, it was inevitable to exaggerate and double the number of sea wolves' fleet, saying that 70 or 80 warships came at once.

More importantly, there are still many Hongyi cannons on the pirate ship, which are far away and fiercely. Although the officers and sailors do not retreat, they are finally attacked by the waves because they are outnumbered, so they are finally defeated. The main general Liu Yinglong is "severely injured" and is now being treated in Nanri Shuizhai.

In addition, the sea wolf also tried to attack Puxi Institute. Under the leadership of Zhang Jiace, the deputy general of Puxi Qianhu Institute, the officers and soldiers repelled him and killed more than 100 thieves. The head has been solved in Xinghua Mansion, waiting for Zhu Qin to send someone to check.

After listening to this, Zhu Qin was very afraid. He didn't understand the water war. Of course, he didn't know that the Ming Dynasty's warships could not be equipped with Hongyi heavy artillery at all. He could only listen to what the person who reported. As for Zhang Jiace said to repel the pirates' attack on Puxi, although he was not very clear about * things, he was not a fool.

Puxi gathered more than 2,000 officers. No matter how fierce the sea wolf is, they should not risk attacking Puxi's city. Zhu Qinxiang is actually not stupid. You can probably guess that the sea wolf must have sent a ship to shell Puxi City to contain Zhang Jiace's headquarters, so that they can't go to Nanri Water Village to support. As for killing more than 100 people The famous pirate is probably bragging at all.

However, the person who came to report said that the captured thief had been transported to Xinghua Prefecture. He probably guessed that this was probably Zhang Jiace and his men who killed some coastal exiles or thieves, and then used their heads to draw credit to reduce their guilt.

As a member of the imperial court, Zhu Qin still knows very well about the behavior of local officers and soldiers, but although he doubts this kind of thing, he has no real evidence. There is no way to punish Zhang Jiace and other martial artists at all. Moreover, now that the sailors have been defeated, what the sea wolf will do next is not clear. It is the time to use people. It is also inconvenient for him to expose Zhang Jiace's tricks.

When he was extremely angry about the defeat of the Nanri Water Village, on the third day, another news came from Quanzhou that Chongwu was attacked by pirates, and all the merchant ships gathered at Chongwu's dock were abduction by sea wolves, and several other naval warships were sunk by a pirate fleet.

But like Puxi, Mr. Bai Qian over there also said that they repelled the pirates' attack on Chongwu, killed dozens of pirates, and injured several thief ships, but because they were outnumbered, they finally failed to save those merchant ships.

For good, Mr. Bai Qian has not been shameless to the extreme, but he said with empty teeth that he killed dozens of thieves, but he did not solve some people's heads. There is no real evidence for this acquisition.

In a word, this time the sea wolf must have found out the news that he wanted to attack Nanri Island, so it was better to do it first. Before the government took action, he gave Zhu Qinxiang another attack.

In this way, his plan to move troops on Nanri Island has basically been ruined. The sailor ships gathered in Nanri Water Village are the main force of this operation, while the Fujian sailor warships gathered in Xinghua Bay are only 40 short, and his hard-won merchant ships have been robbed by sea wolves, making The number of ships available to him is not enough to use troops on Nanri Island.

After calming down, Zhu Qinxiang had a sense of horror. This time, he still greatly underestimated the strength of the sea wolf. As rumored, the sea wolf really has a lot of Hongyi cannons and a considerable number of ships. Its strength is no worse than the strength of the sailors at the hands of the government.

From this battle between Nanri Shuizhai and Chongwu, he can roughly guess that the strength of the sea wolf at sea is quite strong. If this is not the case, even if the sea wolf attacks Nanri Shuizhai, more than 60 sailor warships gathered in Nanri Shuizhai will not be taken away by the sea wolf.

And he did not see how many sea wolves' warships were destroyed in the battle report, so although he did not see this battle, he also guessed that it should be a one-sided battle situation. The sea wolf completely suppressed the officer's sailor, so that the navy had little power to fight back, and was destroyed by the sea wolf's fleet.

Although he was very angry with such a result, Zhu Qinxiang was still in a cold sweat when he calmed down and thought about it, and with the opinions of his two subordinates as his master' praise.

Because if the sea wolf does not take a preemptive means this time, he will first come to Nanri Shuizhai to destroy the sailors and destroy the nailed merchant fleet on the other side of Chongwu, once he sends troops to attack Nanri Island under unknown circumstances.

And the sea wolf has enough strength to destroy the fleet he sent on Nanri Island. At that time, Fujian's loss may not be such a loss.

At that time, he is likely to send more than 10,000 soldiers to Nanri Island to be destroyed by sea wolves. In that case, I'm afraid that he will not only lose his position and dismiss him from office. As a result, he will be defeated by the army, the whole army will be destroyed, and more than 10,000 officers and soldiers will be killed. This will behead others many times.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qinxiang didn't know how he felt in his heart. Since he arrived in Fujian, he planned to follow the example of his predecessor Nan Juyi to make some achievements in suppressing thieves at sea and fill his official voice.

But he chose the wrong target and targeted this group of sea wolves. As soon as he arrived, he just mentioned that he wanted to suppress the sea wolves on Nanri Island, which caused the pirate surnamed Yu to launch a large-scale attack on the coast of Fujian for more than a month.

It was only less than half a year after he finally calmed down. He finally mobilized some strength and prepared to punish this group of pirates heavily, but he didn't expect that his fist was not stretched out. He slapped him first and slapped him heavily. This time, he was probably in great trouble. .

However, the sea wolf's action is only the beginning. After they killed the Nanri Island Marine Division fleet and robbed the Chongwu merchant fleet back to Nanri Island, the sea wolf began to attack the coastal area of Fujian again, and still chose some large coastal families to attack as last time.

And among these large families, most of them had some evil deeds. The sea wolf sailors and the soldiers cooperated with each other. In the next period of time, they acted recklessly along the coast of Fujian, breaking through dozens of Zhuangbao villages in a row, and abduction of the people in these villages from the land and did not know where they were going.

Although Zhu Qinxiang also expected that the sea wolf might launch such a raid and strictly ordered coastal prefectures and counties to strengthen their preparedness, the sea wolves now have a lot of eyes on land. Basically, they have inquired about the coastal regiment training, township bravery and the layout of officers and soldiers, and can always choose to launch a sudden attack in places that the government can't take care of. Hit.

And they never love to fight and leave with one blow. When the officers and soldiers sent by the government arrive at the place of the accident, the sea wolf has often retreated.

Of course, there are also sea wolves who are doing things and don't have time to retreat and are blocked by the officers and soldiers, but if the officers and soldiers don't come, once they block the sea wolves who have landed, the officers and soldiers find that the sea wolves are really not easy to deal with. They are equipped with a large number of "birds" and a lot of artillery, not to mention the firepower is extremely strong. He is also quite well trained, never retreats from the battle, and plays very fiercely.

Often, even if the officers and soldiers barely blocked the sea wolf masses that have not yet retreated, even if they have superior forces, they are often defeated by the sea wolf soldiers.

In this way, after more than a month, the coast of Fujian was like boiling, and it was a mess of excitement. Officials in various places pressed the gourd to float. Either there was an accident here or there, which made the coastal government anxious about this, and couldn't help complaining about Zhu Qinxiang, who provoked the incident.

No matter when, there were never many people who wanted to take office in the Ming Dynasty. After Zhu Qinxiang became the governor of Fujian, he hardly made much political achievements. On the contrary, he made the coastal area of Fujian a smoky atmosphere, which angered the sea wolves who used to be quite gentle, and forced the sea. The wolf began to become fierce.

In addition, the defeat of Nanri Shuizhai caused heavy losses to Fujian officers and sailors, so naturally some people began to talk to Zhu Qinxiang about this matter. For a while, many people submitted bullet stamps to the capital. Some officials in the capital also learned the news that Wenfeng participated in the impeachment of Zhu Qinxiang, the charge of Zhu Qinxiang's unauthorized provocation in Fujian, which caused a big The defeat made the bandits along the coast of Fujian get more and more serious, disturbing the people and hurting their wealth.

Originally, Zhu Qinxiang also thought of this and sent people to Beijing to try to suppress this matter, but the result was not ideal. This matter was so big that it was no longer his ability to suppress it.

Zhu Qinxiang also wanted to find someone to take the blame for this matter. The best candidate was undoubtedly Zhang Jiace, the deputy general in Puxi's office at that time, but Zhang Jiace should not underestimate that he was just a military general. This guy's mobility was quite powerful. After that, he immediately found the current Fujian general Yu Zhigao and entrusted this matter. It was paid to Yu Zhigao.

(Today is the Lantern Festival, I took my family out to play during the day, and the update was a little late, so I would like to give you two chapters at a time. I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival!)