Daming Haiku

Chapter 66 Biogas Pool

This immediately stopped the immigrants' habit of not following the hygiene requirements. After many people were spanked, and even when they went to the ground, they did not dare to pull casually. They were so suffocated that they had to run back to the toilets in the village to poop, which greatly increased the amount of manure from the cess.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian also greeted a group of masons, dug a large pit in the toilet in Danshui City, paved with masonry at the bottom of the pit, including bricks and stones, and coated the pit wall and the bottom of the pit with earth cement, added a sealed lid to the pit, and left a feeding mouth.

In addition, the excrement in the pit can be directly discharged into the pit through the channel, and the feeding mouth can also put some rotten vegetable leaves, rotten fruits, straw and other things into it.

Lu sometimes doesn't know what Yu Xiaotian is doing. Why did he make the cesspit so troublesome? In their opinion, it's okay to cover the ces. Why bother to toss around like this? In this way, it requires masonry and labor, which is really thankless.

However, Yu Xiaotian did not explain too much to them before it was finished, and continued to lead the construction. After the construction was over, after checking that there was no problem, he began to let people connect a small hole on the lid of the pit with a bamboo tube, which was smoked and carbonized on the surface. Anti-corrosion was carried out, and the bamboo pipe seams were sealed and connected by soil.

Finally, the bamboo pipe was connected to an erect pole on the roadside. At the mouth of the bamboo tube, the blacksmith hit an iron mouth and got a glass cover to cover the iron mouth.

Then he began to introduce feces into the pit and put a lot of rotten vegetable leaves, rotten fruits, grass and other things. Two days later, Yu Xiaotian took people under the pole erected on the roadside, took off the glass cover, used a little fire, and the iron mouth in the glass cover immediately spewed out a flame.

Following Yu Xiaotian to see the fresh people, they were immediately shocked. I don't know what kind of moth Yu Xiaotian had made. Unexpectedly, he lit this thing without wax or lamp oil.

It was not until this time that Yu Xiaotian explained to An and others: "This thing is a biogas pool. Feces are introduced into the pool, and some rotten vegetables and other things are added. They are rotten in the pool. The pool is sealed. During the rotting period, a gas called biogas will be produced, which can be ignited in these biogas pools in the future. The resulting biogas leads to the roadside and lights up the street at night.

With these street lights in the future, our Danshui City will become a scene. When we walk at night in the city in the future, we don't have to wear lanterns!

And if these biogas can't be used up, they can also be connected to the kitchen for cooking. There is no smoke and dust of firewood, and it is more hygienic!

The most important thing is that after adopting this biogas pool, mosquitoes and flies will not be able to breed maggots in the feces in the future, and there will naturally be fewer mosquitoes and flies here after hot weather.

In addition, after the manure and rotten things in the pool are rotten, it is the best waste. Compared with the manure, it is clean and fertile. It is regularly raised and goes up to the farmland, which can strengthen the field or make more grain! Why don't we do it?

This is just the first one. I've only seen this kind of thing before, but I'm not very familiar with it. That's why I figured out such a biogas pool, and there are still many imperfections. In the future, I will use it while thinking about it and gradually improve it, so that its air volume can be improved. One day, when this thing matures, it can be extended to various immigrant villages. Even if it is used for lighting at night, it will save a lot more than lighting lanterns..."

After hearing this, everyone was even surprised. They looked strange around the biogas street lamp one by one. At this time, a guy walked to the side of the biogas pool and looked left and right.

This guy is a member of the sea wolf department. He has developed the habit of smoking. He unconsciously took out a cigarette, and then took out the fire fold to open it and lit a cigarette.

But Yu Xiaotian looked sideways and immediately shouted, "Get out of here! Don't smoke in the biogas pool, let alone hold an open fire there!"

The guy who was preparing to light a cigarette was scared by Yu Xiaotian and quickly ran to the distance, put away the smoke, and quickly stuffed it into his arms.

Yu Xiaotian then told everyone again: "You can remember that the biogas generated by this biogas pool is a combustible thing. If you are not careful, it will explode!"

This biogas pool has just been made. It is not perfect, and it is inevitable that there will be air leakage. In case the biogas is ignited, this biogas pool may give you a big explosion. It is not difficult to blow up people!

Even if you don't blow up people and blow up the feces inside, many people will suffer. None of you want to have a dung rain in Tamsui City!

Mr. Lu, you will arrange a special person to take care of this biogas pool in the future. No one is allowed to use open fire here within 30 steps! Remember to open the lid and ventilate before you start to get fat! Otherwise, people will be smoked down. Remember these points and don't have an accident! If this one doesn't work well, it will kill people!"

Only then did everyone know that this biogas pool was not as beautiful as they thought, and there was such a danger, so they were wary of it. Some people thought that it was really dangerous to put such a big bomb in the city for this biogas that could catch fire, but it was better not to use it.

It's not impossible to light the street lamp. At worst, just use more oil. Is it so laborious? It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to build a biogas pool, and it takes a lot of money to get it out. It is also dangerous, so some people feel that it is a little too much for Yu Xiaotian to get this kind of thing.

But Yu Xiaotian doesn't think so. Biogas pool is a good thing for him and can solve many problems. Although it is a little dangerous, as long as you are careful, it won't be too big a problem.

However, it takes a lot of cement to build a biogas tank. Although it may not be impossible not use cement, but if you use masonry, you don't need cement to seal it. Obviously, the sealing will be very poor, and there is also a problem of leakage, which is not conducive to the things in the pond.

However, although Yu Xiaotian has made several hydraulic mills with the earth method, which are specially used to crush bricks and tiles to make some soil cement, the output is really low. He can't produce much soil and cement in a year, and it is still a big waste.

So he began to think about what to say next is to get a cement factory to produce cement for sea wolves.

As long as there is something like cement, sea wolves will be much easier to build in the future, especially some military artillery bunkers and other things, which can be built very strong and durable.

So cement has become a problem he wants to solve as soon as possible, and cement is not a high-tech thing. Raw materials can be said to be readily available, and sufficient raw materials can be obtained nearby. Except for coal that needs to be purchased from land, other raw materials are easy to solve.

Although the sea wolf has little demand for coal at present, sooner or later, Xiaotian will prepare to build a steelmaking furnace. Coke is indispensable for steelmaking. Although charcoal is also okay, the calorific value is too low, the cost is not low, and the environmental damage will be very large. In the short term, the wood resources here are enough, but the time is long. If you use charcoal to make steel, you will consume a lot of wood, so if you want to make steel, you still need coal. First build a coking factory and coke to make steel.

As long as steel can be produced, it will play a huge role in promoting his explosion of the military industry in the future. The current iron cannons are all cast by raw iron. Although the iron cast gun method is adopted to effectively improve the quality of cast guns, the cast iron is still too fragile. In order to ensure safety, the cast iron cannon is still too heavy. And the safety is far less than tough steel.

Once there is a steelmaking furnace, he can cast steel cannons and make guns with steel in the future. Compared with now, the quality of guns made with cooked iron will be greatly improved.

As for the steel cannon, not to mention, because the toughness of steel is far greater than that of cast iron. If it is cast into a steel cannon, then the first mate can reduce the weight of the gun and make it lighter, which can arm the army or improve the combat effectiveness of the warship.

In addition, if you want to produce cement, you also need coal as a raw material, so coal, as an industrial raw material, has always been the object of Yu Xiaotian's attention. Unfortunately, Taiwan Island is a place lacking coal. It is said that there is also coal, but he does not know where it is, so naturally cannot be mined, and he uses the current Technology, even if the accumulation of coal is found, it is difficult to extract it.

The easiest way of coal mining in this era is open-pit mining. After stripping off the upper layer of coal, it is then directly mining coal in the open air, which is labor-saving and relatively safe.

For the time being on Taiwan, Yu Xiaotian can't think of a better way to solve the coal supply except for purchasing from land.

Although the demand for coal is not large now, in order to make the sulfur and phosphorus content in the cast iron low, they still use charcoal as fuel for the time being, so the demand for coal is not urgently needed for the time being.

But once he decides to make steel or burn cement, the demand for coal will increase significantly in the future.

Before this, Yu Xiaotian also considered this problem. At some times, the ship that made the sea wolf empty from the land, loaded some coal, and transported it back to Nanri Island and the freshwater side. Even if it was useless, it was temporarily stored. At present, hundreds of tons of freshwater have been stored from Tingzhou, Fujian Province. The government is also the coal produced by Longyan City in later generations.

Although these stored coal can solve some problems for the time being, once they start to burn cement or steelmaking, the reserve is almost the same as no. Therefore, the next step is to increase the transportation capacity and buy more coal from the land.