Daming Haiku

Chapter 85 Lord of Hell

One by one, the coolies only wear a simple pair of trousers and tie them to their waists with a string, which can only serve as a cover-up. There are no clothes at most. At most, there is a pair of straw shoes knitted by themselves, one by one to accept the distribution with a blank expression, and then receive tools and open Start to work.

Some people were assigned to level the roadbed. Some people dug earth on both sides of the roadbed, and then threw the earthwork on the roadbed and let the people above level it out. Some people pushed the chicken bus. Under the escort of the soldiers, they went to the material fields everywhere and used the chicken bus to pull the lime and coarse sand to the construction site, and then unloaded it with the soil. Mixed together, sprinkled with water, and the lime immediately emitted smoke.

In this way, some worm eggs in the soil will be killed by the high temperature produced by lime, including some grass species, which will also lose their activity, and it won't take long for grass to drill out on the road.

Then there is a coolusp like a mule. The group pulls the dead stone splunder, crushes it from the road, and crushes the roadbed to soliden the porcelain, and this crushing needs to be repeated several times until the roadbed becomes completely solid.

The soldiers set up sentries around the construction site, monitoring the work of these hard workers, holding twivelks loaded with ammunition, and monitoring their every move at any time.

The reason why they are not allowed to wear clothes is to prevent them from mixing with others when they are working. It is not easy to see their identity, and all the cooli, without exception, are shaved off all their hairs, so that they look down from above, as naked, like gourds, very easy to recognize, as long as there is someone Dare to cross the cordon without authorization, the soldiers on the sentry immediately shot him without warning.

In this way, naturally, few people dare to fool around easily. As for these hard laborers, they are passive and lazy, and naturally someone will deal with them.

The sea wolf department selects a group of tough characters from the coolies and groups them in the form of a team. Each group of coolants will arrange a foreman, and then assign tasks to them according to the team, and someone is responsible for remembering the work. Every night, they have to count them and implement a reward and punishment system.

Any team that completes the work well, completes the task on time and in excess will add rice to them, add a little vegetables to them at dinner, and may even give them a little fishy fish such as small fish and shrimp in their meals, which is simply good for the hard work like eating pig food every day. For the foreman, he will also be given a small salted fish.

However, for the team that can't complete the task on time, in addition to being hungry at night, the team's foreman will also be dragged out to beat the fart board.

In this way, in front of the reward and punishment system, there is no need for the sea wolf department to supervise them in person. The sea wolf department only needs to tell each team that their workload today is enough. Naturally, there will be a foreman to supervise their subordinates and force them to work.

In other words, these foremen are people who belong to the traitor type. They act as dog legs for sea wolves and squeeze the labor force of these coolies, but there is never a shortage of such people. No matter where they are, there will be people who are willing to do such things. As a foreman, they can work less and eat better than others. Point, naturally, is a good job in the hard work.

Each foreman gives them a cane, which can not only represent their identity, but also symbolizes the scepter, but this kind of scepter is really a little sad. At the same time, this cane is still a weapon. The foremen use them to supervise the work of their hard workers. If anyone rarely slows down, the foreman will immediately wave the cane and go up and beat them so hard that they dare not stop.

Among these coolies, many of them are now natives abluted from Southeast Asia by southern pirates. These black monkeys are dirty, smelly and lazy, but this kind of laziness can be corrected, depending on how you manage them.

The leader of the hard labor camp is surnamed Yan and his name is Yan Youde, but he is actually a very immoral guy, but he is very loyal to Xiaotian. In the past, he was one of a group of his men forcibly abted by Yu Xiaotian from the land. After arriving at Yu Xiaotian's men, this guy did quite well and fought fiercely, but When he accidentally grabbed the boat, he was injured, blinded one eye, and cut off two fingers in one hand.

Originally, this guy thought that this was over. A disabled person like him would definitely be lost by Yu Xiaotian, let him live and die, and even directly kill him.

But I didn't expect that Yu Xiaotian would find a way to treat his wounds, save his life, reward him with a lot of money, marry him, set him a family, and his wife gave birth to a son.

Yan Youde was grateful to Xiaotian for this and felt that he must repay Yu Xiaotian in his life. Later, because he was disabled and could not work on the ship, so Yu Xiaotian saw that this boy was a cruel character and asked him to take care of the hard labor camp. At least he was a leader among sea wolves.

This guy is even more grateful. After arriving at the hard labor camp, he worked hard to give full play to his personal initiative and desperately squeeze the labor force of these hard laborers for Yu Xiaotian.

At first, the hard labor camp was mainly composed of some eliminated prisoners. Most of these eliminated prisoners were bad scum. Yu Xiaotian did not like to use these scum to do things for himself, but he let them go and wasted labor, so that they were thrown into the hard labor camps to work.

These scum are not easy to deal with. Not to mention their violent personality, they are full of bad water and have many ghost ideas, but they are unlucky when they meet Yan Youde. Yan Youde himself is a cruel character and a firm follower of violence supremacy.

Yan Youde is not soft at all to deal with these scum. He has come up with all the immoral methods he can think of. Whipping is the smallest pediatric thing. It is commonly used to deal with those guys who are disobedient and don't say anything, and even want to resist. His wrist is extremely cruel, and it is commonly used to cramp his skin and remove bones alive. The means.

As a result, not long after Yan Youde arrived at the hard labor camp, he cleaned up these scum obediently. All the scum will feel cold in their bones when they see Yan Youde. How dare they disobedient!

Later, the elements of the hard labor camp became complicated. Some disciplined sea wolves also became members of the hard labor camp. Yan Youde also treated these wrong guys without any mercy, fighting what should be beaten, killing what should be killed, and cleaning up them unspeakable.

So Yan Youde won the nickname of Lord of Hell for a long time. When someone chatted behind his back, he joked that even if he went to see the real Lord of Hell in his life, he must not fall into the hands of Yan Youde, the living king of Hell. Otherwise, he would have to enjoy it alive. The torture of eight layers of hell.

The hard labor camp has now become an absolute horror synonym among sea wolves and a sharp weapon to effectively deter some restless guys. No one wants to be thrown into the hard labor camp to suffer because of a little advantage. Therefore, in the face of the various rewards and punishment systems set by Xiaotian, fewer and fewer people go there. Touching these rules, coupled with various effective reward and punishment systems and supervision systems, the military discipline of the sea wolf is very good. I'm afraid that Yan Youde should also be credited.

Nowadays, the scale of the hard labor camp is quite large. Among the sea wolf, a group of disabled people will be arranged to work under Yan Youde and act as the manager of the hard labor camp if there is no problem in their actions.

The hard labor camp has also been divided into several subcamps and handed over to some sea wolves for management, but Yan Youde is still the absolute boss of the hard labor camp, and he will spare no effort to patrol the places where the hard laborers concentrate on working every day.

With the existence of this guy, few coolants dare not work hard. As for the black monkeys brought from Southeast Asia, they can't help but be lazy. When they are all beaten and see the means of Yan Youde and other hard labor camp stewards with their own eyes, these black monkeys stood up. That is to say, you have learned what diligence is, and you will naturally work harder and harder.

After the beginning of the road construction project, various construction sites immediately presented a hot scene. Countless coolies were bare and didn't even have a hair on their heads. You scrambled to do a lot of work on the construction site. The speed of the project was actually much faster than Yu Xiaotian originally expected.

In just a few days, the roads at several construction sites advanced a long distance, and the manifold roads began to appear in front of everyone.

Originally, Yu Xiaotian planned to dig ditches and road projects. Later, Yu Xiaotian found that this arrangement was not very appropriate. The hard work speed of the hard work of the road construction project is faster than that of immigrants. In addition, immigrants digging ditches on the roadside will inevitably mix with the hard work. .

In this way, there will be problems with the management of the coolies. The soldiers who monitor the coolies cannot effectively monitor the coolies, so later Yu Xiaotian completely removed the road construction and canal construction.

The excavation of the drainage canals on both sides of the road attached to the water conservancy project was completely attributed to the hard laborers, which saved a lot of workload in the immigrant villages.

Seeing that all the new work in Tamsui City is starting step by step and on the track, Yu Xiaotian is finally relieved. What will he do next?

Yu Xiaotian began to sit down and consider the next step.

But at the same time, a storm is brewing in Manila, which is far south of Taiwan Island.

(It's not easy to be a father. My son had acute lobe pneumonia yesterday, which is very serious and has been hospitalized. In the next 20 days, I will basically stay with my son in the hospital. I will try my best to keep up to keep up to date. In case the update is interrupted, I hope you will forgive me!)