Daming Haiku

Chapter 104 Expedition to Keelung

When Yu Xiaotian received the news from the carrier pigeon, his mood was a little complicated. He secretly said that it was still here!

For the past two years, Yu Xiaotian has been worried about this matter, because his appearance has now affected the development process of history to a certain extent.

The most obvious impact is his appearance, which has changed the composition of China's maritime power during the old history of time and space.

First of all, because of his appearance, the old group of Chucai, which originally ran rampant along the coast of Fujian and Guangdong, was severely hit by him, and its sphere of influence was squeezed to the south of Zhangzhou Prefecture, while he controlled a large area of the coastal area north of Quanzhou Prefecture to southern Zhejiang.

Then because of his appearance, Yan Siqi's fate changed. He did not die young in the fifth year of the apocalypse. He handed over such a large plate to Zheng Yiguan, making him easily inherit Yan Siqi's manor and strength, and then took Li Dan's plate, and suddenly became a very powerful sea on China's sea. Thieves.

However, Zheng Yiguan was the most affected. Because of his appearance, Zheng Yiguan did not take over Yan Siqi's power as in history. He only took over Li Dan's plate, but lost a territory that could serve as his temporary base, and his strength did not suddenly jump to a huge and unparalleled level.

What's more, because he tried to kill Yan Siqi and failed, now his reputation can be said to be discredited and become a person pointed out by thousands of people. At the same time, he was attacked by the three forces of Yan Siqi, Chu Cailao and Yu Xiaotian at sea. It can be said that this period is difficult to walk, and there is no such as he was in the old time and space. If he is in high spirits, whether he can continue to survive on the sea of China is probably the most important thing he thinks about now.

And the 18 Zhi Group, which once dominated in history, now seems to be difficult to appear again.

The whole coastal area of Fujian, because of his appearance in Xiaotian, the historical process has been stirred up completely. Now he has replaced Zheng Yiguan and become the most troublesome bandit of the Fujian government.

But this is not the place where he has influenced the most in history. The place he has caused the most influence should still be on Taiwan Island.

He occupied Chicken Cage Bay more than two years earlier, and more than a year ago, he occupied the freshwater area, basically incorporating northern Taiwan into his territory.

In this way, will the Spaniards run to northern Taiwan to grab territory like the original time and space? He has been thinking about this matter for more than a year.

Difference from history, when the Spaniards ran to occupy Chicken Cage Bay and Tamsui River, there were no powerful forces there, so it can almost be said that the Spaniards stood on their feet without any effort, but now with his intervention, two major trends have appeared on Taiwan Island. Li, one is the Dutchman who occupied Tainan, and the other is him. Of course, there is also Yan Siqi.

However, Yan Siqi's strength is no way to compare with him and the Dutch at present. Nowadays, Yan Siqi must look up to his breath to survive. In fact, he is an ally.

He is never sure whether the Spaniard will give up to continue to occupy the island of Taiwan because of his appearance. Although he also tried to send people to Manila to monitor the activities of the Spaniards, under the present communication conditions, even if the people sent to Manila heard the Spanish movement, but It is basically impossible to send the news back to him as soon as possible.

Although the carrier is the fastest way to communicate, Manila is too far from Nanri Island. It is difficult for the carrier pigeon to fly so far at once. They have to stay and rest in the middle. However, except for the islands, it is basically the sea on the way, and the weather conditions are very bad. The carrier pigeon can't make sure to bring the news back.

So if you want to communicate at this distance, you still have to rely on manpower to complete it. From Manila to Nanri Island, the fastest ship, even if it is a direct flight to Nanri Island, will take more than a month. Sometimes merchant ships have to go to Guangzhou first, and then go along the coastline, and it will take longer, even walk. It's not impossible for half a year. When he received the news, the cucumber vegetables were cold.

So at present, he can only wait for the Spaniards to come to his door. Over time, he increasingly doubts whether the Spaniards will come to Taiwan Island.

It was not until he received the news from Keelungburg that he was sure that the Spaniard had really sent troops to Chicken Cage Bay as in history.

After this matter can be confirmed, Yu Xiaotian is relieved. When things are often uncertain, it will make people think about it all the time, but once the dust is settled, even if it is bad news, at least people don't have to think about it every day.

So as soon as Xiaotian received the news, he immediately ordered the sea wolf's fleet to enter a state of combat readiness and began to gather the fleet to replenish sailors, ammunition, materials, food and fresh water, and prepare to go to Keelung Fort.

The whole Nanri Island suddenly entered a state of readiness again. Clippers were quickly sent to inform scattered ships to return to Nanri Island. After receiving orders, a batch of ships immediately began to return to Nanri Island.

And the director's hall is the busiest department. They have to prepare for this sailors' battle and make various supplies. Each warehouse was opened, a box of ammunition was taken out of the warehouse, a bag of grain, a bag of salted fish and a basket of fruits and vegetables began to be continuously transported to the dock, waiting. Allocate to the sailor's ship.

Some of the artillery reserves in the original arsenal also began to be unsealed and transported to the dock, waiting to be loaded. In non-wartime, there will not be too many artillery and ammunition on warships. First, it is difficult to maintain on the ship, and there is a certain danger. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the fire on the warship The cannons are not fully loaded, but once needed, these stored guns will be loaded on ships in large quantities and ready for combat use.

Among the sailors, the ship was also equipped with short-tube muskets, but each ship was generally not equipped. At this time, a box of brand-new muskets was also unsealed and added to the ship.

In addition, there are a large number of refined whale oil*, and there are usually only a small amount of spares on the ship, including bamboo shells and iron shells*, and only a small amount of them are stored on the ship. At this time, a large number of ships are also needed.

The more advanced the army is equipped, the higher the logistics supply of materials, and the greater the consumption of materials. War is inherently logistics.

The amount of firearm equipment of the sea wolf is quite high in this era, so naturally the requirements for logistical supplies are far greater than those of their counterparts or even Ming officers.

This puts forward high requirements for the director's hall, which is temporarily responsible for logistics supply. For this reason, after the battle of Chu Cai Lao, the director's hall set up a logistics office under the requirements of Yu Xiaotian, which is responsible for resupplying the military system of the sea wolf. Including the allocation of money and bounty to the sea wolf department, it is also included in the special department of the logistics department.

This is to straighten out the supply of materials to avoid chaos, and this will naturally improve the efficiency of the distribution of materials within the sea wolf, so that it can be prepared for combat supplies faster.

With the order of Yu Xiaotian, the sea wolf's war machine started again. This time, they have to face not an opponent whose weapons and equipment are much behind them, but a modern Western fleet armed to the teeth. Of course, the strength of this Spanish fleet is not very strong, but that is In this way, the other party's ships and firepower are still a strong opponent they have never met before.

Although the sea wolf has greatly surpassed this era in gun casting technology, because of the bottleneck of the ship, the quality of the sea wolf's warship has not been renewed. Even if it is equipped with more than a dozen new sloops, these sloops are lighter and smaller and cannot be equipped. There are a large number of artillery, so in terms of single-ship firepower, there are not many advantages when facing the large plywood ships of the West. The caliber of the artillery and the weight of the projectiles are also limited, which is that they are at a disadvantage when Western warships fight.

But on the other hand, the sea wolves also have their advantage, that is, they have an absolute advantage in the number of ships and sailors, because although the Spaniards have concentrated a large number of troops in Manila this time, this is not a national war, but just one of their colonial fleets.

Yu Xiaotian knows the situation of the Spaniards better than anyone in the Ming Dynasty. Although the Spaniards had an invincible fleet that could be proud of the heroes 30 years ago, 30 years ago, after the Anglo-Spanish naval battle, the Spanish's invincible fleet was almost completely destroyed, causing the Spaniards to lose their huge reality at sea. Now, even if it is a little big, it doesn't dare to leave Europe.

And they still have many colonies to protect. There are Dutch and British people on the sea who have always been staring at their colonies and ships, so the number of ships and personnel that the Spaniards can send to Asia is very limited.

Judging from the number of ships sent by the Spaniards this time, Yu Xiaotian knew that the governor of the Philippines had taken out all the capital he could take out. Except for this fleet and people, their pockets were empty, and it was no longer possible to take out more troops to rob Taipei. .

So as long as you can beat them hard this time, the Spaniards will be completely honest in the future. At least don't worry in the future, the Spaniards will come here to make trouble again.

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