Daming Haiku

Chapter 108 Also in Color 2

With the huge roar, many people in the turret felt dizzy, but this did not affect other artillery to continue to fire. Many gun windows on the turret also began to spit out flames one after another, and black and hot shells roared towards the sea.

"Alas! Mother! Lost! The shell turned two degrees to the left, visually measured the distance of the enemy ship 400 steps, and loaded it again! Hurry up!" An observer lay down next to an observation window and looked at the sea, observing the landing point of their shells. He scolded regretfully and reported the data.

The gunner rushed to the cannon and cooperated with each other. First, he poured some water into the gunbore, extinguished the remaining drug residue and cloth in the gunbore, and then hung the cloth pieces of the remaining medicine bag in the gun with something like a wooden cork bottle hanger. The next person just pulled the hook out of the muzzle. , he put a wet brush stained with water into the gun and twisted it hard twice, then pulled it back and forth twice, and pulled out the brush.

The other gunner also passed the moment the gunner pulled out the wet brush from the gun barrel in front of him, and put a dry brush into the gun barrel and wiped off the remaining water stains in it. Several people completed the cleaning of the gun barrel almost instantly. This is the effect they usually get from repeated training. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time to complete these actions.

At this time, the ammunition hand had picked up the medicine bag from the ground and sent it to the muzzle. He quickly stuffed the medicine bag into the gunbore. The two gunners held a big iron egg and quickly stuffed it into the muzzle. Another gunner supported the shell with a gun rod and sent it to the bottom of the gunbore, pounding it back and forth. Down.

It is necessary to pound the ammunition skillfully, not too hard, and the gunpowder in the medicine bag should not be too thick or too loose, otherwise it will affect the launch.

As soon as the ammunition was loaded, another gunner used a cone to penetrate the inside of the gun from the fire door, broke the medicine, and quickly poured some dilution into the fire door, turned around and shouted, "Finished!" Push the cannon to reset!"

A dozen Xiangyong were immediately rushed up by the drinking order, used their strength to breastfeed, shouted, pushed the dead gun rack, and pushed it back to the gun window. Then the gunners took over, let them retreat, began to operate the artillery, and adjusted the gunpoint and elevation angle.

"Aim! Fire!" After confirming, the gun commander in charge of aiming jumped up and shouted loudly. When the rest of the people heard his roar, they also jumped away and drove the villagers from behind the tail of the cannon to the side. When the provincial cannon sat behind, they killed the people.

And Feng Twelve was always observing the operation of the gunners in the fort, silently calculating the time of their loading, reset and aiming. Seeing that this group of gunners completed the whole gun operation, they were very skillful and very fast, so he nodded with satisfaction, but what he wanted to see was these guys aiming next. So he immediately turned around and walked to the observation hole and looked at the sea.

The cannon shook violently again and sat out quickly. Once again, there was a piece of gunpowder smoke outside. Through the gunpowder smoke that was spreading, Feng Twelve faintly saw a black spot flying out of the fort and flying straight towards a Spanish warship on the sea. After a while, it was faint. I saw a fragment on the side of the Spanish warship.

"Effective hit! Beautiful! In the middle of the ship! Beautifully played! Haha! ..." The observer of a cannon laughed excitedly and almost twisted his buttocks and danced.

Feng Twelve also clenched his fist hard and shook his arm, showing undisguised excitement on his face. He turned around and shouted, "Well done, brothers, just beat me like this and beat these foreign devils to death! Let them taste the power of our sea wolves!"

The sailors on the Spanish ship stared at the fort built by the Chinese pirates in the distance and watched their shells fall on it, but basically did not bite the fort. Instead, the fort began to spit out cannon flames, and then shells fell on their ships. Near.

Experienced sailors immediately realized that these shells were not what they thought. They were just shells from small cannons used by Chinese pirates, but shells of artillery more than 12 pounds. Some of them were even larger than they thought, and the waves on the sea were quite large.

According to their experience, Chinese pirates rarely have such heavy cannons, let alone hit them so far. Originally, they all thought that shelling the fort of the Chinese pirates on the island at this distance was an extremely safe practice. At this distance, Chinese pirates only There is a dry stare, and they can't even touch their side.

It is at least 400 yards away from the turret. Usually, the broken cannons owned by Chinese pirates can only be shot at a distance of 100 yards. Even if they are a little farther, they will not exceed 200 yards. Today, their commander Anthony ordered to shell the fort at this distance. At first, they also felt that Anthony was a little too careful.

Because at this distance, it happens to be the longest effective range of their naval gun, and the hit rate is very low. It should be further forward so that it can be shot more accurately.

But when they saw the shells from the pirate's turret, they found how wise Anthony's decision was, because the range of the cannons on the Chinese pirates' turrets was no closer or even farther than their naval guns. If they were closer, I guess they should hit them one after another. Gun.

Some smart sailors who reacted quickly quietly retreated into the cabin and found a safer place to hide, but some were still slow to stand on the deck and watch the artillery battle between the two sides.

As a result, several shells on the sea wolf fort accurately hit their ship without waiting for them to understand.

On the Peace Island battery, five 24-pound long guns have now been arranged. The shells of these cannons are not a joke. They are by no means as powerful as the shells of light six-pounder guns. Even if most of these Spanish warships are built of hard wood, they can't withstand such heavy artillery shells. The bombardment.

The two ships were shot and were immediately released. A bathtub-sized hole was made at the side of the ship. The shell penetrated the side and hit the cabin heavily into the cabin. At that time, the cannon in a gun compartment was overturned to the ground. The fragments of the shipboard flew around, knocking down some gunners and sailors in the cabin. In a pool of blood.

The overturned cannon jumped up and overturned, and hit a gunner, hitting the gunner's waist heavily under the gun body.

The unlucky gunner stared his frightened eyes, desperately pushed the gun body below his waist, and made an extremely tragic scream.

When the cannon hit him, it immediately smashed all the bones of his pelvis. The severe pain suddenly made the guy make an inhuman scream and desperately trying to push the cannon that pressed on him away.

But this gun weighs at least 2,000 pounds, which can't be driven by his own manpower. This guy screamed sadly and suffered severe pain. After struggling for a while, he fainted in pain, but after a while, the severe pain woke him up again, and he screamed again.

At this time, he realized that he could not live, and the whole body below his waist was crushed. Even if someone removed the cannon, he could not survive. Feeling the huge and strong pain from the lower half of his body, he stretched out his hand and shouted at the stunned companions beside him: "God! For God's sake, kill me! Please help me quickly. Kill me. It hurts! I can't stand it! ......”

One of them couldn't bear to watch their companion suffer such pain, and saw that the man was completely hopeless, so he pulled out a sharp knife, walked to him, drew a cross on his forehead and chest, found the position of his heart, closed his eyes and stabbed him hard.

The injured sailor snorted, and immediately came out of his mouth and more blood gushed out of his chest. He grabbed the wrist of the partner who sent him on his way, and there was a sound in his mouth. After a while, he turned his eyes and swallowed his last breath.

Anthony was also very shocked. In fact, he was prepared. When he had an exchange of fire with the sea wolf's ships two days ago, he had found that the sea wolf's ships had some relatively good artillery. The shooting accuracy and speed were very fast, and the range was not close, but most of them were made for their fleet of lighter artillery. The threat is not very big.

So at first, he thought that even if the sea wolf had some of their Western-style artillery, it should not be heavy guns, and the turret was nothing more than some light artillery, which could not pose a great threat to them. For the sake of safety, he ordered the fleet to shell the fort at a distance of 400 yards in order to reduce damage. Lost.

But what he didn't expect was that at the beginning of the artillery battle, these Chinese pirates' forts launched a fierce counterattack. The firepower was actually very strong. Relying on their strong forts, they fought fiercely. More importantly, he miscalculated the firepower of the other party.

The sea wolf's forts are not just some light artillery as he thought, and their turrets actually have heavier guns, which are no less powerful than the heavy guns in the fleet he led, which can pose enough threats to them, which is far beyond the expectation of all of them.

(unlucky, my son hasn't recovered yet, but I'm also infected! I coughed to death, and I even had a low fever! Even the old mother who helped me take care of my son was sick and coughed badly!)