Daming Haiku

Chapter 112 Fishing in Muddy Water

After shooting, this * hand can only wait patiently for the smoke outside the shot hole to dissipate, so that he can carefully observe the shooting situation. After he saw the situation upstairs of the enemy ship, he showed a smile, withdrew the tula with satisfaction, and began to take out the ammunition and fill it again.

The captain of the Spanish ship, who was commanding the sailors on the ship to quickly turn back, open the distance from the fort, reduce the area of the ship being bombed, and reduce the loss of the ship. He did not realize that he was being targeted by the enemy's * hand at all, and even if he knew that someone was aiming at him, he would not I feel nervous. After all, there are still two or three hundred meters away from the enemy's fort, and nothing * can hit him accurately.

Just as he was busy shouting and commanding to turn around, he suddenly felt a sudden shock in his right chest, as if he had been punched hard, almost knocking him down on the spot, and then a sharp pain came from his right chest.

So he lowered his head to see what he had hit him. As a result, when he looked down, he saw a round hole in his clothes on his right chest. Something penetrated his clothes and penetrated his chest. Then he realized that he had been hit by a bullet.

And his first thought was not to consider that it was the enemy hitting him, but immediately thought that someone on his boat shot him in the chaos, so he quickly looked up on the deck in front of him to search for the person who attacked him, but after a glance, he didn't even find a sailor with *.

When he looked down, the hole in his chest clothes had turned dark black, and blood was oozing from the wound under his clothes, soaking his clothes. Until this time, he never thought that the enemy had hit him with *, but the severe pain still made him bend down and to his side A servant shouted, "Someone shot me and I was injured!" Find the bastard who attacked me! Call the doctor!"

Before he finished speaking, he seemed to have been drained of strength and fell softly on the deck of the stern. It was not until this time that his attendants found that their captain had fallen, so they hurried forward and carried him to the cabin, and someone immediately shouted, greeted the doctor on the ship, and quickly came to rescue him. Captain.

And the * hand that shot the captain of the enemy ship is a sharpshooter among the sea wolf soldiers, and the phoencer in his hand is not a large number of smoothbore guns previously equipped by the sea wolves, but the freshwater gun that has just been put into production recently, the type 2 wolf tooth rifle, referred to as the wolf tooth rifle.

This kind of gun has not been put into production in large quantities for the time being, because there are still many small problems with the simple machine tool used for pulling wires, which need to continue to be improved, so it is only temporarily produced in small batches. When Xiaotian came to Keelungbao once, when he got off the ship, he let his men A box was carried on the boat.

In that box, there were five newly manufactured wolftooth rifles, and hundreds of Miner bullets were sent to Keelung Fort and handed over to the blackheads to try this new gun.

After trying it out, Blackhead and Sun Baoqiang were very shocked by the performance of this new gun. Yu Xiaotian carefully introduced them to the current use of this gun.

So these new guns were handed over to the carefully selected first-class shooters in the hands of the three Keelung Fort soldiers.

These three first-class shooters are all very talented shooters selected during training. They also like to practice shooting hard, so they became the first batch of snipers in Keelung Fort, and the other two wolf tooth rifles have been temporarily preserved for use as spare guns.

After the three people got this kind of wolf tooth rifle, they immediately praised its performance. Each of them liked it and began to hold them and train them every day.

The effective range of this gun is several times higher than the smoothbore guns they used, and the way of aiming is also very different. Their main practice is to shoot long-range targets within 200 meters to 300 meters. At present, this kind of wolf tooth rifle is still weak and its accuracy is not very good, so it can only be Controlling the effective range within 300 meters can basically ensure the effective killing of human-sized living targets.

However, due to the problem of barrel material, the effective service life of this kind of wolf tooth rifle is not more than 200 rounds, or even as low as 100 rounds.

After the first 30 bullets are fired, the worm line wears away quickly. After more than 30 bullets, the accuracy will begin to decline and the range will gradually decrease.

Therefore, these snipers usually dare not shoot a lot of live ammunition. They can only shoot live ammunition once or twice a day, and more for aiming training.

However, aiming training for a long time can still effectively improve the accuracy of shooting. Later PLA has the habit of saving training costs. When soldiers train and shooting, they spend most of their time on aiming training, and there are very few real live shots.

Even some logistics soldiers, when they returned home for several years, had fired no more than ten bullets in the army.

Now, due to the problem of barrel material, the barrel life is too short. If you hit more, the barrel will soon become a smoothbore gun. Therefore, the shooter can only save the life of the barrel as much as possible, reduce the number of live shots, and improve shooting skills with high-intensity aiming training.

However, they can still use ordinary Japanese trench guns to do some auxiliary shooting training. On the issue of ammunition consumption, Yu Xiaotian will not be stingy, especially for these superior shooters, and they do not hesitate to use more ammunition so that they can shoot more accurately.

Even in normal combat, the smoothb often adopts the three-stage attack, and there are two options for three-stage attack.

One is to divide * hands into three batches, stand in three rows, and shoot side by side with three rows of * hands. For each shot, they will retreat to the back row of * hands and continue to shoot, so as to maintain the continuity of firepower and prevent the enemy from approaching their formation.

The other is to select some of the personnel with a high shooting level in his hand, with a ratio of two to one. This good shooter is a full-time shooter, and the remaining two serve as deputy shooters, standing behind him to load bullets for him. After loading ammunition, he gives the gun to the full-time shooter to maintain firepower in this way. The advantage is that it is concentrated in good shooters, and the hit rate of such fire shooting will be higher.

At present, the sea wolf soldiers are fighting. * hands use three-stage shooting, and both three-stage attacks are used. In the field, the first method is used more, while in defensive warfare, the second shooting method is mostly used.

Today, the * hand who shot down the Spanish captain in the fort was one of the three snipers, and the other two snipers were sent to the other two forts.

For a long time, these three snipers have not been able to find a chance to fire with this new wolftooth rifle. Today, they finally got a chance. After the beginning of the artillery battle, they lay in the fort and chose the quietest place, the least affected by the smoke, as their sniper position, leaning towards The enemy ship near the fort opened fire.

At this time, each of them has gained something and knocked down two or three enemies on the enemy ship, but their precise aiming and shooting did not attract enough attention from the enemy in the artillery battle. Even if a Spanish sailor was knocked down, few people realized that this was a member of the sea wolf, who fought with *. They also thought that it was injured by shell fragments.

As the first practical application of this kind of rifle, their role was submerged in the roar of cannons. Few people noticed their existence, and even the sea wolves themselves did not care about what the three snipers were doing.

Only three observers can really know the power of these three snipers.

In order to ensure the use of snipers, we should not only protect them, but also help them search for targets, and have someone to supervise their results, so as to avoid them from falsely reporting their results.

At present, the main thing to do for the observer is to observe the hit effect for them, and then use a charcoal strip. For each effective hit, draw a piece on the wall and finally count the results.

After receiving a shell, the Spanish ship, which was hit by concentrated fire, and the captain was inexplicably shot by the "rebels" on the ship, hurriedly withdrew from the battle.

And Anthony still doesn't know that the captain of the ship has swallowed his breath in the cabin. Looking at the ship that broke away from the array and withdrew from the battle, he was still very angry. Now in wartime, although the ship was a private armed merchant ship, since it was conscripted, he had to obey his command. OK.

The ship actually withdrew from the battle after being hit by the enemy's concentrated fire. Obviously, this was a matter of disobedience. Anthony was very angry and the consequences were very serious. After the battle ended today, he decided to go back and immediately arrest and detain the captain of the ship. When he returned to Manila, Submit it to the parliament for trial.

Today, after the Spaniards narrowed the distance of the shelling, the hit rate of the artillery was significantly improved, and the shells began to fall densely on the Peace Island battery. The bricks and stones of the Peace Island battery flew around, and the battery was constantly hit by the shells and trembled.

Everyone who is in the fort now is very grateful to Yu Xiaotian. When they first came, Yu Xiaotian asked them to build these forts in the strongest way. At the beginning, they still felt that it was really a bit of a fuss. The construction of this fort was too strong, not to mention the labor-consuming and quite expensive. It was too hard to build.

But no one has this idea now. At this time, everyone only thinks that the fort is not strong enough to be built, and they are afraid that the fort will be collapsed by the Spaniards. Once it collapses, they will be bored here.

(Special thanks to the rewards of several old brothers such as Wandering Jiangnan, Yi Zui Ren, Fengxing 456, GZG1972, Hu Lu Snoring, etc. In the past two days, I didn't have the energy to pay attention to this. I only focused on fever to see a doctor, and the people in the family were basically knocked down! This flu is coming!