Daming Haiku

Chapter 123 Great Victory

The battle continues. By this time, there is no suspense between the two sides. Among the Spanish fleet, there are six main ships, one of which is captured and two are burned, leaving only three continuing to struggle.

And the speedboats they brought, even the boats carried on the ship, had basically been lost. Only two speedboats were also injured at this time. The Spanish sailors on the ship rushed out of the encirclement desperately and ran directly to the shore to rush to the beach and stranded. The personnel fled to the shore.

When Anthony's disgraced boat finally sank an enemy ship and got out of the encirclement. When he turned his head again, Anthony really wanted to cry, and the fleet he brought was almost destroyed in this war.

There was only a battered armed cargo ship behind him, and the other professional gunboat he brought was destroyed. At this time, a mast was completely broken by the other party's chain bullet and dumped into the sea. Half of the mast was still wrapped with countless ropes and pressed on the deck, making the ship completely bottom. Without the ability to sail, he was submerged by many sea wolf ships in a blink of an eye, and it was impossible to escape again.

Anthony is about to cry without tears. This time, he is completely finished. Even if he runs back to Manila, he will definitely be hanged. He brought more than 1,000 sailors and infantry, and now only he and the dilapidated cargo ship behind him are left.

The craftsmen and infantry loaded on the ship were unloaded to the shore at this time, and a lot of materials were also unloaded on the shore at this time. Now he has only two ships left, unable to load them and escape from here.

What's more, the war is far from over. Although the two ships escaped from the encirclement, they saw several pirate sular fast ships. At this time, they had left the fleet and chased them.

These sloops are fast, flexible in operation, and their firepower is not weak. It is clear that they will completely bite them all to death. If they don't escape at this time, they won't even have a chance to escape.

So Anthony no longer took care of the infantry and craftsmen who were thrown to the shore, and ordered to raise the full sail, speed up and escape from this hellish place at full speed.

When the time entered the afternoon, the gunfire on the sea finally stopped, and the whole sea gradually quieted down, leaving only the wreckage of a few burning ships on the sea, emitting thick smoke.

After half a period of fierce battle, the whole Spanish fleet was almost completely destroyed. Only the largest warship of the other side, with the strong fire protection and strong hull of the ship, finally escaped from the battlefield. Under the pursuit of several flying-shaped fastships, the embarrascaped fled Taiwan and disappeared on the sea. .

Luo Xianbin led his team to catch up with Anthony's boat and another injured armed cargo ship, and finally intercepted the armed cargo ship, but before they could seize the ship, the armed cargo ship overturned, overturned in the sea and slowly sank, but the place where it sank was not deep water.

The ship was seriously injured. Seeing that the hull was flooded in large quantities, it was besieged by several enemy ships. Knowing that it could not escape, it had to sail to the shore and finally capsized in the shallow water area. After sinking, the ship still had half a mast out of the water. The large tribe of people on the ship were finally fished up and captured by the flying-shaped Clipper, small Some people had no time to escape and sank into the water with the ship.

Originally, Luo Xianbin was unwilling to catch up with the handsome Spanish ship with three flying-shaped fast boats, but after several fights, they found that they couldn't nibble on the boat, and one of their own boats was seriously injured and seriously flooded, so they had to In desperation, he gave up the pursuit and protected the injured ship and rushed back to Chicken Cage Bay for repair.

In addition, the sea wolf fleet burned two Spanish warships and successfully captured two warships. Of course, one of the two warships is an armed cargo ship, and both ships are seriously injured. If there is no major repair, they cannot be used.

In addition, they captured more than 400 Spanish sailors, including two captains, which was a complete victory.

However, the loss of the sea wolf itself is also quite serious. There are a total of 12 ships of various types, excluding small ships. In this fierce battle, more than 300 people were killed and injured in the sea wolf department. It is the most casualties in the history of the sea wolf. There are several types of artillery that sank into the sea with the ship. There are so many ten doors that Yu Xiaotian's flesh hurts to death.

But in any case, the sea wolf still won the final victory in this war, which is caused by the technical gap of the ship. Yu Xiaotian has no better way. It is the best result to achieve such a result.

Seeing that it was too late, Yu Xiaotian ordered the collection of troops and left several flying fast boats to patrol the sea to prevent the escaped Spanish ship from coming back at night and picking them up the Spanish infantry and craftsmen who left them on the shore.

The rest of the ships took the captured ships and prisoners, and temporarily entered the chicken cage Bay to rest. Although many of their boats had not sank, they were also damaged. They had to go to the chicken cage bay and repair them as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm afraid that some ships can't even go back to Nanri Island.

Yu Xiaotian also established full confidence in his men through this naval battle. These subordinates showed great resilience and endurance in this battle. At the beginning of the battle, the sea wolf was completely at the disadvantage of the artillery battle. Many ships were destroyed by the enemy and many ships were seriously hit. Injury, but all the ships did not fear war.

The fleet always maintained a column formation, entered the shelling area, and engaged in artillery battles with the enemy. In the case that the firepower of each ship was weaker and the strength of the ship was weaker than that of the other party, although it was dared to say that everyone would die and go forward, the vast majority of sailors were not at a loss. The artillery on the sea wolf ship There has never been a stop, and it keeps quickly loading to fight back against the enemy.

Such a will to fight has never been seen by other colleagues, including the Daming sailors, and this is not shown by a ship, but by the sailors on all ships, who have basically met his requirements.

It was with the will of the sea wolves that the sea wolves finally won the final victory in this naval battle. If there were captains or sailors on several ships at that time, they would be afraid of war and escape, which could lead to the overall defeat of the battle, because fear would be contagious. Once a ship escaped This will affect the morale of most people, causing more people to abandon the military order and choose to flee the battlefield.

Therefore, although the sea wolves suffered heavy losses in this war, they have gained a lot. Their biggest gain is not how many ships they have captured, how many ships they have destroyed, and how many prisoners they have captured, and their greatest gain is that they have made them fight. Weifeng has established a stronger sense of self-confidence.

The most important thing for an army is their confidence, their honor and their fine tradition. After this war, the Sea Wolf Division has grown into an honor division that is good at fighting and dares to fight. As long as this confidence and tradition can be passed on, sooner or later, the Sea Wolf Group will grow into a strong Army, there is no doubt about this.

Yu Xiaotian was not helped from upstairs until the end of the war and accepted the treatment of his wound by the medical officer on the ship.

The injury on his leg was not very serious. A piece of broken wood hit his leg armor at a very fast speed. After penetrating the nail, it pierced it into his thigh. It looked very deep, but in fact, the injury was not serious, but during the fierce battle, he refused to go down and bandage the wound, but it was bleeding. Many.

When the war ended, he felt a little weak, but with his physique, it was not a big problem to shed this blood. After a period of recuperation, as long as the nutrition can keep up, it can be replenished quickly.

When future generations donate blood, he needs 400cc every time, and this time he lost less than 400cc of blood, so it basically has little impact. As long as the wound is not infected with inflammation and gets tetanus, there will be no big problem. Yu Xiaotian believes that his pig's foot aura will still take care of him, so After taking care of the wound, he lame and began to work.

The fleet sailed into Chicken Cage Bay, and the vast majority of people in Keelung Fort cheered and ran to the dock to welcome their victorious division.

Yu Xiaotian stood at the side of the ship with a smile on his face, receiving everyone's cheers for him and enjoying the enthusiastic eyes of countless people. He kept waving to everyone until he was helped by everyone into the Keelung Fort and entered the Keelung Fort Council Hall.

There must be another burst of congratulations and a lot of flattery. Yu Xiaotian also suffered it safely. At this time, he also needed to make everyone happy first and relax their nerves. The fruit of victory was indeed sweet, including himself, who also enjoyed this feeling very much.

It was not until after being busy for a while that Yu Xiaotian stopped laughing and cleared his throat and shouted, "Today I also want to congratulate you. We can win such a battle not because of someone, but by working together!"

Today, we almost destroyed the whole army of the fleet of the Dry Lasi people, so there must be not many people who dare to attack my sea wolf tiger power in the future!

But this battle is not over yet. Spain... that is, the dry Lath people, let's call them Spaniards in the future! The name dry wax is really awkward!

The Spaniards did not expect that they would be defeated so badly and completely, so they unloaded most of the infantry on the ship to the shore. Just now, they interrogated several interpreters they brought. I learned that now they have left more than 400 infantry on the east shore, and more than 200 others. The labor slaves brought by the ship have not been solved yet, so it's not the time for us to celebrate!"