Daming Haiku

Chapter 133 Forced Effect

By doing this, the sea wolf also made these selected candidates experience the rare opportunity and made them full of energy. As for the idea of resisting or making small moves, they had long been thrown away by them to Java.

With the help of this group of prisoners, the two ships were able to set sail. Under the custody of the sea wolf, these dozens of Spanish prisoners finally operated the two ships and sailed to Nanri Island and docked at the Nanri Island Ship Liao Pier.

A few days ago, the sea wolf people, including the residents of Nanri Island, were worried about Yu Xiaotian's injury. Now after hearing that Yu Xiaotian's injury has gradually recovered and his life has been worry-free, everyone has relaxed.

Especially those sea wolves who didn't have time to catch up with the Battle of Chicken Cage Bay, they all regretted it. Recently, they often heard many sailors talking about the grand occasion of the First World War on that day, and they were itching in their hearts.

From the mouths of these participants, they all heard about the tragedy of this battle. This should be the most bitter battle they have fought at sea since the establishment of the sea wolves. Compared with the original battle of besieging and annihilating Chucai's old ship group on Nanri Island, it was much more bitter, because although Chu Cai is powerful, he did not have many decent Hongyi. Cannons, and those dry silk fleets can be equipped with Western cannons.

And in this battle, the Ganlasi had six large ships. Linlin always installed hundreds of cannons, but the sea wolf sailors did not participate in the war. Only a small part of them went to only 40 or 50 boats, so the fight was very bitter and tragic.

After the battle of the sea wolf, more than a dozen boats were destroyed on the spot, and hundreds of marine members were killed and injured. From this alone, we can see how miserable this battle was. Even their great head, Yu Xiaotian, was seriously injured and almost lost his life. Therefore, this battle simply became a legend and was spread by the sea wolf people everywhere. .

However, what the sea wolves were proud of was that the battle was so hard, but in the end, under the leadership of their leader, they defeated those dry lath people and almost destroyed their fleet in Chicken Cage Bay. This battle was extremely beautiful.

And in this battle, they are not as simple as their counterparts. They fought a fleet of dry men who have been rampant in the Chinese Sea for many years.

Two years ago, the red-haired people on the coast of Fujian made a lot of noise, and people have heard of it, but everyone knows that in fact, the red-haired people along the coast of Fujian, at most, there were not many boats. They exhausted the government tossed the government. Later, Nanfutai gathered the strength of Fujian Province to do its best and warships in Fujian Province. More than 20,000 troops were used to recruit tens of thousands of people and cost hundreds of thousands of silver to drive away the red-haired people in Penghu.

Remember, it is to force it away, not to destroy it! Although Nan Juyi wrote in the good news to the court that the red-haired people were talking about how powerful the red-haired people were, but over the past year, the situation of the original battle of Penghu has gradually spread from the mouths of the officers and soldiers who participated in the war.

In fact, the red-haired man was in Penghu at that time. There were only three big ships, and there were several other small boats, and the officers and soldiers had nearly 100 warships, but there was nothing they could do about it. On the contrary, many of their boats were killed by the red-haired men, and they never cut off the connection between Redmao City and the sea.

20,000 officers and soldiers took turns to attack Hongmao City at that time. There were only a few hundred Hongmao soldiers in Hongmao City, and it took half a year to capture Hongmao City, and even transferred Yu Zhigao, the son of Yu Dayi, the deputy general of Fujian South Road. Still, it can't capture the small red hair city.

In the final stalemate, the red-haired people retreated and reached a deal with the government. They withdrew from Penghu by themselves, but if they wanted to build a city, the government could not gnaw on them, so they had to agree to their conditions, watched them swagger and board the ship, and ran to the staff to build the red-haired city. .

Although Penghu was recovered by the government, it was stationed in less than three months, and then withdrew its troops again and left the Penghu Islands wherever it was.

But this battle between the sea wolf and the dry wax was a real victory. The strength of the dry wax fleet absolutely exceeded that of the red-haired fleet in Penghu at that time. There were nearly 20 large and small ships, but the sea wolf almost wiped out all of them, only ran away one big ship, and the rest were lost. On the other side of Chickenlong wan.

In addition to these, Yu Xiaotian also led the crowd and captured hundreds of dry Lasi people. You should know that the government fought with the red-haired man at that time, and even a red-haired man could not be captured alive. Naturally, the two comparison was a high judgment. The results obtained by the sea wolf on his own power far exceeded the strength of the Fujian official army.

So the current sea wolf people, even those immigrants under the jurisdiction of sea wolves, all feel that their faces are shining. After tea and dinner, they have to chat with each other about this matter. They are all happy to mention this matter one by one, as if they have seen this battle with their own eyes.

Now I heard that they captured two big splints of the dry lath people and were sent back to Nanri Island, so the people of Nanri Island heard the wind and ran to the seaside to watch the big splint boats of the dry lath people they captured.

When they saw two large splints docked at the dock of Shipliao, they were all surprised. Although Western-style sailboats have often appeared along the coast of China in this era, not many people who have really seen them. Now there are two large Thai splint ships docked on Nanri Island, such as Why not cause a sensation!

Yu Xiaotian learned that the two captured ships had been sent back, so he dragged his still weak body to the ship's wharf.

At this time, the craftsmen of the boat had begun to board the two large splints and began to conduct inspection before docking, and the Spanish prisoners on the ship were also temporarily driven off the ship, locked in a camp on the island, and began to educate them.

The so-called ideological education is to send people to work for them, talk to them, and then let them stay and follow Yu Xiaotian to train sailors who can operate these big splint boats for sea wolves.

At first, these Spanish prisoners were not very interested in this, because they had to help the sea wolf members and send the two boats here, but they were asked them to stay in the future, work for the sea wolf and help the sea wolf train sailors. They felt that they were not interested in this matter.

And what they want most now is to quickly return to Manila and find a new job, or simply get on a boat and go back to China to pull down.

But when the sea wolf personnel did ideological work for them and found that they were not willing to stay and work for the sea wolf, they showed a ferocious face.

"You are shameless! You have to remember first that you are all prisoners, you know? Captive!

Now that our big house is kind-hearted, we are willing to give you a way to live and let you work for us. It's cheap for you. Do you know?

If your mother doesn't want to, why do we still keep you red-haired bastards? Simply kill you one by one, but it also saves food and saves you bastards from waste food alive!

Now in one sentence, whether you do it or not. If you do it, there will be delicious food for you to make, but if you don't do it, hum! ......”

I don't know when the speaker pulled out a sharp and shiny single knife, gently scraped the blade with his fingers, and kept scanning the necks of the prisoners with cold eyes.

The interpreter quickly translated his words and told the confused Spanish sailors that the Spanish sailors suddenly became scared one by one, so they only nod their heads and agreed to serve the sea wolf.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian has other arrangements for this.

However, at present, he is focusing on the restoration of these two large splint boats, because the craftsmen of the Nanri Island Boat House of Sea Wolf are all Chinese craftsmen. They have basically no problem building Chinese ships, but they have never come into contact with this kind of Western-style sailboat and are not familiar with the structure of this ship.

Although they have built similar flying fastships, that kind of ship also has the appearance of Western ships, but the construction technology is all using Chinese shipbuilding methods, and many places are different from this purebred Western galley.

Yu Xiaotian dragged his still weak body and saw the Nanri Island boat house steward who presided over the work of the boat house on this side of the dock. The steward was surnamed Gu and Gu Feng. The name was quite elegant, but he was just a boatman. He was also an old boatman. A year and a half ago, when a sea wolf raided the land Wait, in a boathouse, it was taken back by a nest of sea wolves.

And this old boatman, surnamed Gu, is the head of the craftsman in the boathouse and has a good shipbuilding skills, but as he gets older, he gradually began to receive less attention. He was squeezed out by some new boatmen in the boathouse and looked at the cadres.

Originally, he was old. Once he couldn't work in the boat house, it would be difficult to find a job in other boat houses. In the future, their life would be difficult. However, after being caught by the sea wolf, Guo Fu soon found that the ancient boatman was quite skillful, so he let him work in the boat house and lead a class. Craftsman shipbuilding.

At first, this ancient boatman was not very energetic here, a little stingy, and was reluctant to pass on his skills to the apprentices of the sea wolf boat.

But later, his youngest son, who stayed on the shore and was not caught together, was seriously ill and could not survive. In this era, even if the shipper was a good hand, he did not have much savings. His family really spent a lot of money and owed debts to his youngest son, but they still failed to treat his youngest son. The disease is cured.

(Brothers, Happy Labor Day!)