Daming Haiku

Chapter 147 Responding

Although Zhu Yifeng has a reputation as a capable official and treats the people, he is relatively upright. He is not the kind of official who can't get out of money. He receives any money and has no principles. In addition, his attitude towards Wei Zhongxian is also quite courteous. These make Yu Xiaotian appreciates him more.

But appreciate it. For Zhu Yifeng's secret thinking about dealing with him all day, Yu Xiaotian will not curse because of his admiration for him.

Although Yu Xiaotian has a reputation as a thief, what he does is more beneficial to the people in many ways than what the government does.

First of all, since the existence of his sea wolf, the coastal areas of Fuzhou, Xinghuafu and Funing Prefecture have calmed down a lot, greatly reducing the pirates' attacks on the coastal areas, giving ordinary people an environment to live and work in peace and contentment, and greatly improving the environment for fishermen to fish.

He recruited immigrants to Taiyuan Island and Nanri Island for farming. He did not know how many people were saved. By acquiring slaves, he also lived countless lives.

These things should have been done by the government, but the government's administrative ability is so poor that they have never thought of doing these things. They represent the interests of some powerful gentry and rich people and will not care about the life or death of these ordinary people at all.

These officials have their own sets of money. They are full of brains, but they don't do anything. They only know how to help the powerful gentry and rich landlords to bully good.

Now he has repeatedly taken the initiative to show his goodwill to the government and does not want to fight against the government. However, although Zhu Yifeng has a reputation as a clear official, he still regards him as a thorn in his side, and he has to kill him to relieve his hatred.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Yu Xiaotian can also figure out that although Zhu Yifeng is a relatively clean official, he is still a person in the system. He must speak and do things on behalf of the upper class and hear more of the voices of these classes.

Although the sea wolf's approach is very good for ordinary people, it has greatly touched the interests of many original coastal vested interests. These people are the upper class of this society and will definitely find ways to put pressure on Zhu Yifeng to let Zhu Yifeng restore their previous vested interests and original interests through tough means. There is order.

In addition, Zhu Qinxiang forced him to step down sadly, which is also an unbearable thing for Zhu Yifeng. In the eyes of their officials, they can't be controlled by thieves, and his existence in Xiaotian and the sea wolf challenged this order. As the governor of a member of the party, he definitely can't shell Puxi and fire the previous sea wolf. Forget about burning Nanrishui Village.

Even if he wants to forget, there are some so-called officials who are full and have nothing to do. They will not give up. They will definitely keep reminding him and forcing him to find the scene.

So think about it carefully, in addition to comforting him, Zhu Yifeng can only use tough means to deal with him. As for putting him on high, Zhu Yifeng can't do it and dares not do it.

So now Zhu Yifeng is still showing his teeth to Yu Xiaotian after he thinks he is almost ready.

It turns out that Yu Xiaotian has been letting Zheng Yiguan to toss around in Zhangquan in the past few months. It's not that he doesn't want to clean him up immediately. First, he has to concentrate and financial resources to speed up the infrastructure construction in Tamsui City. In addition, the most important purpose is to speed up the upgrading of his current firearms. It is intended to attract official attention by allowing Zheng Yiguan to attack Zhangquan and other places.

The more fierce Zheng Yiguan is, the more likely he is to attract Zhu Yifeng's attention. Instead, he regards Zheng Yiguan as a pirate who must be destroyed and focuses on suppressing Zheng Yiguan. Although he not only won the benefits of the fishermen, at least save him from fighting with the government.

But now it seems that he did not get the effect he should do so. In the end, Zhu Yifeng saw Zheng Yiguan, but he still had to deal with him.

Therefore, when Yu Xiaotian heard the news that Zhu Yifeng was going to attack him, he had a strong sense of frustration in his heart. He did not want to change the course of history now, but the huge wheel of history still pushed him to the forefront and became the object of Fujian officials to destroy.

I'm afraid that no one will feel comfortable with this matter, so it is reasonable for Yu Xiao to scold Zhu Yifeng in a hurry.

But after scolding, what should be done still needs to be done. For Mao Shengyuan's matter, he immediately ordered Li Yi to find a way to mobilize the silver two, and must pay off those outstanding arrears. As for the problem of financial constraints, he ordered the council to find a way.

Recently, he just made a big deal with Mr. Chu Cai and got a large amount of silver from Mr. Chu Cai. He hasn't finished this batch of money, otherwise he would have him to mobilize 560,000 taels of silver at once. He is really a little troublesome.

Fortunately, this time the government mainly focused on Mao Shengyuan, did not touch the Fenglong Qianzhuang controlled by him, and did not touch the pharmacy separated by Mao Shengyuan. Otherwise, he would really be in trouble this time.

In fact, in this era, some rich people, like future generations, with more flexible minds, do not want their silver to lie in their cellar, otherwise the silver will not produce small silver for them, so they will also find ways to move the silver and invest for profit.

And there are several means to profit from their investment. One is to take out their own money to do business. Although the Ming Dynasty extremely despised businessmen and their social status is also very low, it is better to have money than to have no money. Moreover, many people of Jin gentry and officials do business in private, but they just do not come forward. They have the power to rent in any era. It all workable. Rich people need officials to provide them with shelter, and officials also need to realize their power. Therefore, even in the era of light merchants in the Ming Dynasty, there is an indistinguishable relationship between official gentry and businessmen.

However, some people have no business mind and dare not easily take out their silver to buy and sell. Because of business, especially the business through the sea, although it is a huge profit, it is also very risky. There are many unexpected things for ships to go to sea. It is very likely that they will encounter stormy waves, causing the ship to capp and the goods float away, and it may also be touched. Shanghai thieves even folded into boats and goods, so many people are very worried and dare not easily put money into it. Long-distance trafficking on land is also very risky. After leaving the city, there are still many thieves cutting paths on the postway, and the transportation cost is also very high and the risk is not small.

So these people must find other ways to circulate money, so some people lend usury, or give money to merchants and eat interest. In this era, small usury is very common, especially landlords and gentry, who like to lend small amounts of usury to farmers. People or small craftsmen.

The interest rate of usury is very high. In order to raise production funds, farmers or small craftsmen can only afford such exploitation. If God meets a smooth year, they can still have a little harvest after paying off their debts every year, but once they encounter a disaster year, they will not be able to repay their debts. Eventually, it led to their bankruptcy.

And landlords often use this means to forcibly take away their land or real estate when borrowers can't pay their debts, which is protected by the government, which also leads to a large amount of land gathered in the hands of a few people. Wealth accumulates more and more in the hands of some people, while the poor The poorer and poorer have made society extremely polarized.

Of course, there are also many rich people who do not have a way to lend money or are inconvenient to do this kind of thing, especially some officials, who are even more afraid to do this kind of thing easily. Once someone impeach them, they can't afford to take it, and these people can only put the money in their hands into the hands of some businessmen. Fixed interest.

As a big merchant that has emerged over the years, Maoshengyuan's business is very prosperous. Naturally, many people will be willing to put money here, so that their money can be turned around and obtain a certain interest income every year.

This is also the reason why Li Yi originally proposed to get a bank. It is more convenient for these silver to go through the Qianzhuang turnover. In addition, after the Qianzhuang is spread out, there is no need to carry a large amount of silver when doing business. You can purchase directly with Qianzhuang's silver tickets, and after Qianzhuang issues silver tickets, they can be carried out internally. Delivery is actually a kind of exchange.

And silver notes are to some extent bearer checks, which can be used as cash. At first, when Fenglong Qianzhuang was established, it was not easy to do because there was not much credit, but with the support of Maoshengyuan, a large customer behind it, a large amount of silver went to Fenglong Qianzhuang for delivery, which made Fenglong Qianzhuang very It soon became famous. After some people held silver tickets to Fenglong for cash several times, they found that Fenglong had good credit, and gradually other businessmen gradually began to use the silver tickets issued by Fenglong for delivery and business.

So over the past year, the business of Fenglong has also begun to become bigger and bigger. In addition to the establishment of the general number in Fuzhou, it has gradually opened sub-numbers in Fujian prefectures, and even begun to prepare for the establishment of sub-numbers in Chaozhou, Guangzhou and other places in Guangdong.

This time, the government wants to attack Maoshengyuan, but because Fenglong Qianzhuang is too involved, even if some people suspect that Fenglong Qianzhuang has something to do with the sea wolf, they are unwilling to touch it, because this may affect the interests of many gentry officials. In addition, little is known about Fenglong Qianzhuang's internal information, even if Fenglong Qianzhuang is big. Some people did not know that their boss behind the scenes was Yu Xiaotian of the sea wolf, so this time Zhu Yifeng wanted to deal with the sea wolf, but it did not affect Fenglong Qianzhuang.

It's much easier to keep Fenglong Qianzhuang. Some people who put the money in Maoshengyuan are not in a hurry to cash it. Just for the sake of safety, they temporarily asked Li Yi to exchange the silver they put in in Maoshengyuan for silver tickets from other money banks, which reduces silver. Expenditure.