Daming Haiku

Chapter 167 Misunderstanding

However, it is not easy to deal with how to establish contact with the sea wolf and send people to negotiate with them. Since the naval battle in Jilong Bay, the sea wolf's merchant ships have stopped trading activities in Manila. They can't send a boat to take the initiative to find the sea wolf. If they are not careful, they will beat the dog with meat buns and never return. .

While they were at a loss about this matter, another Chinese merchant's merchant ship brought them a new message, that is, the sea wolf asked them to send a message to Governor Schwar, releasing a trace of willingness to reconcile.

At this time, Schwar immediately seized this opportunity and immediately discussed with the legislators to go to Nanri Island to negotiate with the sea wolf, so he elected Blanco as his plenipotentiary representative and immediately took a boat to Nanri Island to negotiate with the sea wolf.

"Very good! Mr. Blanco, welcome to my South Island. I've been waiting for your news recently. Now you're finally here. Please sit down!" Yu Xiaotian looked at the Spanish envoy, then smiled, stood up and said to him.

Blanco was surprised by the figure of the big leader of the sea wolf in front of him. Yu Xiaotian was in charge, who was much younger than he thought. He originally thought that even if Yu Xiaotian was not an old man, he was at least a middle-aged man, but after meeting him, he found that Yu was actually not very old. It should be less than 30 years old.

And his figure is not as short and looks obscene as ordinary Chinese. Even if he is placed in Europe, he is definitely tall and very strong. Now although the weather is getting cold, he only wears a short sleeve, and the shape of this dress is also the same as that of the Chinese. The styles of clothes are different. Some of them seem to have some characteristics of European clothing, which are very simple, but they seem to be very energetic.

From his exposed arms, you can see that his arms are very thick and strong, and his muscles seem to contain inexinable strength, and his figure is not clumsy and looks quite sensitive. When he first met, Blanco immediately felt a hint of threat. This man was like a hunter. The leopard.

Yu Xiaotian had long been used to the surprise of the person who saw him for the first time. He didn't care. He got up and walked to the chair, waved to someone for tea, and asked Blanco to sit down and talk.

Blanco quickly thanked him for sitting in his chair. When he was very young, he had already arrived in Manila and had been living in Manila. There were many Chinese immigrants in Manila, where he opened farms, orchards, planted grain, and opened some small workshops.

Branco often deals with some Chinese and learns fluent Chinese, but his accent is a little strange and slightly stiff, and he also has some accents from southern Fujian, which can communicate directly with Yu Xiaotian. This is also the reason why Schwar chose him as his special envoy to negotiate with the sea wolf.

After a greeting, Blanco gave Yu Xiaotian a meeting gift according to the habits of the Chinese. The gifts he brought were five Western-style swords carefully made by Spanish craftsmen, which can be called knives. There are also two pistols, that is, fire rope pistols, and of course some of them are from the Philippines. Local specialties.

Yu Xiaotian likes these swords made by Spanish craftsmen very much. These swords should be made of Damascus steel. The sword has a unique pattern on its body, including the edge part. It can also clearly see the pattern, which is very sharp and beautiful.

The handle of the sword is made of brass, wrapped in gold, and inlaid with gems. At first glance, it is a boutique. In addition, if placed in future generations, each of these swords is valuable, far more exquisite than the Western-style waist knives he collects now.

As for other things, such as the fire rope pistol, he doesn't see it at all. At present, he has changed a pair of flectile rifles, which is much better than this kind of fire rope pistol.

But he still expressed his gratitude and accepted the gift from Blanco.

Blanco is finally a little relieved. The pirate leader is much more elegant than he thought. He doesn't want to be a tyrannical and rude killer, and he doesn't dictate to him. He gave him a seat equally so that he can sit down and talk and readily accept the gifts he brought.

This seems to be a good omen for Blanco, and then he thinks that things may be easier to talk about.

So Blanco explained his intention to Xiaotian, described the conflict between the two sides in Jilong Bay as a misunderstanding, and shifted all the responsibility to Anthony, who had been arrested and only waiting to be hanged, saying that everything was Anthony's unauthorized action that caused misunderstanding and conflict between the two sides.

And Blanco proposed that he wanted the sea wolf to lift the blockade of Chinese businessmen going to Manila and continue to trade with their Spaniards in the future. At the same time, he also asked Yu Xiaotian about the whereabouts of the soldiers left by Anthony on Taiwan Island.

After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian laughed and said to Blanco, "Mr. Blanco, it's really too unfair for Commander Anthony to say so!

Don't explain the specific responsibility to me. I have learned the details from the people who captured you. This is not a misunderstanding.

The key is that you don't know the strength of my sea wolf and want to seize Chicken Cage Bay from my hands. This is the main reason for the conflict between us.

And to be fair, His Excellency Commander Anthony only faithfully carried out the order of Governor Scherva!

You only offered Anthony 20,000 taels of silver, so you wanted to buy such a large chicken cage bay from me, which should actually be said to be all the territory in the whole Taipei area.

You also think such a price is too cheap. Taiwan Island has been the territory of China since ancient times. You only paid 20,000 taels of silver and want to buy this place. It's simply too underestimates us Chinese people!

What's more, I have invested so much that it can't be measured by tens of thousands of taels of silver. Mr. Anthony must have told you this after he went back.

Am I wrong to use force to expel us from Chicken Cage Bay according to Governor Schwar's instructions and expel us from Chicken Cage Bay if the deal cannot be reached?

This matter is not a misunderstanding at all, but you have been deliberately ready to use force against us. Otherwise, isn't it enough for you to take one or two boats? Why did Anthony take so many warships to my Chicken Cage Bay?

And after my people rejected your conditions, you brazenly bombarded my fort and sent people on land to try to kill my soldiers.

So the responsibility for this matter lies not on Anthony, but with you people and Governor Schwar! I don't know if I'm right? Mr. Blanco!"

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, Blanco was deeply surprised by Yu Xiaotian's quick thinking. At the same time, he was also a little speechless and could not continue to shirk.

"This..., this is indeed a misunderstanding. Our cooperation with you has always been very pleasant. It is only in this matter that we have a misunderstanding that led to the conflict. For this matter, our Governor asked me to apologize to the Lord Chief! I hope we won't hurt our harmony because of this!" Blanco said awkwardly.

"I don't want things to happen like this. I know very well how you Spanish treat us Chinese!

Through this incident, I hope you will no longer despise us Chinese in the future. We Chinese are not as easy to be bullied as you think!" Yu Xiaotian said coldly.

"Of course, of course! Of course!" Blanco hurriedly said, and his forehead couldn't help sweating a little.

In fact, before arriving at Nanri Island, Blanco had inquired about the conflict between them and the sea wolf through the Chinese businessmen and boatmen on the ship. He had learned that in this battle, the sea wolf captured their two ships and captured many of their personnel, but he didn't know much about the specific number. It's just clear.

So Blanco proposed to ask Yu Xiaotian to return the Spanish ships and prisoners he captured to them.

"This is impossible! When you used to fight against the enemy, may the ships captured by the other party be returned to each other? I remember that when your invincible fleet was defeated by the British, many warships were captured by the British. Later, could the British return these ships to you?

So as a trophy of war, your request is completely unreasonable. Please forgive me for not agreeing. These two ships are indeed good in my hands. Now they have been repaired and incorporated into my fleet. Whether you like them or not, I will not return these two ships to you again! " Yu Xiaotian shook his head and immediately rejected his request to return the ship.

After hearing this, Blanco also expected such a result. The pirates finally captured their two ships. According to Anthony, although the Spaniards were defeated in this battle, they still destroyed many pirates' Keron ships in the naval battle.

Although the sea wolf won the victory, the price will certainly not be very low, and the loss will certainly not be small. Now that they have caught their two large splint boats, how can they be easily returned to them?

Since the ship has no room to talk about, the next step is to talk about people. The number of Spaniards stationed in the Philippines is not large, and so many people have been lost this time. Therefore, when Blanco came, Schwar specially asked Blanco to discuss with the sea wolf, preferably Xiban, who can capture them. The tooth sailors and soldiers returned it to them.

(Second update! Monthly pass, I want a monthly pass! If not, it's a reward! Ha ha!)