Daming Haiku

Chapter 177 Waite's Concerns

The Dutch cheated Dayuangang and never received the recognition of these natives, so they often launched attacks on their patrols.

So during the many years when the Dutch first landed, in fact, the scope of their activities were only limited to a small area around the port.

In addition, although the Dutch are building a city, their Relan Zai City has not been fully built yet, and this is just an inner city, and the outer city has not been shadowed yet. Historically, the Dutch completely built Relan Zai City. It was not until 1632, that is, the fifth year of Chongzhen, that the inner city of Relan Zai City was completely completed. After being built, the outer city was not built until two years later.

So at this time, the whole Dutch castle is only a prototype, and their strength only maintains their existence. In Taiwan Island, it can only affect the surrounding area of dozens of miles, and no further away, there will be any influence.

The area of the Dutch people's current control area on Taiwan Island is not even one-tenth of the area controlled by sea wolves. This is also the reason why the Dutch promised the Fujian government to help them to suppress sea wolves. Even if the Dutch have no way to control Taiwan Island at present, they do not want to see sea wolves in Taiwan. The Bay Island will threaten their existence on Taiwan Island in the future.

When the Dutch fleet sailed into Dayuan Port and docked on the dock, a strong middle-aged man came down from the leading flagship.

These Dutch are far less dressed than the Spaniards or even the Portuguese. In Europe, their Dutch are also known for their simple clothes, and no aristocrats from other old countries dress gorgeously.

When the middle-aged man disembarked, he was immediately welcomed by Peter, and the Dutch stationed him into the unfinished castle.

Although there is no business recently, the construction of the castle and the construction of the fort have been accelerated. There are many rags and local bare natives who are busy on various construction sites, constantly harvesting surrounding trees, mining stone, and transporting various building materials, such as grasshoppers. Ant Moving is generally building these buildings little by little in the supervision and abuse of the supervisors.

Before entering the castle, the middle-aged man glanced around the situation here and told Peter. Nuez said, "Your Excellency, the progress of the project here is still too slow. The last time I returned to the headquarters of Batavia, it had already started. Why hasn't it been completed yet?"

Peter took a look at the busy construction sites and shook his head with a wry smile, "Commander Waite, you can't blame me for this! I have been supervising the construction everywhere during this period, but we are still too short of manpower here. In the past, we could recruit some bright people from the land, but now it is difficult to recruit people from the land!

First, those Chinese pirates fought with you on the coast of Zhangzhou and Quanzhou, and then Zheng Yiguan was forced to leave here by the sea wolf, Yan Siqi and Chu Cailao. Now almost all of the coastal areas of Fujian are under the control of the sea wolf.

As you know, sea wolves are very powerful. They also occupied two places in the north of Formosa (the Dutch call Taiwan Island). In recent years, a large number of people have been searching from the coastal land of Fujian and immigrating them to freshwater and chicken cages.

In addition, Yan Siqi also keeps immigrating from land to Formosa, so after they control the coastal area of Fujian, it is difficult for us to recruit workers on land!

After the originally recruited workers came, many people were either exhausted or sick and called by the Lord, so we can't find more labor to speed up the construction. If we can't solve this problem next, I'm afraid we can only transport slaves from Bacheng. !"

It turned out that the man who was called Waite was the commander of the fleet who came here this time. Last year, Waite was sent as a businessman to handle official duties. At that time, Waite proposed that the construction of this castle and various forts should be accelerated, and at his suggestion, he began to do Work.

But after he came here this time, he saw that the construction situation here was not ideal. Many places had just laid the foundation and there was still a long way to be fully completed, so he was not satisfied with it.

After listening to Peter's answer, he nodded and did not say anything more, but followed Peter into the government office.

The two sides did not make much greetings. Wait showed Peter the company's appointment to him and entrusted him to handle this action to assist the Ming government in suppressing the sea wolf.

Peter immediately accepted the company's arrangement and said that he was willing to fully assist Wight's action.

"I don't know if the commander met the sea wolf's ship on the way to Formosa this time?" Peter was most concerned about this matter now, so he immediately asked Waite.

"I met it! As we approached Formosa, we met several ships with wolf flags. These boats were moving very fast, but they did not intercept us. Instead, they observed us from afar in our sight and followed us to the big man before disappearing on the sea.

I once sent a ship to try to expel them, but it did not succeed, because they are fast and flexible. Their sails are simple to operate and can sail by the wind, which is much more flexible than our ships, so as soon as we expelled them, they quickly returned to our sight!" As soon as Waite mentioned this, he was a little annoyed and said with an unhappy face.

"Yes! I don't know where these damn Chinese pirates got this flexible fast sailboat. For this reason, I once sent someone to send letters to Bacheng to ask the company to check this matter, and I don't know if the company has found anything. Peter also looked helpless and continued to Wate.

"The company has checked the letter you sent and the painting of this kind of ship. The company attached great importance to it and specially checked the situation of this kind of ship. Although this kind of ship is a European ship, it is somewhat similar to the British sloop, but after careful identification by the company's personnel, they think that this kind of ship and The sloops used by the British are not exactly the same.

This kind of ship has more beautiful lines than the British sloop, has a slightly lower port, and should have a lower center of gravity. Moreover, the shape and arrangement of the sail is different from the sloop used by the British, which seems to be easier to operate than their kind of ship.

(monthly ticket! Monthly pass! I want a monthly ticket!)