Daming Haiku

Chapter 192 Straight to Freshwater

The shell was dusty by the enemy's shells, and the choked people couldn't help coughing and scolding. However, after the first experience of being shelling, the sea wolf gunners were not very nervous and scolded, but their movements did not slow down.

They still only used a small number of artillery, but the reloading speed was quite fast. They completed the reloading and reset of the artillery at a flying speed, and once again aimed the cannon at the enemy ships on the sea.

With the sound of the order to fire, the cannons of each battery roared again.

Several flames flashed again on the shore artillery, and the hot shells flew to the Dutch warship like long eyes.

This time, the artillery bases were repaired again, making them more accurate. None of the seven shells fired fell, and all of them hit the Dutch warships, and the Dutch warships also emptied up fragments.

This time, Waite knew the power of the sea wolves. No wonder there have been rumors that this group of sea wolves are very powerful. Based on the performance of the sea wolves in several artillery bases on the shore today, they dare not underestimate this group of sea wolves. Such a precise shelling is the first time they have met in Asia and have participated in it. Dutch sailors who have clashed with Chinese pirates many times and even participated in the Battle of Penghu have had to admit today that they have encountered strong opponents.

In the following more than an hour, you and I had a long artillery battle. The sea wolves on the shore always stuck to the fort and only used some artillery to counterattack according to the order, but still caused considerable casualties to the Dutch fleet on the sea.

However, because they can't open their firepower. Although they have injured the enemy ship, they have never been able to sink the enemy ship under the condition of using solid bullets. Instead, these Dutch fleets have overwhelming firepower advantages and continue to fire at several artillery bases on the shore. Although the solid ammunition is not powerful enough, they are also With such a large amount of shelling, several artillery bases were damaged to varying degrees after the artillery battle lasted for an hour.

One of the shells was finally destroyed by Dutch shells, and the collapsed shells buried dozens of gunners. Fortunately, because the shells in the sea wolf's shells were properly stored, they were not detonated by the Dutch shells. Otherwise, the sea wolves in this shell would probably be completely destroyed.

It was not until this time that the artillery bases received new orders, and orders came from the back of Tamsui City that all the artillery bases at the mouth of the river should cease fire and not be allowed to fight back.

It was not until this time that Waite outside the estuary breathed a long sigh of relief. Today, they fought with the sea wolf for the first time. Although the number of sea wolf's artillery is limited, it still caused great damage to them. Several ships participating in the artillery battle were all hit by a varying number of shells, and the losses of sailors on the ship reached Dozens of people.

Fortunately, their firepower has always prevailed. After two hours of fierce fighting, they finally hit the Shanghai wolf's artillery and finally won the first victory.

So Wight ordered the ships to put down their sampan and pull out sailors to land to check the situation of the sea wolf artillery.

From his telescope, these sea wolves set up their shells on the shore. After a burst of high-intensity shelling, each of them was hit with holes, and the artillery completely stopped shooting. It is basically certain that these shells have lost their ability to continue fighting. The artillery base should have been almost destroyed by them.'

But Waite was still worried and wanted to send someone to go ashore to check the actual effect, so several large ships put down their sangs and selected a group of sailors to drive towards the shore.

Through the observation window and gun door of the battery, the sea wolf sailors in the battery immediately found the action of the red-haired man, so they couldn't help but want to swear.

Today, if the above had not ordered a limited counterattack and asked them to stop shooting, although they did not dare to say that they would be able to destroy the red-haired warships outside, it would not be a big problem to hit at least one or two of them, but the military order was like a mountain. Although they did not quite understand what they wanted to do above, Yes, you can only act according to the order.

At this time, it seems that their fort was beaten miserably under the continuous shelling of the red-haired man. The whole fort seemed to have been turned over, and the whole outer stone was almost destroyed. It looked lifeless. From afar, their fort seemed to have been destroyed.

However, in essence, the damage to their fort is not as serious as seen from the outside, because the main body of the fort is made of three-in-earth and has a strong ability to absorb impact, so the internal structure has not been damaged, and it is still very strong. Overall, the casualties are very small, and even the cannon has not been destroyed. Gate, only one fort was seriously damaged, and some of the people inside were injured.

However, after the rescue of the personnel in the fort, many buried people were still exposed, and in fact, they did not completely lose the ability to fight first.

Although the marines are not equipped with wolf-tooth rifles for the time being, they still use the previous mass-produced short-bendary southern Japanese trifuge guns, but this trifuge gun has technically exceeded the equipment level of Western countries at the same time.

So when they saw the Dutch trying to drive a small boat to check the destruction of the fort, the forts were ready to deal with it. The sailors of some of the forts immediately picked up their tlock guns, rushed out of the fort, entered the bunker outside the fort, and began to load the preparation.

The Dutch did not know the situation of the fort, but from their point of view, the fort of these sea wolves had been hit badly and should have been basically destroyed, so these sailors who were sent ashore were not afraid. They rowed hard, sailed to the shore, and towed the boat to the shore. He began to land and walk towards the fort.

But as soon as they got ashore, they found that something was wrong. They only heard someone shouting on the other side of the fort, and then there was a series of bangs.

Even if the Dutchmen who had just landed were beaten and sprayed with blood, they fell on the shore. The remaining Dutch knew that there were enemies on the shore and the enemy had not been killed, so they hurriedly turned around and pushed the boat into the water desperately, and then rowed away from the shore. When they fled, Several people were killed.

Wate always observed the situation on the shore on the ship. When he saw that the people sent to land to check the fort were repelled by the sea wolf, he immediately ordered another shelling.

Just after repelling the Dutch who tried to land, before the sea wolf's sailors could cheer happily, they saw the enemy ship spewing out flames again on the sea, so everyone's faces changed. Under the loud orders of the officers, they fled back to the fort.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of shells landed between the wolf's forts on the shore, and the fort was full of limestone, and some sea wolves who reacted a little slower, even if they were torn into pieces by shells.

After another fierce bombardment, Witt saw that the fort on the shore had not fought back, but was passively beaten, and then he ordered to stop the shelling with satisfaction.

However, he did not send people to land again to check which forts that seemed to have been destroyed, because he also knew that it was impossible to kill these sea wolves on the shore with cannons. He admired these sea wolves. Although they were fiercely shelled, they did not collapse. Even if their cannons and forts had been "destroyed", their personnel did not escape from the shore, but continued to guard these broken forts.

Such a performance has exceeded Wett's expectations, so he still appreciates the courage of the sea wolf. In this case, he will no longer send people to inspect these "destroyed" turrets to avoid greater losses.

After all, his main purpose this time was to come to demonstrate, and he was not prepared to capture Tamsui City, and he did not carry many soldiers. If they landed and attacked, they did not have enough strength and were completely unnecessary.

Now all they have to do is destroy the sea wolf's fort to guard the freshwater estuary, then drive into the freshwater river to approach the freshwater city and shell the freshwater city, so as to force the sea wolf to soften them and finally lift the blockade of the staff.

Now that the fort has been "destroyed", Wight is not willing to waste too much manpower and material resources here. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, he decided to give up the landing inspection.

In his and his men's opinion, the forts on the shore had already been beaten to pieces by them. Even if they were not completely destroyed, they would at least lose their combat effectiveness. Otherwise, they would not fire another shot back for such a day, so they all believed that these forts had been destroyed.

Although Wate was a little worried that the sea wolf's main fleet would suddenly return, in order to teach these damn sea wolves a lesson, he decided to take the risk of sending a boat into the Tamsui River and approached Tamsui City to shell Tamsui City.

However, in order to prevent the sudden return of the main fleet of the sea wolves, causing their ships to be blocked in the freshwater river, Waite still ordered four ships to stay outside the freshwater estuary, and only sent three gunboats into the freshwater river to shell the freshwater city.

At this time, the time had entered the afternoon. Originally, Waite hesitated to wait for tomorrow morning before starting to act, but the captains of his ships thought that there was no such a need at all. They had full confidence in the firepower of their gunboats. Even if the sea wolf's fleet returned at this time, they recognized Leaving four boats is enough to stop the sea wolf's fleet.

These captains believe that the faster they end the operation here, the more beneficial it will be for them, because they come to attack Tamsui City. If it takes a long time, it may make the main fleet of Seawolves who don't know where they are now and rush back. If that's the case, It's more dangerous.

And at this time, they have obtained a hydrological situation of the freshwater river. Previously, they had arranged personnel to dive into the freshwater river. On the grounds of trading here, they secretly detected the hydrological situation inside the freshwater estuary and obtained first-hand hydrological information.

So even if they break into the freshwater river directly, there will not be much problem. In addition, they can send rowing boats to lead the way and continue to explore the hydrological situation in the estuary while traveling. The faster they launch a shelling operation on Tamsui City, the more beneficial it will be to them.

(Thank you again for the reward of the eagle's martial arts brothers!)