Daming Haiku

Chapter 252 The Direction of the Situation in Fujian

As for the coke used for steelmaking, Yu Xiaotian decided to produce it by himself. Now the sea wolf has stored a large amount of coal in the freshwater side. This coal has been transported from the land in the past two. In the past, the sea wolf did not have a large demand for coal. After the coal was transported, it has been piled up in several large cargo farms.

And the sea wolf's cannons and shootings have also been using charcoal as fuel to ensure the quality of artillery and * produced.

For charcoal, at present, the sea wolf has a large number of pioneers, and many shrubs and forests need to be cut down. These fell trees are used as construction materials and shipbuilding materials, and the smaller waste is burned into charcoal on the spot and transported to Danshui City for the factory as fuel.

The glass field is now using coal, because it does not need to consider the sulfur content. The calorific value of coal is higher than that of charcoal, fuel is saved, and the furnace temperature will be higher.

But for steelmaking, coke is indispensable. Of course, charcoal can also be replaced, but if coke is used in the earth blast furnace, because the calorific value of coke is higher and the furnace temperature will be higher.

In addition, coking can obtain many by-products, such as gas, sulfur, tar... These are very useful things for sea wolves. Through coking, Yu Xiaotian can initially build a chemical industry in the future and produce some simple but practical chemicals.

In the future, he will have to find a way to obtain three acids and two bases, and coking is a starting point. Acid-base is a very important chemical for him.

It can be used in many places, especially nitric acid. Once it is produced one day, not to mention that high-performance explosives can be produced in the future. Even if only fire hats are produced, it will also play a huge role in the sea wolf's weapons industry.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaotian was very excited. This is really too powerful for him. Once the fire cap is studied and produced, his soldiers will no longer have to continue to use this kind of flcite gun in the future, and the artillery can also be fired with the fire cap, which can also be produced in the future. Explosive grenades, in that case, he will get black technology, and there are rare opponents in the world that can pose a threat to him.

Although the flimp is less affected by the weather than the flimp, it will still be greatly affected in bad weather, and the fire rate will be seriously reduced.

However, once he produces a fire cap one day, he can replace it with a fire cap. Even if there is bad weather, wind and rain, he will no longer worry about the angry rate.

So after the end of the Fujian War, Yu Xiaotian devoted himself to the development of industrialization.

The earth blast furnace and hydraulic factory are the cornerstone of his industrial development and must be at the forefront.

At the same time, on the south bank of the freshwater, a coke factory was also built in cooperation with the earth blast furnace group. Of course, this coking plant is also a local method, using very simple earth kilns to coke coal.

However, compared with the simplest way to obtain coke by burning, his coke factory is still a little more modern. After all, when coking, some by-products can be extracted instead of directly discarding them.

When coking, the gas produced in the coke oven is used by bamboo pipes to lead to some places, which can be used not only for cooking, but also lighting gas lights at night. In addition, once the earth blast furnace is put into production, it can also use the gas generated here to send it in. It can be used as fuel in the furnace to reduce the consumption of coke or charcoal, and can also effectively increase the furnace temperature.

At least after doing so, the production quality of the earth blast furnace may be higher than the efficiency of the most common earth blast furnace, and the quality of the refined steel may also be better.

In addition, when coking, a lot of tar will be discharged under the coke oven, and the tar is also connected to the jar. Although this thing smells bad, it can be used to smear the bottom of the ship, which can at least reduce the attachment to the bottom of the ship. In addition, it can also slow down the corrosion of the ship plate. Before there is no modern paint, this thing It's good to do this.

Even some tar produced by charcoal and coke factories can be obtained after simple refining. These oils cannot be eaten, but they can be used as fire oil. Compared with ordinary vegetable oil or animal oil as fire oil, it burns much more violently.

After all, the oil they got from the Dutch has now been exhausted. With tar, they can replenish some light oil by themselves. After all, in the naval battle of this era, fire attack tactics are still a very effective tactic, and it is necessary to use fire oil.

As for other chemicals, Yu Xiaotian has not had time to toss around for the time being. He wants to build a chemical industry with some chemical knowledge he learned in high school and college. Now he is still a little powerless, but as long as he takes the first step, he believes that with what he has learned, sooner or later he can gradually Get sulfate and nitric acid.

It was when Xiaotian was busy with steelmaking and burning cement during this period, Fujian officials finally got news. Because of the serious defeat of Zhu Yifeng's battle to suppress sea wolves, the strength of Fujian's officers and soldiers was greatly damaged, and the local and coastal acropolis was also strongly hit by sea wolves. The news spread to Beijing. After that, Zhu Yifeng, who had long been regarded as a thorn in the eyes of the Wei Party, suddenly became the target of public criticism.

In February, the court issued an order to remove Zhu Yifeng from the position of governor of Fujian, and sent Jinyiwei to arrest him and send him to the capital to plead. At that time, Xiong Wencan, the right political envoy of Shandong, replaced Zhu Yifeng as the new governor of Fujian.

Yu Zhigao, the former general of Fujian, was also impeached for this incident. Although Yu Zhigao had friendship with the Wei Party, this matter was really too much trouble.

Yu Zhigao commanded the Fujian Marine Division and gathered more than 20,000 troops. In the Battle of Nanri Island, almost the whole army was destroyed. The whole division only fled back to land with less than 1,000 people, and the rest were annihilated by sea wolves.

Although Wei Zhongxian secretly took care of this kind of thing for him, after all, Wei Zhongxian can't cover the sky with one hand. Since the Wei Party wants to deal with Zhu Yifeng, the courtiers will naturally not let Yu Zhigao go. Therefore, after the final discussion, Yu Zhigao was also ordered to remove the position of general, including the two generals who followed him. They were also arrested and sent to Beijing at the same time.

As for other Fujian officials, they have not been investigated for anything this time, but some chiefs of the guard have also been unlucky because of their poor garrison.

This kind of post-autumn reconciliation has long been in Xiaotian's expectation. Zhu Yifeng made such a big basket that it must be impossible to continue to be his governor.

Even when Zhu Yifeng carried out the suppress of Zheng Yiguan in history, although Zhu Yifeng did nothing wrong, he was still dismissed by the imperial court in the end, but he was not sent to Beijing for arrest, but rushed back to his hometown for retirement.

But this time, Zhu Yifeng's end is definitely not as good as the original historical trajectory, because this time his basket is really too big. Fujian, because of this battle, there are almost no available officers and sailors, and the losses are extremely rare for Daming, even Chen Wen. The deputy general Can died on Nanri Island. Naturally, it was impossible for Zhu Yifeng to be safe.

According to the rumors on land, Zhu Yifeng will definitely not fall well when he is sent to Beijing this time. The lightest is exile, and he may even behead him.

After Yu Xiaotian learned the news, he did not sympathize with Zhu Yifeng. Although Zhu Yifeng should be a good official and a capable official in Daming, who made him have to quarrel with Yu Xiaotian and insisted on holding his breath and want to put him to death.

So the loser is not enough to get sympathy. Zhu Yifeng can have today, according to Yu Xiaotian, it is also his own fault and can't blame others.

In addition, it was not unexpected for Zhu Yifeng's successor. The court finally sent Xiong Wencan here, so what Yu Xiaotian is most concerned about now is how Xiong Wencan should be towards him after he takes office in Fujian.

According to Xiong Wencan's practice in the original history, should...?

After Yu Xiaotian learned the news, Lin Yiyang, Lu and other staff began to discuss this issue secretly.

"Lord! With the current strength of the lord, he doesn't have to worry about this. After several months of war, Fujian is now short of troops, and there are not many warships at all. Even if Xiong Futai comes to Fujian to take office, I'm afraid he can't get enough troops to suppress the lord!

So the students think that if this Xiong Futai comes, as long as they don't use troops against us, we don't have to care what he does!" Lu sometimes said to Xiaotian proudly after listening to what Yu Xiaotian told them.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian knows the current situation. Not to mention that after Xiong Wencan came, he could not launch a new round of attack on the sea wolf by soldiers and ships. Even if he could take it out, what could he do?

With his current strength, even if Fujian is asked to take out so many previous warships, he can still fight them all over the ground, so there is no need to be afraid at all.

So he nodded and did not speak immediately. His eyes swept over Lin Yiyang sitting next to him and asked Lin Yiyang, "Mr. Lin, what do you see? If Xiong Wencan comes to Fujian, I believe he will warn against the end of Zhu Qinxiang and Zhu Yifeng.

As long as he is not a fool, he should understand that with the strength of Fujian officials, they have no ability to eat us anymore!

So I think Xiong Wencan will not rush to use force against us, so if he wants to take this position as governor, he can only change it!"

Lin Yiyang nodded and said, "My lord is right. Although Xiong Wencan is not a fool, he must not use force against us again! But if he comes to Fujian and can't solve our problems, I'm afraid he can't explain it to the court. After all, we have done too much this time.

At present, we have controlled the whole coast of Fujian. Except for the coast of Zhangzhou, which we have not been involved for the time being, almost all the larger islands are controlled by the lord.

The most important thing is that the other side of Weitou Bay is now also controlled by the master. Although no one has explicitly admitted this matter, it can still be seen by people with bright eyes.

So after Xiong Futai came, it may not be easy for him to acquiesce to the situation, because many people are staring at what he has done since he came here.

If he doesn't care about this, I'm afraid he will be impeached by other colleagues in less than a year, and then he will be dismissed from office!

So the students thought that Xiong Wencan took over the post of governor of Fujian this time, but he actually took over a piece of hot taro. If he was not careful, he was afraid that he would follow Zhu Yifeng and Zhu Qinxiang!

You can neither fight nor let it go, so if the student guesses well, then he can only sacrifice this magic weapon!"

(Wow! FELL to 50th place! Brothers, do you still have a monthly ticket?