Daming Haiku

Chapter 13 Reactions

Transport vehicles, there is nothing more suitable than chicken buses in this hilly and mountainous terrain! So after being caressed, Yu Xiaotian found a local carpenter in Quanzhou and ordered a large number of chicken buses.

This kind of chicken bus is much better than the simple version of the chicken bus used for slaves and prisoners in the freshwater village. At least the wheels are made by serious craftsmen, and the axles are also made of serious iron wood or lychee wood. If you pay attention to maintenance and oil the axles in time, it will be used. It's also light.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to manufacture bearings in large quantities now. If bearings are used, this kind of chicken bus will be much lighter to use. Even so, if these chicken buses are driven by strong labor, each car can pull at least 300 catties of materials.

800 chicken buses can transport 120 tons of materials at a time, which can basically meet the food needs of 2,000 to 3,000 infantry for about a month, and also contain a certain amount of ammunition.

This is also the reason why Yu Xiaotian proposed to bring 1,000 auxiliary soldiers to assist in the battle this time. 1,000 auxiliary soldiers are equipped with 800 chicken buses, which can basically meet the logistical needs of the sea wolf march.

This time, under the order of Yu Xiaotian, a thousand young heroes with the best physical conditions were drawn from the county groups in Quanzhou Prefecture, and ordered them to push the chicken bus to act with the army.

His subordinates don't behave like other colleagues. The sea wolf military system has always asked for a ban, but if they don't move, they will complete the order as soon as possible.

Therefore, under the order of Yu Xiaotian, 2,000 elite infantry and 1,000 transport auxiliary soldiers over there immediately rolled out and pulled out of Quanzhou Prefecture. When the governor of Quanzhou learned the news, he even sent people to see Yu Xiaotian off.

Of course, before the brigade was pulled out, about 200 special forces and the scouts of the scouts had left ahead of schedule.

These special forces and scouts hid their identities, disguised themselves as various people, and so on. Before the brigade, they rushed to Yanping Mansion and began to stand in front of the next battle.

Although Yu Xiaotian despised the black beard in his heart, he was not careless. Everything that should be done should be done according to the highest standards. He also used all his best to deal with the black beard. Since he wants to fight, pre-war reconnaissance is the top priority of whether he can win this battle.

So Yu Xiaotian unstintingly mobilized a large number of scouts and special forces, and threw himself into this campaign against the Blackbeard's group, all of which were all regarded as a big training under his opponents.

The sea wolf's infantry operation is much faster than Zhang Jiace's. Zhang Jiace was ordered to send troops. It took nearly two months to prepare alone. He lingered along the way and marched no more than 20 miles a day. However, Yu Xiaotian's team only took three days from the order to the preparation to the departure. He rushed to Yanping Mansion, and the Japanese marched more than 50 miles.

These 50 miles are not 50 miles in the plain, but 50 miles in the mountainous terrain. If placed in the plain, the sea wolf's infantry can at least double the distance every day.

Moreover, Yu Xiaotian's people and soldiers were disciplined, and there were no other officers and soldiers along the way, which made many people and squires along the way feel a little surprised.

However, Qiu did not commit any crimes, and he was a little too much to praise Xiaotian. Although Yu Xiaotian strictly ordered his men not to plunder without authorization on the way, he still had to make a small extortion for some large towns and villages where he went through.

However, whenever they pass through some seemingly wealthy villages, Yu Xiaotian arranged for special people to go to these village castles to inform the local gentry and prepare food for pigs, sheep and silver.

At first, some gentry did not take Yu Xiaotian very seriously. They thought that they were back, Taiwan hard or there were official people. They did not pay attention to Yu Xiaotian and others. They were ready to refuse to obey their lives and refused to work hard. However, many people were immediately scared when they heard that this horse was the previous sea wolf group and quickly prepared. All kinds of labor items were sent to the roadside and handed over to the sea wolf department for use.

After all, sea wolves have been famous over the years. I don't know how many powerful families or bully gentry's fortresses have been broken in the coastal area. There are only hundreds of rich families slaughtered.

Although sea wolves do not act much in the mainland, their reputation for killing has spread all over Fujian, and even the surrounding areas have heard the name of sea wolves for a long time.

Therefore, when some gentry who were going to turn a blind eye to this soldier and horse heard that this soldier and horse were a petted sea wolf, they were immediately scared to be soft. No one believed that a newly touched thief army would show restraint towards them. If they didn't know each other, these Qiu Ba, who used to be thieves Few people can guess what will happen.

Therefore, the Shanghai wolf did not consume much food on this road. The blackmailed service and labor materials along the way basically met their needs, and the silver collected along the way was enough for at least two thousand soldiers to pay a year's military pay.

Yu Xiaotian is not comparable to other Ming army generals. He is now almost extremely rich and will not deduct his military pay at all, so the sea wolf's subordinates can receive a full amount of military pay every month, and in addition to the military pay stipulated by Daming, they can also get another sea wolf collection from Yu Xiaotian. The regiment paid them the military pay.

Therefore, the current income of the Sea Wolf Department as a soldier in Fujian is absolutely top-notch. This income makes many people feel jealous. There are quite a lot of young people every day. When they are still recruiting people everywhere, they are willing to invest in Xiaotian's command.

This is the advantage of whitewashing. In the past, Yu Xiaotian recruited troops to buy horses to cover up. Even if they opened their moves, many people were unwilling to join the sea wolf army because they were thieves.

But now after Yu Xiaotian was whitewashed, the situation is different. A large number of local young people in Fujian almost squeezed their heads and wanted to get into Yu Xiaotian to become a soldier.

This gives Yu Xiaotian a more choice when he recruits troops. During this period, although Yu Xiaotian has not publicly recruited troops, he still secretly recruited at least two or three thousand young people. These people are mostly ordinary people or mountain people, or some children of fishermen. They are honest and simple and strong. Plasticity, as long as he is good at **, he will definitely become a group of brave people.

Of course, these people will not stay in Weitou Bay to train soldiers in public. In this way, they will be impeached for training private soldiers and intend to rebel. Even if Yu Xiaotian has this intention, he can't let people know now.

So these new men were sent to the freshwater new barracks for training without exception. After months of brainwashing, it is estimated that they have forgotten who the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is and are bound to become hardcore supporters of Yu Xiaotian.

When Yu Xiaotian led his troops into Yong'an County, Yanping Prefecture, as soon as he heard that the officers and soldiers had come, the local people could be said to have dispersed. The villages he passed were almost ten rooms and nine empty, which made Yu Xiaotian very helpless, which was caused by the first two groups of officers and soldiers.

No wonder that bandits are like combs, soldiers are like grates, and officials are like shaving. In fact, these officers and soldiers are much more hateful than mountain thieves. Mountain thieves have at least some scruples. After all, if they want to do activities around this in the future, they should pay more or less pay attention to a good relationship, so as not to do things very well.

But officers and soldiers don't care about this. It can be said that as long as they don't meet powerful gentry, for ordinary people, it is simply a looting of open fire. If they don't obey, they will kill people, and they will also cut off people's heads to kill good deeds.

For more than half a year, officers and soldiers and Blackbeard have been sawing back and forth in Yong'an County, but these ordinary people have suffered. Almost all the food they can be eaten are either taken away by Blackbeard or by officials and soldiers. The beautiful women are also divided by both sides. The common people are really unable to make a living and are forced to be forced to To survive, you can only throw a thief and eat with Blackbeard.

As a result, Blackbeard grew from a small group of mountain thieves to a scale of more than 10,000 or even tens of thousands of people in just half a year, roaring between the mountains and forests, which repeatedly frustrated Fujian's officers and soldiers.

After figuring out these contexts, Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but feel sad for these people. In any era, the most unfortunate people are often these ordinary people, not to mention living in this era when officials are not as good as bandits, which makes these people suffer.

Yu Xiaotian asked himself that he was by no means the kind of person who could only be compassionate. His long-term hard work on the sea had tempered his nerves cold enough. Although he looked at the tragic situation in front of him, he only sighed a little. Now that he has temporarily put on this official coat, why not do something serious? What about it?

So under his order, the team accelerated to Yong'an County. At first, the county magistrate of Yong'an County was quite happy to learn that another officer and army had come, but when they learned that it was Yu Xiaotian and his subordinates who had been rampant along the coast of Fujian over the years, their hearts suddenly became cool as if they had been splashed with a basin of ice water. Cold.

In their opinion, those serious Ming officers and soldiers are all of that kind of virtue. Now Xiong Wencan has sent such a thief army that has just received recruitment, and Yong'an County is going to be completely finished! After learning the news, the gentry officials in Yong'an County and the county only had to greet Xiong Wencan's ancestors for eight generations.

I heard that the sea wolf who came this time actually only brought 2,000 soldiers, plus a thousand regiments to practice local bravery, and I couldn't help but almost curse.

You should know that some time ago, Zhang Jiace, the deputy general of the Ming Dynasty, brought 5,000 officers and soldiers, plus 3,000 villagers. He was actually beaten and fled by Blackbeard. Now Xiong Wencan has only sent such a few people, and he is also a thief soldier who has just been touched. Unexpectedly, he actually wants to Isn't it a joke to take down his black beards?

(I'm dizzy, I didn't get a monthly ticket yesterday!)